Hillary Proves Why She Shouldn't Be President

Of course Iraq is a Democracy. It is Bush's proudest accomplishment. He is renowned as a Liberator and founder of their country

Cute, but we both know its not true. The USA and the entire world was taken in by Saddam's lies. Ever wonder why our intel was so flawed during that time?

Bush, both Clintons, the UN, and most of the world used the same intel and came to the same erroneous conclusion.

I know its part of your dem/lib mantra to blame bush exclusively, but history knows that is a lie. If we lie about history, our kids will not learn from it.

Why is it then that 147 liberals in Congress weren't 'taken in'?

Seems they did what their constituents wanted them to do. Vote against it.
There are no votes to be harvested in Iraq so she doesn't care. Now if a large group of gay or minority voters was over there she would fly in, make a speech and raise $$$$.
Here is Hillary's solution to Iraq. Do nothing. Seriously, that's her answer. How well did doing nothing work out in Benghazi?
Hillary Clinton Tells Canadian TV Anchor How She Would Handle Iraq | Mediaite
When Mansbridge asked if she would “only” use airstrikes, Clinton replied, “Well, not even that necessarily.” She explained, “I would not support any action unless there was a very clear understand of what [Iraqi President Nouri al-]Maliki would or wouldn’t do, who was running the army and what third parties were going to be involved.”

Wow. That's exactly what the president and nearly every member of Congress are saying.

How dare she!
how did that work in afghanistan?

fist of all we are talking about iraq so lets stop with the shiny objects.. It worked real fine for bush, why wouldn't it work real fine for hillary ??? Oh thats right she's a liberal and you republicans are scared of liberals ... They make you toe the line

Since you have your head so far up hillary's fat ass, would you please list her lifetime accomplishments, what did she so as senator, what did she do as Secstate? What did she do as flotus, besides look the other way while Bubba got a BJ in the oval office? What were her accomplishments as a lawyer?

the bitch has never done anything meaningful, face it. You dems need to find a real candidate, not this old, ugly, arrogant, angry bitch.

Her most significant qualification is her ability to grow breasts. I shudder to think how many people are going to vote for her just to see the first female president, qualifications be damned.
That bitch doesn't have a clue. She knows not what the fuck she's talking about (on anything else, either).

and when she gets the presidency, as we with a brain know she will, will you be whining every day like you do about Obama and getting nowhere with your whining???


I will be whining about her unwieldy corpulence and her capacity to lie--even to parents standing in front of their dead son's casket.
Here is Hillary's solution to Iraq. Do nothing. Seriously, that's her answer. How well did doing nothing work out in Benghazi?
Hillary Clinton Tells Canadian TV Anchor How She Would Handle Iraq | Mediaite
When Mansbridge asked if she would “only” use airstrikes, Clinton replied, “Well, not even that necessarily.” She explained, “I would not support any action unless there was a very clear understand of what [Iraqi President Nouri al-]Maliki would or wouldn’t do, who was running the army and what third parties were going to be involved.”

She did not say she would do nothing full stop.

Read it again.
"What third parties would be involved".

Obviously, she doesn't want to be involved and then have some assholes claim she was supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Gee, who would do that, I wonder?
fist of all we are talking about iraq so lets stop with the shiny objects.. It worked real fine for bush, why wouldn't it work real fine for hillary ??? Oh thats right she's a liberal and you republicans are scared of liberals ... They make you toe the line

Since you have your head so far up hillary's fat ass, would you please list her lifetime accomplishments, what did she so as senator, what did she do as Secstate? What did she do as flotus, besides look the other way while Bubba got a BJ in the oval office? What were her accomplishments as a lawyer?

the bitch has never done anything meaningful, face it. You dems need to find a real candidate, not this old, ugly, arrogant, angry bitch.

Her most significant qualification is her ability to grow breasts. I shudder to think how many people are going to vote for her just to see the first female president, qualifications be damned.

Which potential Republican candidate is more qualified than Hillary?
She shows no grasp of the situation, much less any practical ideas for dealing with it effectively. Why does anyone in his right mind think she would make a good president?

Well it's because it's time for us to have a woman president don't you know? After all we had our black president! It's always best when we elect someone because it's their turn at the helm.
the Left has cemented their lunacy by endorsing yet another empty suit who is all hype and no substance
Well, since AllahMucky ran the place like his private Shiaa milita enclave, I think continued support is pretty useless unless we get ..... regieme change
Since you have your head so far up hillary's fat ass, would you please list her lifetime accomplishments, what did she so as senator, what did she do as Secstate? What did she do as flotus, besides look the other way while Bubba got a BJ in the oval office? What were her accomplishments as a lawyer?

the bitch has never done anything meaningful, face it. You dems need to find a real candidate, not this old, ugly, arrogant, angry bitch.

Her most significant qualification is her ability to grow breasts. I shudder to think how many people are going to vote for her just to see the first female president, qualifications be damned.

Which potential Republican candidate is more qualified than Hillary?


Why, every single one of them. If the old horse hadn't married Bill Clinton, she might have been risen to night court judge in some New England Township. He got her every job she ever had.

No Republican has looked into the eyes of parents standing in front of their son's casket and told them a bald faced lie to cover her own negligent ass.
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Here is Hillary's solution to Iraq. Do nothing. Seriously, that's her answer. How well did doing nothing work out in Benghazi?
Hillary Clinton Tells Canadian TV Anchor How She Would Handle Iraq | Mediaite

Her 'Thighness' Clinton is not qualified to be POTUS.


and you keep thinking that when you see her taking the oath of office... BECAUSE THAT WHAT YOU'LL BE WHINNING ABOUT
It sounds like you're going to vote for her because she's a woman. Tell us what was her accomplishments as Secretary of State?
and when she gets the presidency, as we with a brain know she will, will you be whining every day like you do about Obama and getting nowhere with your whining???

How are you able to claim she will be elected?....presuming she even runs....?

Who are "we with a brain" that you refer to?

List all of her qualifications and accomplishments that confirm (to you) her ability to be president?

Fair enough. Then give us two reasons and make them your best ones.
Bush lied to invade Iraq, Bush set the timeline for withdrawal from Iraq, Bush is responsible for all of Iraq, Bush should die in prison for Iraq.
You say those threats again and I'm going to report you to the FBI and Secret Service.
Her most significant qualification is her ability to grow breasts. I shudder to think how many people are going to vote for her just to see the first female president, qualifications be damned.

Which potential Republican candidate is more qualified than Hillary?


Why, every single one of them. If the old horse hadn't married Bill Clinton, she might have been risen to night court judge in some New England Township. He got her every job she ever had.

No Republican has looked into the eyes of parents standing in front of their son's casket and told them a bald faced lie to cover her own negligent ass.

Nice puffery but it does little to make your case.

None of the current Republicans has anywhere near the experience of Hillary and there are none that I would remotely trust to run our country
Which potential Republican candidate is more qualified than Hillary?


Why, every single one of them. If the old horse hadn't married Bill Clinton, she might have been risen to night court judge in some New England Township. He got her every job she ever had.

No Republican has looked into the eyes of parents standing in front of their son's casket and told them a bald faced lie to cover her own negligent ass.

Nice puffery but it does little to make your case.

None of the current Republicans has anywhere near the experience of Hillary and there are none that I would remotely trust to run our country

The mistrust of some people is really just a ringing endorsement. With the unfailing support you seem to give to Obama, just about anyone you mistrust should probably be our first pick.

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