Hillary Makes ‘Desperate’ Appeal To Avoid Testifying About Emails — Says She’s Too Important

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

She should tell them to go to hell.

Why do you endorse her deleting 33,000 emails after they were under a subpoena? Do you excuse her breaking the law just because you agree with her politics?
Pfft, a Congressional subpoena doesn't mean anything.
:lol: yep, Trump taught us such...

BUT KNOW that her 33000 personal emails were never under subpoena from Congress.....

The Congressional subpoena was for Benghazi and Lybia emails only, not even for her other government emails.... THEY were NOT under this congressional subpoena.... as said, just Benghazi and Libya....

The whole right wing mantra on it, was simply another one of their spun lies, repeated ad nauseum.

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it's not that i disagree, but i do think the right has had their turn, several of them in fact, to get her and have yet to do so. to keep at her til you get your way at this point is the same as the left keeping at trump til they get their way.
So 'Justice' / 'Equal Justice' has only a limited number of 'turns'?

'Not getting' Hillary has vey little to do with the 'Right'. as pointed out, the evidence existed / exists proving she committed crimes. with Hillary being protected by a former President and his administration could do nothing.
Hillary was guilty of mishandling official gov't documents and information, some of which was classified data. Comey said so himself in testimony before the Congress, but he declined to recommend charges cuz he didn't think the prosecution could prove intent, even though the applicable law does not require proof of intent. The plain truth is that if you mishandle classified data then you have committed a crime, end of story and you should be prosecuted for that. But the Deep State was not going to indict her for what was obviously a crime, so they totally whitewashed the whole sorry episode and let her off. Does anyone here want to tell me that Michael Flynn was treated the same way that Hillary Clinton was, for a far less important crime that meant NOTHING to our national security. There are guys sitting in prison today who did less than Hillary did and that is not right. Nobody should get preferential treatment, but she did.
She not only did all that, but she did so on an illegal private server.

She should be rotting in prison, right now, without question.
its me exaggerating because it seems like we've had her testify that many times anymore.
why is *this* going to do more than any previous attempt that failed? we've stacked the system with our guys to get even with them for stacking the system with their guys? that's LITERALLY where this is going, if not there already.

In that we agree - evidence exists she broke the law. She was not held accountable. She has never been held accountable. She, IMO, too - will NEVER be held accountable.

Comey testified before Congress that Hillary lied to Congress and broke laws....and nothing was done. She lied to Congress before without hesitation, she will do it again...and/or plead the 5th.

There are things I and others would LOVE to see, would love to see 'Justice' finally served...but it ain't going to happen. Time for 'Don Quixote' to stop 'charging windmills'.
it's not that i disagree, but i do think the right has had their turn, several of them in fact, to get her and have yet to do so. to keep at her til you get your way at this point is the same as the left keeping at trump til they get their way.
So 'Justice' / 'Equal Justice' has only a limited number of 'turns'?

'Not getting' Hillary has vey little to do with the 'Right'. as pointed out, the evidence existed / exists proving she committed crimes. with Hillary being protected by a former President and his administration could do nothing.
like i said - this comes off as "get your guys in there you can prosecute" and the entire line of action relies on the entire other side being complacent in her crimes.

look - i don't disagree she got away with something. it's very "telling" obama closed that hole right as they were covering for her, in my eyes. but "my eyes" only see what i can glean from a seriously fucked up media ready to sensationalize for clicks at the drop of a hat.

anyone living in an extreme view is in for a rude awakening as the world pulls away from the edge we've pushed ourselves too. we're in a perfect storm of bullshit all of this has created and put to critical mass and it will blow up in some fashion likely more than it already has.

i'm much more concerned with finding out who's setting up BLM and organizing violence in the middle of the protests. whoever is doing that is our enemy and deserves a lot more attention than hillary.
its me exaggerating because it seems like we've had her testify that many times anymore.
why is *this* going to do more than any previous attempt that failed? we've stacked the system with our guys to get even with them for stacking the system with their guys? that's LITERALLY where this is going, if not there already.

In that we agree - evidence exists she broke the law. She was not held accountable. She has never been held accountable. She, IMO, too - will NEVER be held accountable.

Comey testified before Congress that Hillary lied to Congress and broke laws....and nothing was done. She lied to Congress before without hesitation, she will do it again...and/or plead the 5th.

