Hillary- Obamacare Problem- Rates Increase ~16%

Fact.....more people are happy with ACA than those who are not, that is fact.

What empirical evidence do you have that supports that your assertion is indeed a fact? after all facts are not created by decree.

Poll after poll after poll, when asked, most people are very satisfied with ACA. Them is facts. FOr the last time, white people do not dictate facts in this country, all people do....its just that the media only hears your voices and the hell with minorities or women or latino's etc...if a white man don't like it, the country don't like it....like get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Show that anti-white racism, gotta love that bullshit. If you are getting subsidized by then you love this shit ass law. Once you have to pay full price like the working class, you will hate it too.

This next election, the country is going to be taken back by the working class. The lazy motherfucker class will be the ones who have to deal with it this time.

This country is going broke and has no choice to dump the lazy motherfucker ideology in favor of something more realist.

Time to cut all the charity cases from the federal payroll.

LOLOLOLOL.....dude, this taking your country back via Trump>???? Really??? You nuts are making the biggest mistake of your lives believing a zillionaire that profits from our economic failures is your solution to the good ol days, like that last crop of shitless white conservative trash you nuts voted in last election, hows that going?.., listen ass wipe, I work for a living, have had insurance my whole life via my job and like everyone else with a brain cell, don't go around blaming ACA for the greed of my insurance company and the healthcare industry....but if it makes you simps feel good thinking Train wreck Trump is gonna make white motherfuckers happy again, than stay on the road to stupidity and good luck voting the GOP don't do a damn thing for ya ticket.
Look, anyone with a brain knew what a cluster this was going to be, and it is.

Average rate hikes of 16% because not enough are joining the cluster train and more are sicker than previously expected.

Duh, lets see..... You take a bunch of free loaders with no pre-exisiting condition clause... What could go wrong?


But the size of premium increases could still spell trouble.

ObamaCare premiums are expected to rise more this year in part because insurers initially set their premiums too low. The pool of enrollees has been smaller and sicker than expected and many insurers now need to raise premiums to stop losing money.

An analysis from the consulting firm Avalere Health last week found that early data from nine states indicate an average 16 percent premium increase, compared to about 6 percent at this point last year.

There are examples of even bigger increases. Providence Health Plan, one of Oregon’s largest insurers, is seeking a 29.6 percent increase.

Hillary's ObamaCare problem
IRS is not even enforcing Obamacare because the law is so vague and contradictory they don't even know what to do.

The way the ACA was written was ASKING for fraud and abuse! You don't establish income levels by what you made last year with a W-2 as proof...you "estimate" what you think you will make this coming year and claim that as your ACA income! Who could possibly be stupid enough to think THAT wouldn't be a problem?

That form is mostly for the unisured and people getting medicaid. I filed my taxes this year and that form was mute. Your W2 if your work pretty much establishes your standing. Stop whining over shit that doesn't pertain to you, ass ho, get a life.
Hey! hiLIARy can't be responsible for every undercapitalized family in America!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't it absolutely amazing that even after Jonathan Gruber admitted that the Obama Administration lied about Obamacare and after the premiums, co payments and deductibles have sky rocketed and after everybody and their little brown dog has dumped Obamacare that there are still Gruberidiots trying to justify the stupid program?

Of course these are same moons that voted for Obama and will vote for Crooked Hillary so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
Fact.....more people are happy with ACA than those who are not, that is fact. The problem is the media only gives a rats fuck about angry white lice balls and the hell with the rest of the planet. So take your tired white ass the hell back to the cave and come out when Trump is elected...deal?

Tiger...the "FACT" is that more people were unhappy with the ACA than were happy with it even back when Barry, Harry and Nancy were lying to them about it with false promises about what it would cost and being able to keep your doctor. You liberals pushed the ACA through DESPITE what the American people wanted because you wanted to take a giant step towards government paid and controlled healthcare. The only people that are happy with the ACA are the ones getting the huge subsidies that will be going on the taxpayer's tab. Middle Class Americans are slowly coming to the realization that they're the ones who will be paying for this mess.

First of all, what fuckin middle class are you refering too. The last I heard, you fucks were DOA.
Interesting, that in the first part you seem to disagree and in the second party you agree. How does single payer reduce the cost of the actual health care? How does Obamacare address hospitals buying "BS equipment" they don't need?

