Hillary Most Admired Woman Again:

The Labrador Retriever was the most popular dog breed for 2015 it won that for the 24th consecutive year. What does this have to do with Hillary you might wonder well they rank the same on the scale of how important is this which is not very.
If fiorino or rubio made the list you'd be singing a different tune
So would you that said it still does not change the fact this is based mostly on name recognition and in the grand scheme of things means very little.
And you know how important name recognition is.
The Labrador Retriever was the most popular dog breed for 2015 it won that for the 24th consecutive year. What does this have to do with Hillary you might wonder well they rank the same on the scale of how important is this which is not very.
If fiorino or rubio made the list you'd be singing a different tune
So would you that said it still does not change the fact this is based mostly on name recognition and in the grand scheme of things means very little.
And you know how important name recognition is.
To some degree yes Hillary had more name recognition than Obama in 2008 didn't get her the Democratic nomination or the Presidency Trump has high name recognition that doesn't mean he will be the Republican nominee or President either. Sometimes name recognition is not always a benefit Jeb Bush has high name recognition and we see how he is doing it can be a double edged sword.
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Reagan was a murderer and liar but I guess consentual sex with another adult is just as bad.

Remember Larry Flynn from husler busted have the GOP for being pedophile rapists? Last one was Dennis hastert but mark Foley newt Tom delay Larry Craig etc.
It's Larry Flynt and I realize you're insane but go ahead and try to back up your claims.
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.

If only the DNC had not f...ed her over in 2008 she would have been president for 8 years then Obama would have been a shoe in. But no, the democrats wanted to ensure a win so they ran a the first articulate clean black man they could find. Now they are forced to pay back the senior citizen.

Yeah, its her turn, she is their female Bob Dole/John McCain. I find it funny to watch the dem party destroy itself.

Are you for real? We've nailed the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Practice.................Madame President!

Can a convicted felon be president? Can she serve from a jail cell? The bitch has over 1000 violations of federal security laws.

We may have a madame president some day, but it won't be the hildebeast.
Well I'm doing pretty fine, I am 100% debt-free I owe nothing. I don't borrow anything for my businesses, I spend far less than I make.

In summary I live within my means... easiest thing in the world to do
Yet you cry like you are a loser who's losing. If you are doing so well, what are you complaining about? It certainly can't be because you care about the people hurting the most. That would be the uneducated Americans who make below the poverty level yet work full time. Is that who you are worried about?

Because it sounded like before you were crying for you and your mommy, who are both losers. Sorry but Trump is right.

You tell me why Trump is winning and you are not. Tell me!!!
You're delusional if you don't think the country is bankrupt...
Tax spend and print, helps no one.
Then why in the hell would you vote to start a war in Iraq if we are bankrupt? How did you expect to pay for that war? Maybe we shouldn't put Republicans back in charge again. We forget they didn't even think the Iraq war through before charging in.
The country has been bankrupt for decades, that is what happens when you have socialist entitlement programs and no money to pay for them.
We had the money before what happened? In fact we paid into social security. That's our money.

Right, its our money. Which president did away with the social security trust fund and merged it with the general fund?????????????????

wait for it

LBJ "I'll have them ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years"
You're delusional if you don't think the country is bankrupt...
Tax spend and print, helps no one.
What's the GOP House, Senate or GOP candidates saying they're going to do about the debt? The only ones who are honest are Dr. Paul and Bernie Sanders. Maybe Trump. But even they aren't seriously talking about solving our debt problem. Are you?

This is typical GOP bullshit. When they want to win an election they talk about debt. After they win, silence. In fact they double the debt too. Then their policies cause the next president to triple the debt.
The debt is too large to ever pay back, that is what happens when something is not living within it's means.
Like fighting wars we can't afford or giving tax breaks we can't afford to give?
Those things are pocket change compared to living in the country that has turned to spineless Progressive socialism, where there is not enough money in the world to prop up the deadbeats.
By the way, it's not the governments money to tax, the bastards need to starve
Taxes are patriotic

then why is half of the population paying zero federal taxes?
What's the GOP House, Senate or GOP candidates saying they're going to do about the debt? The only ones who are honest are Dr. Paul and Bernie Sanders. Maybe Trump. But even they aren't seriously talking about solving our debt problem. Are you?