There are things I and others would LOVE to see, would love to see 'Justice' finally served...but it ain't going to happen. Time for 'Don Quixote' to stop 'charging windmills'.
and that's really all i'm getting at. the continued push is hypocritical in the overall sense when you attack hillary and say stop attacking trump.

there comes a time where ain't no one going to win what they wanted but we all need to find a way to move on.

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

How many times does Hillary need to testify about her emails? There's been more than a half dozen investigations just since Trump was elected, all of which have exonerated her from any wrong doing. At what point does Judicial Watch get charged with Judicial Harassment of the Clintons and barred from filing further lawsuits?

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

She should tell them to go to hell.

Why do you endorse her deleting 33,000 emails after they were under a subpoena? Do you excuse her breaking the law just because you agree with her politics?
Pfft, a Congressional subpoena doesn't mean anything.
:lol: yep, Trump taught us such...

BUT KNOW that her 33000 personal emails were never under subpoena from Congress.....

The Congressional subpoena was for Benghazi and Lybia emails only, not even for her other government emails.... THEY were NOT under this congressional subpoena.... as said, just Benghazi and Libya....

The whole right wing mantra on it, was simply another one of their spun lies, repeated ad nauseum.

as you can see, the subpoena was SPECIFICALLY for LIBYA, BENGHAZI, TRIPOLI

not for any other personal or govt emails, but golly gee... the good Lord only knows why those on the right, keep repeating the lies....??

i'm much more concerned with finding out who's setting up BLM and organizing violence in the middle of the protests. whoever is doing that is our enemy and deserves a lot more attention than hillary.

Setting up BLM?

That would be an interesting discussion for another thread.

BLM has been manipulated and exploited by numerous people with different agendas, to include Leftists. They have received funding from The Ford Foundation, Borealis Philanthropy, and George Soros. I have no doubt that they have been infiltrated and / or misrepresented by some of its more radical members who they can't control - no one can control who wears a t-shirt and claims to be part of your organization.

BLM might be a concern, but I am more concerned with Antifa who, IMO, rightfully belongs on an official govt domestic terrorist list, somewhere above the KKK (alphabetical).

i'm much more concerned with finding out who's setting up BLM and organizing violence in the middle of the protests. whoever is doing that is our enemy and deserves a lot more attention than hillary.

Setting up BLM?

That would be an interesting discussion for another thread.

BLM has been manipulated and exploited by numerous people with different agendas, to include Leftists. They have received funding from The Ford Foundation, Borealis Philanthropy, and George Soros. I have no doubt that they have been infiltrated and / or misrepresented by some of its more radical members who they can't control - no one can control who wears a t-shirt and claims to be part of your organization.

BLM might be a concern, but I am more concerned with Antifa who, IMO, rightfully belongs on an official govt domestic terrorist list, somewhere above the KKK (alphabetical).

well it's anti setting up BLM from what i've seen from my tv, phone and computers. :)

white girls spraying BLM shit on walls
suspected antifa passing out bricks to black guys (one black lady gave it back and tore into their ass - good!)
we see a lot of white people pulling firestarter shit. aka - "the russia move" - pitting groups against each other with whatever it takes to set them off.

and these days it simply doesn't take much.
Hillary belongs in prison.
i could totally understand "god damn people, we've had 18,391 of these isn't that enough" and would have to agree, as much as i don't like her. you can't keep harping on something and expect anything close to coming together to ever happen.

the part NO ONE seems to understand is NO SIDE is going to get everything they want and feel they deserve. from policy to process to punishment. we so desperately need to shift our focus from hating each other for yesterdays reasons to "how do we fix this for ALL OF US - even people you hate. they have the exact same rights we all do."

nothing is going to come of this except more bullshit, screaming, endless debates where neither side has a chance in hell of changing their opinions or minds regardless of "facts" that simply don't exist in our world today.

you can't expect people to stop dogging on trump if you're going to keep dogging on them.
You can't negotiate with leftwingers. They are scum.
well it's anti setting up BLM from what i've seen from my tv, phone and computers. :)

white girls spraying BLM shit on walls
suspected antifa passing out bricks to black guys (one black lady gave it back and tore into their ass - good!)
we see a lot of white people pulling firestarter shit. aka - "the russia move" - pitting groups against each other with whatever it takes to set them off.

and these days it simply doesn't take much.

One thing I am tired of is the media and others blaming everything going on - it seems - on WHITES. Reporting with the slant / focus that it is the whites responsible for all of this, for the inciting of violence and destruction, only adds to racial division and hatred.