You do realize that the states setting up exchanges and the federal marketplace only matters if you get a subsidy? The choices of healthcare insurance are exactly the same whether bought on the exchanges or just bought from the company themselves. so single payer isn't going to reduce costs it can't as can't Obamacare, except for those who get subsidized.

First off, theres not one hospital where I live, that' isn't under construction, not one. There's not one doctor that I'm aware of who's thrown in the towel and works at McDonalds today. Dr's are overpaid, over worked and do quite well in this country...few need a bake sale or a food drive to live. And I have yet to see any hospital go out of business due to ACA or any type of funding denied, same with clinics...so somebody is making profit. As for single payer.....when you take out profit, you have a system based solely on heathcare....one more time, when you take out the middle man, those expecting profit, you have more financial resources at your disposal.

God you are ignorant about the healthcare industry. Pretty much everything you said is wrong.
To educate one's self, one need only to google to find facts and fiction and bullshit...I stand by my assessment and if you happen to disagree....well, guess what the world does not end, eh?

I work in the healthcare industry turd brain.

Cleaning up blood from a HIV prison clinic in L.A don't count!!

Ah you attempted to be witty, don't give up your day job at McDonald's.
Isn't it absolutely amazing that even after Jonathan Gruber admitted that the Obama Administration lied about Obamacare and after the premiums, co payments and deductibles have sky rocketed and after everybody and their little brown dog has dumped Obamacare that there are still Gruberidiots trying to justify the stupid program?

Of course these are same moons that voted for Obama and will vote for Crooked Hillary so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
Fact.....more people are happy with ACA than those who are not, that is fact. The problem is the media only gives a rats fuck about angry white lice balls and the hell with the rest of the planet. So take your tired white ass the hell back to the cave and come out when Trump is elected...deal?

You are delusional and confused, Typical Gruberididot Moon Bat.

It is a disaster of a program. The people that I know that had their premiums, co payments and deductibles raised aren't very happy with it.

The only people that are happy are the filthy ass welfare queens that are getting the subsides. It is always great when you can get other people to pay your bills, isn't it? The greedy sonofabitches.

It looks like you are exactly the kind of stupid American that Jonathan Gruber said would be dumb enough to believe whatever the lying administration told you to believe.

By the way, you are lying. I can post many more articles if you are still delusional and confused about the stupid ass program.

Obamacare enrollees less satisfied than people with other types of coverage: survey

More than two-thirds of Obamacare enrollees unsatisfied with coverage: survey

Gallup: Most Americans Still Unhappy With Obamacare

Gallup: Most Americans Still Unhappy With Obamacare

Obamacare Poll: Most Enrollees Hate Their Plans | The American Spectator

Obamacare Poll: Most Enrollees Hate Their Plans

Fact.....more people are happy with ACA than those who are not, that is fact.

What empirical evidence do you have that supports that your assertion is indeed a fact? after all facts are not created by decree.

Poll after poll after poll, when asked, most people are very satisfied with ACA. Them is facts. FOr the last time, white people do not dictate facts in this country, all people do....its just that the media only hears your voices and the hell with minorities or women or latino's etc...if a white man don't like it, the country don't like it....like get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Show that anti-white racism, gotta love that bullshit. If you are getting subsidized by then you love this shit ass law. Once you have to pay full price like the working class, you will hate it too.

This next election, the country is going to be taken back by the working class. The lazy motherfucker class will be the ones who have to deal with it this time.

This country is going broke and has no choice to dump the lazy motherfucker ideology in favor of something more realist.

Time to cut all the charity cases from the federal payroll.

LOLOLOLOL.....dude, this taking your country back via Trump>???? Really??? You nuts are making the biggest mistake of your lives believing a zillionaire that profits from our economic failures is your solution to the good ol days, like that last crop of shitless white conservative trash you nuts voted in last election, hows that going?.., listen ass wipe, I work for a living, have had insurance my whole life via my job and like everyone else with a brain cell, don't go around blaming ACA for the greed of my insurance company and the healthcare industry....but if it makes you simps feel good thinking Train wreck Trump is gonna make white motherfuckers happy again, than stay on the road to stupidity and good luck voting the GOP don't do a damn thing for ya ticket.

