Hillary Out in 2016. Who Will Dems Run?

You're spending time in a state (city, county etc) with murderers, rapists, sexual predators and jaywalkers. By your logic that makes you -- a moron.

You know, you're one of the weaker thinkers around here, but even for you that is incredibly lame.

I did not fly to a private island stocked with sex slaves 27 times - moron.

Number one -- how do you know?
Number two -- it doesn't matter that you say you didn't, I say you did and I put it on the internets, so to quote your own moronity, "it is of no use. The story is out there."

Having it both ways: Priceless.

What the fuck does Hillary have to do with imaginary salacious scenes for which there's no evidence in the first place? You're saying she sent him over to this island to ---- to uh ---- to do nothing?

Feel free to explain how that one works, Pothead.

Hold your breath until you turn blue, retard. No doubt it will all just go away and everyone will love and obey the party without thought - just as you do...

Can't answer huh?
What does that tell you?

This is why you're low-hangin' fruit, Pots. Bringing up the rear as usual.

Hey why don't we just send Rachel Carson to exterminate everybody on that island. Like she did with India.

Kiss Uncensored's wife's 2016 presidential run goodbye.
He denied Lewinsky, shook his finger at the entire world and flat out denied it. It was simply a case of what he said against what she said, and who could prove otherwise? Until the dress. The blue fucking dress. Who could foresee the stupid whore would save the dress?

The common defense started out as her being a liar, a young woman fantasizing about the virile stud. Then it turned into, so what, so he cheated on his wife.

With this new scandal, it's all a lie. Let's see what, if anything, develops.

Shoulda though of that before you put up a wank thread that can't even essplain itself, shouldn't you have?
I did. That's why I already know what the common defense will be when the blue dress appears. :)

You must be an old hag. The younger generation doesn't give two shits about the blue dress.

This right here is the core of the problem.

Chelsea Clinton is part of the younger generation, I'm sure she cared about the blue dress.

Chelsea Clinton is a salient point for this madness. That is, if Hillary Clinton -- who's after all not a blood relative -- is "done" because of something her husband did ---- wait, make that didn't do ---- the clearly Chelsea is doomed. She after all IS a blood relative.

That's where this thread's logic leads.

Not necessarily.

We can't control or choose who our parents are.

We CAN choose who our spouses are. Hillary CHOOSES to stay with a philandering husband. She chooses to condone infidelity. They CLAIM to be Christian and have a holy union. It makes a mockery of God in the eyes of good Christians. Not just Christians, but people of ALL faith.

I don't in any way disabuse Bill of his right to do what he did or does, and living life any way he chooses. This is America, that IS HIS RIGHT. Nor do I take away from Hilary's right to stay married to him.

My problem is with the lying and deceit to the American people. My problem is of the portrayal in the press of themselves as something they aren't. They aren't decent upstanding regular folks. They are corrupt, depraved and nasty. Anyone who has read the files and reports about Vernon Jordan would know that.

Bill is a sex addict. Hillary is a power hungry megalomaniac that knows she must have the image of a nuclear family with proper morals, so thus has to LIE about their familial dynamics.

If people choose to believe their facade, that is on them. I know that the press story's are CFR lies, no matter if it is about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or whether or not Bill is philandering. It is how the gang from the Annenberg School operate. They weave a tale to manipulate the public to vote the way they want them to.

What they want is a Bush candidate and a Clinton candidate. That way the globalists win no matter what. Both candidates support Agenda 21, CORE eduction, the TPP and the TTIP, and then we can all just kiss American sovereignty goodbye.
Shoulda though of that before you put up a wank thread that can't even essplain itself, shouldn't you have?
I did. That's why I already know what the common defense will be when the blue dress appears. :)

You must be an old hag. The younger generation doesn't give two shits about the blue dress.
It was the proof that got a married man impeached. Not that you would know what it is to be married. :)

I am married. In fact, I'm writing a book on how to make a marriage work. :p

I'm sure it includes letting fifteen year olds suck your husbands cock. . . since that isn't sex.

Read the rules you idiot..
Shoulda though of that before you put up a wank thread that can't even essplain itself, shouldn't you have?
I did. That's why I already know what the common defense will be when the blue dress appears. :)

You must be an old hag. The younger generation doesn't give two shits about the blue dress.

This right here is the core of the problem.

Chelsea Clinton is part of the younger generation, I'm sure she cared about the blue dress.

Chelsea Clinton is a salient point for this madness. That is, if Hillary Clinton -- who's after all not a blood relative -- is "done" because of something her husband did ---- wait, make that didn't do ---- the clearly Chelsea is doomed. She after all IS a blood relative.

That's where this thread's logic leads.

Not necessarily.

We can't control or choose who our parents are.

We CAN choose who our spouses are. Hillary CHOOSES to stay with a philandering husband. She chooses to condone infidelity. They CLAIM to be Christian and have a holy union. It makes a mockery of God in the eyes of good Christians. Not just Christians, but people of ALL faith.

I don't in any way disabuse Bill of his right to do what he did or does, and living life any way he chooses. This is America, that IS HIS RIGHT. Nor do I take away from Hilary's right to stay married to him.

