Hillary Out in 2016. Who Will Dems Run?

Your link is very enlightening! It says he flew on planes with Spacey and Clinton in 2002. Hold the phone!

Well there you go..

Clinton went to orgies with underage sex slaves, but it was in 2002 - so who cares?

You should lead the Hillary campaign with this.....

I rode on a plane in 2002. :eek:

That's enough to convict right there. The same year. Matter of fact just that you were on a plane any time means it could have also carried someone nefarious. Well we can't have that. If it was good enough for Cotton Mather it's good enough for 2015. Would you prefer hanging, firing squad or injection?

How far they've progressed, these humans...

I'd like to die during a 12 hour orgasm. Is that possible? :p

Life in reverse By George Carlin

The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends.
I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time.
What do you get at the end of it?
A death.
What's that, a bonus?
I think the life cycle is all backwards.
You should die first; get it out of the way.
Then you live in an old age home.
You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch,
you go to work.
You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement.
You drink alcohol, you party,
you get ready for high school.
You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb,
You spend your last nine months floating...
Then you finish off as an orgasm.
And it didn't stop Bush, Palin, Walker, Obama on and on from running (and except for Palin, winning) either, did it?
Btw you already got two O'bama birth certificates, one long, one short. Going :lalala: doesn't make 'em never have happened.

So ... wait, you're actually trying to suggest that, because her husband --- not Hillary, her husband -- is named in a suit -- which anyone can do and proves nothing --- a suit where he's not even described as doing anything unsavory --- that that guilt-by-association fallacy on him, becomes a guilt-by-association fallacy on her???? :disbelief:

How stupid do you think people are?

What you should do Huffer, is hold your breath until the meanies on the right stop bringing up things that hurt your precious party.

{The estate belonged to New York financier Jeffrey Epstein — a sex offenderonce linked with former president Bill Clinton, Nobel Prize-winning scientists, Kevin Spacey and British royalty. A stream of young girls allegedly flitted in and out of the house in the mid-aughts, attending naked pool parties and, police records showed, dispensing massages to Epstein and other guests.}

The prince and the sex offender Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein 8217 s mysterious relationship - The Washington Post

Clicking "show ignored content" on this site is like pulling the stove out from the wall and seeing cockroaches.

You just don't get it do ya Pothead? Here, it's like this...
Prince Andrew huh? Well he's English, that means anyone speaking English is a sexual predator.

See ya, Pothead. :fu:
With enough viagra anything's possible...

Look, you're a mindless hack, but most Americans are not.

You've done a great job of eradicating ethics and values from society - but one that remains is pedophilia. Will this scandal send Bill Clinton to prison? Nope.

Does is severely tarnish his image? Not with you, but with decent people it does.. Hillary was barely hanging on as it was - this is a knock out punch.

Have a good cry, then start mindlessly hacking for Liz Warren....
Exhibit A:
This is exactly what Beale's masters want him to believe without actually saying such a thing directly. They have become very good at getting these tards to believe anything while avoiding making direct allegations so as to avoid a libel lawsuit.

So here's the tard's "evidence". Nothing more than a link. The tards never provide a quote from their links to support their manufactured bullshit:

Upon actually...you know...READING the link, we find:
That doesn't stop the tards from imagining exactly what their masters want them to imagine as real.

Nothing is manurfactured for those with intelligence. Those who judge the present extropolate from the past.

WHY would Mr. Clinton be hanging out with a 15 year old? For her brilliant views on politics?

Frankly, I don't care what the elite controlled press claims, nor do I care what Mr. Clinton or what Virginia Roberts actually claim went on. I don't need a stained dress to know what slick Willie was there for. I'm not obtuse. I know what the whole thing was set up for.

Do I think he had coitus with that girl? Of course I don't, that's how old Billy boy continues to set up plausible deniability. What I do know, is that whatever he did with her, I am sure you wouldn't want him doing with your 15 year old daughter/ grand daughter/ niece, etc.
He denied Lewinsky, shook his finger at the entire world and flat out denied it. It was simply a case of what he said against what she said, and who could prove otherwise? Until the dress. The blue fucking dress. Who could foresee the stupid whore would save the dress?

