Hillary Most Admired Woman Again:

You know I do not admire Hillary Clinton, and feel she would be a horrible President.

Too many people admire the wrong people like Hillary Clinton and not the teacher, cop, or service worker that does their job without any true recognition.

If I was going to admire a female then it would be Barbara Pierce Bush because of all her charitable work she does. That young lady deserves more admiration than Hillary Clinton, but I am sure Clinton supporters will disagree and bring up the Bush twin past and not look at what she has become...

Just my opinion...
And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
So you are saying that 13% of people who 'admire' Hillary are not all Liberals? 13% - isn't that her approval / 'Trustworthy' rate right now among the American people ? lol

The Clinton's will overcome this.

The email scandal appears to be in Clinton's rear view mirror, for now. But Democratic strategists said they expect it to remain a gateway for Republicans to dissect Clinton’s trustworthiness – a big obstacle that many supporters still cite as a potential barrier to her election.

While voters don’t cast their ballots based only on trust, the knocks on her honesty will affect how much voters like her and how motivated they feel to cast a vote for her at the polls. And Republicans still have damaging soundbites to choose from. Before Clinton was finally convinced by her campaign to apologize for relying on a private email server while she was secretary of state, she dug her heels in. When asked whether she had wiped the server last August, she feigned ignorance, “what, like, with a cloth or something?” The line is memorable enough to stick.
Polls like this boil down to name recognition and who's been in the spotlight the most.
When you consider her untrustworthy numbers among the American people you can't reconcile a pointless poll like this.
13% is a small minority of the people. That leaves up to 87% to have a negative opinion of her. However, this poll does not measure the negative.
You are reading it wrong stupid. The question was, who do you admire most. 13% said Hillary. Maybe 87% said their mom or Mother Teresa or Angela Merkle. Point is, no one said Carli Fiorino. That's all we are saying.

And Hillary has been this admired for decades. Who does the right have to admire? Laura Bush? Subservient to her husband GW the decider?

Fact is, when there is a Republican black or woman, the only people who LOVE them are Republicans. They are never lied or admired by the masses. And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
No I am not reading it wrong. 13% voted her the most admired woman. So what do the other 87% think of her? It is very possible that more than 13% hate her guts. Assuming that the 13% greatly admire Hillary, then some percentage up to 87% could hate her. Do I believe that 87% hate her? The answer is no. However, based on other surveys that also measure Hillary's unfavorability, I would say that it's much higher than the 13% that voted her the most admired woman. Point is Hillary is very polarizing, so there are many that both love her and hate her.
You know I do not admire Hillary Clinton, and feel she would be a horrible President.

Too many people admire the wrong people like Hillary Clinton and not the teacher, cop, or service worker that does their job without any true recognition.

If I was going to admire a female then it would be Barbara Pierce Bush because of all her charitable work she does. That young lady deserves more admiration than Hillary Clinton, but I am sure Clinton supporters will disagree and bring up the Bush twin past and not look at what she has become...

Just my opinion...
She has become a hot piece of ass.

Barbara Bush, not the former First Lady, but the daughter of former president, George W. Bush, has said that Hillary Clinton is "unbelievably accomplished" and hopes she will run for president in 2016.

It's about as close an endorsement as a Bush could give a Clinton and surely qualifies as news.

If Bush eventually endorses Secretary Clinton, it would not be the first time that a son or daughter of a president supported a candidate of the opposing political party. Ron Reagan, Jr. and his sister Patti Davis, both offspring of Republican president Ronald Reagan, are openly Democrats.

Who knows these cock suckers better than their own children?
Polls like this boil down to name recognition and who's been in the spotlight the most.
When you consider her untrustworthy numbers among the American people you can't reconcile a pointless poll like this.
13% is a small minority of the people. That leaves up to 87% to have a negative opinion of her. However, this poll does not measure the negative.
You are reading it wrong stupid. The question was, who do you admire most. 13% said Hillary. Maybe 87% said their mom or Mother Teresa or Angela Merkle. Point is, no one said Carli Fiorino. That's all we are saying.

And Hillary has been this admired for decades. Who does the right have to admire? Laura Bush? Subservient to her husband GW the decider?