I know you are not saying it's all whites' fault, but your post reminded me that a lot of people are.

One of my favorite 'riot' moments was when the black mother showed up to the violent protest in Baltimore, grabbed her mask-wearing son, and dragged his ass back home...on live TV. We need more responsible parents like her teaching their kids respect, peace, and that looting / burning / destruction isn't the way to go.

OH, I also had to laugh when the black female NC Police Chief said she and her officers would NOT do their duty because they could not pick out the White Supremacists in the sea of violent protestors.... Bwuhahahaha
Hillary belongs in prison.
ya, it is so illegal trump and his associates use private email servers also.LOL Iguess it is kina like the whole chain immigration thing! Oh ya only the Trump family does that not the clintons. yall are hillarious
Learn the English language.
I know the language well thank you. learn some facts jack. Aint it funny when yall have no logic you resort to spelling and grammer on a blog. hillarious. you wanna spell check and such for idiots like you go right ahead. I have better ways to spend my time. LOL
well it's anti setting up BLM from what i've seen from my tv, phone and computers. :)

white girls spraying BLM shit on walls
suspected antifa passing out bricks to black guys (one black lady gave it back and tore into their ass - good!)
we see a lot of white people pulling firestarter shit. aka - "the russia move" - pitting groups against each other with whatever it takes to set them off.

and these days it simply doesn't take much.

One thing I am tired of is the media and others blaming everything going on - it seems - on WHITES. Reporting with the slant / focus that it is the whites responsible for all of this, for the inciting of violence and destruction, only adds to racial division and hatred.

I know you are not saying it's all whites' fault, but your post reminded me that a lot of people are.

One of my favorite 'riot' moments was when the black mother showed up to the violent protest in Baltimore, grabbed her mask-wearing son, and dragged his ass back home...on live TV. We need more responsible parents like her teaching their kids respect, peace, and that looting / burning / destruction isn't the way to go.

OH, I also had to laugh when the black female NC Police Chief said she and her officers would NOT do their duty because they could not pick out the White Supremacists in the sea of violent protestors.... Bwuhahahaha
the media is certainly stirring shit up and i would guess because it's money. who knows why but our media *is* the enemy of the people these days.
Hillary belongs in prison.
ya, it is so illegal trump and his associates use private email servers also.LOL Iguess it is kina like the whole chain immigration thing! Oh ya only the Trump family does that not the clintons. yall are hillarious
link to trumps private servers please.

FYI - by private server, trump and his staff must be directly in 100% control of said server.

now here's your chance sparky. link me up to trumps "private server" story.
here is one of many. I am on a get away day so that is all I have time for. Enjoy the land of trouble,strife and arguing while I am one. I am about to hit the water for 4 days where I will no nothing of the troubles of the world. Have fun talking about private servers while the country burns. LOL
here is one of many. I am on a get away day so that is all I have time for. Enjoy the land of trouble,strife and arguing while I am one. I am about to hit the water for 4 days where I will no nothing of the troubles of the world. Have fun talking about private servers while the country burns. LOL

Have Fun - Don't Forget To Social Distance. :p

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

Is this the same woman who was cleared by the blob’s FBI?
and the IG!
hey - trump was cleared by mueller but you still eat russia up like a drunker shriner eats up vegas hookers.

or at least wordsmith shit around to give you something to still bitch about.
he wasn't CLEARED by Mueller.... if you read the Mueller report, instead of just taking the Trumpian revisionist view as god's truth, you would know that..... but here we are a year later, and you still have not done so.
You don't have to be "cleared" when you've done NOTHING WRONG.

Mueller was illegally appointed to go on a fishing expedition. An investigation looking for a crime. For you to still harp on this as though a clear crime had been committed makes you look really, really, stupid.

Mueller said in his report that he found NO WRONG DOING by Trump, period, end of story. His additional innuendo wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. It was Mueller and his team of radical Trump hating investigators throwing all their personal opinion and mud at Trump they could without having to admit he'd done NOTHING WRONG.

What fucking part about that do you STILL NOT GET? Are you SERIOUSLY that stupid?
he did not ever say, he found no wrong doing 007....
Whenever the blob does ooze out of office, if the next POTUS is a DEM, I hope there are no investigations into the previous administration. Everyone with eyeballs or two working brain cells can see that trump is a sleazebag. An investigation into his corrupt and shameful administration will uncover nothing we do not already know.

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