Hillary takes the fall for our ambassadors assassination, what say you?

You're a fuckng moron then. Okay, I'm sorry for swearing at you. Clearly you have issues too debilitating to address here.

Yes. Because you cannot keep up, you become frustrated and call me a moron.
Look lady, if you don't know enough to know that you don't know, then be silent.
You had to go back 40 years and even then blathered some unrelated nonsense.
You are pissed off because you got schooled.


So in response to this post:
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Can’t find his spoon (or his ass, apparently), responds to this:

New Revelation At ’47%’ Dinner – Romney Was Hoping For Something Like Iran Hostage (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

By dredging up every republican talking point insult he can remember and implying that unwillingness to excuse such craven opportunism is “naïve or stupid,” AND that “Romney never uttered those words.”

When it is pointed out that he responded to the wrong post, and then is spoon fed the pertinent dialogue, from Romney’s own mouth, indicating his willingness to profit off a national tradgedy:

He responds with:

And when I point out the obvious in response to

Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

With Nixon’s WATERGATE, for fuck sake

We have him claiming that the watershed moment for mistrust in our government is irrelevant, to the cheering of Liability, who wouldn't know an actual fact if it spit in his face, and Immie, who chirps in with the idea that Watergate was about the recordings of the WH rather than the break in of the Democrat headquarters at the Watergate Hotel to install wiretaps. Keeping in mind that these wiretaps are intended towards private conversations, rather than a SPEECH at a fundraiser. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, yeah, Immie then suggests I have to find an ACTUAL republican responsible in anything like that, as if maybe the republicans hired the democrats to wiretap themselves.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In January 1972, G. Gordon Liddy, general counsel to the Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CRP), presented a campaign intelligence plan to CRP's Acting Chairman Jeb Stuart Magruder, Attorney General John Mitchell, and Presidential Counsel John Dean, that involved extensive illegal activities against the Democratic Party. Mitchell viewed the plan as unrealistic, but two months later he approved a reduced version which involved burgling the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate Complex in Washington, D.C and placing wiretaps. Liddy was put in charge of the operation. He was assisted by former CIA Agent E. Howard Hunt and CRP Security Coordinator James McCord. John Mitchell resigned as Attorney General to become chairman of CRP.[8]
After two attempts to break into the Watergate Complex failed, on May 17, Liddy's team placed wiretaps on the telephones of DNC Chairman Lawrence O'Brien and Executive Director of Democratic States' Chairman R. Spencer Oliver, Jr. When Magruder and Mitchell read transcripts from the wiretaps, they deemed the information inadequate and ordered another break-in.
Shortly after 1 am on June 17, 1972, Frank Wills, a security guard at the Watergate Complex, noticed tape covering the latch on several doors in the complex (allowing the doors to close but remain unlocked). He removed the tape, and thought nothing of it. He returned an hour later, and having discovered that someone had retaped the locks, Wills called the police. Five men were discovered and arrested inside the DNC's office.[8] The five men were Virgilio González, Bernard Barker, James W. McCord, Jr., Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis, who were charged with attempted burglary and attempted interception of telephone and other communications. On September 15, a grand jury indicted them, as well as Hunt and Liddy,[9] for conspiracy, burglary, and violation of federal wiretapping laws. The five burglars who broke into the office were tried by Judge John Sirica and convicted on January 30, 1973.[10]

Who got schooled here? It wasn't me, and you three skipped school that day, apparently for a



Watergate? Opensectrets blog?...Please...
cee u next tuesday..
Watch out who you fuck with....You come at me with your insults, I come back 5 times more..
Go suck start a chevrolet..Fucking hose bag.
He's going boom tonight.. I'll bet he near cries.
Obby's Romney's boy tonight!
That look he gave the twat at the end of the last debate was priceless.
Romney, Our new RockStar!
Immie, the question wasn't what Nixon "got in trouble for," it was a matter of republicans "never" taping anyone secretly. The Watergate break in is a prime example of just that. YOU suggested that I'd have to find an example of an actual republican doing so. I did. Don't be all butt hurt for being called on you me-too rump riding with the spork.

And as for the spork:

Liitle boy, if you feel like you're man enough to call me a ****, don't be such a fucking pussy about it.
Hillary taking the blame for four American deaths? Yea, she doesn't give a shit. Hell, she politicized 911. She claimed that Chelsea was nearby the towers and that she was worried and that turned out to be a ginormous lie. (Source: Book - While America Slept). She's the next Democratic cancer coming in 2016. Romney/Ryan are going to do too good and permanently retire that bitch!
Immie, the question wasn't what Nixon "got in trouble for," it was a matter of republicans "never" taping anyone secretly. The Watergate break in is a prime example of just that. YOU suggested that I'd have to find an example of an actual republican doing so. I did. Don't be all butt hurt for being called on you me-too rump riding with the spork.