Fact is, when there is a Republican black or woman, the only people who LOVE them are Republicans. They are never lied or admired by the masses. And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
No I am not reading it wrong. 13% voted her the most admired woman. So what do the other 87% think of her? It is very possible that more than 13% hate her guts. Assuming that the 13% greatly admire Hillary, then some percentage up to 87% could hate her. Do I believe that 87% hate her? The answer is no. However, based on other surveys that also measure Hillary's unfavorability, I would say that it's much higher than the 13% that voted her the most admired woman. Point is Hillary is very polarizing, so there are many that both love her and hate her.

The other 87% may or may not like her. They just picked other women they admired more, like their mom or
Malala Yousafzai

Hillary is only polarizing to right wingers. But who isn't? What Democrat do you find not polarizing? Is Obama less polarizing?

You know I do not admire Hillary Clinton, and feel she would be a horrible President.

Too many people admire the wrong people like Hillary Clinton and not the teacher, cop, or service worker that does their job without any true recognition.

If I was going to admire a female then it would be Barbara Pierce Bush because of all her charitable work she does. That young lady deserves more admiration than Hillary Clinton, but I am sure Clinton supporters will disagree and bring up the Bush twin past and not look at what she has become...

Just my opinion...
She has become a hot piece of ass.

Barbara Bush, not the former First Lady, but the daughter of former president, George W. Bush, has said that Hillary Clinton is "unbelievably accomplished" and hopes she will run for president in 2016.

It's about as close an endorsement as a Bush could give a Clinton and surely qualifies as news.

If Bush eventually endorses Secretary Clinton, it would not be the first time that a son or daughter of a president supported a candidate of the opposing political party. Ron Reagan, Jr. and his sister Patti Davis, both offspring of Republican president Ronald Reagan, are openly Democrats.

Who knows these cock suckers better than their own children?

Because she endorses Hillary will not earn my vote for Hillary. As i wrote I have respect for the Bush twin, and she has earned it with all of her charitable contributions, and is a woman to admire.

As for who she admires that is her choice but I do not admire Hillary and if I were to admire a Clinton it would be Chelsea Clinton and not Hillary...
Polls like this boil down to name recognition and who's been in the spotlight the most.
When you consider her untrustworthy numbers among the American people you can't reconcile a pointless poll like this.
13% is a small minority of the people. That leaves up to 87% to have a negative opinion of her. However, this poll does not measure the negative.
You are reading it wrong stupid. The question was, who do you admire most. 13% said Hillary. Maybe 87% said their mom or Mother Teresa or Angela Merkle. Point is, no one said Carli Fiorino. That's all we are saying.

And Hillary has been this admired for decades. Who does the right have to admire? Laura Bush? Subservient to her husband GW the decider?

Fact is, when there is a Republican black or woman, the only people who LOVE them are Republicans. They are never lied or admired by the masses. And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
No I am not reading it wrong. 13% voted her the most admired woman. So what do the other 87% think of her? It is very possible that more than 13% hate her guts. Assuming that the 13% greatly admire Hillary, then some percentage up to 87% could hate her. Do I believe that 87% hate her? The answer is no. However, based on other surveys that also measure Hillary's unfavorability, I would say that it's much higher than the 13% that voted her the most admired woman. Point is Hillary is very polarizing, so there are many that both love her and hate her.

The other 87% may or may not like her. They just picked other women they admired more, like their mom or
Malala Yousafzai

Hillary is only polarizing to right wingers. But who isn't? What Democrat do you find not polarizing? Is Obama less polarizing?
So you are agreeing with me.

Obama is also polarizing. So there is probably an equally high of a percentage of people that think Hillary and Obama are low life scum. Being the so called "most admired" person loses its luster when on the other side of the coin the same person is also one of the most disdained.
"Americans named Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most-admired woman living anywhere in the world for the 20th time, according to a poll released Monday.

Gallup says 13 percent of participants mentioned the former secretary of state when asked, “What [woman/man] that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?”

During her lifetime, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was named most-admired woman a total of 13 times — placing her as the runner-up regarding first-place rankings.

This is the 14th consecutive year Clinton has topped the annual Gallup list — longer than any other woman or man in the Washington-based consulting company’s history.

Since 1993, when she was first named most-admired woman, Clinton has maintained the media’s attention with her various roles: first lady, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate."
since when she lost to Obummer? Is that what you're telling the class?
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Racism of Clinton supporters: ROTFLMAO!!

A third are Black, a third are Hispanic and the others are a mixture of all kinds of Americans.

