Hillary Promises To End Freed Speech

We are looking into the abyss...and, to paraphrase Nietzsche, 'the abyss stares back' in the form of Bill's wife.

"Mrs. Clinton's own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans' own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United versus FEC."

That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech,... ...extension of the political left's other attempts to stifle the free speech of those who oppose their agenda."
Thomas Sowell - Words Versus Deeds

1. Perhaps the most powerful weapon of the Left is control of the dissemination of information. They control the media, academia, and the education industry, so they control the language of the argument.
Case in point.... the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare,...which we have all found to be far from affordable.
George Orwell named it 'NewSpeak' ....a controlled language created by the totalitarian state.

2. Today's example of the iniquity of the Left is based on the phrase 'campaign finance reform.' It suggests the bettering of a situation....political contributions: it is no such thing.

Central to the issue is " Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. constitutional law and corporate law case dealing with the regulation of campaign spending by organizations. The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) that freedom of speech prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation. The principles articulated by the Supreme Court in the case have also been extended to for-profit corporations, labor unions and other associations." Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia

3. To see a Liberal sputter with rage, simply mention "Citizens United"! They have been programmed to fume at the case result, claiming that it is geared toward allowing well funded Republicans/conservatives to 'buy' elections.

The truth is, the court decision is the basis for preventing the Left....which is far better funded than the Right...from steam-rollering government on every issue.

It is the only hope for those who endorse free speech.

4. Let's take a prime example, and bring in the late Senator Eugene McCarthy, the iconic liberal politician of the Vietnam War era, as our expert witness. " McCarthy, a Democrat who represented Minnesota in the Senate from 1959 to 1971, did something unthinkable in 1968. Because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, he challenged a powerful, incumbent President for his party’s presidential nomination.

His challenge to President Lyndon Johnson was possible -- and potent -- only because five wealthy liberals who shared McCarthy’s opposition to the Vietnam War gave him substantial sums of money. Stewart Mott’s $210,000 would be $1.4 million in today’s dollars. The five donors’ seed money enabled McCarthy to raise $11 million dollars or $75 million dollars today.

But, because of campaign finance reform, the most a wealthy quintet could give to help an insurgent against an incumbent today would be $13,000 (five times the individual limit of $2,600). McCarthy didn’t win the nomination, but he did compel Johnson not to run for a second term. In doing so, McCarthy changed history.

.... the Democratic Party establishment wasn’t happy about it. To stop it from happening again, they pushed for government regulation of political speech.

Thus in reaction to Eugene McCarthy’s insurgency, campaign finance reform was born." Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts

Starting to see where the truth is?
The left controls areas where you need an education.
After all of PC's maniacal rants about Bill Clinton 'the rapist', isn't it sheer delight to see her emerge as a zealous supporter of Donald Trump?
Typical PC thread. She cuts and pastes nonsense, NYcarbineer shows up to make her look foolish.
Repeating something and expecting a different result is a sign of mental illness.
We are looking into the abyss...and, to paraphrase Nietzsche, 'the abyss stares back' in the form of Bill's wife.

"Mrs. Clinton's own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans' own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United versus FEC."

That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech,... ...extension of the political left's other attempts to stifle the free speech of those who oppose their agenda."
Thomas Sowell - Words Versus Deeds

1. Perhaps the most powerful weapon of the Left is control of the dissemination of information. They control the media, academia, and the education industry, so they control the language of the argument.
Case in point.... the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare,...which we have all found to be far from affordable.
George Orwell named it 'NewSpeak' ....a controlled language created by the totalitarian state.

2. Today's example of the iniquity of the Left is based on the phrase 'campaign finance reform.' It suggests the bettering of a situation....political contributions: it is no such thing.

Central to the issue is " Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. constitutional law and corporate law case dealing with the regulation of campaign spending by organizations. The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) that freedom of speech prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation. The principles articulated by the Supreme Court in the case have also been extended to for-profit corporations, labor unions and other associations." Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia

3. To see a Liberal sputter with rage, simply mention "Citizens United"! They have been programmed to fume at the case result, claiming that it is geared toward allowing well funded Republicans/conservatives to 'buy' elections.

