Hillary simply can't be trusted

aside form the peanut gallery remarks from the usual rw suspects, we have too many people who don't vote and the reason is there is little diff in the corruption of the two-party system
"Hillary simply can't be trusted"

Neither can any of the republican candidates.

The mistake you're making is that however terrible and awful Clinton might be, republicans are considerably worse.

If republicans were running sane candidates, on the other hand, who supported privacy rights, equal protection rights for gay Americans, necessary and proper regulatory policy, and foreign policy not focused solely on conflict and war, your premise might have some merit.
"Hillary simply can't be trusted"

Neither can any of the republican candidates.

The mistake you're making is that however terrible and awful Clinton might be, republicans are considerably worse.

If republicans were running sane candidates, on the other hand, who supported privacy rights, equal protection rights for gay Americans, necessary and proper regulatory policy, and foreign policy not focused solely on conflict and war, your premise might have some merit.
If pigs flew out of Hillary's ass your post might have some merit
Just saying no would have been a lie. Remember in Benghazi, over 50 people died from violent riots all over the Muslim world from a right wing video insulting their religion. Even the people in Libya thought the attack was the result of the video Days later, after more investigation, it seemed to be a terrorist attack planned out before the video but with the same timing. If she held back information, she would have been called secretive. So she passed it on as soon as she received it. And when the information changed, the right declared her a liar. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

Even on Obamacare, Obama was called a liar when he said you could keep your insurance. It turned out, you could keep your insurance. But it had to meet minimum standards. Who knew right wingers could be so stupid their leaders would convince them that the worst insurance in the world that did nothing is what they wanted to fight for?

The problem I have with Bernie Santa is several. First, he has been in congress for 25 years as an Independent. Where was his support including campaigning for other Democrats? I don't remember any. What makes his career distinguished? What are his accomplishments? I don't really see much. Considering the obstructionism from Republicans, how much of his criticism of the president is deserved? Certainly Republicans will help him end Obamacare, but they won't help him after that. His comments on foreign policy have been scary. And in a general election with him calling himself a socialist who wants a revolution, he will scare America into voting against him.
And to the Bernie base, go ahead, ask your parents if they want their taxes doubled or tripled so healthcare and college could be free. Cuz then it's not "free".
And so college becomes "free". What about trade schools? What about Jr. College that specializes in apprenticeship type jobs? Where do they go? Are we going to have a lot of people with degrees who don't know how to do machining or plumbing or carpentry or electrical wiring? Talk about importing illegal aliens. We will be a nation of Americans without skills dependent on people from other countries. I want people to really listen to what Bernie says. Get past the "free".
Compared to the republicans when the general occurs we need to vote for clinton. The republicans have gone insane to the point I fear for our civilization.

How much corruption pass does she get before you sheeple stop?
Compared to the republicans when the general occurs we need to vote for clinton. The republicans have gone insane to the point I fear for our civilization.

How much corruption pass does she get before you sheeple stop?
There is corruption and there are GOP conspiracies. She has been bitch slapping Republicans since 1980 over their accusations.

Look how hard Republicans have worked to turn Obama into a Muslim born in Kenya? So now probably a majority of Republicans truly believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. The rest of the country believes they are fools.
Compared to the republicans when the general occurs we need to vote for clinton. The republicans have gone insane to the point I fear for our civilization.

How much corruption pass does she get before you sheeple stop?
There is corruption and there are GOP conspiracies. She has been bitch slapping Republicans since 1980 over their accusations.

Look how hard Republicans have worked to turn Obama into a Muslim born in Kenya? So now probably a majority of Republicans truly believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. The rest of the country believes they are fools.

At the end of the day, you Liberals will still depend on white men to win an election. Hillary Clinton has not done bitch slapping; rather, she is the bitch being slapped out to pasture by her own party......for the second time.
Compared to the republicans when the general occurs we need to vote for clinton. The republicans have gone insane to the point I fear for our civilization.

How much corruption pass does she get before you sheeple stop?
There is corruption and there are GOP conspiracies. She has been bitch slapping Republicans since 1980 over their accusations.

