Hillary nailed this interview and's going to nail Republicans for using American deaths for politics

She pointed out that seven investigations, led mostly by Congressional Republicans, have looked into the issue and cleared her of any wrongdoing.
How can she be cleared when they STILL don't have all the facts? That's what the Clintons do, lie, hide and obfuscate. Remember she lost all those documents for Whitewater and couldn't remember shit, only to find them two years later in an obvious spot. Lots of examples of this so she may be angry, but she's angry because only liberal goons believe her at this point.
God, these fucking right wingers. What is wrong with them. 4 embassy personnel died under Obama. Dozens and dozens died under Bush and they don't give a shit about all those dead people.

Fucking partisans.
When did Bush lie about any deaths in order to win an election? obama sent Rice on a national tour blaming some dumbfuck video so he could play the terrorism is in control on my watch game. Partisanship is being that ignorant after all this time.

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