Hillary Most Admired Woman Again:

Nice to see Hillary is going to be a grandmother again...

But so is Sarah Palin

Bristol's second illegitimate child........but who's counting?

She can see Russia from her door step.
Especially on a comedy show. Do you ever watch real news?

Are you attempting to deny that Sarah Palin's daughter has had two childbirth events and was not married?

Brudder.....if you are you should really get out the books and learn a few facts. That bunch of "backwoods bozos" are much worse than the Appalachian mountaineers and coal miners here near where I live....Does Sarah handle snakes?

yeah sure she is. believe me there are other women out there who has accomplished things on their own and not used everyone she can to get where she is in life today. starting with her hubby President: to ride his coattails into Congress and then that man she fell on the sword for Obama, bestows her a position of SOS. she hasn't done jack on her own
'Hillary Most Admired Woman Again'

Yeah, by donor nations that support/fund terrorism, oppress women, engage in female genitalia mutilation, who murders gays, who want to buy large percentages of our uranium stock, and who give out plastic 'reset' plaques with the incorrect words 'overcharge' on them.

Yeah, by terrorists allowed to repeatedly attacked abandoned, under-protected US Ambassadors until they can finally kill them as well as more Americans.

Yeah by those who see she is so weak and can't win on her own that she has to call for the help of her career sexually harassing, raping, adulterous, pedophile-island-visiting Husband for help.

(Almost 50% of the country thinks Hillary is the least trustworthy candidate in this entire race, she is under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act, and more and more negative / criminal evidence keeps being released, and yet she is supposedly the 'most admired woman'?)
Nice to see Hillary is going to be a grandmother again...

But so is Sarah Palin

Bristol's second illegitimate child........but who's counting?

She can see Russia from her door step.
Especially on a comedy show. Do you ever watch real news?

Are you attempting to deny that Sarah Palin's daughter has had two childbirth events and was not married?
Even a puss filled brain like your should have known I was referring to your Russia comment. You are a lying smearing asshole. Period.
yeah sure she is. believe me there are other women out there who has accomplished things on their own and not used everyone she can to get where she is in life today.

Agreed. She was mediocre as a 1st lady. Her own fellow Senators could not list 1 accomplishment of hers. Her performance as Secretary of State was a disaster...and possibly a very criminal disaster, pending the final outcome of the FBI's investigation. And she's telling people it is time for a woman in the WH...and that it is 'her turn'? Seriously? There are MANY women out there who could actually put together a REAL resume with REAL accomplishments that far surpass any resume / accomplishments Hillary could possibly put together.
yeah sure she is. believe me there are other women out there who has accomplished things on their own and not used everyone she can to get where she is in life today.

Agreed. She was mediocre as a 1st lady. Her own fellow Senators could not list 1 accomplishment of hers. Her performance as Secretary of State was a disaster...and possibly a very criminal disaster, pending the final outcome of the FBI's investigation. And she's telling people it is time for a woman in the WH...and that it is 'her turn'? Seriously? There are MANY women out there who could actually put together a REAL resume with REAL accomplishments that far surpass any resume / accomplishments Hillary could possibly put together.

While First Lady of Arkansas[edit]
While First Lady of the United States[edit]

An exhibit at the William J. Clinton Presidential Center also honors Hillary Rodham Clinton's time as First Lady of the United States.

While United States Senator from New York[edit]

While private citizen[edit]

