Hillary Most Admired Woman Again:


If you mean a two term president that the right hates,but is still elected both times in a landslide, you are right.

If you mean a two term president that the right hates,but is still elected both times in a landslide, you are right.

With the pathetic competition the right is offering, I'm surprised she is even bothering to campaign.
Polls show Hillary losing to Rubio AND Cruz and shows she is in a dead tie with Trump. If her competition is 'pathetic' and she is losing to two of them and the best she can do is tie one of them, that tells you about all you need to know about Hillary.

If you mean a two term president that the right hates,but is still elected both times in a landslide, you are right.

With the pathetic competition the right is offering, I'm surprised she is even bothering to campaign.
Polls show Hillary losing to Rubio AND Cruz and shows she is in a dead tie with Trump. If her competition is 'pathetic' and she is losing to two of them and the best she can do is tie one of them, that tells you about all you need to know about Hillary.

It's a long time till the election. Most Repubes will be forgotten. Hillary won't be forgotten.
One woman (Fiorina) singing the praises of The Woman...HRC.

Praise from your opponents is just too sweet!

"Unlike Hillary Clinton, I've actually accomplished something"
- Fiorina

- "Traveling is an Activity, Not an Accomplishment"
- Fiorina

"“Unfortunately there’s nothing in her record that indicates we can trust her.”
- Fiorina

Sad that the Libs have to cherry-pick comments to try to make people believe Fiorina supports / thinks Hillary would be a good President, instead of being in jail where she belongs.
Polls like this boil down to name recognition and who's been in the spotlight the most.
When you consider her untrustworthy numbers among the American people you can't reconcile a pointless poll like this.
"Americans named Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most-admired woman living anywhere in the world for the 20th time, according to a poll released Monday.

Gallup says 13 percent of participants mentioned the former secretary of state when asked, “What [woman/man] that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?”

During her lifetime, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was named most-admired woman a total of 13 times — placing her as the runner-up regarding first-place rankings.

This is the 14th consecutive year Clinton has topped the annual Gallup list — longer than any other woman or man in the Washington-based consulting company’s history.

Since 1993, when she was first named most-admired woman, Clinton has maintained the media’s attention with her various roles: first lady, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate."

Anyone who "admires" that wretched piece of shit needs therapy. She and her husband are two of the biggest pieces of human excrement to ever walk the planet. Bill should be in prison for life as a serial rapist and she should hang for treason.
Anyone that has any respect/admiration for the Hildabeast has to be the lowest of character. A career politician like her with all the corruption that she deals in every day.
So, out of a poll of 824 people, 107 people claim Hitlery is the most admired woman in the world? Last I checked, there were close to 320 million people in the US. Maybe a little larger sampling is needed. I wouldn't hang my hat on a poll taken from 824 people...

What will you Hitlery lovers do if she loses again?
Read a science book or watch the cosmos
Cosmos was the work of an atheist. Faith in atheisically controlled/sponsored science without spiritual influence is the reason America is in it's present state of ignorance.

Oh contraire monsieur!! There are some pretty smart cookies who had long since put the ancient GAWD worship behind them:

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding."
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams...April 1823)

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary...1955)


If that religious talking point is all that it takes to convince you the devil is real, then I feel sorry for you.

Scientists/politicians are fooled by the devil every day, even the most esteemed. Lol

Anyway, God uses everything for his purposes.
Almost all are beyond our ability to comprehend, purposes that is.

First you have to convince me there is a god before you start talking about him like he's real or you start telling me what he does. God doesn't do anything other than whatever is in your head. Does he make you feel good? Then that's what god does. He must be real if he can make you feel so good. How can nothing make you feel so good? But then again you have an imagination.

The devil uses everything for his purposes. Almost all are beyond our ability to comprehend, purpose that is.
So, out of a poll of 824 people, 107 people claim Hitlery is the most admired woman in the world? Last I checked, there were close to 320 million people in the US. Maybe a little larger sampling is needed. I wouldn't hang my hat on a poll taken from 824 people...

What will you Hitlery lovers do if she loses again?
Oh how you'd be bragging if they voted for Carli Fiorino or Ben Carson. But no one said those names. Hell, if you polled 300 million no one would say Carli or Ben. But imagine how many would say Hillary. A lot. A lot more than Ben or Carli at least, right?
Cosmos was the work of an atheist. Faith in atheisically controlled/sponsored science without spiritual influence is the reason America is in it's present state of ignorance.

Oh contraire monsieur!! There are some pretty smart cookies who had long since put the ancient GAWD worship behind them:

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding."
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams...April 1823)

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary...1955)


If that religious talking point is all that it takes to convince you the devil is real, then I feel sorry for you.

Scientists/politicians are fooled by the devil every day, even the most esteemed. Lol

Anyway, God uses everything for his purposes.
Almost all are beyond our ability to comprehend, purposes that is.

First you have to convince me there is a god before you start talking about him like he's real or you start telling me what he does. God doesn't do anything other than whatever is in your head. Does he make you feel good? Then that's what god does. He must be real if he can make you feel so good. How can nothing make you feel so good? But then again you have an imagination.

The devil uses everything for his purposes. Almost all are beyond our ability to comprehend, purpose that is.

I don't have to convince you of anything, you'll believe what you want to believe.
Go ahead and worship your career politicians...
Polls like this boil down to name recognition and who's been in the spotlight the most.
When you consider her untrustworthy numbers among the American people you can't reconcile a pointless poll like this.
13% is a small minority of the people. That leaves up to 87% to have a negative opinion of her. However, this poll does not measure the negative.
Oh contraire monsieur!! There are some pretty smart cookies who had long since put the ancient GAWD worship behind them:

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding."
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams...April 1823)

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary...1955)


If that religious talking point is all that it takes to convince you the devil is real, then I feel sorry for you.

Scientists/politicians are fooled by the devil every day, even the most esteemed. Lol

Anyway, God uses everything for his purposes.
Almost all are beyond our ability to comprehend, purposes that is.

First you have to convince me there is a god before you start talking about him like he's real or you start telling me what he does. God doesn't do anything other than whatever is in your head. Does he make you feel good? Then that's what god does. He must be real if he can make you feel so good. How can nothing make you feel so good? But then again you have an imagination.

The devil uses everything for his purposes. Almost all are beyond our ability to comprehend, purpose that is.

I don't have to convince you of anything, you'll believe what you want to believe.
Go ahead and worship your career politicians...

Who I won't worship is Carli, Condi, Michele Bachman, Laura Bush, Nancy Reagan or Sarah Palin. They are all worse than worthless *****. No offense to worthless *****.
Polls like this boil down to name recognition and who's been in the spotlight the most.
When you consider her untrustworthy numbers among the American people you can't reconcile a pointless poll like this.
13% is a small minority of the people. That leaves up to 87% to have a negative opinion of her. However, this poll does not measure the negative.
You are reading it wrong stupid. The question was, who do you admire most. 13% said Hillary. Maybe 87% said their mom or Mother Teresa or Angela Merkle. Point is, no one said Carli Fiorino. That's all we are saying.

And Hillary has been this admired for decades. Who does the right have to admire? Laura Bush? Subservient to her husband GW the decider?

Fact is, when there is a Republican black or woman, the only people who LOVE them are Republicans. They are never lied or admired by the masses. And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
So you are saying that 13% of people who 'admire' Hillary are not all Liberals? 13% - isn't that her approval / 'Trustworthy' rate right now among the American people ? lol

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