Hillary Rodham Clinton Speaks Out for Gay Marriage

Exactly what "rights" do queers not have? A right is nothing more than immunity from government prosecution.

Are queers being thrown in jail just for being queers? No, they are not.

As for "gay marriage", no one is being thrown in jail for it. The rest of society choosing not to recognize "gay marriages" as legitimate marriage isn't denying anyone their "rights".

Keep telling yourself that. I bet you would think differently if marriage was abolished and straight people had to have civil unions.
Gay marriage support hits new high in Post-ABC poll
Public support for gay marriage has hit a new high as Americans increasingly see homosexuality not as a choice but as a way some people are, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The poll shows that 58 percent of Americans now believe it should be legal for gay and lesbian couples to get married; 36 percent say it should be illegal. Public attitudes toward gay marriage are a mirror image of what they were a decade ago: in 2003, 37 percent favored gay nuptials, and 55 percent opposed them.
The Supreme Court takes up the issue of gay marriage next week, and nearly two-thirds of all Americans say the matter should be decided for all states on the basis of the U.S. Constitution, not with each state making its own laws.

Among young adults age 18 to 29, support for gay marriage is overwhelming, hitting a record high of 81 percent in the new poll. Support has also been increasing among older adults, but those aged 65 years old and up remain opposed, on balance: 44 percent say same-sex marriage should be legal; 50 percent say illegal.
The answer is to get Government out of marriage, something Rand and Ron Paul advocated. More "rights" implies more laws, Government telling us what we can and can't do and more importantly who and who can't do something.

Also, I take it She is now running for President for 2016, based on a platform Dems have never managed to deliver yet people keep voting for them on.

How does government get out of marriage? End tax deductions for married couples? End survivor benefits? Eliminate divorce courts?

What is the Paul view of America?

No...The government requires a license to enter into wedlock.
That needs to be eliminated.
BTW, married couple get SCREWED by the government by taxes..."marriage penalty".
Wouldn't it be great if divorce courts were ended. That would mean a lot of blood sucking lawyers would have to find something useful to do with their time.
Oh, Hillary Clinton has NO SHOT at becoming president. Few people will vote for someone who likes like she should be in a rocking chair knitting booties for the grand baby on the way while wearing a quilt to keep warm.
Why don't you start a thread on it Stephanie? This one is about Clintons support of gay marriage

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Social issues like civil rights require government intervention
That is an opinion.
Civil rights have been resolved. And that is not what we're taking about.
Today, social issues are about creating new protected classes and new entitlements.
Why don't you start a thread on it Stephanie? This one is about Clintons support of gay marriage

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Telling that you and others on the right consider their fellow Americans being denied their civil rights an unimportant issue.

Most likely conservative opposition to marriage equality represents yet another failure by the right, a failure republicans would like to see swept under the rug.

Can't really blame you.

Ya know what, as a conservative I have no dog in the gay marriage fight. I just do not believe the government should be wasting it's time with this issue when there are far more important issues with which to be concerned.
Let the states tackle homosexual marriage.
This is precisely why government should stay out f most social issues until such time as all other more pressing issues are dealt with.
Exceptions would be grave endangerment to an individual or a group life liberty and pursuit of happiness. Gee, I'm sure I read that somewhere.
nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Social issues like civil rights require government intervention
That is an opinion.
Civil rights have been resolved. And that is not what we're taking about.
Today, social issues are about creating new protected classes and new entitlements.


It’s about ensuring each American is afforded his inalienable rights, in this case equal protection of the law.

This has nothing to do with ‘protected classes’ or ‘new entitlements.’
Social issues like civil rights require government intervention
That is an opinion.
Civil rights have been resolved. And that is not what we're taking about.
Today, social issues are about creating new protected classes and new entitlements.


It’s about ensuring each American is afforded his inalienable rights, in this case equal protection of the law.

This has nothing to do with ‘protected classes’ or ‘new entitlements.’

It has everything to do with new entitlements. Why is a Gay person entitled to more Tax breaks than a single straight person? Marriage benefits are designed to help people who procreate offset the high costs of raising children, they aren't designed for degenerates to exploit the Taxpayers. I for one do not believe two people of the same sex can be married because of my religious beliefs. If you really must have gay civil unions -put it to vote, but you wont because every time it goes to vote it gets shot down.

Yet another rightists who doesn't care about his fellow Americans being denied their civil rights.
First Marriage is not a civil right dumb ass second when I say I don't care I mean either way I'm not fighting against it nor am I fighting for it if I had to make a list of the top 100 things in this world that truly concerned me gay marriage would not be on it and i suspect a great many people feel the same way though I doubt most would admit it.
Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

I'm not defending Republicans, but again, the Dems held the House/Senate and Presidency and yet it was not even mentioned. They waited until they lost the house and still until they lose the Presidency or Senate until it will be a big topic for them again... Whatever keeps it an ongoing issue is the point, never fix it is the goal when you can keep selling it.

