Hillary- Obamacare Problem- Rates Increase ~16%

Nope. The American people will ALWAYS vote for Plan A over NOTHING. This is what you fools don't get.
Ummm.. Yep, if a reason and evidence based argument is made by someone that is persuasive enough to get it across then the chances are good that NOTHING will indeed win a majority over SOMETHING that is likely to make the problem worse. Of course neither party has shown any capacity or desire to formulate arguments based on reason and evidence anymore, they just rely on sophistry and misdirection to confuse the sheeple into believing that they're necessary to "solve" the problems that the parties themselves created and continue to exacerbate.

This is what the fools that believe every "problem" requires a government "solution" don't get.

When you offer up NOTHING, you are saying the problem doesn't exist, and you will be hated for that.
That's complete nonsense, if one can demonstrate that problem exists because of government intervention based on evidence then saying that the government doing NOTHING (as in forgoing further intervention) is not even close to saying that "the problem doesn't exist" what it's saying is that the government doing SOMETHING is likely to make the problem worse.

Primum non nocere

So how has offering NOTHING and whining about Plan A been working for ya?
Who has been offering "NOTHING"? The real problem is that the idiots in both parties keeping doing "SOMETHINGS" that make the problems worse, which invokes yet more government "SOMETHINGS" to solve all the problems created by previous "SOMETHINGS" and on and on and on the downward spiral continues.

If you want to...you know...actually SOLVE a problem, you have to offer up a BETTER plan, not pretend it doesn't exist.
Since when has our Federal Government been interested in actually SOLVING anything? What the fuck have they "solved" lately?
Here's the thing.

Health insurance rate hikes were rising faster than the rate of inflation FOR DECADES. Not since ObamaCare was enacted.

That is because of technology changes and government interference.

The cost really jumped because of the government requirements contained in Obamacare and that is a self inflicted wound. How stupid are we as a nation?

That piece of shit Obama had to take money out of the health care system to provide the friggin subsidies for the welfare queens and that was a major contribution to the massive increases we saw in premiums, co pay payments and deductibles when Obamacare was implemented. He also added a bunch of shit that nobody wanted or needed and that also drove up the cost.

Obamacare was always a bad deal. Liberalism gone amuck.

The sad thing is that the Republican controlled Congress did not have the courage to defund the stupid program. We know the Democrats were idiots to have voted for it but the Republicans elected in 2014 could have ended if they weren't chickenshits.

Our government is totally out of control and Obamacare is a great example.
The cost really jumped because of the government requirements contained in Obamacare and that is a self inflicted wound. How stupid are we as a nation?

Costs have gone up at a lower rate since the enactment of ObamaCare. They were climbing at a higher rate before ObamaCare.

They didn't "jump" after ObamaCare. That's bullshit. And you can tell it's bullshit by the fact the OP had to find a figure from the wilds of rural Oregon to make it seem worse than it really is. There are less people in all of Oregon than there are in most large US cities.

You dipshits don't know that costs have risen more slowly because you were in a coma until January 20, 2009. Your propaganda sources have put blinders on you to keep your vision in a very narrow frame so you don't notice your own team has been also complicit in the rising cost of health care.

The rate of healthcare increases will rise again over time.

I'll say that again. The rate of healthcare increases will rise again over time. They will eventually be at the rate they were before ObamaCare.

That's because ObamaCare front-loaded a lot of taxes and whatnot prior to the subsidy program kicking in. The system was paid into before the benefits were drawn out.

ObamaCare was a giant bait-and-switch con. That's what I have been calling it since before it was made law. But the rubes were all distracted with manufactured bullshit about "death panels".

ObamaCare could have been killed with the facts, but the tards have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker, and so the idiotic "death panels" thing took off instead.

When you tell bigger lies than the guy offering Plan A, and you have NOTHING better to offer, you will lose. Every time.

That's how we got ObamaCare. Not because the people pushing ObamaCare lied to us. They did. But the people opposing ObamaCare told bigger lies.
The cost really jumped because of the government requirements contained in Obamacare and that is a self inflicted wound. How stupid are we as a nation?

Costs have gone up at a lower rate since the enactment of ObamaCare. They were climbing at a higher rate before ObamaCare.

They didn't "jump" after ObamaCare. That's bullshit. And you can tell it's bullshit by the fact the OP had to find a figure from the wilds of rural Oregon to make it seem worse than it really is. There are less people in all of Oregon than there are in most large US cities.

You dipshits don't know that costs have risen more slowly because you were in a coma until January 20, 2009. Your propaganda sources have put blinders on you to keep your vision in a very narrow frame so you don't notice your own team has been also complicit in the rising cost of health care.


No it is not bullshit. The premiums, co payments and deductibles sky rocket under Obamacare and that was a self inflicted wound that didn't have a damn thing to do with the rise we saw previously because of technology increases and the previous government interference.

It is obvious you are one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about that believed the lies that were told about Obamacare.

There are scores of articles about the massive increases. Because I think you are a Gruberididot and I don't think you are educable I am going bother to post one article.

