Hillary Rodham Clinton Speaks Out for Gay Marriage

Sounds delightful...got his number? I know this guy who would be perfect for him.

I personally feel that your post is inappropriate.

Religious tolerance includes not saying something that would insult ones religion.

However, I support your right to free speech....but I can also freely offer my sentiments when you do so.

Whew...good thing I have this whole big bag of "I don't give a shit" here. :lol:

My post was SO much more offensive than equating consenting adult gays and lesbians with pedophiles and rapists. :lol:

I did not see a post saying that...but if I did, I would have responded as I did to yours.

So you are a believer that you can do wrong if someone else does wrong...therefore making it right?

That philosophy, by no means, works for me.
I personally feel that your post is inappropriate.

Religious tolerance includes not saying something that would insult ones religion.

However, I support your right to free speech....but I can also freely offer my sentiments when you do so.

Whew...good thing I have this whole big bag of "I don't give a shit" here. :lol:

My post was SO much more offensive than equating consenting adult gays and lesbians with pedophiles and rapists. :lol:

I did not see a post saying that...but if I did, I would have responded as I did to yours.

So you are a believer that you can do wrong if someone else does wrong...therefore making it right?

That philosophy, by no means, works for me.

Of course...you didn't' see it or you would have censured him. Riiiighhht.

The HUGE difference in our two comments, mine was a jest, a joke, his was not.
Do links confuse you? Just click on them and read the article provided as evidence of what I said. Young people are turning away from church and one of the primary reasons given is the church's stance on LGBT equality.

Nobody is "fixated' on "gay issues", but people DO view it as the Civil Rights struggle of the time and don't want to be on the wrong side of history. Gay marriage is inevitable.

I agree with you that gay marriage is inevitable. I just don't think it's that big an issue to a majority of folks.

A "big issue"? No, maybe not on par with jobs or immigration, but there is a significant part of the population that DOES care and sees opposition to the inevitability of marriage equality in a poor light.

And it DOES matter when it comes to church attendance. The bigotry on display in churches is not putting butts in the seats.

The size of the issue didn't seem to matter to the RW when they were pushing anti-gay amendments all over the place did it?

People go to a hospital when they know they are very sick and are seeking help. People who are convinced that they are not sick will not go no matter the message. Besides, the message that will set one free must be genuine and not indulging. Funny, when I was a kid, "gay" was something the Flintstones had every Friday evening... I never imagined Fred and Barney were anything but best buddies.
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Whew...good thing I have this whole big bag of "I don't give a shit" here. :lol:

My post was SO much more offensive than equating consenting adult gays and lesbians with pedophiles and rapists. :lol:

I did not see a post saying that...but if I did, I would have responded as I did to yours.

So you are a believer that you can do wrong if someone else does wrong...therefore making it right?

That philosophy, by no means, works for me.

Of course...you didn't' see it or you would have censured him. Riiiighhht.

The HUGE difference in our two comments, mine was a jest, a joke, his was not.

Are you calling me a liar?

I said I did not see the post for if I did I would have responded as I did yours.

That is who I am.

I have blasted many right wing idiots who have said some pretty stupid stuff on here....Heck...Willow was my biggest adversary on here.

Heck with you for doubting my word.

And no.....both are equally bad....yours, said in jest....was very insulting to those that see Jesus Christ as their Lord.

I do not. I am a Jew. But I respect those of all religions. i will never use any religios icon in jest. It is inappropriate.
Hillary is now in favor of gay marriage because she plans to dump bubba and marry rosie o'donnell.

the visual image of that makes me vomit.
I did not see a post saying that...but if I did, I would have responded as I did to yours.

So you are a believer that you can do wrong if someone else does wrong...therefore making it right?

That philosophy, by no means, works for me.

Of course...you didn't' see it or you would have censured him. Riiiighhht.

The HUGE difference in our two comments, mine was a jest, a joke, his was not.

Are you calling me a liar?

I said I did not see the post for if I did I would have responded as I did yours.

That is who I am.

I have blasted many right wing idiots who have said some pretty stupid stuff on here....Heck...Willow was my biggest adversary on here.

Heck with you for doubting my word.

And no.....both are equally bad....yours, said in jest....was very insulting to those that see Jesus Christ as their Lord.

I do not. I am a Jew. But I respect those of all religions. i will never use any religios icon in jest. It is inappropriate.

No, calling people liars is what the RW posters do, not me. I merely doubted the veracity of your claim. It's really easy to say you would have done it, but you didn't.

I respect religions too, just not many of the religious. I happen to like Jesus, just not his fan club...and I really do know a guy that would get along great with Jesus. Do you know for sure Jesus wasn't gay? Me neither, but I don't believe suggesting he was is insulting.
I agree with you that gay marriage is inevitable. I just don't think it's that big an issue to a majority of folks.

A "big issue"? No, maybe not on par with jobs or immigration, but there is a significant part of the population that DOES care and sees opposition to the inevitability of marriage equality in a poor light.

And it DOES matter when it comes to church attendance. The bigotry on display in churches is not putting butts in the seats.

The size of the issue didn't seem to matter to the RW when they were pushing anti-gay amendments all over the place did it?