The common defense started out as her being a liar, a young woman fantasizing about the virile stud. Then it turned into, so what, so he cheated on his wife.

With this new scandal, it's all a lie. Let's see what, if anything, develops.

Shoulda though of that before you put up a wank thread that can't even essplain itself, shouldn't you have?
I did. That's why I already know what the common defense will be when the blue dress appears. :)

You must be an old hag. The younger generation doesn't give two shits about the blue dress.

This right here is the core of the problem.

Chelsea Clinton is part of the younger generation, I'm sure she cared about the blue dress.

What the press and the greater population at large say about the millennials, that you are all self absorbed, selfish, lack ethics, etc. THIS is what we are talking about. A lack of mores is what will cause the disintegration of society.

In order to have a cohesive society, a people need a set of core values. Not cheating on ones spouse, and not seducing a person you know to be married is one of them.

The fact that your generation doesn't care about that is why you folks can't maintain healthy relationships. Good luck with that book. It's clear you AREN'T qualified to write a children's book.
Please provide evidence Clinton went to orgies with underage sex slaves.

Please note your mental masturbation fantasies don't count as evidence. Sorry about that!

What you should do Comrade, is shriek "TEA BAGGER" at everyone.

It will make reality vanish and protect your beloved party. :thup:
So you have nothing to back up your bogus claim, as we all knew.

Did you really think you could just manufacture bullshit as you always do and maybe this time get away with it? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

The only one inventing an alternate "reality" is you. It must suck for you when someone asks for evidence to back up your bullshit, eh? :badgrin:
TARD: That guy sucked donkey dicks!

SKEPTIC: Evidence?

TARD: Get out of my way! I need to get back in line for a refill of my piss cup, asshole!
So you have nothing to back up your bogus claim, as we all knew.

Did you really think you could just manufacture bullshit as you always do and maybe this time get away with it? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

The only one inventing an alternate "reality" is you. It must suck for you when someone asks for evidence to back up your bullshit, eh? :badgrin:

It won't work Comrade.

The Prince The Pedophile The Sex Slave And The Future Of The Western Way - Forbes

You can throw a tantrum, but the story is out, and it's not going away.
Nothing is manurfactured for those with intelligence. Those who judge the present extropolate from the past.

WHY would Mr. Clinton be hanging out with a 15 year old? For her brilliant views on politics?

Frankly, I don't care what the elite controlled press claims, nor do I care what Mr. Clinton or what Virginia Roberts actually claim went on. I don't need a stained dress to know what slick Willie was there for. I'm not obtuse. I know what the whole thing was set up for.

Do I think he had coitus with that girl? Of course I don't, that's how old Billy boy continues to set up plausible deniability. What I do know, is that whatever he did with her, I am sure you wouldn't want him doing with your 15 year old daughter/ grand daughter/ niece, etc.
He denied Lewinsky, shook his finger at the entire world and flat out denied it. It was simply a case of what he said against what she said, and who could prove otherwise? Until the dress. The blue fucking dress. Who could foresee the stupid whore would save the dress?

The common defense started out as her being a liar, a young woman fantasizing about the virile stud. Then it turned into, so what, so he cheated on his wife.

With this new scandal, it's all a lie. Let's see what, if anything, develops.

Shoulda though of that before you put up a wank thread that can't even essplain itself, shouldn't you have?
I did. That's why I already know what the common defense will be when the blue dress appears. :)

You must be an old hag. The younger generation doesn't give two shits about the blue dress.

This right here is the core of the problem.

Chelsea Clinton is part of the younger generation, I'm sure she cared about the blue dress.

What the press and the greater population at large say about the millennials, that you are all self absorbed, selfish, lack ethics, etc. THIS is what we are talking about. A lack of mores is what will cause the disintegration of society.

In order to have a cohesive society, a people need a set of core values. Not cheating on ones spouse, and not seducing a person you know to be married is one of them.