The truth is, the court decision is the basis for preventing the Left....which is far better funded than the Right...from steam-rollering government on every issue.

It is the only hope for those who endorse free speech.

4. Let's take a prime example, and bring in the late Senator Eugene McCarthy, the iconic liberal politician of the Vietnam War era, as our expert witness. " McCarthy, a Democrat who represented Minnesota in the Senate from 1959 to 1971, did something unthinkable in 1968. Because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, he challenged a powerful, incumbent President for his party’s presidential nomination.

His challenge to President Lyndon Johnson was possible -- and potent -- only because five wealthy liberals who shared McCarthy’s opposition to the Vietnam War gave him substantial sums of money. Stewart Mott’s $210,000 would be $1.4 million in today’s dollars. The five donors’ seed money enabled McCarthy to raise $11 million dollars or $75 million dollars today.

But, because of campaign finance reform, the most a wealthy quintet could give to help an insurgent against an incumbent today would be $13,000 (five times the individual limit of $2,600). McCarthy didn’t win the nomination, but he did compel Johnson not to run for a second term. In doing so, McCarthy changed history.

.... the Democratic Party establishment wasn’t happy about it. To stop it from happening again, they pushed for government regulation of political speech.

Thus in reaction to Eugene McCarthy’s insurgency, campaign finance reform was born." Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts

Starting to see where the truth is?
The left controls areas where you need an education.

Over and over, when the dunces who have been trained and co-opted by the Left sense that the OP is a danger to their worldview....they rush to post the best refutation that they can possibly produce....

...and it never.....never .....comes close to dealing with the subject.

It's just as this dunce posts...one more 'I hate you' post.

I'm so shocked....so hurt......I'll have to retreat to my room to recover.

I'm back.
After all of PC's maniacal rants about Bill Clinton 'the rapist', isn't it sheer delight to see her emerge as a zealous supporter of Donald Trump?
Typical PC thread. She cuts and pastes nonsense, NYcarbineer shows up to make her look foolish.
Repeating something and expecting a different result is a sign of mental illness.

Where's your rebuttal?

Waiting for the DNC to appraise you of the necessary talklng points?

Gads, you're a fool
We are looking into the abyss...and, to paraphrase Nietzsche, 'the abyss stares back' in the form of Bill's wife.

"Mrs. Clinton's own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans' own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United versus FEC."

That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech,... ...extension of the political left's other attempts to stifle the free speech of those who oppose their agenda."
Thomas Sowell - Words Versus Deeds

1. Perhaps the most powerful weapon of the Left is control of the dissemination of information. They control the media, academia, and the education industry, so they control the language of the argument.
Case in point.... the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare,...which we have all found to be far from affordable.
George Orwell named it 'NewSpeak' ....a controlled language created by the totalitarian state.

2. Today's example of the iniquity of the Left is based on the phrase 'campaign finance reform.' It suggests the bettering of a situation....political contributions: it is no such thing.

Central to the issue is " Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. constitutional law and corporate law case dealing with the regulation of campaign spending by organizations. The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) that freedom of speech prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation. The principles articulated by the Supreme Court in the case have also been extended to for-profit corporations, labor unions and other associations." Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia

3. To see a Liberal sputter with rage, simply mention "Citizens United"! They have been programmed to fume at the case result, claiming that it is geared toward allowing well funded Republicans/conservatives to 'buy' elections.

The truth is, the court decision is the basis for preventing the Left....which is far better funded than the Right...from steam-rollering government on every issue.

It is the only hope for those who endorse free speech.

4. Let's take a prime example, and bring in the late Senator Eugene McCarthy, the iconic liberal politician of the Vietnam War era, as our expert witness. " McCarthy, a Democrat who represented Minnesota in the Senate from 1959 to 1971, did something unthinkable in 1968. Because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, he challenged a powerful, incumbent President for his party’s presidential nomination.

His challenge to President Lyndon Johnson was possible -- and potent -- only because five wealthy liberals who shared McCarthy’s opposition to the Vietnam War gave him substantial sums of money. Stewart Mott’s $210,000 would be $1.4 million in today’s dollars. The five donors’ seed money enabled McCarthy to raise $11 million dollars or $75 million dollars today.