Yell all you like, but the Democrats are just imposing another tax on working families to take care of assholes who refuse to take care of themselves. My family's insurance has slightly more than doubled since Obamcare was instituted. You want to say it is the greedy insurance companies but guess who wrote the law fool. Guess who is pulling out of the program so that you will have no choice in your provider essentially creating new monopolies that will be guaranteed with public money under the obamacare law.

I work for a living also so don't think you are going to get all high and mighty with me. I have worked since I was 14 while finishing High School, College, and a Master's Program. You want to call Trump names while your party is backing the most underhanded and crooked person in all of politics. She is connected to every big business and has routinely done their bidding during her political life no matter what the cost.

You think Trump is bad because he made money during a down market, really. Hillary Clinton was in NY as a senator pushing to bailout all the big banks while the middle class took in up the ass in a mortgage crisis created by her husband and his relaxing of bank rules.

Think about that for a awhile before you throw those stones because of your ridiculous hate for white Republicans who's party got their start by spilling their own blood for minority freedoms and who fought from the end of WWII to 1964 to end Jim Crow and bring true civil rights to the nation. They fought against the Democrats until 1964 when the Democrats faced a crisis during an election year and finally allowed a revision of civil rights laws.

You are quick to forget all those Republicans who fought against those Democratic douchebags and risked their businesses and their lives to fight for what was right. Now the Democrats get a pass for their dark deeds with a bullshit story that the parties changed ideologies but the truth is that the Republicans won that fight and crushed that ideology. They killed the power of the KKK in the south, they killed embedded racism so that today the south is one of the least violent areas and racist crimes come as a shock that meets with swift action.

Meanwhile the Democrats ignore racist violence and violence in general in the cities they control. But you still look at the situation and blame the Republicans because you were raised/indoctrinated to believe that that is the white guy. Maybe you didn't see the long list of men and women running for the Republican nomination but if you look at the short list of people running for the Democrats you can't exactly see people of color being represented now can you.

So you keep your racial hate. Please keep showing it to the world. It only emboldens us to know that what we are doing is right not only in terms of political position of ideology but also in terms of restoring the fabric of our country's morality. There seems to be none left coming from the left.
Fact.....more people are happy with ACA than those who are not, that is fact.

What empirical evidence do you have that supports that your assertion is indeed a fact? after all facts are not created by decree.

Poll after poll after poll, when asked, most people are very satisfied with ACA. Them is facts. FOr the last time, white people do not dictate facts in this country, all people do....its just that the media only hears your voices and the hell with minorities or women or latino's etc...if a white man don't like it, the country don't like it....like get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Show that anti-white racism, gotta love that bullshit. If you are getting subsidized by then you love this shit ass law. Once you have to pay full price like the working class, you will hate it too.

This next election, the country is going to be taken back by the working class. The lazy motherfucker class will be the ones who have to deal with it this time.

This country is going broke and has no choice to dump the lazy motherfucker ideology in favor of something more realist.

Time to cut all the charity cases from the federal payroll.

LOLOLOLOL.....dude, this taking your country back via Trump>???? Really??? You nuts are making the biggest mistake of your lives believing a zillionaire that profits from our economic failures is your solution to the good ol days, like that last crop of shitless white conservative trash you nuts voted in last election, hows that going?.., listen ass wipe, I work for a living, have had insurance my whole life via my job and like everyone else with a brain cell, don't go around blaming ACA for the greed of my insurance company and the healthcare industry....but if it makes you simps feel good thinking Train wreck Trump is gonna make white motherfuckers happy again, than stay on the road to stupidity and good luck voting the GOP don't do a damn thing for ya ticket.

You know what's REALLY amusing, Tiger? All you people on the left that somehow think Hillary Clinton is going to take all that money from those Wall Street Bankers and then be there for you! Wake up and smell the corruption!
Look, anyone with a brain knew what a cluster this was going to be, and it is.

Average rate hikes of 16% because not enough are joining the cluster train and more are sicker than previously expected.

Duh, lets see..... You take a bunch of free loaders with no pre-exisiting condition clause... What could go wrong?


But the size of premium increases could still spell trouble.

ObamaCare premiums are expected to rise more this year in part because insurers initially set their premiums too low. The pool of enrollees has been smaller and sicker than expected and many insurers now need to raise premiums to stop losing money.

