Hillary Rodham Clinton Speaks Out for Gay Marriage

My own opinion- I'd have had a lot more respect for Hillary if she came out on this issue a long time ago.

We're practically months from the Supreme Court making it legal for the whole country and ending the debate. Now she wants to be on the winning side?

While serving as Secretary of State, Clinton refrained from commenting on these issues.

Now that she is setting up a presidential run, she is clarifying her positions
My own opinion- I'd have had a lot more respect for Hillary if she came out on this issue a long time ago.

We're practically months from the Supreme Court making it legal for the whole country and ending the debate. Now she wants to be on the winning side?

Well, there weren't a lot of people sticking up for LGBT equality until we passed the 50% popularity mark. It wasn't that long ago that gay marriage was a third rail of politics. Only the antis wanted to touch it.

It tells you just how far LGBT equality has come that people think supporting gay rights is a political calculation.
Where were the Democrats when gay marriage wasn't so popular with people?

People don't care as much as Hollywood would like you to think.

Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine

Churches are already finding membership dropping off as fewer and fewer young people are attending church. It isn't because they aren't spiritual or religious either...they still are...they just don't like all the bigotry.

Last fall, for example, a PRRI survey found that nearly seven-in-ten (69 percent) 18-29 year-old Millennials agree that religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental about gay and lesbian issues.

Why are Millennials leaving the church?

I know you would like to think that, but it's not reality. Do you have any evidence that more people are as fixated on gay issues now?
My own opinion- I'd have had a lot more respect for Hillary if she came out on this issue a long time ago.

We're practically months from the Supreme Court making it legal for the whole country and ending the debate. Now she wants to be on the winning side?

While serving as Secretary of State, Clinton refrained from commenting on these issues.

Now that she is setting up a presidential run, she is clarifying her positions

In other words, she'll only take a stand when it's convenient for her politically. Yeah, great lady.
I grok why she couldn't address the "political" topic while serving as Secretary of State.

But let's not pretend that she is NOW suddenly "clarifying" her positions.

She is sending up trial balloons.

She will support all manner of gay rights as long as the prevailing political wind suggests to her that there is any net gain in it for her.

But she will flip and flop like John F'n Kerry on crack if she discovers that her newly stated position is NOT helpful to her possible run for the Presidency.
Gays represent a very small percentage of our population. Maybe 5% at most. But gays have families, they have friends, they have neighbors who do not see them as the threats to our society that Conservatives label them

Younger voters look at gay rights as the civil rights issue of our generation. It is costing Republicans much more than they imagine

Churches are already finding membership dropping off as fewer and fewer young people are attending church. It isn't because they aren't spiritual or religious either...they still are...they just don't like all the bigotry.

Last fall, for example, a PRRI survey found that nearly seven-in-ten (69 percent) 18-29 year-old Millennials agree that religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental about gay and lesbian issues.

Why are Millennials leaving the church?

I know you would like to think that, but it's not reality. Do you have any evidence that more people are as fixated on gay issues now?

Do links confuse you? Just click on them and read the article provided as evidence of what I said. Young people are turning away from church and one of the primary reasons given is the church's stance on LGBT equality.

Nobody is "fixated' on "gay issues", but people DO view it as the Civil Rights struggle of the time and don't want to be on the wrong side of history. Gay marriage is inevitable.
I grok why she couldn't address the "political" topic while serving as Secretary of State.

But let's not pretend that she is NOW suddenly "clarifying" her positions.

She is sending up trial balloons.

She will support all manner of gay rights as long as the prevailing political wind suggests to her that there is any net gain in it for her.

But she will flip and flop like John F'n Kerry on crack if she discovers that her newly stated position is NOT helpful to her possible run for the Presidency.

Hillary did not even endorse President Obama for reelection while she was Secretary of State. She also did not speak at or attend the Democratic Convention

Secretary of State is a unique position and they try to stay away from domestic political issues
I grok why she couldn't address the "political" topic while serving as Secretary of State.

But let's not pretend that she is NOW suddenly "clarifying" her positions.

She is sending up trial balloons.

She will support all manner of gay rights as long as the prevailing political wind suggests to her that there is any net gain in it for her.

But she will flip and flop like John F'n Kerry on crack if she discovers that her newly stated position is NOT helpful to her possible run for the Presidency.

Hillary did not even endorse President Obama for reelection while she was Secretary of State. She also did not speak at or attend the Democratic Convention

Secretary of State is a unique position and they try to stay away from domestic political issues

I know. That's why I said I grok why she remained silent on political matters while serving as Secretary of State.
This is Hillary in the 2007 LOGO/HRC debate:

Q: What is at the heart of your opposition to same-sex marriage?

A: Well, I prefer to think of it as being very positive about civil unions. You know, it’s a personal position. How we get to full equality is the debate we’re having, & I am absolutely in favor of civil unions with full equality of benefits, rights, and privileges. I want to proceed with equalizing federal benefits.

And I’ve also been a very strong supporter of letting the states maintain their jurisdiction over marriage. I want to repeal Section 3 of DOMA, which stands in the way of the extension of benefits to people in committed, same-sex relationships. I will be very strongly in favor of doing that as president.

I don’t know that we could have defeated the Federal Marriage Amendment if we had not had DOMA. I mean, that is something that, you know, has provided a great protection against what was clearly the Republican strategy, to just cynically use marriage as a political tool.

