Hillary Proves Why She Shouldn't Be President

Of course it's meaningless - she's obviously smarter than you in the fact that she knows not to really formulate a hard-lined opinion without knowing all of the necessary information first.

Seems common sense to me.

So she's smarter because she gives a meaningless answer to a pressing problem? How stupid are you,again?
You set out basic goals and criteria in a situation like this based on some kind of principle. She didnt do that. She wimped out. Her answer is to do nothing because that's what's polling well.
Common sense? Common as pig shit.

Her answer wasn't do nothing.

Her answer was learn more and evaluate.

Comprehension is as easy as pie, Aunt B pie the good shit.

Didnt read the artticle I see. Lack of facts makes you look stooopid.
Here is Hillary's solution to Iraq. Do nothing. Seriously, that's her answer. How well did doing nothing work out in Benghazi?
Hillary Clinton Tells Canadian TV Anchor How She Would Handle Iraq | Mediaite
When Mansbridge asked if she would “only” use airstrikes, Clinton replied, “Well, not even that necessarily.” She explained, “I would not support any action unless there was a very clear understand of what [Iraqi President Nouri al-]Maliki would or wouldn’t do, who was running the army and what third parties were going to be involved.”

She did not say she would do nothing full stop.

Read it again.
She said she would do nothing. Waiting to see a bunch of things that are difficult to fathom, unclear, and difficult to quantify means she will do nothing. BEcause the situation will never be clear enough to take action.
But you have to read between the lines, something you fail at.
Here is Hillary's solution to Iraq. Do nothing. Seriously, that's her answer. How well did doing nothing work out in Benghazi?
Hillary Clinton Tells Canadian TV Anchor How She Would Handle Iraq | Mediaite

She did not say she would do nothing full stop.

Read it again.
She said she would do nothing. Waiting to see a bunch of things that are difficult to fathom, unclear, and difficult to quantify means she will do nothing. BEcause the situation will never be clear enough to take action.
But you have to read between the lines, something you fail at.

I can read between the lines just fine. I cna plainly see it does not matter to you what Clinton actually says. You are going to decide what she actually meant because you are in her mind. :lol:
She did not say she would do nothing full stop.

Read it again.
She said she would do nothing. Waiting to see a bunch of things that are difficult to fathom, unclear, and difficult to quantify means she will do nothing. BEcause the situation will never be clear enough to take action.
But you have to read between the lines, something you fail at.

I can read between the lines just fine. I cna plainly see it does not matter to you what Clinton actually says. You are going to decide what she actually meant because you are in her mind. :lol:

If you can't fathom what she meant by her words then you really have no business posting.
Her campaign is consistent: She will come out in favor of things that poll well, like gay marriage, and stay away from difficult things that might piss off the wrong people, like Iraq and the Keystone Pipeline. And she'll hope the press doesn't call her on it, just as they gave Obama a pass.
That bitch doesn't have a clue. She knows not what the fuck she's talking about (on anything else, either).

and when she gets the presidency, as we with a brain know she will, will you be whining every day like you do about Obama and getting nowhere with your whining???

There's that ONE BRAIN CELL again, Billye. "We with a brain" indeed. :cuckoo:
Always entertaining on any board, you are.

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