Hillary simply can't be trusted

Hillary beats the hell out of a radical socialist who isn't even a Democrat. At least she's a moderate liberal who can win the General Election and get shit done.
you left out her lack of any significant accomplishments, her slush fund (Clinton Foundation) that takes money from middele easterners, paid speeches for Wall St banks, etc,,, etc,,,

She's a Repub by another name.

Funny. She's a moderate Liberal who can win the General Election and get shit done. Go Hillary!!!!!

Where does Pocohantas get this "moderate liberal" label? HRC is a "moderate Republican". She's the best pol Wall ST- financed PACS can buy

Hillary beats the hell out of a radical socialist who isn't even a Democrat. At least she's a moderate liberal who can win the General Election and get shit done.
you left out her lack of any significant accomplishments, her slush fund (Clinton Foundation) that takes money from middele easterners, paid speeches for Wall St banks, etc,,, etc,,,

She's a Repub by another name.

Hmmmm, no, she's the classic Democrat. Name one Republican who ever did anything as sleazy as selling their office for personal gain.
Compared to the republicans when the general occurs we need to vote for clinton. The republicans have gone insane to the point I fear for our civilization.
true. They've been off-of-the-rails for decades BUT the Dems are only slightly less corrupt
admit it dottie if hillary is the democrats person you will be there helping hoist her baggage.....
"Hillary simply can't be trusted"

Neither can any of the republican candidates.

The mistake you're making is that however terrible and awful Clinton might be, republicans are considerably worse.

If republicans were running sane candidates, on the other hand, who supported privacy rights, equal protection rights for gay Americans, necessary and proper regulatory policy, and foreign policy not focused solely on conflict and war, your premise might have some merit.
If pigs flew out of Hillary's ass your post might have some merit
if jones wasnt "scared" to defend his bullshit he might have some merit....but so far 33,000 posts in, not one response,by him, to any of the responses to his posts... ....
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If she lies so much, why does she suck as a politician?
My friend was telling me ystrdy that "yabut she was first Lady & Secretary of state" & I said "what are her accomplishments other than that of a chair warmer?" A "lying" :eusa_liar: chair warmer at that.

Aside from that their Clinton foundation slush fund is a joke taking money from some pretty bad people

She release her paid speeches transcripts yet?

Hillary Clinton put the pressure on Leon Panetta and Barack Obama to do the hit on Osama Bin Laden. Without her, he would still be alive.

Bengazi has been investigated 8 times now, and Hillary Clinton in her last 12 hours of testimony, made Republicans in congress that were asking her questions look like total idiots. Her opening statement, she went through a long list of other U.S. Embassy's that had been attacked, including during Reagan were we lost 240 U.S. Marines. That underwent only 1 investigation, and nothing ever more was said about it. She also explained in detail why she thought it was a video that incited it. At the same time there were two other U.S. Embassy's that were being raided over the video. In fact, she didn't even know that the Ambassador to Libya was even in Bengazi. He was supposed to be in Tripoli 400 miles away in a secure, protected embassy.

If you see the movie (13 hours) it completely admonishes Hillary Clinton of any negligence, with real facts from the CIA operatives that were on the ground and fighting this battle. It discloses the facts that Right wing talk show hosts are not telling you.

EMAILS: If you want to do an FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton's emails, you probably should also do them on Condi Rice, & Colin Powell, as they have the same issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

So out of any candidate running for office today, there has never been such detailed investigations done on the Clinton's. They have survived investigations for the last 25 years. So if they can't find anything--why on earth would you call Hillary Clinton dishonest or a liar, or are you just simply repeating what you've incessantly been told?


So out of any candidate running for office today, there has never been such detailed investigations done on the Clinton's. They have survived investigations for the last 25 years. So if they can't find anything--why on earth would you call Hillary Clinton dishonest or a liar, or are you just simply repeating what you've incessantly been told?

Read the OP
HRC is a politician: like all of them, excepting Bern and Donald, she can't be trusted.

You can trust Donald to trash anyone who disagrees with him.

Bern means what he says, but he does not have the horsepower to overtake HRC.

This is an dispute only among Democrats. Republicans have known she's a no-good sleazy liar since her husband first ran for President.
Yea, like they know Obama was born in Kenya. Like WMD's. Like the Bush Tax cuts will create jobs.

Actually, this sounds like a really good thread.
'They' know what?

All democrat politicians lie. If they told the truth they would never win an election.....NEVER!

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