But, because of campaign finance reform, the most a wealthy quintet could give to help an insurgent against an incumbent today would be $13,000 (five times the individual limit of $2,600). McCarthy didn’t win the nomination, but he did compel Johnson not to run for a second term. In doing so, McCarthy changed history.

.... the Democratic Party establishment wasn’t happy about it. To stop it from happening again, they pushed for government regulation of political speech.

Thus in reaction to Eugene McCarthy’s insurgency, campaign finance reform was born." Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts

Starting to see where the truth is?
The left controls areas where you need an education.

Over and over, when the dunces who have been trained and co-opted by the Left sense that the OP is a danger to their worldview....they rush to post the best refutation that they can possibly produce....

...and it never.....never .....comes close to dealing with the subject.

It's just as this dunce posts...one more 'I hate you' post.

I'm so shocked....so hurt......I'll have to retreat to my room to recover.

I'm back.
You are not worthy of an emotion such as hate. You are too insignificant.
What she needs to do is close the IRS loop hole that allows the PAC's to parade as charitable organizations in order to claim not only tax free status but also anonymity for their donors.

"... in order to claim not only tax free status but also anonymity for their donors."

Are you corrupt enough to pretend that revealing who the donors are is not a tactic designed to prevent the donors from expressing their right to free speech?

Free speech? Paid for political activism should not be able to hide. Donations to a charitable fund that doesn't involve itself in politics can be hidden.

"Paid for political activism should not be able to hide. Donations to a charitable fund that doesn't involve itself in politics can be hidden."


How is it your business, or any interest to any but Fascists, what my religion is, or how I vote???

Can you read English?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Does it say 'except for charities, religious folks, or political reasons'??????

So.....how does that new brown shirt fit, you Fascist?

PAC's are not people, and neither are corporations. Money does not equal free speech.
Oh god you guys are so lame



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We are looking into the abyss...and, to paraphrase Nietzsche, 'the abyss stares back' in the form of Bill's wife.

"Mrs. Clinton's own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans' own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United versus FEC."

That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech,... ...extension of the political left's other attempts to stifle the free speech of those who oppose their agenda."
Thomas Sowell - Words Versus Deeds

1. Perhaps the most powerful weapon of the Left is control of the dissemination of information. They control the media, academia, and the education industry, so they control the language of the argument.
Case in point.... the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare,...which we have all found to be far from affordable.
George Orwell named it 'NewSpeak' ....a controlled language created by the totalitarian state.

2. Today's example of the iniquity of the Left is based on the phrase 'campaign finance reform.' It suggests the bettering of a situation....political contributions: it is no such thing.

Central to the issue is " Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. constitutional law and corporate law case dealing with the regulation of campaign spending by organizations. The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) that freedom of speech prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation. The principles articulated by the Supreme Court in the case have also been extended to for-profit corporations, labor unions and other associations." Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia

3. To see a Liberal sputter with rage, simply mention "Citizens United"! They have been programmed to fume at the case result, claiming that it is geared toward allowing well funded Republicans/conservatives to 'buy' elections.

The truth is, the court decision is the basis for preventing the Left....which is far better funded than the Right...from steam-rollering government on every issue.

It is the only hope for those who endorse free speech.

4. Let's take a prime example, and bring in the late Senator Eugene McCarthy, the iconic liberal politician of the Vietnam War era, as our expert witness. " McCarthy, a Democrat who represented Minnesota in the Senate from 1959 to 1971, did something unthinkable in 1968. Because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, he challenged a powerful, incumbent President for his party’s presidential nomination.

His challenge to President Lyndon Johnson was possible -- and potent -- only because five wealthy liberals who shared McCarthy’s opposition to the Vietnam War gave him substantial sums of money. Stewart Mott’s $210,000 would be $1.4 million in today’s dollars. The five donors’ seed money enabled McCarthy to raise $11 million dollars or $75 million dollars today.