Not only has the cost sky rocketed but the number of uninsured has gone up. That is a disaster of a program. Liberals are really stupid, aren't they?

US healthcare spending jumps past $3 trillion under ObamaCare

US healthcare spending jumps past $3 trillion under ObamaCare

Healthcare spending rose to more than $3 trillion in the United States last year, jumping by 5.3 percent and marking the largest increase since 2007 as millions of people gained coverage under ObamaCare.

Medicaid spending alone increased at a rate of 11 percent, nearly twice its growth rate the previous year, as millions of people were added to its rolls. Spending on private health insurance increased 4.4 percent, compared to 1.6 percent before the marketplace was launched.

The rising cost of prescription drugs is also taking a toll: The total spending on prescription drugs increase by 12.2 percent last year.

Health officials say the hike was largely driven by the flow of customers into the healthcare law's new marketplaces in 2014.

Still, the Obama administration touted the figures as evidence that the healthcare law is helping to rein in controls.

“Millions of uninsured Americans gained health care coverage in 2014,” the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt wrote in a statement. “And still, the rate of growth remains below the level in most years prior to the coverage expansion, while out-of-pocket costs grew at the fifth-lowest level on record.”

The drop in the country’s uninsured rate was nearly unprecedented in 2014, with the number of uninsured people declining by nearly 20 percent. A total of 88.8 percent of people were insured by the end of 2014 — the highest share since 1987, according to CMS.
Trump supports single-payer healthcare. Don't let his current plan fool you. That was someone else doing his homework for him and telling him what to say to make the rubes feel good.

Trump supports single-payer healthcare. In that respect, he is identical to Bernie Sanders.

Hillary says she believes in fixing ObamaCare's holes.

Talk about having to choose between the lesser of two evils!

That's what being stupid and offering NOTHING has brought this country to, boys and girls.
Healthcare spending rose to more than $3 trillion in the United States last year, jumping by 5.3 percent and marking the largest increase since 2007 as millions of people gained coverage under ObamaCare.
Did you notice the key words?

"...largest increase since 2007..."


There's a reason it doesn't a say "since 2006" or "since 2005" or "since 2004" or since any year before that. That's because those years had larger jumps.

Thanks for proving my point. You were all in a coma until January 2009.

Like I said. FOR DECADES.
Average rate hikes of 16%

Link? I smell manufactured bullshit.

There are examples of even bigger increases. Providence Health Plan, one of Oregon’s largest insurers, is seeking a 29.6 percent increase.

Really? You had to cherry pick the sparsely populated state of Oregon to find the highest rate you could so you could exaggerate the problem?
Get Ready for Huge Obamacare Premium Hikes in 2017
Ah, see? The opening post IS manufactured bullshit!

Premiums for the current 2016 season rose on average by 8 percent over the previous year, with 12.7 million Americans enrolling for coverage and government subsidies, according to CMS.

This is what the rubes never get through their heads. When you tell bigger lies than the opposition, you shoot yourself in the head.

ObamaCare could easily have been defeated with the truth.


Sadly, the truth takes more intelligence to grasp, much less communicate.
Look, anyone with a brain knew what a cluster this was going to be, and it is.

Average rate hikes of 16% because not enough are joining the cluster train and more are sicker than previously expected.

Duh, lets see..... You take a bunch of free loaders with no pre-exisiting condition clause... What could go wrong?


But the size of premium increases could still spell trouble.

ObamaCare premiums are expected to rise more this year in part because insurers initially set their premiums too low. The pool of enrollees has been smaller and sicker than expected and many insurers now need to raise premiums to stop losing money.

An analysis from the consulting firm Avalere Health last week found that early data from nine states indicate an average 16 percent premium increase, compared to about 6 percent at this point last year.

There are examples of even bigger increases. Providence Health Plan, one of Oregon’s largest insurers, is seeking a 29.6 percent increase.

Hillary's ObamaCare problem
What is the GOP-igs solution? On average, my premiums went up every single enrollment period at my job, every other year, my premiums would go up....why do you fuck heads now blame ACA for something INSURANCE COMPANIES HAVE BEEN DOING FOR FUCKIN YEARS???? Better still, where is the outrage at the Insurance industry, that pays pennies on the dollar until deductibles are met? Where is the outrage of insurance companies denying needed procedures because their bottom line is effected...yet continue to take your premium money? Where is the outrage from the insurance industry who got millions of new clients in their clutches? I'll tell you, there is NONE and finally where is the outrage from idiots like you, who whined like bitches paying for the uninsured, who whined like little whores when CEO's were getting million dollar perks for saving the industry money, while people died?

Stop finding excuses to protect a industry that's built on profits instead of human care. I'm sick of you people and if you have a better solution, find a fuckin suggestion box and stuff it there or shut the fuck up!!

I have news for you.

The system here was fine the way it was. Tort reform would have improved a lot. How about that?

What I do know is the system we had, with all of its flaws was the best in the world.

Can you all hear it now? "Every country has socialized medical systems!

"Therefore we should have it!"

"Cause America is so racist!"

The system we had was already the best in the world.