People go to a hospital when they know they are very sick and are seeking help. People who are convinced that they are not sick will not go no matter the message. Besides, the message that will set one free must be genuine and not indulging. Funny, when I was a kid, "gay" was something the Flintstones had every Friday evening... I never imagined Fred and Barney were anything but best buddies.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s13X66BFd8]The Flintstones Theme Song - YouTube[/ame]

The next thing you will be telling me is that the Skipper and Gilligan were gay


Little Buddy
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Of course...you didn't' see it or you would have censured him. Riiiighhht.

The HUGE difference in our two comments, mine was a jest, a joke, his was not.

Are you calling me a liar?

I said I did not see the post for if I did I would have responded as I did yours.

That is who I am.

I have blasted many right wing idiots who have said some pretty stupid stuff on here....Heck...Willow was my biggest adversary on here.

Heck with you for doubting my word.

And no.....both are equally bad....yours, said in jest....was very insulting to those that see Jesus Christ as their Lord.

I do not. I am a Jew. But I respect those of all religions. i will never use any religios icon in jest. It is inappropriate.

No, calling people liars is what the RW posters do, not me. I merely doubted the veracity of your claim. It's really easy to say you would have done it, but you didn't.

I respect religions too, just not many of the religious. I happen to like Jesus, just not his fan club...and I really do know a guy that would get along great with Jesus. Do you know for sure Jesus wasn't gay? Me neither, but I don't believe suggesting he was is insulting.

Fair enough. I beleive it was meant in jest...and I respect your sentiments that "who says he wasn't gay." Afterall, being gay is not a 20th century thing. It has been part of society since the beginning of man. But I still saw it as insulting.
But I did not see the post. And I have many times been in the face of fellow conservatives when they say childish and/ or inappropriate things.

As for respecting the reliGIOUS.....I, respect them all...regardless of how adamant they are about their religion. JUST DONT FORCE IT ON ME.

Thus why I support gay marriage and abortions. I am not gay and I will never be pro abortion....but i support ones right to choose....and it is not fair for me to force my personal beliefs on ANYONE.

That, to me, is what defines a conservative.
A "big issue"? No, maybe not on par with jobs or immigration, but there is a significant part of the population that DOES care and sees opposition to the inevitability of marriage equality in a poor light.

And it DOES matter when it comes to church attendance. The bigotry on display in churches is not putting butts in the seats.

The size of the issue didn't seem to matter to the RW when they were pushing anti-gay amendments all over the place did it?

People go to a hospital when they know they are very sick and are seeking help. People who are convinced that they are not sick will not go no matter the message. Besides, the message that will set one free must be genuine and not indulging. Funny, when I was a kid, "gay" was something the Flintstones had every Friday evening... I never imagined Fred and Barney were anything but best buddies.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s13X66BFd8]The Flintstones Theme Song - YouTube[/ame]

The next thing you will be telling me is that the Skipper and Gilligan were gay

RW...please....look at them.
Of course they were.
Exactly what "rights" do queers not have?

Equal protection of the laws.

They are not able to file a married tax return, which is protected by law. They do not have Social Security survivor benefits, which are protected by law. They are denied much of the cash and prizes protected by law.

A right is nothing more than immunity from government prosecution.

Who taught you that nonsense?

If that was their only agenda, I'm good with that, however their agenda is different.
Hillary had to do something to address the narrative once Ron Portman said he had changed his mind. Clinton is the equivalent of jumping up and down saying "Me too. Me Too." As far as this changing Hillar's mind. Not even close. When she said she believed in traditional marriage she did it because that's what she thought the public wanted to hear. When she said she has changed her mind and now believes in same sex marriage it's for the same reason. The truth is, she never cared one way or the other. She, like most politicians, will do what's politically expedient at the time.
Hillary is now in favor of gay marriage because she plans to dump bubba and marry rosie o'donnell.

the visual image of that makes me vomit.

Wow! I'm impressed that it took this long.

oh get of your high horse..Hillary is far from attractive and Rosie O'Donnell...OMG:eek:

Whereas i do not find Hillary sexually attractive...I find her strength, intelligence and overall personae very attractive in a woman.
Wow! I'm impressed that it took this long.

oh get of your high horse..Hillary is far from attractive and Rosie O'Donnell...OMG:eek:

Whereas i do not find Hillary sexually attractive...I find her strength, intelligence and overall personae very attractive in a woman.

"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" screamed hillary. The woman is a complete fool, worst secstate in many years.

how about her doing the black dialects during her campaign? did that impress you too?
Another politican all of a sudden has a change of heart. Shocker. These people have no principles.

They are all getting ready for votes in 2016.

Mrs. Clinton’s announcement represents a switch in position; as a presidential candidate in 2008, she explicitly opposed same-sex marriage, saying that she favored civil unions but that decisions about the legality of marriage should be left to the states. Until last year, President Obama took that position as well

Hillary Clinton Endorses Same-Sex Marriage - NYTimes.com
Wow! I'm impressed that it took this long.

oh get of your high horse..Hillary is far from attractive and Rosie O'Donnell...OMG:eek:

Whereas i do not find Hillary sexually attractive...I find her strength, intelligence and overall personae very attractive in a woman.

your right.. I don't see any of that in Hillary, I see her as another power hungry Politician, nothing more...

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