This is typical GOP bullshit. When they want to win an election they talk about debt. After they win, silence. In fact they double the debt too. Then their policies cause the next president to triple the debt.
The debt is too large to ever pay back, that is what happens when something is not living within it's means.
Like fighting wars we can't afford or giving tax breaks we can't afford to give?
Those things are pocket change compared to living in the country that has turned to spineless Progressive socialism, where there is not enough money in the world to prop up the deadbeats.
By the way, it's not the governments money to tax, the bastards need to starve
Taxes are patriotic

then why is half of the population paying zero federal taxes?
How much do you make a year? Do you understand you are taxed enough? A poor person can barely afford the 6% sales tax. Its why we don't charge it on food. Poor people can't afford it. You want the poor to start chipping in so Mark Zuckerberg can pay less? You are such a good house nigga.
The debt is too large to ever pay back, that is what happens when something is not living within it's means.
Like fighting wars we can't afford or giving tax breaks we can't afford to give?
Those things are pocket change compared to living in the country that has turned to spineless Progressive socialism, where there is not enough money in the world to prop up the deadbeats.
By the way, it's not the governments money to tax, the bastards need to starve
Taxes are patriotic

then why is half of the population paying zero federal taxes?
How much do you make a year? Do you understand you are taxed enough? A poor person can barely afford the 6% sales tax. Its why we don't charge it on food. Poor people can't afford it. You want the poor to start chipping in so Mark Zuckerberg can pay less? You are such a good house nigga.

1. much more than you do. I am sure that I pay much more in taxes than you do
2. Yes, I am taxed enough. The govt does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem
3. If people like Zuckerburg were not paying millions in federal taxes, there would be no money for your food stamps and free cheese.
4. the country is 18 trillion in debt, the country is bankrupt. Deficit spending must stop.
Like fighting wars we can't afford or giving tax breaks we can't afford to give?
Those things are pocket change compared to living in the country that has turned to spineless Progressive socialism, where there is not enough money in the world to prop up the deadbeats.
By the way, it's not the governments money to tax, the bastards need to starve
Taxes are patriotic

then why is half of the population paying zero federal taxes?
How much do you make a year? Do you understand you are taxed enough? A poor person can barely afford the 6% sales tax. Its why we don't charge it on food. Poor people can't afford it. You want the poor to start chipping in so Mark Zuckerberg can pay less? You are such a good house nigga.

1. much more than you do. I am sure that I pay much more in taxes than you do
2. Yes, I am taxed enough. The govt does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem
3. If people like Zuckerburg were not paying millions in federal taxes, there would be no money for your food stamps and free cheese.
4. the country is 18 trillion in debt, the country is bankrupt. Deficit spending must stop.
I'm sure you don't. I make $85K a year and next year I'm going to ask for $95K.

And if you are rich, then you shouldn't tell us poor folk who to vote for. Clearly the party for you is not the party for us now is it?

People like Zuckerburg need to pay a little more. Just ask Mark himself. He will tell you.

Which GOP candidate has a plan to pay off the debt?
The government needs to spend far less to even start getting its credibility back, if ever.
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.

If only the DNC had not f...ed her over in 2008 she would have been president for 8 years then Obama would have been a shoe in. But no, the democrats wanted to ensure a win so they ran a the first articulate clean black man they could find. Now they are forced to pay back the senior citizen.

Yeah, its her turn, she is their female Bob Dole/John McCain. I find it funny to watch the dem party destroy itself.

Are you for real? We've nailed the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Practice.................Madame President!

Can a convicted felon be president? Can she serve from a jail cell? The bitch has over 1000 violations of federal security laws.

