Hillary Most Admired Woman Again:

Donald Trump:
Republican Frontrunner.

That quote was also from the past.
Scientists tell us that 100% of all quotes are from the past:

Nice to see Hillary is going to be a grandmother again...

But so is Sarah Palin

Bristol's second illegitimate child........but who's counting?

She can see Russia from her door step.
Especially on a comedy show. Do you ever watch real news?

you see his hate for real women. his love is for this elites phonies like Hillary and Mabell Obama. he spew love for a woman in one breath and then spews hate for other in the next. he's just a hater all the way around
In the entire world? Is the United States the ONLY place on earth? As a citizen of the United States, even I recognize that Queen Elizabeth II has been around longer and has had far more influence, respectability and the admiration of a majority of people everywhere.

If all anyone can think of is Hillary, it's no wonder that the United States is considered so idiotically pretentious. Go back to texting on your cell phones and listening to "Watch me, watch me --- Nay, Nay!" I'm sure that you all consider that one of the top ten best tunes ever recorded in all history. As for me, I'll read my Bible and listen to Bach's, Sheep My Safely Graze realizing that there is more to life/culture/politics than the last twenty years...
Read a science book or watch the cosmos
Cosmos was the work of an atheist. Faith in atheisically controlled/sponsored science without spiritual influence is the reason America is in it's present state of ignorance.

Oh contraire monsieur!! There are some pretty smart cookies who had long since put the ancient GAWD worship behind them:

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding."
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams...April 1823)

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary...1955)

Used to Iive in Millbury, touches Worcester to the south. We loved that area!

Ok. Ive lived in Worcester, Spencer, and with my eife in Oxford. We're moving to Leominster in February.
When we first moved there from Florida, I pronounced Worcester, Wor-ches-ter, and the Limo driver laughed and said, "It's Wusstah,Woosta",

And Leominster, I pronounced Leo-Min-ster instead of Le-min-stah.... it took a while before the hubby and I could get used to the way you all spoke!!!!!! Lol
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.

If only the DNC had not f...ed her over in 2008 she would have been president for 8 years then Obama would have been a shoe in. But no, the democrats wanted to ensure a win so they ran a the first articulate clean black man they could find. Now they are forced to pay back the senior citizen.
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.

If only the DNC had not f...ed her over in 2008 she would have been president for 8 years then Obama would have been a shoe in. But no, the democrats wanted to ensure a win so they ran a the first articulate clean black man they could find. Now they are forced to pay back the senior citizen.

That she is the most admired woman in the galaxy makes it pretty easy. The GOP crop o' goons is making it all too easy.
Seems strange to me that in 14 years Michelle Obama has not won once. Only strange, I guess, if one considers the racism of those supporting Mrs. Clinton. Name recognition is all this is about.

Agree, the poll should have been: "which of these names do you recognize?".

Even the DNC knows how toxic the hildebeast is, they are trying to keep her out of the public light because the more people see of her, the less they like her. Old, ugly, tired, corrupt, untruthful, incompetent, senile, and criminal; and she is the best the dems can come up with? pretty sad they way Obama and the clntons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.

If only the DNC had not f...ed her over in 2008 she would have been president for 8 years then Obama would have been a shoe in. But no, the democrats wanted to ensure a win so they ran a the first articulate clean black man they could find. Now they are forced to pay back the senior citizen.

Yeah, its her turn, she is their female Bob Dole/John McCain. I find it funny to watch the dem party destroy itself.
you see his hate for real women.

Yeah, I see the hate for women...in how she bullied, threatened, attacked, and silenced her husband's VICTIMS, how she has taken billions of dollars from nations that enslave and oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation.
you see his hate for real women.

Yeah, I see the hate for women...in how she bullied, threatened, attacked, and silenced her husband's VICTIMS, how she has taken billions of dollars from nations that enslave and oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation.