Learn to say, "Madame President!"
You know I do not admire Hillary Clinton, and feel she would be a horrible President.

Too many people admire the wrong people like Hillary Clinton and not the teacher, cop, or service worker that does their job without any true recognition.

If I was going to admire a female then it would be Barbara Pierce Bush because of all her charitable work she does. That young lady deserves more admiration than Hillary Clinton, but I am sure Clinton supporters will disagree and bring up the Bush twin past and not look at what she has become...

Just my opinion...

You mean the teacher or cop who is acquainted with a few hundred people.....total?
You know I do not admire Hillary Clinton, and feel she would be a horrible President.

Too many people admire the wrong people like Hillary Clinton and not the teacher, cop, or service worker that does their job without any true recognition.

If I was going to admire a female then it would be Barbara Pierce Bush because of all her charitable work she does. That young lady deserves more admiration than Hillary Clinton, but I am sure Clinton supporters will disagree and bring up the Bush twin past and not look at what she has become...

Just my opinion...

You mean the teacher or cop who is acquainted with a few hundred people.....total?

Wow, just wow.

And how many people do you really think Hillary Clinton knows by name?

I am sure you believe if you shook Hillary Clinton hand she will remember you, but the reality is you are no one to her except during a election cycle where as that Cop and Teacher will more likely remember you because they rely on knowing who you are.

I know how silly of me not to scream Hillary is the greatest woman that ever lived, but alas I did not feel it for Palin and I do not feel it for Hillary, but please tell a teacher or a cop how you view them as being less than Hillary Clinton...
The media loves Clinton, regardless if she is a pathological lier, she represents what mainstream media cherishes.
Polls like this boil down to name recognition and who's been in the spotlight the most.
When you consider her untrustworthy numbers among the American people you can't reconcile a pointless poll like this.
13% is a small minority of the people. That leaves up to 87% to have a negative opinion of her. However, this poll does not measure the negative.
You are reading it wrong stupid. The question was, who do you admire most. 13% said Hillary. Maybe 87% said their mom or Mother Teresa or Angela Merkle. Point is, no one said Carli Fiorino. That's all we are saying.

And Hillary has been this admired for decades. Who does the right have to admire? Laura Bush? Subservient to her husband GW the decider?

Fact is, when there is a Republican black or woman, the only people who LOVE them are Republicans. They are never lied or admired by the masses. And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
No I am not reading it wrong. 13% voted her the most admired woman. So what do the other 87% think of her? It is very possible that more than 13% hate her guts. Assuming that the 13% greatly admire Hillary, then some percentage up to 87% could hate her. Do I believe that 87% hate her? The answer is no. However, based on other surveys that also measure Hillary's unfavorability, I would say that it's much higher than the 13% that voted her the most admired woman. Point is Hillary is very polarizing, so there are many that both love her and hate her.

The other 87% may or may not like her. They just picked other women they admired more, like their mom or
Malala Yousafzai

Hillary is only polarizing to right wingers. But who isn't? What Democrat do you find not polarizing? Is Obama less polarizing?
So you are agreeing with me.

Obama is also polarizing. So there is probably an equally high of a percentage of people that think Hillary and Obama are low life scum. Being the so called "most admired" person loses its luster when on the other side of the coin the same person is also one of the most disdained.
Not really. The more you hate them the more I know they aren't letting the GOP screw us.
The media loves Clinton, regardless if she is a pathological lier, she represents what mainstream media cherishes.
You do realize 90% of the media is owned by 6 mega companies now right? Ever since the media dereg act of the 90s. It's one of the things I'm not happy with the Clintons about. They went along with the GOP on that one and let the media get deregulated and now it's in the control of the top 1% and they control the media they control the message they control everything
13% is a small minority of the people. That leaves up to 87% to have a negative opinion of her. However, this poll does not measure the negative.
You are reading it wrong stupid. The question was, who do you admire most. 13% said Hillary. Maybe 87% said their mom or Mother Teresa or Angela Merkle. Point is, no one said Carli Fiorino. That's all we are saying.

And Hillary has been this admired for decades. Who does the right have to admire? Laura Bush? Subservient to her husband GW the decider?

