Hillary supported 2 wars(Iraq,Libya). How is Trump evil?

Hillary wants to protect the US. Republicans want to tear it down.

Name a GOP policy in the last 30 years that's helped a majority of Americans or has been good for the country.

She could careless about protecting the US. She absolutely abhors this country.
Don't spread this around, but I think she might even be a Muslim.

I would think saying she's a muslim would be offensive to muslims.
You're right, I just thought since she hates this country so much and all Muslims hate this country...
Remember it was because she voted for the Iraq war that her sheep, I mean base of voters made her a LOSER to that nobody Obama. but I guess all is forgiven now
Republicans have been trying to get America to believe that not only was Iraq Obama's fault, but also the slow response after Katrina. Such an odious party.
And every American who is not extremely ignorant regarding the matter knows that you are lying.
La. GOPers blame OBAMA for slow Katrina response

Louisiana Republicans blame Obama for Katrina

A Third Of Louisiana Republicans Blame Obama For Hurricane Katrina Response Under Bush

More Louisiana Republicans Blame President Obama For Hurricane Katrina Response Than Bush

I'm a liar. Then I'm not.

You're an ignorant twit. And you still are.

Don't worry. I don't accept your apology.
Republicans have been trying to get America to believe that not only was Iraq Obama's fault, but also the slow response after Katrina. Such an odious party.
And every American who is not extremely ignorant regarding the matter knows that you are lying.
La. GOPers blame OBAMA for slow Katrina response

Louisiana Republicans blame Obama for Katrina

A Third Of Louisiana Republicans Blame Obama For Hurricane Katrina Response Under Bush

More Louisiana Republicans Blame President Obama For Hurricane Katrina Response Than Bush

I'm a liar. Then I'm not.

You're an ignorant twit. And you still are.

Don't worry. I don't accept your apology.
I agree with your contention that you were lying, futhermore, no apology from myself was due or forthcoming to you in the first place.

Media and leftists say that Trump will be a dangerous president and he will start ww3. But i've watched all of his interviews and he always say that USA should have never involved in Iran and Iraq and Libya. On the other hand Hillary supported the wars in Iran, Iraq and Libya.

If Americans are not completely retarted they should vote for Trump. If Hillary is elected you will have another Soros Puppet controlling your country. Really you can't be that stupid

Gee, two lies and its still early, seems to be the theme of the day. HRC voted for the Iraq Resolution, but she and others never imagined the consequences that would follow by giving Bush&Co the path to feed the Military Industrial Complex, settle a personal score and take our Union to the most divided we had been since the Vietnam mistake.

Anyone who supports a candidate whose entire stump speech is framed on hate and fear, the phrase, "Let's make America Great Again" and disdain for the Establishment (of which he is a major player) is a fool. But let's give Trump credit, appeals to emotion, character assassination, of people, his(?) party of choice and half of the American population has worked.

The question to be answered is can the Republican Party survive the nomination of Trump.

I so look forward to the debates between HRC and The Donald. The former is experienced, studied, tested and will be prepared; The Donald will continue to be a bombastic and bring demagoguery, character assassination and expose himself as the charlatan he is.

From the "You have to pass the Bill to see what's in it" Party

Why, Hillary didn't even know the Iraq Resolution had anything to do with Iraq!

Freddo, what did Hillary think she was voting on in the Iraq Resolution? I thought you're running her for her "Foreign policy experience"? Are you running a rube? a dupe?

The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.
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Media and leftists say that Trump will be a dangerous president and he will start ww3. But i've watched all of his interviews and he always say that USA should have never involved in Iran and Iraq and Libya. On the other hand Hillary supported the wars in Iran, Iraq and Libya.

If Americans are not completely retarted they should vote for Trump. If Hillary is elected you will have another Soros Puppet controlling your country. Really you can't be that stupid

Gee, two lies and its still early, seems to be the theme of the day. HRC voted for the Iraq Resolution, but she and others never imagined the consequences that would follow by giving Bush&Co the path to feed the Military Industrial Complex, settle a personal score and take our Union to the most divided we had been since the Vietnam mistake.

Anyone who supports a candidate whose entire stump speech is framed on hate and fear, the phrase, "Let's make America Great Again" and disdain for the Establishment (of which he is a major player) is a fool. But let's give Trump credit, appeals to emotion, character assassination, of people, his(?) party of choice and half of the American population has worked.

The question to be answered is can the Republican Party survive the nomination of Trump.

I so look forward to the debates between HRC and The Donald. The former is experienced, studied, tested and will be prepared; The Donald will continue to be a bombastic and bring demagoguery, character assassination and expose himself as the charlatan he is.

From the "You have to pass the Bill to see what's in it" Party

Why, Hillary didn't even know the Iraq Resolution had anything to do with Iraq!

Freddo, what did Hillary think she was voting on in the Iraq Resolution? I thought you're running her for her "Foreign policy experience"? Are you running a rube? a dupe?

The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.


Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?
Media and leftists say that Trump will be a dangerous president and he will start ww3. But i've watched all of his interviews and he always say that USA should have never involved in Iran and Iraq and Libya. On the other hand Hillary supported the wars in Iran, Iraq and Libya.

If Americans are not completely retarted they should vote for Trump. If Hillary is elected you will have another Soros Puppet controlling your country. Really you can't be that stupid

Gee, two lies and its still early, seems to be the theme of the day. HRC voted for the Iraq Resolution, but she and others never imagined the consequences that would follow by giving Bush&Co the path to feed the Military Industrial Complex, settle a personal score and take our Union to the most divided we had been since the Vietnam mistake.

Anyone who supports a candidate whose entire stump speech is framed on hate and fear, the phrase, "Let's make America Great Again" and disdain for the Establishment (of which he is a major player) is a fool. But let's give Trump credit, appeals to emotion, character assassination, of people, his(?) party of choice and half of the American population has worked.

The question to be answered is can the Republican Party survive the nomination of Trump.

I so look forward to the debates between HRC and The Donald. The former is experienced, studied, tested and will be prepared; The Donald will continue to be a bombastic and bring demagoguery, character assassination and expose himself as the charlatan he is.

From the "You have to pass the Bill to see what's in it" Party

Why, Hillary didn't even know the Iraq Resolution had anything to do with Iraq!

Freddo, what did Hillary think she was voting on in the Iraq Resolution? I thought you're running her for her "Foreign policy experience"? Are you running a rube? a dupe?

The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.


Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?

Have you ever heard of an Executive Summary? Likely not, way too far above your paygrade.
Media and leftists say that Trump will be a dangerous president and he will start ww3. But i've watched all of his interviews and he always say that USA should have never involved in Iran and Iraq and Libya. On the other hand Hillary supported the wars in Iran, Iraq and Libya.

If Americans are not completely retarted they should vote for Trump. If Hillary is elected you will have another Soros Puppet controlling your country. Really you can't be that stupid

Gee, two lies and its still early, seems to be the theme of the day. HRC voted for the Iraq Resolution, but she and others never imagined the consequences that would follow by giving Bush&Co the path to feed the Military Industrial Complex, settle a personal score and take our Union to the most divided we had been since the Vietnam mistake.

Anyone who supports a candidate whose entire stump speech is framed on hate and fear, the phrase, "Let's make America Great Again" and disdain for the Establishment (of which he is a major player) is a fool. But let's give Trump credit, appeals to emotion, character assassination, of people, his(?) party of choice and half of the American population has worked.

The question to be answered is can the Republican Party survive the nomination of Trump.

I so look forward to the debates between HRC and The Donald. The former is experienced, studied, tested and will be prepared; The Donald will continue to be a bombastic and bring demagoguery, character assassination and expose himself as the charlatan he is.

From the "You have to pass the Bill to see what's in it" Party

Why, Hillary didn't even know the Iraq Resolution had anything to do with Iraq!

Freddo, what did Hillary think she was voting on in the Iraq Resolution? I thought you're running her for her "Foreign policy experience"? Are you running a rube? a dupe?

The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.


Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?

Have you ever heard of an Executive Summary? Likely not, way too far above your paygrade.

And you want her to be POTUS???

So she read the Summary, voted for it and now she's against it? Did she not understand what she was reading?
Gee, two lies and its still early, seems to be the theme of the day. HRC voted for the Iraq Resolution, but she and others never imagined the consequences that would follow by giving Bush&Co the path to feed the Military Industrial Complex, settle a personal score and take our Union to the most divided we had been since the Vietnam mistake.

Anyone who supports a candidate whose entire stump speech is framed on hate and fear, the phrase, "Let's make America Great Again" and disdain for the Establishment (of which he is a major player) is a fool. But let's give Trump credit, appeals to emotion, character assassination, of people, his(?) party of choice and half of the American population has worked.

The question to be answered is can the Republican Party survive the nomination of Trump.

I so look forward to the debates between HRC and The Donald. The former is experienced, studied, tested and will be prepared; The Donald will continue to be a bombastic and bring demagoguery, character assassination and expose himself as the charlatan he is.

From the "You have to pass the Bill to see what's in it" Party

Why, Hillary didn't even know the Iraq Resolution had anything to do with Iraq!

Freddo, what did Hillary think she was voting on in the Iraq Resolution? I thought you're running her for her "Foreign policy experience"? Are you running a rube? a dupe?

The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.


Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?

Have you ever heard of an Executive Summary? Likely not, way too far above your paygrade.

And you want her to be POTUS???

So she read the Summary, voted for it and now she's against it? Did she not understand what she was reading?

I didn't write she read only an executive summary, too bad you've no ability to read and comprehend - your bias color everything which contribute to the Idiot-Gram above.

Most normal people understand that events and decisions once made can be regretted, especially when the decision has ramifications that go far beyond their expectations and control. Being an armchair QB, even a troll (like you) ought to understand hindsight is instructive. But when such a simple concept doesn't suit your needs you default to mendacity and character assassination.
From the "You have to pass the Bill to see what's in it" Party

Why, Hillary didn't even know the Iraq Resolution had anything to do with Iraq!

