Hillary Most Admired Woman Again:

Like fighting wars we can't afford or giving tax breaks we can't afford to give?
Those things are pocket change compared to living in the country that has turned to spineless Progressive socialism, where there is not enough money in the world to prop up the deadbeats.
By the way, it's not the governments money to tax, the bastards need to starve
Taxes are patriotic
Only if they are constitutional, our income taxes are not constitutional.
The death taxes are not constitutional.
Most taxation have no representation in this country...
Hey, I agree with you. Freedom to fascism. Take back the federal reserve from the bankers that own us all.

We use to manage the Fed ourselves until 1913 when jp Morgan, Carnegie Rockefeller pulled a fast one.

And they tarp'ed us in 2007

1913 is when the Fed began. I think it's always run by the banks.
Nope. Google freedom to fascism. Even Ron Paul and Rand know this is true. It's why they are marginalized.

Democrats don't say anything about it either. Anyone who speaks up end up disappearing politically.
Think about this poll. Just how many women does the average American know when asked to nominate a female candidate for something. Clinton's name is all they can recall off the top of their heads.
Think about this poll. Just how many women does the average American know when asked to nominate a female candidate for something. Clinton's name is all they can recall off the top of their heads.
How about the woman soccer player that just retired? How about condi Rice? Sarah Palin? Michele bachman? Anne Coulter. Carli fiorino. That's 6 women people like less than hillary or they admire less
Think about this poll. Just how many women does the average American know when asked to nominate a female candidate for something. Clinton's name is all they can recall off the top of their heads.
How about the woman soccer player that just retired? How about condi Rice? Sarah Palin? Michele bachman? Anne Coulter. Carli fiorino. That's 6 women people like less than hillary or they admire less
Lol, have you ever watched or read about how intelligent the citizens are when it comes to politics and current events? You couldn't recall the name of the soccer player, Rice was around 8 years ago and the same with Palin and Bachman. They are lucky if they can name the current vice president and you want them to come up with female name other than Hillary?
You're delusional if you don't think the country is bankrupt...
Tax spend and print, helps no one.
What's the GOP House, Senate or GOP candidates saying they're going to do about the debt? The only ones who are honest are Dr. Paul and Bernie Sanders. Maybe Trump. But even they aren't seriously talking about solving our debt problem. Are you?

This is typical GOP bullshit. When they want to win an election they talk about debt. After they win, silence. In fact they double the debt too. Then their policies cause the next president to triple the debt.
The debt is too large to ever pay back, that is what happens when something is not living within it's means.
Like fighting wars we can't afford or giving tax breaks we can't afford to give?
Those things are pocket change compared to living in the country that has turned to spineless Progressive socialism, where there is not enough money in the world to prop up the deadbeats.
By the way, it's not the governments money to tax, the bastards need to starve
Taxes are patriotic


they fund the military that defends their asses
They fund the roads these people drive on
They allow us to have high standards of living with clean air, water and food.
They allow us to lead in science

Yes, taxes are part of what makes this nation function.
Do you think the support for Hillary lies in the fact that she is a combat veteran?

View attachment 58190
...and she has "supposedly" battled with her child molesting/rapist husband
You mean the president of the united States?

Reagan was a murderer and liar but I guess consentual sex with another adult is just as bad.

Remember Larry Flynn from husler busted have the GOP for being pedophile rapists? Last one was Dennis hastert but mark Foley newt Tom delay Larry Craig etc.
Career politicians are commonly pedophiles and rapists, see the Clintons
Trump likes em young like bill you don't call him a pedophile why?

Any sane male would agree with them! ;) I see nothing wrong with it.
Think about this poll. Just how many women does the average American know when asked to nominate a female candidate for something. Clinton's name is all they can recall off the top of their heads.
How about the woman soccer player that just retired? How about condi Rice? Sarah Palin? Michele bachman? Anne Coulter. Carli fiorino. That's 6 women people like less than hillary or they admire less
Lol, have you ever watched or read about how intelligent the citizens are when it comes to politics and current events? You couldn't recall the name of the soccer player, Rice was around 8 years ago and the same with Palin and Bachman. They are lucky if they can name the current vice president and you want them to come up with female name other than Hillary?
Hey, I just named 5 supposedly smart women and I couldn't name the jock. Isn't it usually the opposite? Most people celebrate the Athletes more than the politicians.

I wish people were more into politics and less into sports.
Hillary is going to be our next president!!! She is going to serve for 8 years.

Better get use to it.
If so, how this country has fall'n...
She would be just another control freak, we have decades of them.
That is why the country will never recover
Think about this poll. Just how many women does the average American know when asked to nominate a female candidate for something. Clinton's name is all they can recall off the top of their heads.
How about the woman soccer player that just retired? How about condi Rice? Sarah Palin? Michele bachman? Anne Coulter. Carli fiorino. That's 6 women people like less than hillary or they admire less
Lol, have you ever watched or read about how intelligent the citizens are when it comes to politics and current events? You couldn't recall the name of the soccer player, Rice was around 8 years ago and the same with Palin and Bachman. They are lucky if they can name the current vice president and you want them to come up with female name other than Hillary?
Hey, I just named 5 supposedly smart women and I couldn't name the jock. Isn't it usually the opposite? Most people celebrate the Athletes more than the politicians.

