Hillary outspent Trump 2 to 1 in 2016, so why is Biden outspending him a big deal?

After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
You lied about Hillary outspending Trump two the one. Source?
Fuck off troll.

Well this Grandpa guy is either an idiot or pretending to be so. Your link refers to spending for a one-week period only and only for TV.
Your thread is about overall spending, not just for one cherry-picked week
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

doesn't answer the question, does it?

The majority of the press in 2016 was anti-Trump.

and has been since.

Trump can't pretend to make Mexico pay for the wall this time. Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. Trump can't pretend he has a great health care plan this time.

Thank god I didn't vote for him.

I didn't believe him then, I don't believe him now.

What does that have to do with media coverage.

He can't spin the free coverage like he did last time.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

doesn't answer the question, does it?

The majority of the press in 2016 was anti-Trump.

and has been since.

Trump can't pretend to make Mexico pay for the wall this time. Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. Trump can't pretend he has a great health care plan this time.
All things he did last time, and yes gaining the support of Mexico on trade and immigration was the same as them kicking in on the wall. Support in the political world is the equivalent of money in our pockets all due to that support.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.
Yeah, record growth of the economy, stock market & retirement accounts, median household incomes rising most for minorities while unemployment dropped, poverty levels dropping, manufacturing coming back to the country. Middle East peace deals. Bringing troops home. Bringing kidnapped Americans home from foreign countries. What a shitshow.
These are all facts that happened pre-dempanic. What do you have other than TDS? :aargh:
You left out the quarter of a million Covid deaths and 500 kids ripped from their parents whom are now missing.
The parents aren't missing, the majority were deported. They were subsequently contacted to get their kids back and many declined for whatever reason.

Course you never used this line of attack on Obama & Biden when they built the cages to begin with. Naturally you're just as big a partisan hack as any on this site.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

doesn't answer the question, does it?

The majority of the press in 2016 was anti-Trump.

and has been since.

Trump can't pretend to make Mexico pay for the wall this time. Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. Trump can't pretend he has a great health care plan this time.
/----/ " Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. "
Except when he does.
Unemployment Rate Drops One Month Before Election Day, But ...
The unemployment rate dropped to 7.9% in September, the Department of Labor reported today. Last month, 661,000 jobs were added to the economy, compared to 1.4 million in August
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.
Yeah, record growth of the economy, stock market & retirement accounts, median household incomes rising most for minorities while unemployment dropped, poverty levels dropping, manufacturing coming back to the country. Middle East peace deals. Bringing troops home. Bringing kidnapped Americans home from foreign countries. What a shitshow.
These are all facts that happened pre-dempanic. What do you have other than TDS? :aargh:
You left out the quarter of a million Covid deaths and 500 kids ripped from their parents whom are now missing.
You mean the people who died "with" Rona, right? Because less than 10% died "from" Rona.
What would the death rate look like for a seasonal flu if we counted it the same way? Why are we on pace to have about the same or less overall deaths in the country?
Could it be they politicized this virus specifically to create panic & shut down an economy that was roaring along, knowing this would lead to another crushing defeat to Trump?
Nah, Dems would never do that! You really aren't a bright individual, are you? :slap:
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

doesn't answer the question, does it?

The majority of the press in 2016 was anti-Trump.

and has been since.

Trump can't pretend to make Mexico pay for the wall this time. Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. Trump can't pretend he has a great health care plan this time.
All things he did last time, and yes gaining the support of Mexico on trade and immigration was the same as them kicking in on the wall. Support in the political world is the equivalent of money in our pockets all due to that support.

Nothing has changed with Mexico.

The goods deficit with Mexico hit a record high of $10.6 in July.

U.S. trade deficit surged in July to highest in 12 years
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
You lied about Hillary outspending Trump two the one. Source?
Fuck off troll.

Well this Grandpa guy is either an idiot or pretending to be so. Your link refers to spending for a one-week period only and only for TV.
Your thread is about overall spending, not just for one cherry-picked week

Just quit ya loon.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.
Yeah, record growth of the economy, stock market & retirement accounts, median household incomes rising most for minorities while unemployment dropped, poverty levels dropping, manufacturing coming back to the country. Middle East peace deals. Bringing troops home. Bringing kidnapped Americans home from foreign countries. What a shitshow.
These are all facts that happened pre-dempanic. What do you have other than TDS? :aargh:
You left out the quarter of a million Covid deaths and 500 kids ripped from their parents whom are now missing.
No one's buying your snake oil, so go figure out a new hobby, because this one isn't your friend. LOL... It's amazing how you and your con-rads just keep pushing and pushing the false narratives created by the left.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.
Yeah, record growth of the economy, stock market & retirement accounts, median household incomes rising most for minorities while unemployment dropped, poverty levels dropping, manufacturing coming back to the country. Middle East peace deals. Bringing troops home. Bringing kidnapped Americans home from foreign countries. What a shitshow.
These are all facts that happened pre-dempanic. What do you have other than TDS? :aargh:
You left out the quarter of a million Covid deaths and 500 kids ripped from their parents whom are now missing.
/----/ You left out the part that the number of Covid deaths are ginned up so hospitals can get more $$$. You left out the part that Trump signed an EO to end the Obozo practice but it was overruled by a Libtard Federal judge.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

doesn't answer the question, does it?

The majority of the press in 2016 was anti-Trump.

and has been since.

