Hillary Rodham Clinton Speaks Out for Gay Marriage

who cares, you all deserve to be in that over 50% divorce rate like the rest of those miserable in marriage..


50% divorce rate means that the other 50% enter a relationship that lasts the rest of their lives. Why do you want to deny that to gays?
Looking bad for conservatives as history once again passes them by

58% of Americans now support gay marriage....how long before Republicans claim they supported it all along but consider it a state issue?

omg, we have 8% unemployment, gas prices still at 3.50 a gallon, food prices out the roof and marriage is the Democrats priority..

I suppose it's one way to distract from how poor and miserable thing are under their Presidency

Why don't you start a thread on it Stephanie? This one is about Clintons support of gay marriage

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.
omg, we have 8% unemployment, gas prices still at 3.50 a gallon, food prices out the roof and marriage is the Democrats priority..

I suppose it's one way to distract from how poor and miserable thing are under their Presidency

Why don't you start a thread on it Stephanie? This one is about Clintons support of gay marriage

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Social issues like civil rights require government intervention
The answer is to get Government out of marriage, something Rand and Ron Paul advocated. More "rights" implies more laws, Government telling us what we can and can't do and more importantly who and who can't do something.

Also, I take it She is now running for President for 2016, based on a platform Dems have never managed to deliver yet people keep voting for them on.

Ignorant nonsense.

Government can’t be ‘taken out’ of marriage; state governments and courts write and administer marriage law, which is in essence contract law.

And no one is advocating ‘more’ rights, simply an acknowledgement by all jurisdictions of those inalienable rights long recognized but denied to a class of persons predicated solely on their sexual orientation.
This is the first of two critical political moves Hillary will need to officially and publicly make before she's ready for 2016.
The other will be a call for amnesty for illegals.

As far as gay marriage though, even if you're against it, there's a bright when it's finally enacted nationwide.
The more gay males that are married in commited relationships, the more likely the new Aids patient rate will decline.
omg, we have 8% unemployment, gas prices still at 3.50 a gallon, food prices out the roof and marriage is the Democrats priority..

I suppose it's one way to distract from how poor and miserable thing are under their Presidency

Why don't you start a thread on it Stephanie? This one is about Clintons support of gay marriage

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Telling that you and others on the right consider their fellow Americans being denied their civil rights an unimportant issue.

Most likely conservative opposition to marriage equality represents yet another failure by the right, a failure republicans would like to see swept under the rug.

Can't really blame you.
Why don't you start a thread on it Stephanie? This one is about Clintons support of gay marriage

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Telling that you and others on the right consider their fellow Americans being denied their civil rights an unimportant issue.

Most likely conservative opposition to marriage equality represents yet another failure by the right, a failure republicans would like to see swept under the rug.

Can't really blame you.

If gay marriage is an unimportant issue, why did conservatives push the passage of DOMA? Why did they fight so hard against Prop 8 and repeal of DADT?
The answer is to get Government out of marriage, something Rand and Ron Paul advocated. More "rights" implies more laws, Government telling us what we can and can't do and more importantly who and who can't do something.

Also, I take it She is now running for President for 2016, based on a platform Dems have never managed to deliver yet people keep voting for them on.

How does government get out of marriage? End tax deductions for married couples? End survivor benefits? Eliminate divorce courts?

What is the Paul view of America?

Simple, you don't collect a licence for being married, thus no bigoted laws like deductions for married couples VS a single individual or discrimination like saying you can't get married due to being of the same sex. Let people marry their lawn mower, their dog, their house... If there is no tax credits, tax cuts or status given through Government law then it's all a non issue.

Seeing as we have a separation of church and state I would have though liberals would have been on board with this incredibly logical position.
The answer is to get Government out of marriage, something Rand and Ron Paul advocated. More "rights" implies more laws, Government telling us what we can and can't do and more importantly who and who can't do something.

Also, I take it She is now running for President for 2016, based on a platform Dems have never managed to deliver yet people keep voting for them on.

Ignorant nonsense.

Government can’t be ‘taken out’ of marriage; state governments and courts write and administer marriage law, which is in essence contract law.

And no one is advocating ‘more’ rights, simply an acknowledgement by all jurisdictions of those inalienable rights long recognized but denied to a class of persons predicated solely on their sexual orientation.

Then write up a contract, sign it... Call it marriage if you like, but each couple should be allowed to pick the contract they feel best represents them, the courts simply uphold that contract as it's their only constitutional power on the issue.

who cares, you all deserve to be in that over 50% divorce rate like the rest of those miserable in marriage..


50% divorce rate means that the other 50% enter a relationship that lasts the rest of their lives. Why do you want to deny that to gays?

The real question is why didn't Obama/Dems make an issue of this and push when they had the House/Senate and Presidency? Keep voting Democrat, maybe one of these days they might actually live up to the hype you keep trying to sell us makes up that party.
Exactly what "rights" do queers not have?

Equal protection of the laws.

They are not able to file a married tax return, which is protected by law. They do not have Social Security survivor benefits, which are protected by law. They are denied much of the cash and prizes protected by law.

A right is nothing more than immunity from government prosecution.