The fact that your generation doesn't care about that is why you folks can't maintain healthy relationships. Good luck with that book. It's clear you AREN'T qualified to write a children's book.

It was a family issue with Chelsea, you boob.
I did. That's why I already know what the common defense will be when the blue dress appears. :)

You must be an old hag. The younger generation doesn't give two shits about the blue dress.
It was the proof that got a married man impeached. Not that you would know what it is to be married. :)

I am married. In fact, I'm writing a book on how to make a marriage work. :p

I'm sure it includes letting fifteen year olds suck your husbands cock. . . since that isn't sex.

I just reported this post. It's not nice to bring family members into a debate in this fashion. You're disgusting.

Hypocrite. What's good for Bill and Hillary isn't good for you eh? I didn't even know you were married to a man, how could I "bring family members into a debate?"

You're a pansy. Grow some skin. If you can't debate the issues logically, then just go away. I'm done with you if you are a baby.
Yum. Low hangin' fruit!

What "abuse of underage girls" are you talking about, exactly?

Doc, you're a partisan hack.

Of course you don't care that Clinton was spending time on a private Island with sex slaves. Party above all - I get it.

You're spending time in a state (city, county etc) with murderers, rapists, sexual predators and jaywalkers. By your logic that makes you -- a moron.

However, the American public doesn't share you fanaticism for the party. I understand that you and the other hacks need to play your partisan game and defend the party regardless of all. But this is the end of Hillary, you know it, so does the paint huffer. The allegation alone, given Clinton's history as a sexual predator, sinks her chances.

What the fuck does Hillary have to do with imaginary salacious scenes for which there's no evidence in the first place? You're saying she sent him over to this island to ---- to uh ---- to do nothing?

Feel free to explain how that one works, Pothead.

Foam at the mouth, shriek, call people "tea baggers;" get it out of your system. Hillary is done.

The opening poster has been asked to provide links but she refuses. Uncensored simply picked up that ball and ran with it. That is how they roll.

Once the New York Times and Washington Post print a story damaging to the party, any hope of shrieking it away is lost. Kudos to G5000 for his effort, but it is of no use. The story is out there.

Proud democrats have shed themselves of any remnant of integrity or ethics, but America at large is horrified by the idea of Clinton preying on underage sex slaves.

Hey, maybe Clinton just watched Jeffrey Epstein rape young slaves, maybe he never touched them. Doesn't matter, he went to the rape island 27 times... As a democrat, you must protect and promote the party, likely you don't give a shit about some girl being raped, party is at stake, the ONLY value to a democrat is party - but America at large isn't as progressive as you are.

"Progressive" is another word for "psychopath."
Nothing is manurfactured for those with intelligence. Those who judge the present extropolate from the past.

WHY would Mr. Clinton be hanging out with a 15 year old? For her brilliant views on politics?

Frankly, I don't care what the elite controlled press claims, nor do I care what Mr. Clinton or what Virginia Roberts actually claim went on. I don't need a stained dress to know what slick Willie was there for. I'm not obtuse. I know what the whole thing was set up for.

Do I think he had coitus with that girl? Of course I don't, that's how old Billy boy continues to set up plausible deniability. What I do know, is that whatever he did with her, I am sure you wouldn't want him doing with your 15 year old daughter/ grand daughter/ niece, etc.
He denied Lewinsky, shook his finger at the entire world and flat out denied it. It was simply a case of what he said against what she said, and who could prove otherwise? Until the dress. The blue fucking dress. Who could foresee the stupid whore would save the dress?

The common defense started out as her being a liar, a young woman fantasizing about the virile stud. Then it turned into, so what, so he cheated on his wife.

With this new scandal, it's all a lie. Let's see what, if anything, develops.

Shoulda though of that before you put up a wank thread that can't even essplain itself, shouldn't you have?
I did. That's why I already know what the common defense will be when the blue dress appears. :)

You must be an old hag. The younger generation doesn't give two shits about the blue dress.

This right here is the core of the problem.