But, because of campaign finance reform, the most a wealthy quintet could give to help an insurgent against an incumbent today would be $13,000 (five times the individual limit of $2,600). McCarthy didn’t win the nomination, but he did compel Johnson not to run for a second term. In doing so, McCarthy changed history.

.... the Democratic Party establishment wasn’t happy about it. To stop it from happening again, they pushed for government regulation of political speech.

Thus in reaction to Eugene McCarthy’s insurgency, campaign finance reform was born." Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts

Starting to see where the truth is?
The left controls areas where you need an education.

Over and over, when the dunces who have been trained and co-opted by the Left sense that the OP is a danger to their worldview....they rush to post the best refutation that they can possibly produce....

...and it never.....never .....comes close to dealing with the subject.

It's just as this dunce posts...one more 'I hate you' post.

I'm so shocked....so hurt......I'll have to retreat to my room to recover.

I'm back.
You are not worthy of an emotion such as hate. You are too insignificant.

Translation: "I couldn't handle you even if you came with instructions.'

What's really funny is you claim I'm too insignificant....after you post three vapid posts in the thread.

What a dunce.
We are looking into the abyss...and, to paraphrase Nietzsche, 'the abyss stares back' in the form of Bill's wife.

"Mrs. Clinton's own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans' own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United versus FEC."

That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech,... ...extension of the political left's other attempts to stifle the free speech of those who oppose their agenda."
Thomas Sowell - Words Versus Deeds

1. Perhaps the most powerful weapon of the Left is control of the dissemination of information. They control the media, academia, and the education industry, so they control the language of the argument.
Case in point.... the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare,...which we have all found to be far from affordable.
George Orwell named it 'NewSpeak' ....a controlled language created by the totalitarian state.

2. Today's example of the iniquity of the Left is based on the phrase 'campaign finance reform.' It suggests the bettering of a situation....political contributions: it is no such thing.

Central to the issue is " Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. constitutional law and corporate law case dealing with the regulation of campaign spending by organizations. The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) that freedom of speech prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation. The principles articulated by the Supreme Court in the case have also been extended to for-profit corporations, labor unions and other associations." Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia

3. To see a Liberal sputter with rage, simply mention "Citizens United"! They have been programmed to fume at the case result, claiming that it is geared toward allowing well funded Republicans/conservatives to 'buy' elections.

The truth is, the court decision is the basis for preventing the Left....which is far better funded than the Right...from steam-rollering government on every issue.

It is the only hope for those who endorse free speech.

4. Let's take a prime example, and bring in the late Senator Eugene McCarthy, the iconic liberal politician of the Vietnam War era, as our expert witness. " McCarthy, a Democrat who represented Minnesota in the Senate from 1959 to 1971, did something unthinkable in 1968. Because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, he challenged a powerful, incumbent President for his party’s presidential nomination.

His challenge to President Lyndon Johnson was possible -- and potent -- only because five wealthy liberals who shared McCarthy’s opposition to the Vietnam War gave him substantial sums of money. Stewart Mott’s $210,000 would be $1.4 million in today’s dollars. The five donors’ seed money enabled McCarthy to raise $11 million dollars or $75 million dollars today.

But, because of campaign finance reform, the most a wealthy quintet could give to help an insurgent against an incumbent today would be $13,000 (five times the individual limit of $2,600). McCarthy didn’t win the nomination, but he did compel Johnson not to run for a second term. In doing so, McCarthy changed history.

.... the Democratic Party establishment wasn’t happy about it. To stop it from happening again, they pushed for government regulation of political speech.

Thus in reaction to Eugene McCarthy’s insurgency, campaign finance reform was born." Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts

Starting to see where the truth is?

The biggest problem is that Americans are generally ignorant, and we have a corrupt media that outright lies.

Citizens United v. FEC is the most important decision upholding Constitutional rights since Brown v. Board of Education (which the democrats ALSO attacked)

A reminder the the ABJECT hypocrisy that was at work. In 2004 democrat operative Michael Moore released a hit film on Bush called "Fahrenheit 9/11." While the film was highly dishonest, most people recognized that this is an expression of free speech.

Fast forward 4 years and a group of people formed a political action committee to produce a film called "Hillary, the Movie." Just like the Moore film, it was a highly political expose of a candidate.

