Hillary Supporters Back Repealing Bill of Rights

The Dems like their voters to be dumb. It's so much easier to spoon feed them propaganda that way.

We all know there are a lot of people out there who are not that bright, and the fact is they vote Democrat and Republican. If you think not, then please explain this one:

Did You Know The Food Stamp Capital in the U.S is a Town That s 99 White

And being white is not what I'm pointing out here. This county votes 95% Republican yet has more people on food stamps per capita then any county in the US. Those be some dumb white folk.

^^^ Speaking of Stupid ^^^^

I did not mention race at all - but tools such as you have only one trick: playing the Race Card.

You lose.

Wasn't about race. In fact I said it wasn't about race but you are too stupid to read. It was about the fact that 95% of them vote Republican.

You still lose. It must be hard to go through life with such poor cognitive abilities. My condolences.
The Dems like their voters to be dumb. It's so much easier to spoon feed them propaganda that way.

We all know there are a lot of people out there who are not that bright, and the fact is they vote Democrat and Republican. If you think not, then please explain this one:

Did You Know The Food Stamp Capital in the U.S is a Town That s 99 White

And being white is not what I'm pointing out here. This county votes 95% Republican yet has more people on food stamps per capita then any county in the US. Those be some dumb white folk.

So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............

The Dems like their voters to be dumb. It's so much easier to spoon feed them propaganda that way.

We all know there are a lot of people out there who are not that bright, and the fact is they vote Democrat and Republican. If you think not, then please explain this one:

Did You Know The Food Stamp Capital in the U.S is a Town That s 99 White

And being white is not what I'm pointing out here. This county votes 95% Republican yet has more people on food stamps per capita then any county in the US. Those be some dumb white folk.

So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!

The Dems like their voters to be dumb. It's so much easier to spoon feed them propaganda that way.

We all know there are a lot of people out there who are not that bright, and the fact is they vote Democrat and Republican. If you think not, then please explain this one:

Did You Know The Food Stamp Capital in the U.S is a Town That s 99 White

And being white is not what I'm pointing out here. This county votes 95% Republican yet has more people on food stamps per capita then any county in the US. Those be some dumb white folk.

So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


I am not a liberal you stupid fuck ...............
This is once again proof that our resident fake rabid rabbi rabbit is absolutely insane.

Oh, Rabbi:




Go suck an egg.

Now, to the totally stupid and nonsensical OP, put forth by a fuckwad who probably still doesn't know how to put his pants on in the morning after his night of incontinence:

Mark Dice is a Ron Paulian conspiracy nut. He is the one who made the vid that is the core of this OP. He found a person stupid enough to not know what the Bill of Rights is and somehow, in the fucked up rabid rabbi rabbit's small ameobe brain, this person is supposed to stand for all Democrats. In fact, the dumb person who said this even said she was neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but she is a Hillary supporter. So, she is a dumb Hillary supporter.

Do I really need to trot out all the unbeliavably stupid Tea Partiers who cannot even spell "Constitution" correctly?

Dear mods: this is a flame-bait thread.
Oh look, it's resident butt hurt, still smarting because i called the Greek default months in advance. That really put some sand in your mangina, didnt it?
Try these numbers:
91Million. Try denying those.

When you can't argue facts you attack the source. This is typical. Please post videos of, say, Rand Paul supporters arguing to abolish the bill of rights. Post proof that these were all paid actors pretending to supprt Hillary. Do something other than sound fucking stupid.

You made a prediction, you lost -and you lost big time. You predicted that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months, and your prediction did not come true. Today is August 3rd and Greece is STILL in the Eurozone. Your prediction was up on July 26th, one week ago.

You are a pathetic, moronic liar, you dottering old fool.

Please show us where Hillary Clinton has ever said she is for abolishing the Bill of Rights. You do realize that Mark Dice lied, right? Oh, wait, you are an insane RWNJ, you lie, anway. Ok, forget that question.

OH, and I will never, ever let you live down the Greece prediction. Ever.

You are maybe the worst liar of all in USMB, and I will expose you at every turn.

Now, go shit your pants again, like you always do, old man.
We all know there are a lot of people out there who are not that bright, and the fact is they vote Democrat and Republican. If you think not, then please explain this one:

Did You Know The Food Stamp Capital in the U.S is a Town That s 99 White

And being white is not what I'm pointing out here. This county votes 95% Republican yet has more people on food stamps per capita then any county in the US. Those be some dumb white folk.