Chelsea Clinton is part of the younger generation, I'm sure she cared about the blue dress.

Chelsea Clinton is a salient point for this madness. That is, if Hillary Clinton -- who's after all not a blood relative -- is "done" because of something her husband did ---- wait, make that didn't do ---- the clearly Chelsea is doomed. She after all IS a blood relative.

That's where this thread's logic leads.
You're spending time in a state (city, county etc) with murderers, rapists, sexual predators and jaywalkers. By your logic that makes you -- a moron.

You know, you're one of the weaker thinkers around here, but even for you that is incredibly lame.

I did not fly to a private island stocked with sex slaves 27 times - moron.

What the fuck does Hillary have to do with imaginary salacious scenes for which there's no evidence in the first place? You're saying she sent him over to this island to ---- to uh ---- to do nothing?

Feel free to explain how that one works, Pothead.

Hold your breath until you turn blue, retard. No doubt it will all just go away and everyone will love and obey the party without thought - just as you do...
Chelsea Clinton is a salient point for this madness. That is, if Hillary Clinton -- who's after all not a blood relative -- is "done" because of something her husband did ---- wait, make that didn't do ---- the clearly Chelsea is doomed. She after all IS a blood relative.

That's where this thread's logic leads.

Yo retard; "co-president"

That have any meaning you?

Fucking hack.
You must be an old hag. The younger generation doesn't give two shits about the blue dress.
It was the proof that got a married man impeached. Not that you would know what it is to be married. :)

I am married. In fact, I'm writing a book on how to make a marriage work. :p

I'm sure it includes letting fifteen year olds suck your husbands cock. . . since that isn't sex.

I just reported this post. It's not nice to bring family members into a debate in this fashion. You're disgusting.

Hypocrite. What's good for Bill and Hillary isn't good for you eh? I didn't even know you were married to a man, how could I "bring family members into a debate?"

You're a pansy. Grow some skin. If you can't debate the issues logically, then just go away. I'm done with you if you are a baby.

There's a history of our postings....you do know that, right? .
TARD: That guy sucked donkey dicks!

SKEPTIC: Evidence?

TARD: Get out of my way! I need to get back in line for a refill of my piss cup, asshole!

Hey dude, you may be a hack, but at least you're a fucking retard.

Party above all.
Any time now. Go ahead and provide that evidence Clinton attended underage sex orgies. Show us you aren't guzzling the piss like an obedient partisan rube.
Well there you go..

Clinton went to orgies with underage sex slaves, but it was in 2002 - so who cares?

You should lead the Hillary campaign with this.....
Please provide evidence Clinton went to orgies with underage sex slaves.

Please note your mental masturbation fantasies don't count as evidence. Sorry about that!
The opening poster has been asked to provide links but she refuses. Uncensored simply picked up that ball and ran with it. That is how they roll.
It's Uncensored's pattern. Like a rut.

Show up late. Repeat the most bizarre or outrageous elements of the claims. Fail to provide evidence. Refill piss cup. Guzzle. Repeat.
You're spending time in a state (city, county etc) with murderers, rapists, sexual predators and jaywalkers. By your logic that makes you -- a moron.

You know, you're one of the weaker thinkers around here, but even for you that is incredibly lame.

I did not fly to a private island stocked with sex slaves 27 times - moron.

Number one -- how do you know?
Number two -- it doesn't matter that you say you didn't, I say you did and I put it on the internets, so to quote your own moronity, "it is of no use. The story is out there."

Having it both ways: Priceless.

What the fuck does Hillary have to do with imaginary salacious scenes for which there's no evidence in the first place? You're saying she sent him over to this island to ---- to uh ---- to do nothing?

Feel free to explain how that one works, Pothead.

Hold your breath until you turn blue, retard. No doubt it will all just go away and everyone will love and obey the party without thought - just as you do...

Can't answer huh?
What does that tell you?

This is why you're low-hangin' fruit, Pots. Bringing up the rear as usual.

Hey why don't we just send Rachel Carson to exterminate everybody on that island. Like she did with India.


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