Hillary Most Admired Woman Again:

Small business owner. Too small to be benefitting from GOPanomics.

And besides. There are a lot more of us than you. So in a democracy, you're not going to get your way. We have a progressive tax system. Deal with it.
Progressive tax system = epic fail
This country has decades of proof of this. Lol
No, trickle down failed and we have proof of it. You only have proof you are a monkey.
Our country is running out of other peoples money, our debt and unfunded liabilities are proof of this.
Only a fool thinks they can spend more than they have
Plenty of money. And if you want our money back go to China where it all is. Or we owe it to them. Eventually you gotta pay your debt. I thought you knew business and economics 101
Well I'm doing pretty fine, I am 100% debt-free I owe nothing. I don't borrow anything for my businesses, I spend far less than I make.

In summary I live within my means... easiest thing in the world to do
Yet you cry like you are a loser who's losing. If you are doing so well, what are you complaining about? It certainly can't be because you care about the people hurting the most. That would be the uneducated Americans who make below the poverty level yet work full time. Is that who you are worried about?

Because it sounded like before you were crying for you and your mommy, who are both losers. Sorry but Trump is right.

You tell me why Trump is winning and you are not. Tell me!!!
I am a business owner(3) - and socialism always runs out of other peoples money.
And yes, progressives are the biggest whiners on the planet.
Small business owner. Too small to be benefitting from GOPanomics.

And besides. There are a lot more of us than you. So in a democracy, you're not going to get your way. We have a progressive tax system. Deal with it.

A Small business owner like my mom?
That wonderful progressive tax your trumpeting is about to run her out of business with ever increasing property taxes, and liquor licences, and so on, and so on.
Then she's not a good businesswoman. Trump did ok.

Oh, and no one is talking about raising your or your broke ass moms taxes. You clearly are a delusional right winger.

How can I keep having the same conversation I've been having for 20 years but every year its a new group of dumb asses who ask me to explain and still never get it.

Fine, vote Trump, Rubio or Cruz. And swear to me its working even though we were clearly in the midst of a great global recession that your party put us in. You fucking political hacks.
Buy more guns and ammo...
I did yet I don't feel any safer.

Hey, look how stupid you Republicans looked back in 2008 when you were trying to deny the economy was taking a fucking nose dive after 8 years of stubborn Bushanomics.

And the funny thing is, you guys want to go right back to Bushanomics. Only this time you'll call it Rubioanomics or Cruzanomics.

I support no career politicians no matter the side, anyway they're all progressives anyways.
Socialist entitlement programs are nothing more then legalized extortion...
Career politicians in general are screwing this country, they've been doing it for decades.
Hildabeast supporters are a sad sort...
You got two choices on the roulette wheel. I always bet on black.

The fact is, the GOP is not the worker party. Just because you've let the GOP convince you that the Democratic party is for takers whiners and spounges doesn't mean we're buying into that. You are a worker who votes against workers. Either because you are comfortable enough that it allows you to be ignorant or you are a wedge issue voter. You know, god gays and guns type?
I am a business owner(3) - and socialism always runs out of other peoples money.
And yes, progressives are the biggest whiners on the planet.
Small business owner. Too small to be benefitting from GOPanomics.

And besides. There are a lot more of us than you. So in a democracy, you're not going to get your way. We have a progressive tax system. Deal with it.

A Small business owner like my mom?
That wonderful progressive tax your trumpeting is about to run her out of business with ever increasing property taxes, and liquor licences, and so on, and so on.
Then she's not a good businesswoman. Trump did ok.

Oh, and no one is talking about raising your or your broke ass moms taxes. You clearly are a delusional right winger.

How can I keep having the same conversation I've been having for 20 years but every year its a new group of dumb asses who ask me to explain and still never get it.

Fine, vote Trump, Rubio or Cruz. And swear to me its working even though we were clearly in the midst of a great global recession that your party put us in. You fucking political hacks.
Not one time did I try and insult you. I see know you are a punk who can't help but throw out insults when you got nothing else. I won't waste my time again.
'3 out of 4 Muslim women treated like property and forced to undergo genital mutilation admire Hillary'
Progressive tax system = epic fail
This country has decades of proof of this. Lol
No, trickle down failed and we have proof of it. You only have proof you are a monkey.
Our country is running out of other peoples money, our debt and unfunded liabilities are proof of this.
Only a fool thinks they can spend more than they have
Plenty of money. And if you want our money back go to China where it all is. Or we owe it to them. Eventually you gotta pay your debt. I thought you knew business and economics 101
Well I'm doing pretty fine, I am 100% debt-free I owe nothing. I don't borrow anything for my businesses, I spend far less than I make.