So, really, she didn't have that far to go for full marriage equality support. Better late than never!
And she doesn't have that far to go to return to her "civil unions should suffice" position if the prevailing political winds suggest to her that she'd be better served by flipping and flopping.
Churches are already finding membership dropping off as fewer and fewer young people are attending church. It isn't because they aren't spiritual or religious either...they still are...they just don't like all the bigotry.

Last fall, for example, a PRRI survey found thayt nearly seven-in-ten (69 percent) 18-29 year-old Millennials agree that religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental about gay and lesbian issues.

Why are Millennials leaving the church?

I know you would like to think that, but it's not reality. Do you have any evidence that more people are as fixated on gay issues now?

Do links confuse you? Just click on them and read the article provided as evidence of what I said. Young people are turning away from church and one of the primary reasons given is the church's stance on LGBT equality.

Nobody is "fixated' on "gay issues", but people DO view it as the Civil Rights struggle of the time and don't want to be on the wrong side of history. Gay marriage is inevitable.

I agree with you that gay marriage is inevitable. I just don't think it's that big an issue to a majority of folks.
The answer is to get Government out of marriage, something Rand and Ron Paul advocated. More "rights" implies more laws, Government telling us what we can and can't do and more importantly who and who can't do something.

Also, I take it She is now running for President for 2016, based on a platform Dems have never managed to deliver yet people keep voting for them on.

Ignorant nonsense.

Government can’t be ‘taken out’ of marriage; state governments and courts write and administer marriage law, which is in essence contract law.

And no one is advocating ‘more’ rights, simply an acknowledgement by all jurisdictions of those inalienable rights long recognized but denied to a class of persons predicated solely on their sexual orientation.

It's ignorant bigotry and nothing else. The people that would rather legal marriage be done away with completely than allow "the gheys" equal access to it are no different than the people that filled public pools with cement rather than allow black people to swim in them.

People practicing at homosexuality come in all colors snd ethnic diversity. This is true of adultery, fornication, prostitution, incest, rape, molestation, masochism and beastiality. Each represents people trying to find themselves in gratification. There is only one who gratifies perfectly and his name is Jesus Christ.
I know you would like to think that, but it's not reality. Do you have any evidence that more people are as fixated on gay issues now?

Do links confuse you? Just click on them and read the article provided as evidence of what I said. Young people are turning away from church and one of the primary reasons given is the church's stance on LGBT equality.

Nobody is "fixated' on "gay issues", but people DO view it as the Civil Rights struggle of the time and don't want to be on the wrong side of history. Gay marriage is inevitable.

I agree with you that gay marriage is inevitable. I just don't think it's that big an issue to a majority of folks.

A "big issue"? No, maybe not on par with jobs or immigration, but there is a significant part of the population that DOES care and sees opposition to the inevitability of marriage equality in a poor light.

And it DOES matter when it comes to church attendance. The bigotry on display in churches is not putting butts in the seats.

The size of the issue didn't seem to matter to the RW when they were pushing anti-gay amendments all over the place did it?
Obama and Hillary, against it before they were for it..

but hey why not, they know what their base will eat up and it takes their minds off the misery four years of Obama has had on the country
Obama and Hillary, against it before they were for it..

but hey why not, they know what their base will eat up and it takes their minds off the misery four years of Obama has had on the country

I do not have an issue with an elected representative changing his or her mind on social issues. That is what debate is for.
Obama and Hillary, against it before they were for it..

but hey why not, they know what their base will eat up and it takes their minds off the misery four years of Obama has had on the country

I look at it this way, Stephanie....8 years ago, for a prominent politician, who MIGHT run for President, to state unequivocally that they are FOR gay marriage would have been the Kiss of Death. No longer. No longer, my friend. :clap2:
There is only one who gratifies perfectly and his name is Jesus Christ.

Sounds delightful...got his number? I know this guy who would be perfect for him.

I personally feel that your post is inappropriate.

Religious tolerance includes not saying something that would insult ones religion.

However, I support your right to free speech....but I can also freely offer my sentiments when you do so.
There is only one who gratifies perfectly and his name is Jesus Christ.

Sounds delightful...got his number? I know this guy who would be perfect for him.

I personally feel that your post is inappropriate.

Religious tolerance includes not saying something that would insult ones religion.

However, I support your right to free speech....but I can also freely offer my sentiments when you do so.

Whew...good thing I have this whole big bag of "I don't give a shit" here. :lol:

My post was SO much more offensive than equating consenting adult gays and lesbians with pedophiles and rapists. :lol:

nice try. Stephanie is telling you. part of the low information crowd, that the federal government has much bigger fish to fry.
This is a perfect example of why government should steer clear of social issues.
Because social issues are a distraction from the business of government.

This if fucking hilarious.

The GOP has spent DECADES talking about abortion and gay marriage and prayer in schools and evolution while slowly dismantling the middle class and shipping it in crates to China.

And now that the tide has turned on you guys, and people are tuning your homophobia out, you want to say, "Hey, let's talk about the economy we wrecked and you haven't fixed fast enough!"

The Democrats are still sending job overseas. They want to pollute China, so that their own view from their own seashore resorts remains unobstructed, their air is clean, and their backyard is tidy. They don't care how much it costs, because it is not money out of their pockets. But they still fly out in private jets to vacation in Hawaii and ride private yachts to visit Nantucket. They send their children to private schools so that they don't have to fear what public insitutions lack.

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