Freddo, what did Hillary think she was voting on in the Iraq Resolution? I thought you're running her for her "Foreign policy experience"? Are you running a rube? a dupe?

The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.


Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?

Have you ever heard of an Executive Summary? Likely not, way too far above your paygrade.

And you want her to be POTUS???

So she read the Summary, voted for it and now she's against it? Did she not understand what she was reading?

I didn't write she read only an executive summary, too bad you've no ability to read and comprehend - your bias color everything which contribute to the Idiot-Gram above.

Most normal people understand that events and decisions once made can be regretted, especially when the decision has ramifications that go far beyond their expectations and control. Being an armchair QB, even a troll (like you) ought to understand hindsight is instructive. But when such a simple concept doesn't suit your needs you default to mendacity and character assassination.

So she read the actual Bill and voted in favor of it, right?
The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.


Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?

Have you ever heard of an Executive Summary? Likely not, way too far above your paygrade.

And you want her to be POTUS???

So she read the Summary, voted for it and now she's against it? Did she not understand what she was reading?

I didn't write she read only an executive summary, too bad you've no ability to read and comprehend - your bias color everything which contribute to the Idiot-Gram above.

Most normal people understand that events and decisions once made can be regretted, especially when the decision has ramifications that go far beyond their expectations and control. Being an armchair QB, even a troll (like you) ought to understand hindsight is instructive. But when such a simple concept doesn't suit your needs you default to mendacity and character assassination.

So she read the actual Bill and voted in favor of it, right?

I have no evidence she did or did not; Neither Do You!
Gee, two lies and its still early, seems to be the theme of the day. HRC voted for the Iraq Resolution, but she and others never imagined the consequences that would follow by giving Bush&Co the path to feed the Military Industrial Complex, settle a personal score and take our Union to the most divided we had been since the Vietnam mistake.

Anyone who supports a candidate whose entire stump speech is framed on hate and fear, the phrase, "Let's make America Great Again" and disdain for the Establishment (of which he is a major player) is a fool. But let's give Trump credit, appeals to emotion, character assassination, of people, his(?) party of choice and half of the American population has worked.

The question to be answered is can the Republican Party survive the nomination of Trump.

I so look forward to the debates between HRC and The Donald. The former is experienced, studied, tested and will be prepared; The Donald will continue to be a bombastic and bring demagoguery, character assassination and expose himself as the charlatan he is.

From the "You have to pass the Bill to see what's in it" Party

Why, Hillary didn't even know the Iraq Resolution had anything to do with Iraq!

Freddo, what did Hillary think she was voting on in the Iraq Resolution? I thought you're running her for her "Foreign policy experience"? Are you running a rube? a dupe?

The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.


Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?

Have you ever heard of an Executive Summary? Likely not, way too far above your paygrade.

And you want her to be POTUS???

So she read the Summary, voted for it and now she's against it? Did she not understand what she was reading?
Who KNEW the Potus was NOT going to FOLLOW the resolution????
From the "You have to pass the Bill to see what's in it" Party

Why, Hillary didn't even know the Iraq Resolution had anything to do with Iraq!

Freddo, what did Hillary think she was voting on in the Iraq Resolution? I thought you're running her for her "Foreign policy experience"? Are you running a rube? a dupe?

The calculus on why she and a number of Democrats voted for the Iraq Resolution is too complicated for your puny brain. A better question is this:

Q. Why did nearly 100% of Republicans vote for the Iraq Fiasco, err, resolution.

A. Because like you, there were no moving parts to put together, they did what their handlers told them to think and to do.


Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?

Have you ever heard of an Executive Summary? Likely not, way too far above your paygrade.

And you want her to be POTUS???

So she read the Summary, voted for it and now she's against it? Did she not understand what she was reading?
Who KNEW the Potus was NOT going to FOLLOW the resolution????

And who KNEW what was planned? A review of this document below, and those who signed it surely knew:

http://www.rrojasdatabank.info/pfpc/PNAC---statement of principles.pdf

Yes, Freddo. It's "too complicated"

Did she read the Iraq Resolution before voting on it? Isn't that the kind of leaders you Progs endorse?

Have you ever heard of an Executive Summary? Likely not, way too far above your paygrade.

And you want her to be POTUS???

So she read the Summary, voted for it and now she's against it? Did she not understand what she was reading?

I didn't write she read only an executive summary, too bad you've no ability to read and comprehend - your bias color everything which contribute to the Idiot-Gram above.

Most normal people understand that events and decisions once made can be regretted, especially when the decision has ramifications that go far beyond their expectations and control. Being an armchair QB, even a troll (like you) ought to understand hindsight is instructive. But when such a simple concept doesn't suit your needs you default to mendacity and character assassination.

So she read the actual Bill and voted in favor of it, right?

I have no evidence she did or did not; Neither Do You!

Yeah, that the kind of high functioning incompetence you want as Potus...and you say Dubya was an idiot????

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