An analysis from the consulting firm Avalere Health last week found that early data from nine states indicate an average 16 percent premium increase, compared to about 6 percent at this point last year.

There are examples of even bigger increases. Providence Health Plan, one of Oregon’s largest insurers, is seeking a 29.6 percent increase.

Hillary's ObamaCare problem
IRS is not even enforcing Obamacare because the law is so vague and contradictory they don't even know what to do.

The way the ACA was written was ASKING for fraud and abuse! You don't establish income levels by what you made last year with a W-2 as proof...you "estimate" what you think you will make this coming year and claim that as your ACA income! Who could possibly be stupid enough to think THAT wouldn't be a problem?

That form is mostly for the unisured and people getting medicaid. I filed my taxes this year and that form was mute. Your W2 if your work pretty much establishes your standing. Stop whining over shit that doesn't pertain to you, ass ho, get a life.

Your W-2 has absolutely nothing to do with your standing, Tiger! You claim on what you THINK you're going to make and then get stuck making up the difference if you've figured wrong or been steered incorrectly by an ACA agent more interested in signing you up than they are about whether you're really qualified for the subsidy that they've put you in.
Average rate hikes of 16%

Link? I smell manufactured bullshit.

There are examples of even bigger increases. Providence Health Plan, one of Oregon’s largest insurers, is seeking a 29.6 percent increase.

Really? You had to cherry pick the sparsely populated state of Oregon to find the highest rate you could so you could exaggerate the problem?
Isn't it absolutely amazing that even after Jonathan Gruber admitted that the Obama Administration lied about Obamacare and after the premiums, co payments and deductibles have sky rocketed and after everybody and their little brown dog has dumped Obamacare that there are still Gruberidiots trying to justify the stupid program?

Of course these are same moons that voted for Obama and will vote for Crooked Hillary so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
Fact.....more people are happy with ACA than those who are not, that is fact. The problem is the media only gives a rats fuck about angry white lice balls and the hell with the rest of the planet. So take your tired white ass the hell back to the cave and come out when Trump is elected...deal?

Tiger...the "FACT" is that more people were unhappy with the ACA than were happy with it even back when Barry, Harry and Nancy were lying to them about it with false promises about what it would cost and being able to keep your doctor. You liberals pushed the ACA through DESPITE what the American people wanted because you wanted to take a giant step towards government paid and controlled healthcare. The only people that are happy with the ACA are the ones getting the huge subsidies that will be going on the taxpayer's tab. Middle Class Americans are slowly coming to the realization that they're the ones who will be paying for this mess.

First of all, what fuckin middle class are you refering too. The last I heard, you fucks were DOA.

There won't be many left if you liberals have your way, Tiger! We wanted healthcare reform to lower our costs...you liberals gave us healthcare reform that redistributes who pays for healthcare for the poor...passing that cost along to us Middle Class taxpayers.
Look, anyone with a brain knew what a cluster this was going to be, and it is.

Average rate hikes of 16% because not enough are joining the cluster train and more are sicker than previously expected.

Duh, lets see..... You take a bunch of free loaders with no pre-exisiting condition clause... What could go wrong?


But the size of premium increases could still spell trouble.

ObamaCare premiums are expected to rise more this year in part because insurers initially set their premiums too low. The pool of enrollees has been smaller and sicker than expected and many insurers now need to raise premiums to stop losing money.

An analysis from the consulting firm Avalere Health last week found that early data from nine states indicate an average 16 percent premium increase, compared to about 6 percent at this point last year.

There are examples of even bigger increases. Providence Health Plan, one of Oregon’s largest insurers, is seeking a 29.6 percent increase.

Hillary's ObamaCare problem
What is the GOP-igs solution? On average, my premiums went up every single enrollment period at my job, every other year, my premiums would go up....why do you fuck heads now blame ACA for something INSURANCE COMPANIES HAVE BEEN DOING FOR FUCKIN YEARS???? Better still, where is the outrage at the Insurance industry, that pays pennies on the dollar until deductibles are met? Where is the outrage of insurance companies denying needed procedures because their bottom line is effected...yet continue to take your premium money? Where is the outrage from the insurance industry who got millions of new clients in their clutches? I'll tell you, there is NONE and finally where is the outrage from idiots like you, who whined like bitches paying for the uninsured, who whined like little whores when CEO's were getting million dollar perks for saving the industry money, while people died?