Clinton being presented with the 2013 Chatham House Prize by Prince Andrew, Duke of York
  • On February 14, 2013, two weeks after stepping down as Secretary of State, Clinton was given Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the highest Pentagon medal given to private citizens or politicians. Both Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta praised the unusually cooperative relationship the two departments had during Clinton's tenure.[47]
  • On May 8, 2013, Clinton was honored by the Pacific Council on International Policy with the inaugural Warren Christopher Public Service Award.[48]
  • On July 8, 2013, the Hillary Rodham Clinton Children's Library and Learning Center was dedicated in Little Rock, Arkansas, having recently been named that by the Central Arkansas Library System. Clinton read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to mark the occasion.[49]
  • On August 28, 2013, the British international affairs think tank Chatham House voted Clinton as the 2013 winner of the Chatham House Prize "in recognition of her personal leadership in driving a new era of US diplomatic engagement and for her particular focus on promoting education and rights for women and girls" [50]
  • On September 10, 2013, the National Constitution Center awarded Clinton the 2013 Liberty Medal for her positions in public service and for her advocacy efforts towards more rights for women and girls worldwide.[51]
  • On September 13, 2013, the University of St Andrews conferred an honorary Doctor of Law degree onto her in recognition of her "roles as politician, diplomat and champion of education, human rights, democracy, civil society, and opportunities for women and girls around the world."[52][53]
  • Beginning in February 2014, the annual Hillary Rodham Clinton Awards for Advancing Women in Peace and Security have been given by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, of which Clinton is the Honorary Founding Chair.[54][55]
  • On May 3, 2014, Hillary Rodham Clinton received the Order of Lincoln, the highest award of the State of Illinois, where she was born and raised.[56]
  • On December 16, 2014, Clinton received a Ripple of Hope Award from the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights.[57][58]
  • In 2014, Clinton was named by Glamour magazine as one of "The 75 Most Important Women of the Past 75 Years."[59]
  • On March 3, 2015, Clinton accepted the "We Are Emily" award from Emily's List.[60]
  • On March 16, 2015, Clinton was inducted into the Irish America Hall of Fame.[61]
  • On June 4, 2015, Clinton received the first Barbara Jordan Public-Private Leadership Award, named in honor of Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and given to "a deserving woman anywhere in the world who has made the highest achievement during the preceding year or years in any honorable field of human endeavor in the public or private sector."[62]
  • On November 19, 2015, Clinton received the first Mario M. Cuomo Visionary Award.[63]

While United States Secretary of State[edit]

Multiple instance honors[edit]
yeah sure she is. believe me there are other women out there who has accomplished things on their own and not used everyone she can to get where she is in life today.

Agreed. She was mediocre as a 1st lady. Her own fellow Senators could not list 1 accomplishment of hers. Her performance as Secretary of State was a disaster...and possibly a very criminal disaster, pending the final outcome of the FBI's investigation. And she's telling people it is time for a woman in the WH...and that it is 'her turn'? Seriously? There are MANY women out there who could actually put together a REAL resume with REAL accomplishments that far surpass any resume / accomplishments Hillary could possibly put together.

While First Lady of Arkansas
While First Lady of the United States

An exhibit at the William J. Clinton Presidential Center also honors Hillary Rodham Clinton's time as First Lady of the United States.

While United States Senator from New York

While private citizen

Clinton being presented with the 2013 Chatham House Prize by Prince Andrew, Duke of York
  • On February 14, 2013, two weeks after stepping down as Secretary of State, Clinton was given Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the highest Pentagon medal given to private citizens or politicians. Both Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta praised the unusually cooperative relationship the two departments had during Clinton's tenure.[47]
  • On May 8, 2013, Clinton was honored by the Pacific Council on International Policy with the inaugural Warren Christopher Public Service Award.[48]
  • On July 8, 2013, the Hillary Rodham Clinton Children's Library and Learning Center was dedicated in Little Rock, Arkansas, having recently been named that by the Central Arkansas Library System. Clinton read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to mark the occasion.[49]
  • On August 28, 2013, the British international affairs think tank Chatham House voted Clinton as the 2013 winner of the Chatham House Prize "in recognition of her personal leadership in driving a new era of US diplomatic engagement and for her particular focus on promoting education and rights for women and girls" [50]
  • On September 10, 2013, the National Constitution Center awarded Clinton the 2013 Liberty Medal for her positions in public service and for her advocacy efforts towards more rights for women and girls worldwide.[51]
  • On September 13, 2013, the University of St Andrews conferred an honorary Doctor of Law degree onto her in recognition of her "roles as politician, diplomat and champion of education, human rights, democracy, civil society, and opportunities for women and girls around the world."[52][53]
  • Beginning in February 2014, the annual Hillary Rodham Clinton Awards for Advancing Women in Peace and Security have been given by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, of which Clinton is the Honorary Founding Chair.[54][55]
  • On May 3, 2014, Hillary Rodham Clinton received the Order of Lincoln, the highest award of the State of Illinois, where she was born and raised.[56]
  • On December 16, 2014, Clinton received a Ripple of Hope Award from the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights.[57][58]
  • In 2014, Clinton was named by Glamour magazine as one of "The 75 Most Important Women of the Past 75 Years."[59]
  • On March 3, 2015, Clinton accepted the "We Are Emily" award from Emily's List.[60]
  • On March 16, 2015, Clinton was inducted into the Irish America Hall of Fame.[61]
  • On June 4, 2015, Clinton received the first Barbara Jordan Public-Private Leadership Award, named in honor of Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and given to "a deserving woman anywhere in the world who has made the highest achievement during the preceding year or years in any honorable field of human endeavor in the public or private sector."[62]
  • On November 19, 2015, Clinton received the first Mario M. Cuomo Visionary Award.[63]

