Hillary Refuses To Say If She Is Taking Monthly Social Security Payments

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.

There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Hint: retired veterans, medicare and SS recipients, etc., earned their payouts. You did not. Trot along.
About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.


Especially since the maximum tax rate is only 39%
The campaign slogan about income disparity is just that, a campaign slogan...
Of course she is, for you see Liberals grab at every hand out or bribe that comes their way whether they need it or not.

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/20/hillary-clinton-ignores-liberals-calls-to-expand-s/ /
Are you taking monthly Social Security payments?
No, I take in monthly interest from oil and gas royalties from wells on my property.

So you're living on mineral rights. You contribute nothing to your world but take oily handouts for doing absolutely nothing. You're a fucking sponge, living on earth farts. Courageous. :salute:

And we get to be the beneficiaries of your ludicrous posts that free time makes possible. Lucky us.

You think having to read the whiney leftist crap from you is beneficial?
I am sorry to hear that you are being forced to read our posts. Pobrecito. :(
Ron Paul isn't taking it.
More fool him.
Remember Hillary taking a tax deduction for giving her used underwear to charity? She is so caring and thoughtful.

Umm... nnnnnnno. I sure don't.

You're actually following Hillary Clinton's underwear?
What, there's an app for that?

See a psychologist.
Allow me to educate you. Please get informed before responding to my posts.

From the NY Times:
In previous returns, when Mr. Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas and his wife was a partner in a Little Rock law firm, the Clintons had gone so far as to deduct $2 for underwear donated to charities. The deduction was ridiculed by comedians and pundits, and the White House did not itemize the Clintons' $17,000 in charitable contributions on the 1993 return.
Clinton Taxes Laid Bare Line by Line - NYTimes.com
And that means she should or should not take her SS? You are lame.
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Libertarian ideology implodes automatically. Veterans, social security and medicare users, all have earned the pay outs, yet you call them dishonest. And you wonder why you folks lose elections. You do not represent conservatism or the GOP, the followers of both which despise you hanger-on parasites.
Of course she is, for you see Liberals grab at every hand out or bribe that comes their way whether they need it or not.

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/20/hillary-clinton-ignores-liberals-calls-to-expand-s/ /
Are you taking monthly Social Security payments?

Does Hillary need the money to survive? or is this just another of her hypocritical actions?
Are you taking monthly Social Security payments?

damn right I do. The govt took the maximum from my paycheck every year for over 40 years of working. The difference is that I never said that people should not take their SS if they were financially able to live without it, as did HRC.

Saying one thing and doing another is hypocrisy, and the Clintons are experts at it.
Ron Paul isn't taking it.
More fool him.
Remember Hillary taking a tax deduction for giving her used underwear to charity? She is so caring and thoughtful.

Umm... nnnnnnno. I sure don't.

You're actually following Hillary Clinton's underwear?
What, there's an app for that?

See a psychologist.
Allow me to educate you. Please get informed before responding to my posts.

From the NY Times:
In previous returns, when Mr. Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas and his wife was a partner in a Little Rock law firm, the Clintons had gone so far as to deduct $2 for underwear donated to charities. The deduction was ridiculed by comedians and pundits, and the White House did not itemize the Clintons' $17,000 in charitable contributions on the 1993 return.
Clinton Taxes Laid Bare Line by Line - NYTimes.com
And that means she should or should not take her SS? You are lame.
Must you always post inanities?
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Libertarian ideology implodes automatically. Veterans, social security and medicare users, all have earned the pay outs, yet you call them dishonest. And you wonder why you folks lose elections. You do not represent conservatism or the GOP, the followers of both which despise you hanger-on parasites.
Another strawman post from the partisan.

Does the partisan ever tire of using strawman tactics? I say no.
Ron Paul isn't taking it.
More fool him.
Remember Hillary taking a tax deduction for giving her used underwear to charity? She is so caring and thoughtful.

Umm... nnnnnnno. I sure don't.

You're actually following Hillary Clinton's underwear?
What, there's an app for that?

See a psychologist.
Allow me to educate you. Please get informed before responding to my posts.

From the NY Times:
In previous returns, when Mr. Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas and his wife was a partner in a Little Rock law firm, the Clintons had gone so far as to deduct $2 for underwear donated to charities. The deduction was ridiculed by comedians and pundits, and the White House did not itemize the Clintons' $17,000 in charitable contributions on the 1993 return.
Clinton Taxes Laid Bare Line by Line - NYTimes.com
And that means she should or should not take her SS? You are lame.

The point that you libtards can't get is that the clintons demonize the rich and the tax breaks available to them, AND THEN THEY DO THE EXACT SAME THINGS WITH THEIR MONEY.

Its called hypocrisy------------do as I say, not as I do.
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Libertarian ideology implodes automatically. Veterans, social security and medicare users, all have earned the pay outs, yet you call them dishonest. And you wonder why you folks lose elections. You do not represent conservatism or the GOP, the followers of both which despise you hanger-on parasites.
Another strawman post from the partisan.

Does the partisan ever tire of using strawman tactics? I say no.
And you're too dishonest to even admit that pensioners continue paying state and local, and in may cases, fed income tax.
I doubt that she is taking SS, but if she is, she has the right to do so...
More fool him.
Remember Hillary taking a tax deduction for giving her used underwear to charity? She is so caring and thoughtful.

Umm... nnnnnnno. I sure don't.

You're actually following Hillary Clinton's underwear?
What, there's an app for that?

See a psychologist.
Allow me to educate you. Please get informed before responding to my posts.

From the NY Times:
In previous returns, when Mr. Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas and his wife was a partner in a Little Rock law firm, the Clintons had gone so far as to deduct $2 for underwear donated to charities. The deduction was ridiculed by comedians and pundits, and the White House did not itemize the Clintons' $17,000 in charitable contributions on the 1993 return.
Clinton Taxes Laid Bare Line by Line - NYTimes.com
And that means she should or should not take her SS? You are lame.

The point that you libtards can't get is that the clintons demonize the rich and the tax breaks available to them, AND THEN THEY DO THE EXACT SAME THINGS WITH THEIR MONEY.

Its called hypocrisy------------do as I say, not as I do.
Is it better to speak of such things, or lock them away?

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