So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


I am not a liberal you stupid fuck ...............
She's out for blood today...
We all know there are a lot of people out there who are not that bright, and the fact is they vote Democrat and Republican. If you think not, then please explain this one:

Did You Know The Food Stamp Capital in the U.S is a Town That s 99 White

And being white is not what I'm pointing out here. This county votes 95% Republican yet has more people on food stamps per capita then any county in the US. Those be some dumb white folk.

So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


I am not a liberal you stupid fuck ...............

Then don't derail my thread.

You want to talk about food stamps, go start another thread.

This is about how stupid Hillary supporters and liberals in general are.
The Dems like their voters to be dumb. It's so much easier to spoon feed them propaganda that way.

We all know there are a lot of people out there who are not that bright, and the fact is they vote Democrat and Republican. If you think not, then please explain this one:

Did You Know The Food Stamp Capital in the U.S is a Town That s 99 White

And being white is not what I'm pointing out here. This county votes 95% Republican yet has more people on food stamps per capita then any county in the US. Those be some dumb white folk.

So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


Most people would have considered me to be on the same side of the coin, especially it they read my fucking post.

But for a self centered, piece of shit like you to attack me and make such stupid statements is priceless, bitch!!
So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


I am not a liberal you stupid fuck ...............

Then don't derail my thread.

You want to talk about food stamps, go start another thread.

This is about how stupid Hillary supporters and liberals in general are.

Once again let me reiterate, go fuck yourself ................
We all know there are a lot of people out there who are not that bright, and the fact is they vote Democrat and Republican. If you think not, then please explain this one:

Did You Know The Food Stamp Capital in the U.S is a Town That s 99 White

And being white is not what I'm pointing out here. This county votes 95% Republican yet has more people on food stamps per capita then any county in the US. Those be some dumb white folk.

So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


Most people would have considered me to be on the same side of the coin, especially it they read my fucking post.

But for a self centered, piece of shit like you to attack me and make such stupid statements is priceless, bitch!!

Wow, now you are trying to make it about you.

Grow up!
So you picked "

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky.

5 Cities With Huge Populations Living On Food Stamps

  • Oct. 19, 2010, 1:04 PM

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record high of 41.8 million in July after a 20-month climb, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this month.

By 2010, over a quarter of the total population in 239 counties was receiving food stamps. Most of these are small rural counties, but they also include major urban areas like Philadelphia and New York.

County by county, food stamp use does not always correlate to poverty. While food stamps reach about two-thirds of those eligible nationwide, this ranges widely between states, from California enrolling just 50% of those eligible to Missouri enrolling 98% of those eligible.

Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


Most people would have considered me to be on the same side of the coin, especially it they read my fucking post.

But for a self centered, piece of shit like you to attack me and make such stupid statements is priceless, bitch!!

Wow, now you are trying to make it about you.

Grow up!

What a childish little bitch ..............

Take your own advice and grow the fuck up .
Obama got elected...twice.
I think that pretty much says all we need to know.
It's scary to think we're living in the midst of these Leftheads. And they're reproducing!

Actually they are not reproducing. They are having abortions.

That's why liberals want to get in as many third country illegals as possible to take their places and vote Democrat.
I bet I have more children than you that are grown....
Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


Most people would have considered me to be on the same side of the coin, especially it they read my fucking post.

But for a self centered, piece of shit like you to attack me and make such stupid statements is priceless, bitch!!

Wow, now you are trying to make it about you.

Grow up!

What a childish little bitch ..............

Take your own advice and grow the fuck up .
Too late, she's almost a senior...
Nobody wants to repeal the bill of rights you idiot.

The video says otherwise, idiot

Yeah, the guy who made up the story in the video--you know, the guy who works for the producer of the piece. Makes you wonder who really wants to do away with civil rights.

You put this video together with the renegade cop who arrested the woman for backtalk and that mysteriously resulted in her assuming room temperature...it's pretty easy to see where the right wing comes down on our freedoms.
Oh wow.

So, that's what you have?

Trying to change the subject to foodstamps?

Start your own thread about it dude?

Stop desperately trying to change the subject on mine!


Go fuck yourself, I replied to another poster.

It ain't all about your ignorant ass .............


Oh wow, the liberals are really losing it here!

They can't derail this thread no matter what they do.

Now, they are getting upset because the op actually replies in her own thread!

That's comedy!


Most people would have considered me to be on the same side of the coin, especially it they read my fucking post.

But for a self centered, piece of shit like you to attack me and make such stupid statements is priceless, bitch!!

Wow, now you are trying to make it about you.

Grow up!

What a childish little bitch ..............

Take your own advice and grow the fuck up .

Yeah, I think we can see who is having a public tantrum here dude!

You are on ignore until you want to calm down and act like an adult.

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