Hillary Most Admired Woman Again:

Your post reminds me. I wonder how many mothers just feel regret on Mothers Day.

Actually my wife snd I had a very nice conversation with my mother via Skype this evening. She's very proud of all three of her sons. We're all different people in a multitude of ways but we're all successful and self-sufficient as well.
In the entire world? Is the United States the ONLY place on earth? As a citizen of the United States, even I recognize that Queen Elizabeth II has been around longer and has had far more influence, respectability and the admiration of a majority of people everywhere.

If all anyone can think of is Hillary, it's no wonder that the United States is considered so idiotically pretentious. Go back to texting on your cell phones and listening to "Watch me, watch me --- Nay, Nay!" I'm sure that you all consider that one of the top ten best tunes ever recorded in all history. As for me, I'll read my Bible and listen to Bach's, Sheep My Safely Graze realizing that there is more to life/culture/politics than the last twenty years...
The British aren't pretentious? Do tell.
...Go Hillary!!!!!
And keep right on going... do not pass "Go"... do not collect $200... go straight to Jail... no Get Out of Jail Free card for you.


The HildaBeast is the female half of what may prove to be the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

America does not need another political family dynasty... enough already... no more Clintons nor Bushes nor Kennedys nor Romneys nor other such Establishment scions...

Enough of these dynastic Ruling Elites... we once fought a war to expel a King, to rid ourselves of such trash...

Time for fresh names and fresh faces and fresh ideas... time to give somebody else a turn.

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...Go Hillary!!!!!
And keep right on going... do not pass "Go"... do not collect $200... go straight to Jail... no Get Out of Jail Free card for you.


The HildaBeast is the female half of what may prove to be the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

America does not need another political family dynasty... enough already... Clintons and Bushes and Kennedys and Romneys and the like...

Time for fresh names and fresh faces and fresh ideas... time to give somebody else a turn.

Politics is a rough sport....they know how to play. I suggest you begin to stand before a mirror, purse your lips, no pun intended, and practice saying, "Madame President!"
Gallup: Hillary Clinton ranked most-admired woman in U.S. for record 20th year

Here is the poll.

Naturally, Obama was voted most admired man. I mean he won a Nobel Peace Prize, right?

But did you see who tied for second? It was none other than Donald Trump and the Pope. :blowup:
Be honest. They received a whopping 5% each. Obama received 17%. It's not exactly a close second.

I don't care if they only got 1% of the vote. The fact remains that this proves that those voting are idiots.
I don't see how a mere 824 Americans opinions can be extrapolated to anyone being the most admired person in the US
It's amazing to me that anyone could admire a person who would allow their spouse to repeatedly cheat on them.
A strong independent person would not stay with such a spouse.
Gallup: Hillary Clinton ranked most-admired woman in U.S. for record 20th year

Here is the poll.

Naturally, Obama was voted most admired man. I mean he won a Nobel Peace Prize, right?

But did you see who tied for second? It was none other than Donald Trump and the Pope. :blowup:
Be honest. They received a whopping 5% each. Obama received 17%. It's not exactly a close second.

I don't care if they only got 1% of the vote. The fact remains that this proves that those voting are idiots.
Does it? If they voted with someone you liked, would they still be idiots?
I don't see how a mere 824 Americans opinions can be extrapolated to anyone being the most admired person in the US
In truth, it can't... and this one flies in the face of recent polls indicating that 50% +++ of Americans do not trust Shrillary...

Statistical schizophrenia...

Perhaps that's the deal... 50% +++ don't trust Shrillary enough to elect her, but they do admire her...

Then again, we could spend an eternity chasing our own tails, trying to reconcile various polls, and end-up right back where we started...

In truth, the ONLY poll that matters a damn is the one we ALL participate in, on November 8, 2016...
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"Americans named Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most-admired woman living anywhere in the world for the 20th time, according to a poll released Monday.

Gallup says 13 percent of participants mentioned the former secretary of state when asked, “What [woman/man] that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?”

During her lifetime, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was named most-admired woman a total of 13 times — placing her as the runner-up regarding first-place rankings.

This is the 14th consecutive year Clinton has topped the annual Gallup list — longer than any other woman or man in the Washington-based consulting company’s history.

Since 1993, when she was first named most-admired woman, Clinton has maintained the media’s attention with her various roles: first lady, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate."


Go Hillary!!!!!

I'm almost worried for you if she loses. What will you do if that happens?
Like Ted Nugent if she loses we will all be dead or in jail the next year
It's amazing to me that anyone could admire a person who would allow their spouse to repeatedly cheat on them. A strong independent person would not stay with such a spouse.
Unless she was empowering, aiding and abetting, and covering for a partner... or... uhhhh... was there an 'enjoyment' factor at-work here?
I don't see how a mere 824 Americans opinions can be extrapolated to anyone being the most admired person in the US

You obviously didn't understand that this is in the world, not just the United States.

As far as the 824 folks.....that's a pretty normal Gallup sampling.
I don't see how a mere 824 Americans opinions can be extrapolated to anyone being the most admired person in the US

That's your problem....you didn't understand that this is in the world, not just the United States.
Even better... those paltry 824 souls were canvassed on a global basis... diluting the statistical validity of the sampling domain still further... got it... thanks.

( but I think the 824 were sampled domestically, if my reading on the subject was reliable )
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I don't see how a mere 824 Americans opinions can be extrapolated to anyone being the most admired person in the US

That's your problem....you didn't understand that this is in the world, not just the United States.
Even better... those paltry 824 souls were canvassed on a global basis... diluting the statistical validity of the sampling domain still further... got it... thanks.

The sampling is all Americans but they were asked who they considered the most admired in the world. As far as the 824 who responded, Gallup has tables which include every earnings group, every religion, every level of intelligence etc.
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I don't see how a mere 824 Americans opinions can be extrapolated to anyone being the most admired person in the US

That's your problem....you didn't understand that this is in the world, not just the United States.
Then why were only 824 Americans polled?

If it was meant to be the most admired in the world then my point is even more valid
The World Series of Leftist Political Hyperbole?
I don't see how a mere 824 Americans opinions can be extrapolated to anyone being the most admired person in the US

That's your problem....you didn't understand that this is in the world, not just the United States.
Even better... those paltry 824 souls were canvassed on a global basis... diluting the statistical validity of the sampling domain still further... got it... thanks.

No...you still don't have it. The sampling is all Americans but they were asked who they believed was the most admired in the world. As far as the 824 who responded, Gallup has tables which include every earnings group, every religion, every level of intelligence etc. This is not their first rodeo!

So again the opinions of a mere 824 Americans is worthless especially if they are asked to speak for the entire world

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