UNLIKE the Moore film, the FEC declared "Hillary the Movie" to be illegal speech. Congress had made a law infringing the freedom of speech known as "McCain - Feingold" that outlawed political speech by anyone other than the DNC controlled media, and labor unions at union events or in union news letters..

Citizens United initially brought suit based on the unequal application of the law. A film attacking Bush was allowed, while a film attack Hillary was censored. The obvious fact that the FEC was censoring speech that was against the democrats while allowing speech against Republicans.

When the case got to the high court, the 5 pro-constitution justices found that congress passing laws to censor speech actually violated the 1st amendment which states that congress shall pass NO law infringing the freedom of speech. Also note that Bolshevik Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote a dissent in which she praised restrictions on political discourse and supports the open subversion of the Constitution by.court, making it clear that she sees the Constitution as subservient to the court, rather than the court bound to uphold the Constitution. Why is this important? Hillary ho;ds Ginsburg as the model for her SCOTUS picks.

Two takeaways: Citizens United saved the 1st Amendment. Hillary Clinton is dedicated to ending the 1st and Constitutional government in general..
Last edited:
After all of PC's maniacal rants about Bill Clinton 'the rapist', isn't it sheer delight to see her emerge as a zealous supporter of Donald Trump?
Typical PC thread. She cuts and pastes nonsense, NYcarbineer shows up to make her look foolish.
Repeating something and expecting a different result is a sign of mental illness.

Where's your rebuttal?

Waiting for the DNC to appraise you of the necessary talklng points?

Gads, you're a fool
Where is my butt hole? You have been there.
When you start calling names, I know that I am right. Thank you.
We are looking into the abyss...and, to paraphrase Nietzsche, 'the abyss stares back' in the form of Bill's wife.

"Mrs. Clinton's own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans' own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United versus FEC."

That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech,... ...extension of the political left's other attempts to stifle the free speech of those who oppose their agenda."
Thomas Sowell - Words Versus Deeds

1. Perhaps the most powerful weapon of the Left is control of the dissemination of information. They control the media, academia, and the education industry, so they control the language of the argument.
Case in point.... the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare,...which we have all found to be far from affordable.
George Orwell named it 'NewSpeak' ....a controlled language created by the totalitarian state.

2. Today's example of the iniquity of the Left is based on the phrase 'campaign finance reform.' It suggests the bettering of a situation....political contributions: it is no such thing.

Central to the issue is " Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. constitutional law and corporate law case dealing with the regulation of campaign spending by organizations. The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) that freedom of speech prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation. The principles articulated by the Supreme Court in the case have also been extended to for-profit corporations, labor unions and other associations." Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia

3. To see a Liberal sputter with rage, simply mention "Citizens United"! They have been programmed to fume at the case result, claiming that it is geared toward allowing well funded Republicans/conservatives to 'buy' elections.

The truth is, the court decision is the basis for preventing the Left....which is far better funded than the Right...from steam-rollering government on every issue.

It is the only hope for those who endorse free speech.

4. Let's take a prime example, and bring in the late Senator Eugene McCarthy, the iconic liberal politician of the Vietnam War era, as our expert witness. " McCarthy, a Democrat who represented Minnesota in the Senate from 1959 to 1971, did something unthinkable in 1968. Because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, he challenged a powerful, incumbent President for his party’s presidential nomination.

His challenge to President Lyndon Johnson was possible -- and potent -- only because five wealthy liberals who shared McCarthy’s opposition to the Vietnam War gave him substantial sums of money. Stewart Mott’s $210,000 would be $1.4 million in today’s dollars. The five donors’ seed money enabled McCarthy to raise $11 million dollars or $75 million dollars today.

But, because of campaign finance reform, the most a wealthy quintet could give to help an insurgent against an incumbent today would be $13,000 (five times the individual limit of $2,600). McCarthy didn’t win the nomination, but he did compel Johnson not to run for a second term. In doing so, McCarthy changed history.

.... the Democratic Party establishment wasn’t happy about it. To stop it from happening again, they pushed for government regulation of political speech.

