Hillary takes the fall for our ambassadors assassination, what say you?

What a disappointment to feminist everywhere Hillary was pushed around by Bill and now she's taking more kicks from Obama.

She's taking the fall for all the men around her.

She clearly has no self-respect. I'm not speaking of the image she sees in the mirror only ... but the path she has chosen for her own "unworthy" self.

She had a perfect opportunity, as a woman, wife and mother, to stand up to Bill, the criminal, sexual predator, but she didn't. Today, per her failed job, she did the same for the enemy within, the failed CIC. When she defends terrorists like Obama does, she becomes one also. America doesn't need anymore traitors. :eusa_hand:
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

When a Republican takes responsibility for a mistake, they are admitting they are the absolute scum of the earth who is personally responsible for anything and everything related to the problem as if they had planned both the action and each and every negative consequence of it in advance with full intentions.

When a Democrat takes responsibility for a mistake, it's no big thang, and frankly they are admirable for taking one for the team which is clearly not their fault and should be dropped by tomorrow because they took responsibility without admitting anything.
Obama took responsibility at tonight's debate.

He REFUSED to answer the fucking question about who denied the requested security? :eek:
So he can mouth the words, but he's STILL being dishonest. Who set the policy for our diplomatic presence there? Who decided to blame this youtube video instead of telling the truth? If the State Dept. watched the attack in real time, how the fuck is it possible that Obama and Biden didn't know there wasn't a protest?

What Obama did is not "taking responsibility". Actually taking responsibility would mean getting in front of the cameras in PRIME TIME, telling the TRUTH about what happened, and APOLOGIZING to the American people for getting our diplomats killed on 9/11 no less.
The beauty of Reagan when he lost 241 marines one night in Lebannon is that he then invaded Grenada. Who took blame for the Lebannon disaster?
Obama took responsibility at tonight's debate.

Obsma gave lip service and you fell for it apparently

IF he took Responsibility shouldn't he resign? Honestly, if he fucked up by not giving this embassy the security it deserves. What should he do???? You expect a slap on the hand?

O'yess, to you leftist you want nothing to come with admitting responsibility. Not to even get into the fact that he lied for another 2 weeks, while driving our first amendment through the dirt.
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Obama took responsibility at tonight's debate.

Obsma gave lip service and you fell for it apparently

IF he took Responsibility shouldn't he resign? Honestly, if he fucked up by not giving this embassy the security it deserves. What should he do???? You expect a slap on the hand?

O'yess, to you leftist you want nothing to come with admitting responsibility. Not to even get into the fact that he lied for another 2 weeks, while driving our first amendment through the dirt.

It's easy to take responsibility when one is 100% certain they will never suffer any repercussions.
This is nothing but a lame attempt on the part of the Obama admin to give the perception that the incident has been dealt with. They want us to let them sweep it under the rug.
"You people just never mind about that thing in Libya".
The beauty of Reagan when he lost 241 marines one night in Lebannon is that he then invaded Grenada. Who took blame for the Lebannon disaster?

Please...Apples and oranges. The dorm was attacked by militants. An ambush. These were armed military personnel.
The Consulate was staffed by unarmed security people. The Ambassador asked for additional security on numerous occasions. The security was local people. It is now believed possible the security people were in on the attack.
This incident is the result of royal fuck ups at the highest levels of our government.
The longer this goes on, the more fingers are getting pointed.
The beauty of Reagan when he lost 241 marines one night in Lebannon is that he then invaded Grenada. Who took blame for the Lebannon disaster?

It sure wasn't Nakoula Nakoula...

Not sure I understand this post.
Please elaborate.
What's a "nakoula"?

Obama blamed the Benghazi attacks on a cheesy Youtube video made by a Nakoula Nakoula. Reagan accepted responsibility for Beirut, himself.

Alleged Anti-Islam Filmmaker Nakoula B. Nakoula Jailed on Probation Violation Charges - WSJ.com

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