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I see she was GIVEN a lot of awards and NAMED 'blah, blah, blah...

A lot of political favors went into receiving all those awards. A majority of those awards and 'titles' were 'payments' for political favors that were doled out by campaign / foundation donors who WERE 'compensated' in some form or fashion later.

She has quite a few awards regarding her 'legal' history....which do not erase that she was FIRED / RELEASED from the Watergate commission for ETHICS VIOLATIONS. Throughout her past her lack of ethics continued and continues to be shown.

" in recognition of her "roles as politician, diplomat and champion of education, human rights, democracy, civil society, and opportunities for women and girls around the world"
- She was given an award for being a Senator whose fellow Democrats can't remember one things she did;
- For being a Diplomat - whose record shows her to have been a massive failure;
- For being a champion of education - by doing WHAT,
- For being a champion for human rights/democracy/civil societies - by taking billions of dollars from nations that oppress women, murder homosexuals, and fund/support terrorism;
- For being a champion of opportunities for women and girls around the world - taking billions from nations that treat women like property and engage in the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation; for intimidating, threatening, and silencing the female VICTIMS of her husband's career-long sexual harassments, rape, and adultery

SERIOUSLY? Quite an impressive list....until you start digging a little deeper.
I see she was GIVEN a lot of awards and NAMED 'blah, blah, blah...

A lot of political favors went into receiving all those awards. A majority of those awards and 'titles' were 'payments' for political favors that were doled out by campaign / foundation donors who WERE 'compensated' in some form or fashion later.

She has quite a few awards regarding her 'legal' history....which do not erase that she was FIRED / RELEASED from the Watergate commission for ETHICS VIOLATIONS. Throughout her past her lack of ethics continued and continues to be shown.

" in recognition of her "roles as politician, diplomat and champion of education, human rights, democracy, civil society, and opportunities for women and girls around the world"
- She was given an award for being a Senator whose fellow Democrats can't remember one things she did;
- For being a Diplomat - whose record shows her to have been a massive failure;
- For being a champion of education - by doing WHAT,
- For being a champion for human rights/democracy/civil societies - by taking billions of dollars from nations that oppress women, murder homosexuals, and fund/support terrorism;
- For being a champion of opportunities for women and girls around the world - taking billions from nations that treat women like property and engage in the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation; for intimidating, threatening, and silencing the female VICTIMS of her husband's career-long sexual harassments, rape, and adultery

SERIOUSLY? Quite an impressive list....until you start digging a little deeper.

Nice of Donald to contradict you.
I see she was GIVEN a lot of awards and NAMED 'blah, blah, blah...

A lot of political favors went into receiving all those awards. A majority of those awards and 'titles' were 'payments' for political favors that were doled out by campaign / foundation donors who WERE 'compensated' in some form or fashion later.

She has quite a few awards regarding her 'legal' history....which do not erase that she was FIRED / RELEASED from the Watergate commission for ETHICS VIOLATIONS. Throughout her past her lack of ethics continued and continues to be shown.