Thus in reaction to Eugene McCarthy’s insurgency, campaign finance reform was born." Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts

Starting to see where the truth is?
The left controls areas where you need an education.

Over and over, when the dunces who have been trained and co-opted by the Left sense that the OP is a danger to their worldview....they rush to post the best refutation that they can possibly produce....

...and it never.....never .....comes close to dealing with the subject.

It's just as this dunce posts...one more 'I hate you' post.

I'm so shocked....so hurt......I'll have to retreat to my room to recover.

I'm back.
You are not worthy of an emotion such as hate. You are too insignificant.

Translation: "I couldn't handle you even if you came with instructions.'

What's really funny is you claim I'm too insignificant....after you post three vapid posts in the thread.

What a dunce.
Sometimes it is fun to play kick the dummy.
No. That decision stated that those entities have the freedom to pour as much money into elections as they want to in order to influence/buy said elections.

Do you believe there should be a government agency that checks all movies and books to ensure there is no content that opposes the party?

Perhaps you can help organize "Book burnings for Hillary?"
Can't have free speech when profiting from lies... the truth might come up.
What she needs to do is close the IRS loop hole that allows the PAC's to parade as charitable organizations in order to claim not only tax free status but also anonymity for their donors.

"... in order to claim not only tax free status but also anonymity for their donors."

Are you corrupt enough to pretend that revealing who the donors are is not a tactic designed to prevent the donors from expressing their right to free speech?

Free speech? Paid for political activism should not be able to hide. Donations to a charitable fund that doesn't involve itself in politics can be hidden.

"Paid for political activism should not be able to hide. Donations to a charitable fund that doesn't involve itself in politics can be hidden."


How is it your business, or any interest to any but Fascists, what my religion is, or how I vote???

Can you read English?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Does it say 'except for charities, religious folks, or political reasons'??????

So.....how does that new brown shirt fit, you Fascist?

PAC's are not people, and neither are corporations. Money does not equal free speech.

"PAC's are not people, and neither are corporations. Money does not equal free speech."

1. How about unions, you dope?

a. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... OpenSecrets.org tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

b. Six of the top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the OpenSecrets.org compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

2. Money does equal free speech....so saith the Supreme Court.

3. Didn't we agree that you are a Fascist?
After all of PC's maniacal rants about Bill Clinton 'the rapist', isn't it sheer delight to see her emerge as a zealous supporter of Donald Trump?
Typical PC thread. She cuts and pastes nonsense, NYcarbineer shows up to make her look foolish.
Repeating something and expecting a different result is a sign of mental illness.

Where's your rebuttal?

Waiting for the DNC to appraise you of the necessary talklng points?

Gads, you're a fool
Where is my butt hole? You have been there.
When you start calling names, I know that I am right. Thank you.

Look how quickly I reduce you to vulgarity.

Gads, I'm good!
We are looking into the abyss...and, to paraphrase Nietzsche, 'the abyss stares back' in the form of Bill's wife.

"Mrs. Clinton's own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans' own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United versus FEC."

That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech,... ...extension of the political left's other attempts to stifle the free speech of those who oppose their agenda."
Thomas Sowell - Words Versus Deeds

1. Perhaps the most powerful weapon of the Left is control of the dissemination of information. They control the media, academia, and the education industry, so they control the language of the argument.
Case in point.... the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare,...which we have all found to be far from affordable.
George Orwell named it 'NewSpeak' ....a controlled language created by the totalitarian state.

2. Today's example of the iniquity of the Left is based on the phrase 'campaign finance reform.' It suggests the bettering of a situation....political contributions: it is no such thing.

Central to the issue is " Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. constitutional law and corporate law case dealing with the regulation of campaign spending by organizations. The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) that freedom of speech prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation. The principles articulated by the Supreme Court in the case have also been extended to for-profit corporations, labor unions and other associations." Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia

3. To see a Liberal sputter with rage, simply mention "Citizens United"! They have been programmed to fume at the case result, claiming that it is geared toward allowing well funded Republicans/conservatives to 'buy' elections.

The truth is, the court decision is the basis for preventing the Left....which is far better funded than the Right...from steam-rollering government on every issue.

