Hillary Proves Why She Shouldn't Be President

I'm tired of being the worlds policeman

Do nothing is a good option

We are all tired of it. The problem is that our government decided to go into Iraq (both parties authorized and funded it). It was a stupid move.

But we did it, now do we just declare defeat like we did and viet nam and let all those american kids die and get maimed for nothing? What will you and hillybilly tell a young soldier who lost a leg in Iraq, or a wife who lost a husband?

This is not as easy and clear cut as you fools think it is.

At this point. I do not care
Bush screwed up. We all know it

It is not a reason to continue to waste American lives. Iraq is now a Democracy. That is what Bush wanted. Not all Democracies work, especially Democracies based on hate. As a sovereign state they asked us to leave

We complied

Sometimes soldiers are killed and maimed for no good reason. VietNam was a similar case. It does not justify killing and maiming more soldiers just so you don't have to admit you made a mistake
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How well did doing nothing work in Benghazi?
How well did doing something work in Iraq?

The Bush administration lied to the UN, tortured POWs, squandered trillions of tax dollars, massacred tens of thousands of civilians for nearly a decade, let bin Laden go, turned Hussein over to a terrorist lynch mob instead of to the world court, set up a military prison in Communist Cuba so that international human rights laws don't apply there (as if Cuba isn't part of this world), and all topped off with the greatest financial meltdown since 1929. Even now when all of this has been amply proven, fucking Republicans keep insisting that they are the party of "personal and fiscal responsibility".

Just amazing isn't it?

Instead of doing some "soul searching" in 2008 and making apologies? They doubled down and got nuttier.

If Bush lied about WMDs, then so did both Clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the EU, UK, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, et al.

waterboarding is not torture, we did it to 3 murdering bastards. Its part of military training for US soldiers. Wake the fuck up.

the housing crisis was brought on by Dodd/Frank and stupidly giving mortgages to people who could never pay them back

Would you rather have Gitmo on US soil, or do you think we should just set them all free to kill more americans?
I'm tired of being the worlds policeman

Do nothing is a good option

We are all tired of it. The problem is that our government decided to go into Iraq (both parties authorized and funded it). It was a stupid move.

But we did it, now do we just declare defeat like we did and viet nam and let all those american kids die and get maimed for nothing? What will you and hillybilly tell a young soldier who lost a leg in Iraq, or a wife who lost a husband?

This is not as easy and clear cut as you fools think it is.

At this point. I do not care
Bush screwed up. We all know it

It is not a reason to continue to waste American lives. Iraq is now a Democracy. That is what Bush wanted. Not all Democracies work, especially Democracies based on hate. As a sovereign state they asked us to leave

We complied

Sometimes soldiers are killed and maimed for no good reason. VietNam was a similar case. It does not justify killing and maiming more soldiers just so you don't have to admit you made a mistake

You don't care? not surprising.

Yes, Bush screwed up, so did every dem and pub who voted to authorize and fund it, so did obama by telling the enemy when we were pulling out.

Iraq is a democracy????????? are you a complete fucking lunatic?
Bush lied to invade Iraq, Bush set the timeline for withdrawal from Iraq, Bush is responsible for all of Iraq, Bush should die in prison for Iraq.

Changing the talking points again? What happened to Obama ended the war? When y'all thought it was a good thing that the war ended, Obama got full credit. Now it is not a good thing it's Bush's fault. Got it.

Where in the flaming fuck did you read any of that in my words?

Bush lied to invade Iraq, Bush should die in prison for war crimes, therefore, Obama ending the illegal war is a bad thing? I don't even know what point you're trying to make.

Obama didn't end shit. He pulled the soldiers out according to the deal set by Bush and Iraq. Why the fuck can't you people just learn? They're the same facts that the rest of the world knows but Republicans can't seem to grasp any of them?

"Your talking points are old". Fuck you and go fight your own unending illegal torture wars. Bush must die in prison or the word "justice" should be removed from American vocabulary.
Bush lied to invade Iraq, Bush set the timeline for withdrawal from Iraq, Bush is responsible for all of Iraq, Bush should die in prison for Iraq.

Changing the talking points again? What happened to Obama ended the war? When y'all thought it was a good thing that the war ended, Obama got full credit. Now it is not a good thing it's Bush's fault. Got it.

Where in the flaming fuck did you read any of that in my words?

Bush lied to invade Iraq, Bush should die in prison for war crimes, therefore, Obama ending the illegal war is a bad thing? I don't even know what point you're trying to make.

Obama didn't end shit. He pulled the soldiers out according to the deal set by Bush and Iraq. Why the fuck can't you people just learn? They're the same facts that the rest of the world knows but Republicans can't seem to grasp any of them?