Sadly, the issue of gay rights has been relegated to the states and to the courts. The Supreme court will shortly strike down DOMA and DADT has already been withdrawn

The Conservative defiance to gay rights is failing and they will once again be labeled as defending the wrong side of history
Who says the Court will strike down DOMA? Who says the Court has the will to scuttle what was passed by the duly elected representatives of the People?
While it may happen the courts may strike down DOMA, the only thing that matters is the court of public opinion.
Meaning, now pay attention...Most homosexual marriages will be performed by justices of peace or other non religious people ordained by the state. The churches will always have their beliefs...And that is their right. At least until the courts and then the states strike down the freedom of religion clause in the First Amendment.
Like I stated, I have no dog in this fight. If homosexuals want to subject themselves to the bonds of holy matrimony, let them. It is people like you who have this 'neener neener' attitude about it I'd like to kick square in the ass with my steel toed work boots
Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

Where were the Democrats when gay marriage wasn't so popular with people?

People don't care as much as Hollywood would like you to think.

Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine

Now you are an expert on homosexuals..Sheesh.
Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine

way to not answer the question.

The answer Einstein is that people do care.....more than the right can imagine

No, they don't..We're too busy trying to dig our selves out of this shit Obama economy. We're trying to make ends meet, hopefully see our homes regain some of the 10 years of equity lost in the the last 4 years. We're too busy to worry about whether or not homosexuals will get to marry each other.
Hillary Clinton is a true leader. The country needs more people like her.

I hope more than anything else that she runs for President in 2016.

Sorry, but the IDEAL of America is to seek after that which is best and good and righteous. And frankly, I see an America being run into the ground by liberals who have no clue how to run the government, let alone understand what moral obligation entails. Marriage has less to do with making one's self happy and is more about doing the right thing to make the other person a better individual. Friends, relatives and those we love make mistakes. Making mistakes doesn't mean we shouldn't love them --- or love them less. However, because a loved one makes an error or lives a lie, doesn't mean we ignore the fact either --- or make an exception to somehow make something wrong appear acceptable. Homosexuality is an act. Actions are something that can be difficult to control but which still can be controlled. Being born blond, or female is something that a person has no control over. Acting on one's feelings is something one has the power to stiffle. Marriage ideally is for procreational purposes. It is not for mere sexual pleasure. And it certainly was never intended to be a license for experimentation of body parts. The simple reality is that not everyone will get married and it is not up to the government to try to find ways to make marriage more universal. Marriage should never be a political football to win votes. It is far too solemn an institution.
The answer is to get Government out of marriage, something Rand and Ron Paul advocated. More "rights" implies more laws, Government telling us what we can and can't do and more importantly who and who can't do something.

Also, I take it She is now running for President for 2016, based on a platform Dems have never managed to deliver yet people keep voting for them on.

Ignorant nonsense.

Government can’t be ‘taken out’ of marriage; state governments and courts write and administer marriage law, which is in essence contract law.

And no one is advocating ‘more’ rights, simply an acknowledgement by all jurisdictions of those inalienable rights long recognized but denied to a class of persons predicated solely on their sexual orientation.

It's ignorant bigotry and nothing else. The people that would rather legal marriage be done away with completely than allow "the gheys" equal access to it are no different than the people that filled public pools with cement rather than allow black people to swim in them.
nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Social issues like civil rights require government intervention
That is an opinion.
Civil rights have been resolved. And that is not what we're taking about.
Today, social issues are about creating new protected classes and new entitlements.

You sound just like Lester Maddox

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

This if fucking hilarious.

The GOP has spent DECADES talking about abortion and gay marriage and prayer in schools and evolution while slowly dismantling the middle class and shipping it in crates to China.

And now that the tide has turned on you guys, and people are tuning your homophobia out, you want to say, "Hey, let's talk about the economy we wrecked and you haven't fixed fast enough!"
My own opinion- I'd have had a lot more respect for Hillary if she came out on this issue a long time ago.

We're practically months from the Supreme Court making it legal for the whole country and ending the debate. Now she wants to be on the winning side?
Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

Where were the Democrats when gay marriage wasn't so popular with people?

People don't care as much as Hollywood would like you to think.

Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine

Churches are already finding membership dropping off as fewer and fewer young people are attending church. It isn't because they aren't spiritual or religious either...they still are...they just don't like all the bigotry.

Last fall, for example, a PRRI survey found that nearly seven-in-ten (69 percent) 18-29 year-old Millennials agree that religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental about gay and lesbian issues.

Why are Millennials leaving the church?

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