It is the only hope for those who endorse free speech.

4. Let's take a prime example, and bring in the late Senator Eugene McCarthy, the iconic liberal politician of the Vietnam War era, as our expert witness. " McCarthy, a Democrat who represented Minnesota in the Senate from 1959 to 1971, did something unthinkable in 1968. Because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, he challenged a powerful, incumbent President for his party’s presidential nomination.

His challenge to President Lyndon Johnson was possible -- and potent -- only because five wealthy liberals who shared McCarthy’s opposition to the Vietnam War gave him substantial sums of money. Stewart Mott’s $210,000 would be $1.4 million in today’s dollars. The five donors’ seed money enabled McCarthy to raise $11 million dollars or $75 million dollars today.

But, because of campaign finance reform, the most a wealthy quintet could give to help an insurgent against an incumbent today would be $13,000 (five times the individual limit of $2,600). McCarthy didn’t win the nomination, but he did compel Johnson not to run for a second term. In doing so, McCarthy changed history.

.... the Democratic Party establishment wasn’t happy about it. To stop it from happening again, they pushed for government regulation of political speech.

Thus in reaction to Eugene McCarthy’s insurgency, campaign finance reform was born." Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts

Starting to see where the truth is?
The left controls areas where you need an education.

Over and over, when the dunces who have been trained and co-opted by the Left sense that the OP is a danger to their worldview....they rush to post the best refutation that they can possibly produce....

...and it never.....never .....comes close to dealing with the subject.

It's just as this dunce posts...one more 'I hate you' post.

I'm so shocked....so hurt......I'll have to retreat to my room to recover.

I'm back.
You are not worthy of an emotion such as hate. You are too insignificant.

Translation: "I couldn't handle you even if you came with instructions.'

What's really funny is you claim I'm too insignificant....after you post three vapid posts in the thread.

What a dunce.
Sometimes it is fun to play kick the dummy.


Here you are...'kicking'

No. That decision stated that those entities have the freedom to pour as much money into elections as they want to in order to influence/buy said elections.

Do you believe there should be a government agency that checks all movies and books to ensure there is no content that opposes the party?

Perhaps you can help organize "Book burnings for Hillary?"

He demands being greeted thus:

'Sieg Heil!'
In America, before the Liberal invasion, the Constitution was 'the law of the land.'

8. "These reformers apparently think that what James Madison, the author of the Bill of Rights, meant when he wrote: "Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech,” was really "Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech -- unless incumbents think abridgements will help keep them in office.”

Even if it were Congress's business to decide that there is "too much" money in politics, what does “too much” mean?

In the 2007-08 election cycle, spending in all campaigns, from city council members up to the presidency, was $8.6 billion, about what Americans spend annually on potato chips.

.... Campaign finance reform is what it pretends to combat: corruption." Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts
What she needs to do is close the IRS loop hole that allows the PAC's to parade as charitable organizations in order to claim not only tax free status but also anonymity for their donors.

"... in order to claim not only tax free status but also anonymity for their donors."

Are you corrupt enough to pretend that revealing who the donors are is not a tactic designed to prevent the donors from expressing their right to free speech?

Free speech? Paid for political activism should not be able to hide. Donations to a charitable fund that doesn't involve itself in politics can be hidden.

"Paid for political activism should not be able to hide. Donations to a charitable fund that doesn't involve itself in politics can be hidden."


How is it your business, or any interest to any but Fascists, what my religion is, or how I vote???

Can you read English?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Does it say 'except for charities, religious folks, or political reasons'??????

So.....how does that new brown shirt fit, you Fascist?

PAC's are not people, and neither are corporations. Money does not equal free speech.

"PAC's are not people, and neither are corporations. Money does not equal free speech."

1. How about unions, you dope?

a. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... OpenSecrets.org tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

b. Six of the top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the OpenSecrets.org compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

2. Money does equal free speech....so saith the Supreme Court.

3. Didn't we agree that you are a Fascist?

Unions are not people either. They should have to disclose where the money goes as well.

The Supreme Court once ruled that Black People were property too, no different than a mule.

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