In summary I live within my means... easiest thing in the world to do
Yet you cry like you are a loser who's losing. If you are doing so well, what are you complaining about? It certainly can't be because you care about the people hurting the most. That would be the uneducated Americans who make below the poverty level yet work full time. Is that who you are worried about?

Because it sounded like before you were crying for you and your mommy, who are both losers. Sorry but Trump is right.

You tell me why Trump is winning and you are not. Tell me!!!
You're delusional if you don't think the country is bankrupt...
Tax spend and print, helps no one.
One woman (Fiorina) singing the praises of The Woman...HRC.

Praise from your opponents is just too sweet!

"Unlike Hillary Clinton, I've actually accomplished something"
- Fiorina

- "Traveling is an Activity, Not an Accomplishment"
- Fiorina

"“Unfortunately there’s nothing in her record that indicates we can trust her.”
- Fiorina

Sad that the Libs have to cherry-pick comments to try to make people believe Fiorina supports / thinks Hillary would be a good President, instead of being in jail where she belongs.

You might note that Carly's derogatory remarks about Hillary were made only after she decided to throw her hat into the ring. Up to that time, she was supportive of Hillary. I wonder why she suddenly changed her story?
Small business owner. Too small to be benefitting from GOPanomics.

And besides. There are a lot more of us than you. So in a democracy, you're not going to get your way. We have a progressive tax system. Deal with it.
Progressive tax system = epic fail
This country has decades of proof of this. Lol
No, trickle down failed and we have proof of it. You only have proof you are a monkey.
Our country is running out of other peoples money, our debt and unfunded liabilities are proof of this.
Only a fool thinks they can spend more than they have
Plenty of money. And if you want our money back go to China where it all is. Or we owe it to them. Eventually you gotta pay your debt. I thought you knew business and economics 101
Well I'm doing pretty fine, I am 100% debt-free I owe nothing. I don't borrow anything for my businesses, I spend far less than I make.

In summary I live within my means... easiest thing in the world to do
Funny because I'm a liberal and I do all those things too. Maybe you got us liberals all wrong? I just don't own my own business and I don't cry about how much I'm being taxed.

People who cry about taxes either don't make enough or make too much. I doubt you or your mama make too much.
No, trickle down failed and we have proof of it. You only have proof you are a monkey.
Our country is running out of other peoples money, our debt and unfunded liabilities are proof of this.
Only a fool thinks they can spend more than they have
Plenty of money. And if you want our money back go to China where it all is. Or we owe it to them. Eventually you gotta pay your debt. I thought you knew business and economics 101
Well I'm doing pretty fine, I am 100% debt-free I owe nothing. I don't borrow anything for my businesses, I spend far less than I make.

In summary I live within my means... easiest thing in the world to do
Yet you cry like you are a loser who's losing. If you are doing so well, what are you complaining about? It certainly can't be because you care about the people hurting the most. That would be the uneducated Americans who make below the poverty level yet work full time. Is that who you are worried about?

Because it sounded like before you were crying for you and your mommy, who are both losers. Sorry but Trump is right.

You tell me why Trump is winning and you are not. Tell me!!!
You're delusional if you don't think the country is bankrupt...
Tax spend and print, helps no one.
What's the GOP House, Senate or GOP candidates saying they're going to do about the debt? The only ones who are honest are Dr. Paul and Bernie Sanders. Maybe Trump. But even they aren't seriously talking about solving our debt problem. Are you?

This is typical GOP bullshit. When they want to win an election they talk about debt. After they win, silence. In fact they double the debt too. Then their policies cause the next president to triple the debt.
No, trickle down failed and we have proof of it. You only have proof you are a monkey.
Our country is running out of other peoples money, our debt and unfunded liabilities are proof of this.
Only a fool thinks they can spend more than they have
Plenty of money. And if you want our money back go to China where it all is. Or we owe it to them. Eventually you gotta pay your debt. I thought you knew business and economics 101
Well I'm doing pretty fine, I am 100% debt-free I owe nothing. I don't borrow anything for my businesses, I spend far less than I make.

In summary I live within my means... easiest thing in the world to do
Yet you cry like you are a loser who's losing. If you are doing so well, what are you complaining about? It certainly can't be because you care about the people hurting the most. That would be the uneducated Americans who make below the poverty level yet work full time. Is that who you are worried about?

Because it sounded like before you were crying for you and your mommy, who are both losers. Sorry but Trump is right.