Look how hard Republicans have worked to turn Obama into a Muslim born in Kenya? So now probably a majority of Republicans truly believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. The rest of the country believes they are fools.

At the end of the day, you Liberals will still depend on white men to win an election. Hillary Clinton has not done bitch slapping; rather, she is the bitch being slapped out to pasture by her own party......for the second time.
Obama's not white.
Compared to the republicans when the general occurs we need to vote for clinton. The republicans have gone insane to the point I fear for our civilization.

How much corruption pass does she get before you sheeple stop?
There is corruption and there are GOP conspiracies. She has been bitch slapping Republicans since 1980 over their accusations.

Look how hard Republicans have worked to turn Obama into a Muslim born in Kenya? So now probably a majority of Republicans truly believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. The rest of the country believes they are fools.

At the end of the day, you Liberals will still depend on white men to win an election. Hillary Clinton has not done bitch slapping; rather, she is the bitch being slapped out to pasture by her own party......for the second time.
Compared to the republicans when the general occurs we need to vote for clinton. The republicans have gone insane to the point I fear for our civilization.

How much corruption pass does she get before you sheeple stop?
There is corruption and there are GOP conspiracies. She has been bitch slapping Republicans since 1980 over their accusations.

Look how hard Republicans have worked to turn Obama into a Muslim born in Kenya? So now probably a majority of Republicans truly believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. The rest of the country believes they are fools.

At the end of the day, you Liberals will still depend on white men to win an election.

Well, about 1/3 of white men.


Look Bernie Sanders would creamed in a National Election. Today in Nevada, a caucus state, proves that he is just a one trick pony. His support comes from the Northeast of this country in New Hampshire and Vermont--where liberal was just redefined into bat shit crazy. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less someone who is campaigning on adding 40% more Federal Government spending, free college tuition, when we're already 19 trillion in red Ink.

Furthermore, he's not even a Democrat. He changed from Liberty Union, aka Socialist party, then went to Independent, and recently changed to Democrat to run on this ticket. He has NO support from the Democrat party, nor any Democrat politician in the Senate or the House. Meaning, that if he became President, you would finally see Republicans & Democrats finally agree on something. They would tie him up, tape his mouth shut, and throw him in a closet for the next 4 years.

Next Saturday--Bernie is going to get slaughtered in South Carolina. Hillary Clinton will go into Super Tuesday with the momentum, and she'll win most of those states, with the exception of Vermont, Sander's home state.

If by some remote miracle that Bernie Sanders won the nomination, election night would look like this. Just move the blue portion over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.


Reagan v Mondale 1984

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Look Bernie Sanders would creamed in a National Election. Today in Nevada, a caucus state, proves that he is just a one trick pony. His support comes from the Northeast of this country in New Hampshire and Vermont--where liberal was just redefined into bat shit crazy. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less someone who is campaigning on adding 40% more Federal Government spending, free college tuition, when we're already 19 trillion in red Ink.

Furthermore, he's not even a Democrat. He changed from Liberty Union, aka Socialist party, then went to Independent, and recently changed to Democrat to run on this ticket. He has NO support from the Democrat party, nor any Democrat politician in the Senate or the House. Meaning, that if he became President, you would finally see Republicans & Democrats finally agree on something. They would tie him up, tape his mouth shut, and throw him in a closet for the next 4 years.

Next Saturday--Bernie is going to get slaughtered in South Carolina. Hillary Clinton will go into Super Tuesday with the momentum, and she'll win most of those states, with the exception of Vermont, Sander's home state.

If by some remote miracle that Bernie Sanders won the nomination, election night would look like this. Just move the blue portion over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.


Reagan v Mondale 1984

I totally believe that.

Republicans believe the old Soviet Union was actually socialist just because that word is in their name: Union of Soviet Socialist Republic". Bernie is calling for a "socialist revolution". 20 million Russians died in their revolution. Republicans would have a field day with that.

Hillary beats the hell out of a radical socialist who isn't even a Democrat. At least she's a moderate liberal who can win the General Election and get shit done.
you left out her lack of any significant accomplishments, her slush fund (Clinton Foundation) that takes money from Saudis, paid speeches for Wall St banks, etc,,, etc,,,

She's a Repub by another name.
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