We may have a madame president some day, but it won't be the hildebeast.
She doesn't have any violations. If she did, she'd be charged and tried for them. When are you people going to show enough intelligence to stop believing the propaganda you are fed?
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.

If only the DNC had not f...ed her over in 2008 she would have been president for 8 years then Obama would have been a shoe in. But no, the democrats wanted to ensure a win so they ran a the first articulate clean black man they could find. Now they are forced to pay back the senior citizen.

Yeah, its her turn, she is their female Bob Dole/John McCain. I find it funny to watch the dem party destroy itself.

Are you for real? We've nailed the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Practice.................Madame President!

Can a convicted felon be president? Can she serve from a jail cell? The bitch has over 1000 violations of federal security laws.

We may have a madame president some day, but it won't be the hildebeast.
Yes it will. You'll see.
The Labrador Retriever was the most popular dog breed for 2015 it won that for the 24th consecutive year. What does this have to do with Hillary you might wonder well they rank the same on the scale of how important is this which is not very.
If fiorino or rubio made the list you'd be singing a different tune
So would you that said it still does not change the fact this is based mostly on name recognition and in the grand scheme of things means very little.
And you know how important name recognition is.
To some degree yes Hillary had more name recognition than Obama in 2008 didn't get her the Democratic nomination or the Presidency Trump has high name recognition that doesn't mean he will be the Republican nominee or President either. Sometimes name recognition is not always a benefit Jeb Bush has high name recognition and we see how he is doing it can be a double edged sword.
Jeb is lame and his brother was a complete failure as president.
The debt is too large to ever pay back, that is what happens when something is not living within it's means.
Like fighting wars we can't afford or giving tax breaks we can't afford to give?
Those things are pocket change compared to living in the country that has turned to spineless Progressive socialism, where there is not enough money in the world to prop up the deadbeats.
By the way, it's not the governments money to tax, the bastards need to starve
Taxes are patriotic

then why is half of the population paying zero federal taxes?
How much do you make a year? Do you understand you are taxed enough? A poor person can barely afford the 6% sales tax. Its why we don't charge it on food. Poor people can't afford it. You want the poor to start chipping in so Mark Zuckerberg can pay less? You are such a good house nigga.

The loserterians are evil soulless bastards that want to see the poor suffer. The fucking rich use our roads, police and everything far more then the poor and so they should be taxed.

Fuck the loserterians. Fucking Animals.
The government needs to spend far less to even start getting its credibility back, if ever.

We're falling to china in science
Our infrastructure is falling behind most second world nations
Our educational system is turning to crap...21st in science and math.

Yet, you want less spending on areas that never caused a ounce of our debt and no solutions to fix this??? Your credibility is pure dog shit rustic. You want our country to become a third world shit hole and a international joke.
The government needs to spend far less to even start getting its credibility back, if ever.

We're falling to china in science
Our infrastructure is falling behind most second world nations
Our educational system is turning to crap...21st in science and math.

Yet, you want less spending on areas that never caused a ounce of our debt and no solutions to fix this??? Your credibility is pure dog shit rustic. You want our country to become a third world shit hole and a international joke.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.

If only the DNC had not f...ed her over in 2008 she would have been president for 8 years then Obama would have been a shoe in. But no, the democrats wanted to ensure a win so they ran a the first articulate clean black man they could find. Now they are forced to pay back the senior citizen.

Yeah, its her turn, she is their female Bob Dole/John McCain. I find it funny to watch the dem party destroy itself.

Are you for real? We've nailed the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Practice.................Madame President!

Can a convicted felon be president? Can she serve from a jail cell? The bitch has over 1000 violations of federal security laws.

We may have a madame president some day, but it won't be the hildebeast.
She doesn't have any violations. If she did, she'd be charged and tried for them. When are you people going to show enough intelligence to stop believing the propaganda you are fed?

she broke the law, she just hasn't been indicted yet. Are you accusing the FBI of propaganda?

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