You tell me why Trump is winning and you are not. Tell me!!!
You're delusional if you don't think the country is bankrupt...
Tax spend and print, helps no one.
Then why in the hell would you vote to start a war in Iraq if we are bankrupt? How did you expect to pay for that war? Maybe we shouldn't put Republicans back in charge again. We forget they didn't even think the Iraq war through before charging in.
Do you think the support for Hillary lies in the fact that she is a combat veteran?

Do you think the support for Hillary lies in the fact that she is a combat veteran?

View attachment 58190
Why don't you first pick a GOP nominee before meddling in our primaries? Are you AFRAID we will nominate her? If you really believed she was a flawed candidate you could beat you would shut the fuck up and hope we nominate her.

She's already been nominated. There is no one running against her. Bernie is not seriously mounting a campaign against her, else he would challenge her history. Bernie is just filling up a space on the Democrat ticket to make it appear that she has a challenger and someone to debate.
Do you think the support for Hillary lies in the fact that she is a combat veteran?

View attachment 58190
Why don't you first pick a GOP nominee before meddling in our primaries? Are you AFRAID we will nominate her? If you really believed she was a flawed candidate you could beat you would shut the fuck up and hope we nominate her.

She's already been nominated. There is no one running against her. Bernie is not seriously mounting a campaign against her, else he would challenge her history. Bernie is just filling up a space on the Democrat ticket to make it appear that she has a challenger and someone to debate.
Well I'd like to compare Hillary to your nominee. Let us know when you decide who's going to lose to Hillary please.
Do you think the support for Hillary lies in the fact that she is a combat veteran?

View attachment 58190
Why don't you first pick a GOP nominee before meddling in our primaries? Are you AFRAID we will nominate her? If you really believed she was a flawed candidate you could beat you would shut the fuck up and hope we nominate her.

She's already been nominated. There is no one running against her. Bernie is not seriously mounting a campaign against her, else he would challenge her history. Bernie is just filling up a space on the Democrat ticket to make it appear that she has a challenger and someone to debate.
Well I'd like to compare Hillary to your nominee. Let us know when you decide who's going to lose to Hillary please.
Again, what will you do if Hitlary loses?
Do you think the support for Hillary lies in the fact that she is a combat veteran?

View attachment 58190
Why don't you first pick a GOP nominee before meddling in our primaries? Are you AFRAID we will nominate her? If you really believed she was a flawed candidate you could beat you would shut the fuck up and hope we nominate her.

She's already been nominated. There is no one running against her. Bernie is not seriously mounting a campaign against her, else he would challenge her history. Bernie is just filling up a space on the Democrat ticket to make it appear that she has a challenger and someone to debate.
Well I'd like to compare Hillary to your nominee. Let us know when you decide who's going to lose to Hillary please.
Again, what will you do if Hitlary loses?
Same thing I did when Bush won. Hope the next GOP president is better than the last. For once I want the GOP president to be good while the GOP defend him. Like back when Reagan was president. It was impossible to say Reagan sucked. But you guys said HW was good and GW was good,even when they sucked.
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.

If only the DNC had not f...ed her over in 2008 she would have been president for 8 years then Obama would have been a shoe in. But no, the democrats wanted to ensure a win so they ran a the first articulate clean black man they could find. Now they are forced to pay back the senior citizen.

Yeah, its her turn, she is their female Bob Dole/John McCain. I find it funny to watch the dem party destroy itself.

Are you for real? We've nailed the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Practice.................Madame President!
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Racism of Clinton supporters: ROTFLMAO!!

A third are Black, a third are Hispanic and the others are a mixture of all kinds of Americans.

Learn to say, "Madame President!"

Do you just make up statistics in your head or pull them out your butt?
A well deserved honor as was Obama as most admired man...
Yeah... like Obumble's joke-of-a-Nobel-Peace-Prize... with nominations closing in February 2009, mere days after he was sworn-in.


The Nobel Peace Prize is an award given by a private foundation to whomever it chooses, for whatever reason that it chooses to do so. If the questioner is investing any value in their awards, then that's their decision to do so. After all, the creator of the award, Alfred Nobel, was a munitions dealer who made millions inventing items that caused the deaths of millions more.

It can be safely presumed that giving the award to Henry Kissinger during a time when the former Secretary of State was also advocating bombing Cambodia and North Vietnam seemed at the time (and still seems today) to have been a very questionable judgment.
Yes... I agree. Awarding Obama a Nobel Peace Prize was complete and total horseshit, and cheapened the Prize still further.

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