I wish people were more into politics and less into sports.
Career politicians are the lowest most corrupt people on the planet, it always has been that way.
Only a spineless appeasing piece of shit would place them higher than dirt
Career politicians in general are screwing this country, they've been doing it for decades.
Hildabeast supporters are a sad sort...
You got two choices on the roulette wheel. I always bet on black.

The fact is, the GOP is not the worker party. Just because you've let the GOP convince you that the Democratic party is for takers whiners and spounges doesn't mean we're buying into that. You are a worker who votes against workers. Either because you are comfortable enough that it allows you to be ignorant or you are a wedge issue voter. You know, god gays and guns type?
I am a business owner(3) - and socialism always runs out of other peoples money.
And yes, progressives are the biggest whiners on the planet.
Small business owner. Too small to be benefitting from GOPanomics.

And besides. There are a lot more of us than you. So in a democracy, you're not going to get your way. We have a progressive tax system. Deal with it.
Progressive tax system = epic fail
This country has decades of proof of this. Lol
No, trickle down failed and we have proof of it. You only have proof you are a monkey.

What proof? The only proof you have is your a hypocrite who whines about man made climate change while playing around needlessly on your quad.

Politifact backs up Ted Cruz statement on Global warming, well kind of. | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Labrador Retriever was the most popular dog breed for 2015 it won that for the 24th consecutive year. What does this have to do with Hillary you might wonder well they rank the same on the scale of how important is this which is not very.
The Labrador Retriever was the most popular dog breed for 2015 it won that for the 24th consecutive year. What does this have to do with Hillary you might wonder well they rank the same on the scale of how important is this which is not very.
If fiorino or rubio made the list you'd be singing a different tune
The Labrador Retriever was the most popular dog breed for 2015 it won that for the 24th consecutive year. What does this have to do with Hillary you might wonder well they rank the same on the scale of how important is this which is not very.
If fiorino or rubio made the list you'd be singing a different tune
So would you that said it still does not change the fact this is based mostly on name recognition and in the grand scheme of things means very little.
Think about this poll. Just how many women does the average American know when asked to nominate a female candidate for something. Clinton's name is all they can recall off the top of their heads.
How about the woman soccer player that just retired? How about condi Rice? Sarah Palin? Michele bachman? Anne Coulter. Carli fiorino. That's 6 women people like less than hillary or they admire less
Lol, have you ever watched or read about how intelligent the citizens are when it comes to politics and current events? You couldn't recall the name of the soccer player, Rice was around 8 years ago and the same with Palin and Bachman. They are lucky if they can name the current vice president and you want them to come up with female name other than Hillary?
Hey, I just named 5 supposedly smart women and I couldn't name the jock. Isn't it usually the opposite? Most people celebrate the Athletes more than the politicians.

I wish people were more into politics and less into sports.
Career politicians are the lowest most corrupt people on the planet, it always has been that way.
Only a spineless appeasing piece of shit would place them higher than dirt
Jefferson Lincoln fdr all scum?
The Labrador Retriever was the most popular dog breed for 2015 it won that for the 24th consecutive year. What does this have to do with Hillary you might wonder well they rank the same on the scale of how important is this which is not very.
If fiorino or rubio made the list you'd be singing a different tune
So would you that said it still does not change the fact this is based mostly on name recognition and in the grand scheme of things means very little.
Things that mean very little aren't discussed this much.
The Labrador Retriever was the most popular dog breed for 2015 it won that for the 24th consecutive year. What does this have to do with Hillary you might wonder well they rank the same on the scale of how important is this which is not very.
If fiorino or rubio made the list you'd be singing a different tune
So would you that said it still does not change the fact this is based mostly on name recognition and in the grand scheme of things means very little.
Things that mean very little aren't discussed this much.
Yes they are you have a thread in current events about Sarah Palins new grandchild that is 33 pages that is hardly an important topic that means much.
Think about this poll. Just how many women does the average American know when asked to nominate a female candidate for something. Clinton's name is all they can recall off the top of their heads.
How about the woman soccer player that just retired? How about condi Rice? Sarah Palin? Michele bachman? Anne Coulter. Carli fiorino. That's 6 women people like less than hillary or they admire less
Lol, have you ever watched or read about how intelligent the citizens are when it comes to politics and current events? You couldn't recall the name of the soccer player, Rice was around 8 years ago and the same with Palin and Bachman. They are lucky if they can name the current vice president and you want them to come up with female name other than Hillary?
Hey, I just named 5 supposedly smart women and I couldn't name the jock. Isn't it usually the opposite? Most people celebrate the Athletes more than the politicians.

I wish people were more into politics and less into sports.
Career politicians are the lowest most corrupt people on the planet, it always has been that way.
Only a spineless appeasing piece of shit would place them higher than dirt
Jefferson Lincoln fdr all scum?

FDR was nothing more than a dictator
Jefferson was a founding father, which makes him a tea party type of guy.
Not all that bad at all...

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