Stop finding excuses to protect a industry that's built on profits instead of human care. I'm sick of you people and if you have a better solution, find a fuckin suggestion box and stuff it there or shut the fuck up!!

Try to get this through your head. Insurance companies are not responsible for the increase in healthcare costs. They are about 5 percent of the cost so eliminating them would not be a huge effect. The cost of healthcare, you know seeing the doctor, x-rays and such is what is increasing. Along with the drug companies gouging which Obama didn't do a thing about or even try. After all he wanted the drug companies support for Obamacare. We were sold out.
Oh, but they are...they are the beneficiaries of healthcare increases. Most hospitals agree to pay a certain amount based on agreements with insurers, the rest is paid by the insurer. Surely you must know this? If we had a single payer system, not only would hospital cost go down, but everyone would benefit from this. Yet its time, this country horn in 20 bucks for a tylonel and these huge profits hospitals impose just to have the newest bs equiptment that nobody can afford to use.

Interesting, that in the first part you seem to disagree and in the second party you agree. How does single payer reduce the cost of the actual health care? How does Obamacare address hospitals buying "BS equipment" they don't need?

You do realize that the states setting up exchanges and the federal marketplace only matters if you get a subsidy? The choices of healthcare insurance are exactly the same whether bought on the exchanges or just bought from the company themselves. so single payer isn't going to reduce costs it can't as can't Obamacare, except for those who get subsidized.
Off topic a bit....and know that I am not a Hillary fan...but your tag lines have all these Hillary lies and flip flops and yet Donald Orange Face Trumps flips more flops than a chinese outing on a fuckin beach. You do know this of course, yes?

Since Waco I can't stand the Clintons. If, for some unknown reason she drops out and it is Sanders or someone else. I don't think I will even pay attention. I might even vote for a democrat over Trump.
Here's the thing.

Health insurance rate hikes were rising faster than the rate of inflation FOR DECADES. Not since ObamaCare was enacted.


Here was the Republican plan for comprehensive health care reform during that entire period: NOTHING.

Here was the Democratic plan for comprehensive health care reform during that entire period: Socialized Medicine.

When you offer the American people NOTHING and Plan A as the solutions for a growing problem, they will ALWAYS choose Plan A.


And that is how we ended up with the ObamaCare train wreck, and that is why we will have single-payer healthcare in our lifetimes.

Especially since both Trump and Clinton support single-payer healthcare.

You fucked up, retards.

Solve the problem, or just whine and whine and whine about Plan A. How has offering up NOTHING and whining about the other guy's plan been working for ya?
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When you offer the American people NOTHING and Plan A as the solutions for a growing problem, they will ALWAYS choose Plan A.
Not if NOTHING is shown to be the best solution based on the evidence, in fact given that the most likely culprit for the rate of cost increase is government intervention NOTHING is probably a better "solution" than more of the root cause and a better solution might in fact be "government stop doing XYZ". Why does it seem the automatic response is always "the government must fix it"? Especially when the indications are strong that it was government that created most (all?) of the problem in the first place.

... now as to your assertion that the Republicans have been proposing "NOTHING" that's complete nonsense, they've been proposing different sorts of government intervention than the Democrats have been proposing, all which probably add up to attempting to cure the disease with more of the disease.

Solve the problem, or just whine and whine and whine about Plan A.
You can't "solve" the problem if you don't have a detailed understanding of the root causes but unless you exist in a hyper-partisan fog you can certainly identify all the negative consequences that have been brought about by "Plan A" and "whine" about all the very personal negative consequences that have been forced upon you.
Here's the thing.

Health insurance rate hikes were rising faster than the rate of inflation FOR DECADES. Not since ObamaCare was enacted.


Here was the Republican plan for comprehensive health care reform during that entire period: NOTHING.

Here was the Democratic plan for comprehensive health care reform during that entire period: Socialized Medicine.

When you offer the American people NOTHING and Plan A as the solutions for a growing problem, they will ALWAYS choose Plan A.


And that is how we ended up with the ObamaCare train wreck, and that is why we will have single-payer healthcare in our lifetimes.

Especially since both Trump and Clinton support single-payer healthcare.

