Hillary Refuses To Say If She Is Taking Monthly Social Security Payments

Ron Paul isn't taking it.
Is he taking his nice fat Congressional pension?
And is nice fat government medical coverage?

Too bad your media fails to inform you...one would think this would make you realize how uninformed you are...but no. However I do believe he has stated he takes social security.
Link us up to where he does not take his pension and medical. If true, I would be impressed.
Former congressman Ron Paul refused to participate in the congressional pension system, labeling it "immoral".[7]
Congressional pension - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I am fairly certain he declined government provided healthcare too, but could not find a source to link.
You can't opt out of medicare. I don't think you can opt out of ssb either, but mebbe you can.
She'd be a damn fool not to be taking every penny of benefits justified by the number of "quarters" in which she was employed by the private sector, if any, and to the full amount anyone earning an equivalent amount would be entitled.

After all, it's not "means tested" and never should be so long as "contributions" are mandatory.

If Hillary wanted to grandstand she could openly write a check to some "worthy cause" each month and donate the full amount of her benefit at a press conference or some other gathering for which she's not being paid.....

Not much danger of that, tho......
Hillary Refuses To Say If She Is Taking Monthly Social Security Payments

Scenario A:

CLINTON: Yes, I collect Social Security.

RUBES: Why is she taking money she doesn't need? No wonder this country is going broke!

Scenario B:

CLINTON: No, I don't collect Social Security.

RUBES: She pretends to speak for the common person, but is so rich she probably doesn't even know how much a gallon of milk costs.

Scenario C:

CLINTON: I collect Social Security since I paid into it, but I give it all to a faith-based charity.

RUBES: *splutter splutter* Well...um...yeah sure you do!
Is he taking his nice fat Congressional pension?
And is nice fat government medical coverage?

Too bad your media fails to inform you...one would think this would make you realize how uninformed you are...but no. However I do believe he has stated he takes social security.
Link us up to where he does not take his pension and medical. If true, I would be impressed.
Former congressman Ron Paul refused to participate in the congressional pension system, labeling it "immoral".[7]
Congressional pension - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I am fairly certain he declined government provided healthcare too, but could not find a source to link.
You can't opt out of medicare. I don't think you can opt out of ssb either, but mebbe you can.
It is not a matter of opting our for Ron Paul. He merely refuses to use it or accept it.
The far right would explode if anyone said Reagan should not have been taking his SS payments.

When asked Reagan repordily said, I paid in, I should collect.

That is all Mrs. Dishonest had to say. And once again you treat us to your partisan BS.
And what? Republicans who're eligible aren't?

Romney isn't taking it.

Of course not. The longer you wait the more you get.
I'm not so sure that's true. I'm pretty sure by the time I would eligible for SS there won't be any left--or I'll be dead. Why can't I just get that money now? :dunno:
Because your money is being used by seniors today...probably at the casino.
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Is he taking his nice fat Congressional pension?
And is nice fat government medical coverage?

Too bad your media fails to inform you...one would think this would make you realize how uninformed you are...but no. However I do believe he has stated he takes social security.
Link us up to where he does not take his pension and medical. If true, I would be impressed.
Former congressman Ron Paul refused to participate in the congressional pension system, labeling it "immoral".[7]
Congressional pension - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I am fairly certain he declined government provided healthcare too, but could not find a source to link.
You can't opt out of medicare. I don't think you can opt out of ssb either, but mebbe you can.

You have to apply for SS to kick in. Until you do the application it's just "available".

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