Fact is, when there is a Republican black or woman, the only people who LOVE them are Republicans. They are never lied or admired by the masses. And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
No I am not reading it wrong. 13% voted her the most admired woman. So what do the other 87% think of her? It is very possible that more than 13% hate her guts. Assuming that the 13% greatly admire Hillary, then some percentage up to 87% could hate her. Do I believe that 87% hate her? The answer is no. However, based on other surveys that also measure Hillary's unfavorability, I would say that it's much higher than the 13% that voted her the most admired woman. Point is Hillary is very polarizing, so there are many that both love her and hate her.

The other 87% may or may not like her. They just picked other women they admired more, like their mom or
Malala Yousafzai

Hillary is only polarizing to right wingers. But who isn't? What Democrat do you find not polarizing? Is Obama less polarizing?
So you are agreeing with me.

Obama is also polarizing. So there is probably an equally high of a percentage of people that think Hillary and Obama are low life scum. Being the so called "most admired" person loses its luster when on the other side of the coin the same person is also one of the most disdained.
Not really. The more you hate them the more I know they aren't letting the GOP screw us.
Career politicians in general are screwing this country, they've been doing it for decades.
Hildabeast supporters are a sad sort...
"Americans named Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most-admired woman living anywhere in the world for the 20th time, according to a poll released Monday.

Gallup says 13 percent of participants mentioned the former secretary of state when asked, “What [woman/man] that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?”

During her lifetime, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was named most-admired woman a total of 13 times — placing her as the runner-up regarding first-place rankings.

This is the 14th consecutive year Clinton has topped the annual Gallup list — longer than any other woman or man in the Washington-based consulting company’s history.

Since 1993, when she was first named most-admired woman, Clinton has maintained the media’s attention with her various roles: first lady, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate."
All that means is they could remember her name. If asked why they admired her, there would have been a blank stare.
You are reading it wrong stupid. The question was, who do you admire most. 13% said Hillary. Maybe 87% said their mom or Mother Teresa or Angela Merkle. Point is, no one said Carli Fiorino. That's all we are saying.

And Hillary has been this admired for decades. Who does the right have to admire? Laura Bush? Subservient to her husband GW the decider?

Fact is, when there is a Republican black or woman, the only people who LOVE them are Republicans. They are never lied or admired by the masses. And why do Republicans love them? Because they are tokens to be used.
No I am not reading it wrong. 13% voted her the most admired woman. So what do the other 87% think of her? It is very possible that more than 13% hate her guts. Assuming that the 13% greatly admire Hillary, then some percentage up to 87% could hate her. Do I believe that 87% hate her? The answer is no. However, based on other surveys that also measure Hillary's unfavorability, I would say that it's much higher than the 13% that voted her the most admired woman. Point is Hillary is very polarizing, so there are many that both love her and hate her.

The other 87% may or may not like her. They just picked other women they admired more, like their mom or
Malala Yousafzai

Hillary is only polarizing to right wingers. But who isn't? What Democrat do you find not polarizing? Is Obama less polarizing?
So you are agreeing with me.

Obama is also polarizing. So there is probably an equally high of a percentage of people that think Hillary and Obama are low life scum. Being the so called "most admired" person loses its luster when on the other side of the coin the same person is also one of the most disdained.
Not really. The more you hate them the more I know they aren't letting the GOP screw us.
Career politicians in general are screwing this country, they've been doing it for decades.
Hildabeast supporters are a sad sort...
You got two choices on the roulette wheel. I always bet on black.

The fact is, the GOP is not the worker party. Just because you've let the GOP convince you that the Democratic party is for takers whiners and spounges doesn't mean we're buying into that. You are a worker who votes against workers. Either because you are comfortable enough that it allows you to be ignorant or you are a wedge issue voter. You know, god gays and guns type?
"Americans named Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most-admired woman living anywhere in the world for the 20th time, according to a poll released Monday.

Gallup says 13 percent of participants mentioned the former secretary of state when asked, “What [woman/man] that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?”

During her lifetime, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was named most-admired woman a total of 13 times — placing her as the runner-up regarding first-place rankings.

This is the 14th consecutive year Clinton has topped the annual Gallup list — longer than any other woman or man in the Washington-based consulting company’s history.

Since 1993, when she was first named most-admired woman, Clinton has maintained the media’s attention with her various roles: first lady, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate."
All that means is they could remember her name. If asked why they admired her, there would have been a blank stare.
Why would anyone admire Carli Fiorino? She bankrupted HP.

Carly Fiorina’s H-P Tenure: A Disputed Legacy

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