Hillary Rodham Clinton Speaks Out for Gay Marriage

Looking bad for conservatives as history once again passes them by

58% of Americans now support gay marriage....how long before Republicans claim they supported it all along but consider it a state issue?

omg, we have 8% unemployment, gas prices still at 3.50 a gallon, food prices out the roof and marriage is the Democrats priority..

I suppose it's one way to distract from how poor and miserable thing are under their Presidency

And I suppose abortion is the Republican's priority?

In any event, the economy is not the only issue facing us at the moment. Hard for a person like you to believe but some people are capable of multi-tasking.
Democrats want to act like this issue is a big winner for them, but in reality, nobody gives a fuck about gay marriage. We have a negative GDP, 8% unemployment, a record number of food stamp subscribers, trillion dollar deficits, and a potential war with Iran. Gay marriage is such a trivial issue it's ridicules.

Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

Where were the Democrats when gay marriage wasn't so popular with people?

People don't care as much as Hollywood would like you to think.
Hillary Clinton is a true leader. The country needs more people like her.

I hope more than anything else that she runs for President in 2016.

She's a true leader because she changed her mind yet again? :cuckoo:

What's interesting is she is not leading.. She is following. She changed her position from bigot to less bigoted towards gays based off a change in a large majority of the country. In fact it took over (estimated 58%) 180 million people leading her to her new found position before she even got there.

Her entire history is that of taking the easy road, the path with least resistance. Everything Hillary does is about advancing Hillary. She has flip-flopped countless times, and never actually led by example. She moved to New York because she would be a shoe in for the Senate. She is a career politician intent on one thing... Doing what is best for Hillary. What amazes me is that there are people who have bought into her calculated power grabs "hook, line, and sinker." Hillary has only proven one thing to me in all the years she held office, and that is -there are some really stupid voters out there.
Looking bad for conservatives as history once again passes them by

58% of Americans now support gay marriage....how long before Republicans claim they supported it all along but consider it a state issue?

omg, we have 8% unemployment, gas prices still at 3.50 a gallon, food prices out the roof and marriage is the Democrats priority..

I suppose it's one way to distract from how poor and miserable thing are under their Presidency

And I suppose abortion is the Republican's priority?

In any event, the economy is not the only issue facing us at the moment. Hard for a person like you to believe but some people are capable of multi-tasking.

Sure... A small percentage of degenerate gay people are just as important as the economy. :lol: Get real.
Democrats want to act like this issue is a big winner for them, but in reality, nobody gives a fuck about gay marriage. We have a negative GDP, 8% unemployment, a record number of food stamp subscribers, trillion dollar deficits, and a potential war with Iran. Gay marriage is such a trivial issue it's ridicules.

Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

I'm not defending Republicans, but again, the Dems held the House/Senate and Presidency and yet it was not even mentioned. They waited until they lost the house and still until they lose the Presidency or Senate until it will be a big topic for them again... Whatever keeps it an ongoing issue is the point, never fix it is the goal when you can keep selling it.

Sadly, the issue of gay rights has been relegated to the states and to the courts. The Supreme court will shortly strike down DOMA and DADT has already been withdrawn

The Conservative defiance to gay rights is failing and they will once again be labeled as defending the wrong side of history
Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

I'm not defending Republicans, but again, the Dems held the House/Senate and Presidency and yet it was not even mentioned. They waited until they lost the house and still until they lose the Presidency or Senate until it will be a big topic for them again... Whatever keeps it an ongoing issue is the point, never fix it is the goal when you can keep selling it.

Sadly, the issue of gay rights has been relegated to the states and to the courts. The Supreme court will shortly strike down DOMA and DADT has already been withdrawn

The Conservative defiance to gay rights is failing and they will once again be labeled as defending the wrong side of history

Again, Dems play a game... Here is the game RW.

I'm thinking of a number of 1-100...

Reps guess: 71

Dems guess: 70

The Dems had the House, Senate and the Presidency, yet here we are, watching you blame Republicans and claiming they will be remembered on the wrong side of history. Yet we can watch progressives fail to remember the south was Democrats and it was Republicans that ended slavery. History is pointless when the people claiming to know it make shit up to make themselves feel better.
Democrats want to act like this issue is a big winner for them, but in reality, nobody gives a fuck about gay marriage. We have a negative GDP, 8% unemployment, a record number of food stamp subscribers, trillion dollar deficits, and a potential war with Iran. Gay marriage is such a trivial issue it's ridicules.

Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

Where were the Democrats when gay marriage wasn't so popular with people?

People don't care as much as Hollywood would like you to think.

Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine
Republicans cared about gay marriage when they had the political clout to prohibit it. Now that the public tide has turned, they would rather discuss other issues

This has been a major political failing of the Republican Party and they will pay a price

Where were the Democrats when gay marriage wasn't so popular with people?

People don't care as much as Hollywood would like you to think.

Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine

way to not answer the question.
Where were the Democrats when gay marriage wasn't so popular with people?

People don't care as much as Hollywood would like you to think.

Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine

way to not answer the question.

The answer Einstein is that people do care.....more than the right can imagine
Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine

way to not answer the question.

The answer Einstein is that people do care.....more than the right can imagine

I'm not talking about that. Where were Democrats when gay marriage wasn't a popular issue?
Another politican all of a sudden has a change of heart. Shocker. These people have no principles.
The US public has had a change of heart.

Just shows how much of the US public are brainless. They have their heads in the sand and they won't look around and see what's really happening.

I heard a rumor it could be Hitlery and Mooshell running together! :eek:
Why don't you start a thread on it Stephanie? This one is about Clintons support of gay marriage

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Social issues like civil rights require government intervention

You say you want the government out of your bedrooms.....you want the government out of your body (abortion),.,..but now.... you WANT the government into your bedroom ONLY if it means gays being able to marry. And you WANT the government involved in your body ONLY when they pay for your pills.

Will you guys ever make up your minds???
way to not answer the question.

The answer Einstein is that people do care.....more than the right can imagine

I'm not talking about that. Where were Democrats when gay marriage wasn't a popular issue?

When Republicans knew they had popular opinion on their side as well as majorities in State government they rammed through state amendments to ban gay marriage. As popular opinion has shifted (now 58% support gay marriage) more states are allowing gay marriage

Democrats now have the advantage and are pushing the issue as quickly as they can
nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

Social issues like civil rights require government intervention

You say you want the government out of your bedrooms.....you want the government out of your body (abortion),.,..but now.... you WANT the government into your bedroom ONLY if it means gays being able to marry. And you WANT the government involved in your body ONLY when they pay for your pills.

Will you guys ever make up your minds???

Gay marriage is not about the bedroom it is about marrying the person you love.
Social issues like civil rights require government intervention

You say you want the government out of your bedrooms.....you want the government out of your body (abortion),.,..but now.... you WANT the government into your bedroom ONLY if it means gays being able to marry. And you WANT the government involved in your body ONLY when they pay for your pills.

Will you guys ever make up your minds???

Gay marriage is not about the bedroom it is about marrying the person you love.
Well said.

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