My problem is with the lying and deceit to the American people. My problem is of the portrayal in the press of themselves as something they aren't. They aren't decent upstanding regular folks. They are corrupt, depraved and nasty. Anyone who has read the files and reports about Vernon Jordan would know that.

Bill is a sex addict. Hillary is a power hungry megalomaniac that knows she must have the image of a nuclear family with proper morals, so thus has to LIE about their familial dynamics.

If people choose to believe their facade, that is on them. I know that the press story's are CFR lies, no matter if it is about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or whether or not Bill is philandering. It is how the gang from the Annenberg School operate. They weave a tale to manipulate the public to vote the way they want them to.

What they want is a Bush candidate and a Clinton candidate. That way the globalists win no matter what. Both candidates support Agenda 21, CORE eduction, the TPP and the TTIP, and then we can all just kiss American sovereignty goodbye.

The points in the second part are a completely, totally separate issue. We'll leave them untouched. My focus is the Guilt-by-association and Composition fallacies that fuel this entire mockery of a thread.

To wit: "Bill Clinton's phone number was in the possession of a sexual predator, therefore Bill Clinton sexually predated".
To wit: "This guy's island (allegedly) had 'sex slaves', therefore sex slavery is all that ever went on there"
To wit: "Bill Clinton flew on the plane of a sexual predator, therefore Bill Clinton sexually predated"
To wit: "Hillary is married to Bill Clinton, therefore she shares the guilt of the unproven fantasy fallacies above".
To wit: "if Hillary doesn't divorce Bill Clinton over what we fantasized above, she's a sexual predator too".

All of which is a complete crock of absolute fucking horseshit unworthy of any level of adult discussion at all.

Remember the old daze of "innocent until proven guilty"?
What the hell were we thinking there? :cuckoo:
Any time now. Go ahead and provide that evidence Clinton attended underage sex orgies. Show us you aren't guzzling the piss like an obedient partisan rube.

You can read the dozen or more links I provided, or not. :dunno:

Clinton could rape a young girl on TV and you would support and praise him, you're a hack.

The problem you have is that the public is not you. The voters are turned off by private islands filled with underage sex slaves.
Number one -- how do you know?
Number two -- it doesn't matter that you say you didn't, I say you did and I put it on the internets, so to quote your own moronity, "it is of no use. The story is out there."

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Again, you're a mentally retarded hack.

No doubt you imagine that your scoring points with your retardation.

What I say isn't the issue fucktard, the dozens of media outlets I linked to do matter.

No one is expecting you to be rational, you're a hack, it's all you are. But convincing a mindless fool like you isn't the key - the basic revulsion of the American voter is.

No one has to prove anything in a court of law - the implication created by the fact of Clinton visiting Jeffrey Epstein's island of sex slaves is enough to end Hillary's faltering campaign. Hillary made a big issue that she and Bill were "Co-Presidents," you morons have been touting how much "experience" the Clinton team brings. Sorry, the two of them are a package deal.

That this makes you little KOS Kiddies melt down is hilarious to me.
Yum. Low hangin' fruit!

What "abuse of underage girls" are you talking about, exactly?

Doc, you're a partisan hack.

Of course you don't care that Clinton was spending time on a private Island with sex slaves. Party above all - I get it.

You're spending time in a state (city, county etc) with murderers, rapists, sexual predators and jaywalkers. By your logic that makes you -- a moron.

However, the American public doesn't share you fanaticism for the party. I understand that you and the other hacks need to play your partisan game and defend the party regardless of all. But this is the end of Hillary, you know it, so does the paint huffer. The allegation alone, given Clinton's history as a sexual predator, sinks her chances.

What the fuck does Hillary have to do with imaginary salacious scenes for which there's no evidence in the first place? You're saying she sent him over to this island to ---- to uh ---- to do nothing?

Feel free to explain how that one works, Pothead.

Foam at the mouth, shriek, call people "tea baggers;" get it out of your system. Hillary is done.


Again, you're a mentally retarded hack.

No doubt you imagine that your scoring points with your retardation.

Translation: "still can't answer -- yet narcissistic enough to post anyway" :eusa_doh:

What I say isn't the issue fucktard, the dozens of media outlets I linked to do matter.

No one is expecting you to be rational, you're a hack, it's all you are. But convincing a mindless fool like you isn't the key - the basic revulsion of the American voter is.

Translation: "“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. Don't bother me with facts, I've got a myth to manufacture here!"

Why am I not surprised. :eyeroll:


Oh w8! There's more!

No one has to prove anything in a court of law - the implication created by the fact of Clinton visiting Jeffrey Epstein's island of sex slaves is enough to end Hillary's faltering campaign. Hillary made a big issue that she and Bill were "Co-Presidents," you morons have been touting how much "experience" the Clinton team brings. Sorry, the two of them are a package deal.

That this makes you little KOS Kiddies melt down is hilarious to me.

Link to where I've posted anything about either Clinton's "experience" would be --- where again?



I guess the Right knows they haven't a chance against Hillary. Now we have a new made up story.

And it won't be the last. It's kind of amusing in a pathetic way.
Hillary's not running anyway, which makes the level of desperation all the more ludicrous. And transparent.

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