"Your talking points are old". Fuck you and go fight your own unending illegal torture wars. Bush must die in prison or the word "justice" should be removed from American vocabulary.

your partisan hate has destroyed your few working brain cells.

If Bush should be tried for war crimes, so should both Clintons because they said exactly the same things and supported that stupid invasion based on the same flawed intelligence that came from the Clinton administration.

You really need to get your history straight. They are all culpable.
Yes, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr., and Reagan if he was still alive, should face trial for their crimes.

Americans don't like personal responsibility, though.

As for 'getting history straight', there are mountains of declassified Bush government documents which prove that the Bush administration lied based on their own desire to invade Iraq, regardless of anything said or done by anyone else at any other point in time.
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Yes, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr., and Reagan if he was still alive, should face trial for their crimes.

Americans don't like personal responsibility, though.

As for 'getting history straight', there are mountains of declassified Bush government documents which prove that the Bush administration lied based on their own desire to invade Iraq, regardless of anything said or done by anyone else at any other point in time.
Yes, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr., and Reagan if he was still alive, should face trial for their crimes.

Americans don't like personal responsibility, though.

As for 'getting history straight', there are mountains of declassified Bush government documents which prove that the Bush administration lied based on their own desire to invade Iraq, regardless of anything said or done by anyone else at any other point in time.


Iraq: The Media War Plan
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Record on CURVEBALL
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate
We are all tired of it. The problem is that our government decided to go into Iraq (both parties authorized and funded it). It was a stupid move.

But we did it, now do we just declare defeat like we did and viet nam and let all those american kids die and get maimed for nothing? What will you and hillybilly tell a young soldier who lost a leg in Iraq, or a wife who lost a husband?

This is not as easy and clear cut as you fools think it is.

At this point. I do not care
Bush screwed up. We all know it

It is not a reason to continue to waste American lives. Iraq is now a Democracy. That is what Bush wanted. Not all Democracies work, especially Democracies based on hate. As a sovereign state they asked us to leave

We complied

Sometimes soldiers are killed and maimed for no good reason. VietNam was a similar case. It does not justify killing and maiming more soldiers just so you don't have to admit you made a mistake

You don't care? not surprising.

Yes, Bush screwed up, so did every dem and pub who voted to authorize and fund it, so did obama by telling the enemy when we were pulling out.

Iraq is a democracy????????? are you a complete fucking lunatic?

Of course Iraq is a Democracy. It is Bush's proudest accomplishment. He is renowned as a Liberator and founder of their country
At this point. I do not care
Bush screwed up. We all know it

It is not a reason to continue to waste American lives. Iraq is now a Democracy. That is what Bush wanted. Not all Democracies work, especially Democracies based on hate. As a sovereign state they asked us to leave

We complied

Sometimes soldiers are killed and maimed for no good reason. VietNam was a similar case. It does not justify killing and maiming more soldiers just so you don't have to admit you made a mistake

You don't care? not surprising.

Yes, Bush screwed up, so did every dem and pub who voted to authorize and fund it, so did obama by telling the enemy when we were pulling out.

Iraq is a democracy????????? are you a complete fucking lunatic?

Of course Iraq is a Democracy. It is Bush's proudest accomplishment. He is renowned as a Liberator and founder of their country

Cute, but we both know its not true. The USA and the entire world was taken in by Saddam's lies. Ever wonder why our intel was so flawed during that time?

Bush, both Clintons, the UN, and most of the world used the same intel and came to the same erroneous conclusion.

I know its part of your dem/lib mantra to blame bush exclusively, but history knows that is a lie. If we lie about history, our kids will not learn from it.
You don't care? not surprising.

Yes, Bush screwed up, so did every dem and pub who voted to authorize and fund it, so did obama by telling the enemy when we were pulling out.

Iraq is a democracy????????? are you a complete fucking lunatic?

Of course Iraq is a Democracy. It is Bush's proudest accomplishment. He is renowned as a Liberator and founder of their country

Cute, but we both know its not true. The USA and the entire world was taken in by Saddam's lies. Ever wonder why our intel was so flawed during that time?

Bush, both Clintons, the UN, and most of the world used the same intel and came to the same erroneous conclusion.

I know its part of your dem/lib mantra to blame bush exclusively, but history knows that is a lie. If we lie about history, our kids will not learn from it.

The entire world was not taken in......only Bush

That is why Canada, Germany, Italy, France and the UN refused to join the Bush "Coalition of the willing". The rest of the world knew Saddam was contained and was no threat outside his own borders

The UN specifically asked Bush for more time. Bush invaded before his WMD lie could be proven a myth
You don't care? not surprising.

