Hillary outspent Trump 2 to 1 in 2016, so why is Biden outspending him a big deal?

After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

doesn't answer the question, does it?

The majority of the press in 2016 was anti-Trump.

and has been since.

Trump can't pretend to make Mexico pay for the wall this time. Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. Trump can't pretend he has a great health care plan this time.
/----/ " Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. "
Except when he does.
Unemployment Rate Drops One Month Before Election Day, But ...
The unemployment rate dropped to 7.9% in September, the Department of Labor reported today. Last month, 661,000 jobs were added to the economy, compared to 1.4 million in August

People who were laid off over the virus are getting their jobs back. That wasn't Trump's promise.
/——/ Try again loser. Trump delivered on the jobs prior to COVID and is doing so now.

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