Hillary says women who cry rape "Have right to be believed".

What we have here is Hillary's war on women, and the liberal followers on here has to support it. Lol can you people see how stupid you are?
What we have here is Hillary's war on women, and the liberal followers on here has to support it. Lol can you people see how stupid you are?
Since Slick Willey has visited 'Pedophile Island' several times, and Hillary supports Planned Parenthood, can we say the Clintons are also engaged in a War on Children'? Hmmmm.....
Someone accused of rape is innocent until proven guilty...the OP seems to forget that....along with forgetting to provide proof of his assertion that it is the "most over-accused" crime.
Someone accused of rape is innocent until proven guilty...the OP seems to forget that....along with forgetting to provide proof of his assertion that it is the "most over-accused" crime.
Tell that to Cosby.
Someone accused of rape is innocent until proven guilty...the OP seems to forget that....along with forgetting to provide proof of his assertion that it is the "most over-accused" crime.
Tell that to Cosby.
Cosby's in prison? Note: so you are going to hold Cosby up as an example? Go right ahead, my friend. Go right ahead.
I believe Juanita and Paula and Kathleen and....
Rape is the most over-accused crime in america. Women have learned they can get money out of a guy by accusing him of rape. Evidence is not required. This is more of the War on Men - along with affirmative action and anti-male child support laws.

Irony? Hillary says all sex-assault accusers should 'be believed'

sep 15 2015 Hillary Clinton provoked a fearsome outrage from the political right on Monday with an online video in which she insists Americans should reflexively side with young women on college campuses who accuse male students of sexual assault.

'You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We're with you,' the Democratic front-runner says in the video, which she addresses 'to every survivor of sexual assault.'
Lock her damn husband up, then!!!
Rape is so under-reported because its a given that she will be raped again and again by the system and the rapist WILL go free.

RWs believe women should not have easy access to a morning after pill - even in the case of rape.
RWs believe that women are the cause of their own rape.
RWs believe rape victims should be forced to bear the child of rape.
RWs believe that rapists should have access to his victim if she bears a child from the rape.
RWs believe men should never be held accountable for their own actions.
RWs believe that single mothers should be punished and shamed for raising, feeding, clothing and educating a child alone.
RWs believe men should not have to support their own children.

RWs are vile, nasty, ignorant, slime.

Hillary Clinton's Handling of 1975 Rape Case Emerges Again

"Hillary Clinton took me through hell," the victimtold the Daily Beast in an emotional interview published today. The woman said that if she saw Clinton today she would say, "I realize the truth now, the heart of what you've done to me. And you are supposed to be for women? You call that [being] for women, what you done to me? And I heard you on tape laughing."
The rape problem would be solved overnight if women would carry a gun. But hillary says no.

When a man kills a woman, he spends an average of 7 years in jail.

When a woman kills a man, she ALWAYS gets life.

And when she chops off his private parts she always goes free....

*Note to the ladies, if ya don't want to go to jail don't kill him - neuter him.
** Note to the guys, if ya don't want yer little buddy cut off ya better not mess around or do wrong OR better wear the man's version of a chastity belt to bed if you are doing ya woman wrong!lol

Key word - little
she means all of them; except the ones caught blowing off her hubby in OUR white house
Damn, this is exactly how you hand the fucking election to a loserterian. Democrats you better hope sanders can take it.
Rape is the most over-accused crime in america. Women have learned they can get money out of a guy by accusing him of rape. Evidence is not required. This is more of the War on Men - along with affirmative action and anti-male child support laws.

Irony? Hillary says all sex-assault accusers should 'be believed'

sep 15 2015 Hillary Clinton provoked a fearsome outrage from the political right on Monday with an online video in which she insists Americans should reflexively side with young women on college campuses who accuse male students of sexual assault.

'You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We're with you,' the Democratic front-runner says in the video, which she addresses 'to every survivor of sexual assault.'
Lock her damn husband up, then!!!

Typical RW. No trial, no evidence, no jury, no trial, no conviction -

Just lock him up.

Mark my words, this will be the next attack by the right on our constitution.

They're already in agreement with cops gunning down blacks with no due process. This trend will grow and politicians will get on board as well. They're already wanting to gut the constitution on other issues. Believe me, this one is next.

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