Yes, Bush screwed up, so did every dem and pub who voted to authorize and fund it, so did obama by telling the enemy when we were pulling out.

Iraq is a democracy????????? are you a complete fucking lunatic?

Of course Iraq is a Democracy. It is Bush's proudest accomplishment. He is renowned as a Liberator and founder of their country

Cute, but we both know its not true. The USA and the entire world was taken in by Saddam's lies. Ever wonder why our intel was so flawed during that time?

Bush, both Clintons, the UN, and most of the world used the same intel and came to the same erroneous conclusion.

I know its part of your dem/lib mantra to blame bush exclusively, but history knows that is a lie. If we lie about history, our kids will not learn from it.

Why is it then that 147 liberals in Congress weren't 'taken in'?
Let the Republicans put up a candidate who wants to restart the Iraq war by putting American troops back in,

and have him run against Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat who disagrees,

and then we'll see who the American people think should or shouldn't be President.
Her answer seemed pretty canned to me. "It depends on the surrounding facts" is what she in effect said, how could anyone have an issue with that? Oh, they're partisan.

No, because it's meaningless. It always depends on the surrounding facts. It is a blueprint to do nothing. How well did doing nothing work in Benghazi?

Of course it's meaningless - she's obviously smarter than you in the fact that she knows not to really formulate a hard-lined opinion without knowing all of the necessary information first.

Seems common sense to me.

So she's smarter because she gives a meaningless answer to a pressing problem? How stupid are you,again?
You set out basic goals and criteria in a situation like this based on some kind of principle. She didnt do that. She wimped out. Her answer is to do nothing because that's what's polling well.
Common sense? Common as pig shit.
Of course Iraq is a Democracy. It is Bush's proudest accomplishment. He is renowned as a Liberator and founder of their country

Cute, but we both know its not true. The USA and the entire world was taken in by Saddam's lies. Ever wonder why our intel was so flawed during that time?

Bush, both Clintons, the UN, and most of the world used the same intel and came to the same erroneous conclusion.

I know its part of your dem/lib mantra to blame bush exclusively, but history knows that is a lie. If we lie about history, our kids will not learn from it.

Why is it then that 147 liberals in Congress weren't 'taken in'?

Barack Obama was not "taken in"

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear — I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world...........Barack Obama Oct 2 2002
Let the Republicans put up a candidate who wants to restart the Iraq war by putting American troops back in,

and have him run against Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat who disagrees,

and then we'll see who the American people think should or shouldn't be President.

Think Jeb Bush would start Iraq War III ?
But Hillary was. She voted for the Iraq resolution because it polled well. She now says she regrets her decision, because that polls well.
Her plans on Iraq are guided by the fact that they poll well.

Do we want a president that does everything based on how well it polls, rather than sound policy? We've seen what happens because Obama does the same thing.
Just say no to Hillary.
But Hillary was. She voted for the Iraq resolution because it polled well. She now says she regrets her decision, because that polls well.
Her plans on Iraq are guided by the fact that they poll well.

Do we want a president that does everything based on how well it polls, rather than sound policy? We've seen what happens because Obama does the same thing.
Just say no to Hillary.

No question that Hillary sold out to the war mongers. In anticipation of a presidential run she didn't want the right to label her "soft on terrorism"

It cost her the election

Obama was spot on about Iraq and won
No, because it's meaningless. It always depends on the surrounding facts. It is a blueprint to do nothing. How well did doing nothing work in Benghazi?

Of course it's meaningless - she's obviously smarter than you in the fact that she knows not to really formulate a hard-lined opinion without knowing all of the necessary information first.

Seems common sense to me.

So she's smarter because she gives a meaningless answer to a pressing problem? How stupid are you,again?
You set out basic goals and criteria in a situation like this based on some kind of principle. She didnt do that. She wimped out. Her answer is to do nothing because that's what's polling well.
Common sense? Common as pig shit.

Her answer wasn't do nothing.

Her answer was learn more and evaluate.

Comprehension is as easy as pie, Aunt B pie the good shit.
No, because it's meaningless. It always depends on the surrounding facts. It is a blueprint to do nothing. How well did doing nothing work in Benghazi?

Of course it's meaningless - she's obviously smarter than you in the fact that she knows not to really formulate a hard-lined opinion without knowing all of the necessary information first.

Seems common sense to me.

So she's smarter because she gives a meaningless answer to a pressing problem? How stupid are you,again?
You set out basic goals and criteria in a situation like this based on some kind of principle. She didnt do that. She wimped out. Her answer is to do nothing because that's what's polling well.
Common sense? Common as pig shit.

So when Ronald Reagan said we should never go to war without the full support of the American people, he was saying don't go to war unless it polls well?


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