Trump can't pretend to make Mexico pay for the wall this time. Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. Trump can't pretend he has a great health care plan this time.
/----/ " Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. "
Except when he does.
Unemployment Rate Drops One Month Before Election Day, But ...
The unemployment rate dropped to 7.9% in September, the Department of Labor reported today. Last month, 661,000 jobs were added to the economy, compared to 1.4 million in August

People who were laid off over the virus are getting their jobs back. That wasn't Trump's promise.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

doesn't answer the question, does it?

The majority of the press in 2016 was anti-Trump.

and has been since.

Trump can't pretend to make Mexico pay for the wall this time. Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. Trump can't pretend he has a great health care plan this time.
All things he did last time, and yes gaining the support of Mexico on trade and immigration was the same as them kicking in on the wall. Support in the political world is the equivalent of money in our pockets all due to that support.

Nothing has changed with Mexico.

The goods deficit with Mexico hit a record high of $10.6 in July.

U.S. trade deficit surged in July to highest in 12 years
Yeah, yeah, and Covid-19 is a myth that had nothing to do with anything right ?
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

doesn't answer the question, does it?

The majority of the press in 2016 was anti-Trump.

and has been since.

Trump can't pretend to make Mexico pay for the wall this time. Trump can't pretend he will bring jobs back this time. Trump can't pretend he has a great health care plan this time.
All things he did last time, and yes gaining the support of Mexico on trade and immigration was the same as them kicking in on the wall. Support in the political world is the equivalent of money in our pockets all due to that support.

Nothing has changed with Mexico.

The goods deficit with Mexico hit a record high of $10.6 in July.

U.S. trade deficit surged in July to highest in 12 years
Yeah, yeah, and Covid-19 is a myth that had nothing to do with anything right ?

It's what I'm told by many. But that has nothing to do with what the facts are. They are excuses, nothing else.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.
Yeah, record growth of the economy, stock market & retirement accounts, median household incomes rising most for minorities while unemployment dropped, poverty levels dropping, manufacturing coming back to the country. Middle East peace deals. Bringing troops home. Bringing kidnapped Americans home from foreign countries. What a shitshow.
These are all facts that happened pre-dempanic. What do you have other than TDS? :aargh:
You left out the quarter of a million Covid deaths and 500 kids ripped from their parents whom are now missing.
/----/ You left out the part that the number of Covid deaths are ginned up so hospitals can get more $$$. You left out the part that Trump signed an EO to end the Obozo practice but it was overruled by a Libtard Federal judge.
Conspiracy theory
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.
Yeah, record growth of the economy, stock market & retirement accounts, median household incomes rising most for minorities while unemployment dropped, poverty levels dropping, manufacturing coming back to the country. Middle East peace deals. Bringing troops home. Bringing kidnapped Americans home from foreign countries. What a shitshow.
These are all facts that happened pre-dempanic. What do you have other than TDS? :aargh:
You left out the quarter of a million Covid deaths and 500 kids ripped from their parents whom are now missing.
The parents aren't missing, the majority were deported. They were subsequently contacted to get their kids back and many declined for whatever reason.

Course you never used this line of attack on Obama & Biden when they built the cages to begin with. Naturally you're just as big a partisan hack as any on this site.

Parents deported without their kid....

In America.

Because of the blob.

as I said...shitshow from top to bottom
The great metaphor.

PROGS claim republicans are for the rich and democrats are for the poor. They missed the part the filthy rich and zip codes are primarily PROG.

PROGS receive the most money to run, but like their govt. entities, the more money they take and spend the more likely they are to fail.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.

The democrat areas failed with Covid.

President Trump succeeded in defending freedom and making a strong recovery.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.
Yeah, record growth of the economy, stock market & retirement accounts, median household incomes rising most for minorities while unemployment dropped, poverty levels dropping, manufacturing coming back to the country. Middle East peace deals. Bringing troops home. Bringing kidnapped Americans home from foreign countries. What a shitshow.
These are all facts that happened pre-dempanic. What do you have other than TDS? :aargh:
You left out the quarter of a million Covid deaths and 500 kids ripped from their parents whom are now missing.
The parents aren't missing, the majority were deported. They were subsequently contacted to get their kids back and many declined for whatever reason.

Course you never used this line of attack on Obama & Biden when they built the cages to begin with. Naturally you're just as big a partisan hack as any on this site.

Parents deported without their kid....

In America.

Because of the blob.

as I said...shitshow from top to bottom

You guys always side with illegals and criminals over Americans.

That's the difference between you and Americans.
After 4 years in office & 24/7 news coverage I would think that ads are relatively pointless by now no?
The free media the blob got was an open question in 2016. Now it’s negative. He notched the Covid response and now wants to strip healthcare from people in the age of Covid.

It’s not negative media...those are facts.

The 'free media' was negative in 2016.

CNN bashed him daily, if not hourly, back then.

The voters Had questions in 2016. Trump’s shitshow is now a known fact.
Yeah, record growth of the economy, stock market & retirement accounts, median household incomes rising most for minorities while unemployment dropped, poverty levels dropping, manufacturing coming back to the country. Middle East peace deals. Bringing troops home. Bringing kidnapped Americans home from foreign countries. What a shitshow.
These are all facts that happened pre-dempanic. What do you have other than TDS? :aargh:
You left out the quarter of a million Covid deaths and 500 kids ripped from their parents whom are now missing.
/----/ You left out the part that the number of Covid deaths are ginned up so hospitals can get more $$$. You left out the part that Trump signed an EO to end the Obozo practice but it was overruled by a Libtard Federal judge.
Conspiracy theory
/——/ Refute these. Dumbazz.

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