And as for the spork:

Liitle boy, if you feel like you're man enough to call me a ****, don't be such a fucking pussy about it.

you got what you deserved, you hag.
I try to have a discussion then you get frustrated and launch into insults. So I blasted you into another area code. Again, you deserved it. If you find this harsh, then mind your manners.
If you want to keep this up, I will oblige. Your move.
Funny how when you are done traveling about for the day, you have to pull splinters out of your ass.
Perhaps you should consider a fiberglass handle for your broom.
"Don't forget your lines, Bitch!"...."I won't. I promise to serve you King Obama...ahem, the issue with Benghazi was all my fault America. I will take the blame for it."

Immie, the question wasn't what Nixon "got in trouble for," it was a matter of republicans "never" taping anyone secretly. The Watergate break in is a prime example of just that. YOU suggested that I'd have to find an example of an actual republican doing so. I did. Don't be all butt hurt for being called on you me-too rump riding with the spork.

And as for the spork:

Liitle boy, if you feel like you're man enough to call me a ****, don't be such a fucking pussy about it.

I'm not sure who you are addressing with that last statement. I never called you that word, nor would I. Personally, although I think you are a liberal loon, I have always liked you.

Now, you are wrong, the question was about Republicans being guilty of wiretapping. Then you used Tricky Dick as an example of a Republican who was guilty of such. To which I correctly corrected you and stated that Tricky Dick's trouble did not stim from the wiretapping but rather from the coverup that ensued. To which you flipped out for some ridiculous reason.

I then stated that to make your point, you would need to find another Republican AND that I did not believe that would be difficult to do.

Immie, the question wasn't what Nixon "got in trouble for," it was a matter of republicans "never" taping anyone secretly. The Watergate break in is a prime example of just that. YOU suggested that I'd have to find an example of an actual republican doing so. I did. Don't be all butt hurt for being called on you me-too rump riding with the spork.

And as for the spork:

Liitle boy, if you feel like you're man enough to call me a ****, don't be such a fucking pussy about it.

I'm not sure who you are addressing with that last statement. I never called you that word, nor would I. Personally, although I think you are a liberal loon, I have always liked you.

Now, you are wrong, the question was about Republicans being guilty of wiretapping. Then you used Tricky Dick as an example of a Republican who was guilty of such. To which I correctly corrected you and stated that Tricky Dick's trouble did not stim from the wiretapping but rather from the coverup that ensued. To which you flipped out for some ridiculous reason.

I then stated that to make your point, you would need to find another Republican AND that I did not believe that would be difficult to do.


Go back and read the post I was responding to before you jumped in. That didn't specify that anyone had to be guilty under law, or convicted, only that it was done. Nixon is synonymous with Watergate, and while HE got in trouble for the cover up, the break in was about the wiretapping. For Christ sake, it isn't THAT complicated.

It was spoon that the last was directed at. He's the one who thinks he's big and bad enough to "blast me into the next area code" by calling me a **** without being honest enough to actually spell the word.
Immie, the question wasn't what Nixon "got in trouble for," it was a matter of republicans "never" taping anyone secretly. The Watergate break in is a prime example of just that. YOU suggested that I'd have to find an example of an actual republican doing so. I did. Don't be all butt hurt for being called on you me-too rump riding with the spork.

And as for the spork:

Liitle boy, if you feel like you're man enough to call me a ****, don't be such a fucking pussy about it.

I'm not sure who you are addressing with that last statement. I never called you that word, nor would I. Personally, although I think you are a liberal loon, I have always liked you.

Now, you are wrong, the question was about Republicans being guilty of wiretapping. Then you used Tricky Dick as an example of a Republican who was guilty of such. To which I correctly corrected you and stated that Tricky Dick's trouble did not stim from the wiretapping but rather from the coverup that ensued. To which you flipped out for some ridiculous reason.

I then stated that to make your point, you would need to find another Republican AND that I did not believe that would be difficult to do.


Go back and read the post I was responding to before you jumped in. That didn't specify that anyone had to be guilty under law, or convicted, only that it was done. Nixon is synonymous with Watergate, and while HE got in trouble for the cover up, the break in was about the wiretapping. For Christ sake, it isn't THAT complicated.

It was spoon that the last was directed at. He's the one who thinks he's big and bad enough to "blast me into the next area code" by calling me a **** without being honest enough to actually spell the word.
That word is not allowed except in the romper room. You got the message.
You're not only a misinformed liberal, you are also a pretty stupid liberal.
Stupid....posting to two people in one message.
You saw the confusion you created with your sheer genius.
The entire administration is bad for America.
Obama is the face while the Clinton's are the doers.

They need to go.
So liberals are deflecting to Nixon on Obama's failure and cover up on Libya? Wonder if Obama will pardon himself on his way out.

There is a lot of commonality. Nixon wasn't involved in the break-in, he went down for lying to the American people and for engaging in a coverup.

Obama fucked up in Libya, but everyone is human. However, like Nixon, he has lied to the American people and engaged in a coverup.

He should resign.
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

For the life of me--I'll never understand why Hillary Clinton entered the Obama administration? She could have been a real powerhouse if she stayed in the Senate. But having to fall on the sword of "shame" for Obama is way too much for me to take.

The only thing that makes sense is Hillary joined his administration to be close--so she can write a scandal book when she leaves this administration in January. And I imagine it's going to be a good one. She has an ax to grind with those that betrayed her--for this inexperienced community organizer.


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