You fucked up, retards.

Solve the problem, or just whine and whine and whine about Plan A. How has offering up NOTHING and whining about the other guy's plan been working for ya?

So we're responsible for "solving the problems" of ACA? Really, G5000? You pass an awful piece of legislation before the voters can send GOP representatives to Washington to stop you and then you say that it's the GOP that needs to fix it? You guys knew the ACA sucked back when Nancy and Harry WROTE it! It's why you had to lie about what was in it and what it would cost! It's why you had to bribe Democrats to vote for it!
Here's the thing.

Health insurance rate hikes were rising faster than the rate of inflation FOR DECADES. Not since ObamaCare was enacted.


Here was the Republican plan for comprehensive health care reform during that entire period: NOTHING.

Here was the Democratic plan for comprehensive health care reform during that entire period: Socialized Medicine.

When you offer the American people NOTHING and Plan A as the solutions for a growing problem, they will ALWAYS choose Plan A.


And that is how we ended up with the ObamaCare train wreck, and that is why we will have single-payer healthcare in our lifetimes.

Especially since both Trump and Clinton support single-payer healthcare.

You fucked up, retards.

Solve the problem, or just whine and whine and whine about Plan A. How has offering up NOTHING and whining about the other guy's plan been working for ya?

So we're responsible for "solving the problems" of ACA? Really, G5000? You pass an awful piece of legislation before the voters can send GOP representatives to Washington to stop you and then you say that it's the GOP that needs to fix it? You guys knew the ACA sucked back when Nancy and Harry WROTE it! It's why you had to lie about what was in it and what it would cost! It's why you had to bribe Democrats to vote for it!
Hey, dumbshit. I opposed ObamaCare from day one, okay?

But the GOP abdicated on the issue decades ago. That's why we have ObamaCare. The GOP sold us all down the river a long, long time ago. Long before Obama.
When you offer the American people NOTHING and Plan A as the solutions for a growing problem, they will ALWAYS choose Plan A.
Not if NOTHING is shown to be the best solution based on the evidence

Nope. The American people will ALWAYS vote for Plan A over NOTHING. This is what you fools don't get.

They people HATE it when you pretend the problem doesn't exist. That's why they go for Plan A over NOTHING. When you offer up NOTHING, you are saying the problem doesn't exist, and you will be hated for that.

It does not matter if Plan A is a stinking pile of shit. If there is a problem, and one guy offers NOTHING, and another guy offers a plan, the American people will grab that plan like a life preserver when they are drowning.

And the American people have been drowning in health care costs FOR...SEVERAL...DECADES.

So how has offering NOTHING and whining about Plan A been working for ya?

If you want to...you know...actually SOLVE a problem, you have to offer up a BETTER plan, not pretend it doesn't exist.
Here's the thing.

Health insurance rate hikes were rising faster than the rate of inflation FOR DECADES. Not since ObamaCare was enacted.


Here was the Republican plan for comprehensive health care reform during that entire period: NOTHING.

Here was the Democratic plan for comprehensive health care reform during that entire period: Socialized Medicine.

When you offer the American people NOTHING and Plan A as the solutions for a growing problem, they will ALWAYS choose Plan A.


And that is how we ended up with the ObamaCare train wreck, and that is why we will have single-payer healthcare in our lifetimes.

Especially since both Trump and Clinton support single-payer healthcare.

You fucked up, retards.

Solve the problem, or just whine and whine and whine about Plan A. How has offering up NOTHING and whining about the other guy's plan been working for ya?

So we're responsible for "solving the problems" of ACA? Really, G5000? You pass an awful piece of legislation before the voters can send GOP representatives to Washington to stop you and then you say that it's the GOP that needs to fix it? You guys knew the ACA sucked back when Nancy and Harry WROTE it! It's why you had to lie about what was in it and what it would cost! It's why you had to bribe Democrats to vote for it!
GOP is responsible for doing what needs to be done

If healthcare costs are rising out of control, it is up to the current Congress to address
We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single-payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single-payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.




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When I spoke with a healthcare lobbyist in Washington DC last year about all this, and I used the "theater for the rubes" line with him, he spontaneously burst out laughing. And then he said, "Yeah, and all the rubes live along and below the Mason-Dixon line", and laughed his ass off.

You've been had, rubes.

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