Hillary Refuses To Say If She Is Taking Monthly Social Security Payments

Of course she is, for you see Liberals grab at every hand out or bribe that comes their way whether they need it or not.

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/20/hillary-clinton-ignores-liberals-calls-to-expand-s/ /

Ummmm.... she's been paying into it as we all have throughout our working lives. How does taking some back constitute a "handout" of one's own money? What should she do -- give all that money away? Is that what you do?

You don't seem to understand the erudite science of Where Things Come From -ology. That explains the bogus quotes in your sigline.
The far right would explode if anyone said Reagan should not have been taking his SS payments.
Of course she is, for you see Liberals grab at every hand out or bribe that comes their way whether they need it or not.

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/20/hillary-clinton-ignores-liberals-calls-to-expand-s/ /
Are you taking monthly Social Security payments?
No, I take in monthly interest from oil and gas royalties from wells on my property.

So you're living on mineral rights. You contribute nothing to your world but take oily handouts for doing absolutely nothing. You're a fucking sponge, living on earth farts. Courageous. :salute:

And we get to be the beneficiaries of your ludicrous posts that free time makes possible. Lucky us.
And what? Republicans who're eligible aren't?
The point that seems to have escaped you is....Republicans never claimed it was wrong to do so in the first place.

This is another example of liberals being on both sides of every issue....switching positions when it becomes politically expedient.

Then what's the point of this thread?

I think my favorite Social Security hypocrite would have to be the reigning champion:


Well when you see yourself as a Queen. You don't bother yourself with those pesky questions YOUR SUBJECTS might ask

and that is what you want running our country. another rude, crude, snobby elitist
Which political party is it that absolutely refuses to consider means testing for Social Security recipients?

Besides that, when did Hillary work enough quarters to apply for Social Security? Hasn't she been sucking off the government teat forever? Or does it just seem like that?

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