Who taught you that nonsense?

The Founding Fathers. They defined rights and liberties as freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.
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Democrats want to act like this issue is a big winner for them, but in reality, nobody gives a fuck about gay marriage. We have a negative GDP, 8% unemployment, a record number of food stamp subscribers, trillion dollar deficits, and a potential war with Iran. Gay marriage is such a trivial issue it's ridicules.
The answer is to get Government out of marriage, something Rand and Ron Paul advocated. More "rights" implies more laws, Government telling us what we can and can't do and more importantly who and who can't do something.

Also, I take it She is now running for President for 2016, based on a platform Dems have never managed to deliver yet people keep voting for them on.

How does government get out of marriage? End tax deductions for married couples? End survivor benefits? Eliminate divorce courts?

What is the Paul view of America?

Ok, you asked more than 1 question, I never cared much about gay marriage because as I stated both sides are oppressive. The answer I gave you was my own, I didn't really ever put the time into looking up Paul's position.

Here is a video that until this moment I never saw, it took me 1 click from google to youtube to find it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH0kHoWdK3M]Ron Paul on Gay Marriage - YouTube[/ame]

That is Dr. Paul's position to Gay Marriage. I winder, do you take issue with it?
The answer is to get Government out of marriage, something Rand and Ron Paul advocated. More "rights" implies more laws, Government telling us what we can and can't do and more importantly who and who can't do something.

Also, I take it She is now running for President for 2016, based on a platform Dems have never managed to deliver yet people keep voting for them on.

How does government get out of marriage? End tax deductions for married couples? End survivor benefits? Eliminate divorce courts?

What is the Paul view of America?

Simple, you don't collect a licence for being married, thus no bigoted laws like deductions for married couples VS a single individual or discrimination like saying you can't get married due to being of the same sex. Let people marry their lawn mower, their dog, their house... If there is no tax credits, tax cuts or status given through Government law then it's all a non issue.

Seeing as we have a separation of church and state I would have though liberals would have been on board with this incredibly logical position.

So what you advocate is a destruction of society as we know it. No official acknowledgement of marriage. No legal protection. Dissolution of marriage would be a simple goodbye.
Hillary Clinton is a true leader. The country needs more people like her.

I hope more than anything else that she runs for President in 2016.

She's a true leader because she changed her mind yet again? :cuckoo:

What's interesting is she is not leading.. She is following. She changed her position from bigot to less bigoted towards gays based off a change in a large majority of the country. In fact it took over (estimated 58%) 180 million people leading her to her new found position before she even got there.
Democrats want to act like this issue is a big winner for them, but in reality, nobody gives a fuck about gay marriage. We have a negative GDP, 8% unemployment, a record number of food stamp subscribers, trillion dollar deficits, and a potential war with Iran. Gay marriage is such a trivial issue it's ridicules.

Yup, Democrats have moved the issues of Gays and guns to the front of the line, while gas prices are skyrocketing, record numbers are on Food Stamps, unemployment is outrageous, and grocery bills are the highest they have ever been... Although people who swipe EBT cards backed by our Tax dollars wouldn't know it. But by all means, two losing issues - gays and guns must be addressed. Liberals are absolutely nuts.
Democrats want to act like this issue is a big winner for them, but in reality, nobody gives a fuck about gay marriage. We have a negative GDP, 8% unemployment, a record number of food stamp subscribers, trillion dollar deficits, and a potential war with Iran. Gay marriage is such a trivial issue it's ridicules.

Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price
How does government get out of marriage? End tax deductions for married couples? End survivor benefits? Eliminate divorce courts?

What is the Paul view of America?

Simple, you don't collect a licence for being married, thus no bigoted laws like deductions for married couples VS a single individual or discrimination like saying you can't get married due to being of the same sex. Let people marry their lawn mower, their dog, their house... If there is no tax credits, tax cuts or status given through Government law then it's all a non issue.

Seeing as we have a separation of church and state I would have though liberals would have been on board with this incredibly logical position.

So what you advocate is a destruction of society as we know it. No official acknowledgement of marriage. No legal protection. Dissolution of marriage would be a simple goodbye.

"you advocate is a destruction of society as we know it."

Wow dude...

Maybe I have to break it down to baby speech for you to follow. There would be a contract, by law... This contract can be written any way a couple wishes, there can even be temples for them to build off of as well as well known and popularly used contracts...

At that point in which the two individuals agree and sign that contract they are bound by it by law. The courts would uphold that contract if there was ever a dispute.

Was it hard to follow or did society end for you RW?
Democrats want to act like this issue is a big winner for them, but in reality, nobody gives a fuck about gay marriage. We have a negative GDP, 8% unemployment, a record number of food stamp subscribers, trillion dollar deficits, and a potential war with Iran. Gay marriage is such a trivial issue it's ridicules.

Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

I'm not defending Republicans, but again, the Dems held the House/Senate and Presidency and yet it was not even mentioned. They waited until they lost the house and still until they lose the Presidency or Senate until it will be a big topic for them again... Whatever keeps it an ongoing issue is the point, never fix it is the goal when you can keep selling it.

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