Its OK, because Hillary is a lesbian. Bubba said that she got more pussy than he did.
That she is the most admired woman in the galaxy makes it pretty easy. The GOP crop o' goons is making it all too easy.
Unfortunately, not this galaxy.

If you don't use the reply button, no one knows who you are responding to.

If you do use the reply button, everyone can see how shallow you are.

So you said, Hillary isn't running...now you say she won't get the nomination....do you have another fallback?
you see his hate for real women.

Yeah, I see the hate for women...in how she bullied, threatened, attacked, and silenced her husband's VICTIMS, how she has taken billions of dollars from nations that enslave and oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation.

Its OK, because Hillary is a lesbian. Bubba said that she got more pussy than he did.

Ahh,now Ms. Clinton is a "lesbian". We'll add that to murderer in the GOP wall of shame.
In the entire world? Is the United States the ONLY place on earth? As a citizen of the United States, even I recognize that Queen Elizabeth II has been around longer and has had far more influence, respectability and the admiration of a majority of people everywhere.

If all anyone can think of is Hillary, it's no wonder that the United States is considered so idiotically pretentious. Go back to texting on your cell phones and listening to "Watch me, watch me --- Nay, Nay!" I'm sure that you all consider that one of the top ten best tunes ever recorded in all history. As for me, I'll read my Bible and listen to Bach's, Sheep My Safely Graze realizing that there is more to life/culture/politics than the last twenty years...
Read a science book or watch the cosmos
Cosmos was the work of an atheist. Faith in atheisically controlled/sponsored science without spiritual influence is the reason America is in it's present state of ignorance.

Oh contraire monsieur!! There are some pretty smart cookies who had long since put the ancient GAWD worship behind them:

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding."
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams...April 1823)

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary...1955)


If that religious talking point is all that it takes to convince you the devil is real, then I feel sorry for you.
you see his hate for real women.

Yeah, I see the hate for women...in how she bullied, threatened, attacked, and silenced her husband's VICTIMS, how she has taken billions of dollars from nations that enslave and oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation.

And this morning the news showed a video of Trump bashing the GOP for going after Bill Clinton and trying to impeach him over basically nothing. So we all know Trump is just playing politics.

So who knows if Trump ever really means what he says.
"Americans named Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most-admired woman living anywhere in the world for the 20th time, according to a poll released Monday.

Gallup says 13 percent of participants mentioned the former secretary of state when asked, “What [woman/man] that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?”

During her lifetime, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was named most-admired woman a total of 13 times — placing her as the runner-up regarding first-place rankings.

This is the 14th consecutive year Clinton has topped the annual Gallup list — longer than any other woman or man in the Washington-based consulting company’s history.

Since 1993, when she was first named most-admired woman, Clinton has maintained the media’s attention with her various roles: first lady, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate."

In the entire world? Is the United States the ONLY place on earth? As a citizen of the United States, even I recognize that Queen Elizabeth II has been around longer and has had far more influence, respectability and the admiration of a majority of people everywhere.

If all anyone can think of is Hillary, it's no wonder that the United States is considered so idiotically pretentious. Go back to texting on your cell phones and listening to "Watch me, watch me --- Nay, Nay!" I'm sure that you all consider that one of the top ten best tunes ever recorded in all history. As for me, I'll read my Bible and listen to Bach's, Sheep My Safely Graze realizing that there is more to life/culture/politics than the last twenty years...
Read a science book or watch the cosmos
Cosmos was the work of an atheist. Faith in atheisically controlled/sponsored science without spiritual influence is the reason America is in it's present state of ignorance.

Oh contraire monsieur!! There are some pretty smart cookies who had long since put the ancient GAWD worship behind them:

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding."
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams...April 1823)

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary...1955)


If that religious talking point is all that it takes to convince you the devil is real, then I feel sorry for you.

Scientists/politicians are fooled by the devil every day, even the most esteemed. Lol

Anyway, God uses everything for his purposes.
Almost all are beyond our ability to comprehend, purposes that is.

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