" in recognition of her "roles as politician, diplomat and champion of education, human rights, democracy, civil society, and opportunities for women and girls around the world"
- She was given an award for being a Senator whose fellow Democrats can't remember one things she did;
- For being a Diplomat - whose record shows her to have been a massive failure;
- For being a champion of education - by doing WHAT,
- For being a champion for human rights/democracy/civil societies - by taking billions of dollars from nations that oppress women, murder homosexuals, and fund/support terrorism;
- For being a champion of opportunities for women and girls around the world - taking billions from nations that treat women like property and engage in the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation; for intimidating, threatening, and silencing the female VICTIMS of her husband's career-long sexual harassments, rape, and adultery

SERIOUSLY? Quite an impressive list....until you start digging a little deeper.

Nice of Donald to contradict you.

He's a good politician....that's what they do.....a 180 degree switch in as short a time as they deem necessary.

Purse Them Lips And Say After Me......"Madame President!"
I see she was GIVEN a lot of awards and NAMED 'blah, blah, blah...

A lot of political favors went into receiving all those awards. A majority of those awards and 'titles' were 'payments' for political favors that were doled out by campaign / foundation donors who WERE 'compensated' in some form or fashion later.

She has quite a few awards regarding her 'legal' history....which do not erase that she was FIRED / RELEASED from the Watergate commission for ETHICS VIOLATIONS. Throughout her past her lack of ethics continued and continues to be shown.

" in recognition of her "roles as politician, diplomat and champion of education, human rights, democracy, civil society, and opportunities for women and girls around the world"
- She was given an award for being a Senator whose fellow Democrats can't remember one things she did;
- For being a Diplomat - whose record shows her to have been a massive failure;
- For being a champion of education - by doing WHAT,
- For being a champion for human rights/democracy/civil societies - by taking billions of dollars from nations that oppress women, murder homosexuals, and fund/support terrorism;
- For being a champion of opportunities for women and girls around the world - taking billions from nations that treat women like property and engage in the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation; for intimidating, threatening, and silencing the female VICTIMS of her husband's career-long sexual harassments, rape, and adultery

SERIOUSLY? Quite an impressive list....until you start digging a little deeper.

Nice of Donald to contradict you.

He's a good politician....that's what they do.....a 180 degree switch in as short a time as they deem necessary.


He's a crappy politician. His appeal is to those who are pretty much apolitical but understand celebrity. The insulting of everyone who disagrees with him or takes a position contrary to his is not long for the game. Politics is a profession best left to the professionals. When the chips are down, he won't have the cards to play and he can't bluff his way to the Oval against opponents who are well funded, well positioned for the General and above all else, not intimidated.

If I were in the GOP camp, I'd be aghast that the party leadership is AWOL while this guy is damaging the credibility of the Party. Even moreso that none of those who wish to become POTUS are willing to seize the vacant chair of leadership. I expected more out of Christie and Bush. Rubio is being the worm I expected him to be.
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.
Donald Trump:
Republican Frontrunner.

That quote was also from the past. Trump just slammed the shite out of Hillary...but THAT quote doesn't push your propaganda / objective so let's not use it, shall we. 'Let's cherry pick something that helps me make my false declaration.'

You also think I give a damn about what Trump has to say, which I don't. Also, Trump's comment takes nothing away from what I said - most of those accolades came with or were just more 'bribes' for future payoffs they received. The list is impressive...until you start looking at her documented failures and potential crimes.

Like I said, their coming feud will make for good 'reality' TV'.
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.
Speaking of '1st Ladies', I think all funding for 1st Ladies, aside from Security' should be cut. The PRESIDENT is an elected official and the only one of the 2 who works for the people officially. If the President wants to give her an allowance then so be it. If she wants to go somewhere let him pay for it out-of-pocket, etc. To hell with my tax dollars going to support her million+ dollar lifestyle - she wasn't on the ballot, she was not elected, she does nothing for me. She is a 'Plus one'.

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