I hate left wingers.
So as you can see from the chart I posted in post 109, health care costs were rising faster than inflation FOR DECADES.

Long before the rubes came out of their comas on January 20, 2009 and began regurgitating the manufactured bullshit fed to them.
The system here was fine the way it was.

Here's a perfect example of a rube saying we didn't have a problem. That's why the GOP offered up NOTHING.

We had a problem. A HUGE problem. A GROWING problem. More and more people were being priced out of the health care market.

And that is why America went for Plan A. ObamaCare. Because dipshits like Theowl32 were in denial there even was a problem.
Look, anyone with a brain knew what a cluster this was going to be, and it is.

Average rate hikes of 16% because not enough are joining the cluster train and more are sicker than previously expected.

Duh, lets see..... You take a bunch of free loaders with no pre-exisiting condition clause... What could go wrong?


But the size of premium increases could still spell trouble.

ObamaCare premiums are expected to rise more this year in part because insurers initially set their premiums too low. The pool of enrollees has been smaller and sicker than expected and many insurers now need to raise premiums to stop losing money.

An analysis from the consulting firm Avalere Health last week found that early data from nine states indicate an average 16 percent premium increase, compared to about 6 percent at this point last year.

There are examples of even bigger increases. Providence Health Plan, one of Oregon’s largest insurers, is seeking a 29.6 percent increase.

Hillary's ObamaCare problem
Legalized extortion
The system here was fine the way it was.

Here's a perfect example of a rube saying we didn't have a problem. That's why the GOP offered up NOTHING.

We had a problem. A HUGE problem. A GROWING problem. More and more people were being priced out of the health care market.

And that is why America went for Plan A. ObamaCare. Because dipshits like Theowl32 were in denial there even was a problem.
A problem for who? Not me. I was better off with what I had. And more in my pockets too. Now what everyone else had means jack shit to me.

The system here was fine the way it was.

Here's a perfect example of a rube saying we didn't have a problem. That's why the GOP offered up NOTHING.

We had a problem. A HUGE problem. A GROWING problem. More and more people were being priced out of the health care market.

And that is why America went for Plan A. ObamaCare. Because dipshits like Theowl32 were in denial there even was a problem.
So far it appears your arguments are, Obamacare was designed to reduce cost, it hasn't but the costs were rising before Obamacare. You argue that the democrats lied to each otherwise Obamacare would have been defeated. People were being priced out of the market and now the only ones priced out are the middle class. Quite the rationale.
The system here was fine the way it was.

Here's a perfect example of a rube saying we didn't have a problem. That's why the GOP offered up NOTHING.

We had a problem. A HUGE problem. A GROWING problem. More and more people were being priced out of the health care market.

And that is why America went for Plan A. ObamaCare. Because dipshits like Theowl32 were in denial there even was a problem.
So far it appears your arguments are, Obamacare was designed to reduce cost, it hasn't but the costs were rising before Obamacare. You argue that the democrats lied to each otherwise Obamacare would have been defeated. People were being priced out of the market and now the only ones priced out are the middle class. Quite the rationale.
No, my argument is that you rubes were in a coma until January 20, 2009. And when Obama put a plan on the table to fix the healthcare problem, your response was "Problem? I see no problem!", which makes sense since you were in a coma until then and didn't know healthcare costs had been going up, up, up for decades.

My argument is that ObamaCare was a giant bait-and-switch con which could easily have been defeated with the facts and the truth except you rubes decided to fall for the "death panels" hoax instead.

My argument is that ObamaCare is another stepping stone to single payer healthcare. One in a series of stepping stones.

My argument is that the GOP has been working in collusion with the Democrats to get us all to single payer healthcare.

My argument is that we have been steadily moved along so many stepping stones that when the wheels fall off ObamaCare, the people will cry out for single payer healthcare, just as has been intended for many years by both parties.
Healthcare spending rose to more than $3 trillion in the United States last year, jumping by 5.3 percent and marking the largest increase since 2007 as millions of people gained coverage under ObamaCare.
Did you notice the key words?

"...largest increase since 2007..."


There's a reason it doesn't a say "since 2006" or "since 2005" or "since 2004" or since any year before that. That's because those years had larger jumps.

Thanks for proving my point. You were all in a coma until January 2009.

Like I said. FOR DECADES.

Hello Obamacare came after 2007 you nitwit.
Pre Obamacare increase were partially due to increases in more expensive medical technology, government interference and baby boomers needing increased care.

The post Obamacare increases were largely due to the more government interference by imposing the onerous requirements of the ACA and stealing money from the health care system to pay the subsidies to the welfare queens.

Healthcare spending rose to more than $3 trillion in the United States last year, jumping by 5.3 percent and marking the largest increase since 2007 as millions of people gained coverage under ObamaCare.
Did you notice the key words?

"...largest increase since 2007..."


There's a reason it doesn't a say "since 2006" or "since 2005" or "since 2004" or since any year before that. That's because those years had larger jumps.

Thanks for proving my point. You were all in a coma until January 2009.

Like I said. FOR DECADES.

Hello Obamacare came after 2007 you nitwit.

I see the point sailed six miles over your head.

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