Hillary takes the fall for our ambassadors assassination, what say you?

New Revelation At ’47%’ Dinner – Romney Was Hoping For Something Like Iran Hostage (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

Mitt Romney’s now-infamous fundraising dinner has yielded another gem. This is the event during which he was caught saying that,

”There are 47 percent of the people...

It seems that for Romney, the “truths” told during that particular fundraiser are like any ghost worth his reputation, the haunting is relentless and this latest portion could be the most damaging of all. In the video, Romney is caught hoping for an Iran hostage type situation to help propel him into the White House. Is it any surprise that he has tried to make political hay out of the Benghazi terror attacks?

As you watch the video, notice the man (is that a British accent?) asking Romney how he can “duplicate” an Iran hostage type scenario. Instead of dismissing the question as going against American interests, Romney agrees that the strategy would be beneficial. The entire video is worth a listen but at the end, Romney says, “if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to take advantage of the opportunity.”
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Former Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul received significant support from the military for his strong stance on bringing troops home, and that briefly continued even after Romney pulled ahead as the clear GOP candidate.

Now, though, the military's support has shifted toward Obama. Romney has consistently received little financial backing from military donors.

Despite the fact that Paul once raised almost twice as much as Obama did from the military, the president has received $536,414 from military donors, compared to Paul's $399,274 and Romney's $287,435, according to research by the Center for Responsive Politics. These numbers are based on donations greater than $200, as reported to the Federal Election Commission.
obama said he was offended at the suggestion that someone in his administration would make a false statement. He wasn't thinking that his UN ambassador was lying through her teeth five days after the Benghazi Bungle. His own press secretary lied for two weeks.
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Former Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul received significant support from the military for his strong stance on bringing troops home, and that briefly continued even after Romney pulled ahead as the clear GOP candidate.

Now, though, the military's support has shifted toward Obama. Romney has consistently received little financial backing from military donors.

Despite the fact that Paul once raised almost twice as much as Obama did from the military, the president has received $536,414 from military donors, compared to Paul's $399,274 and Romney's $287,435, according to research by the Center for Responsive Politics. These numbers are based on donations greater than $200, as reported to the Federal Election Commission.

People who write for these biased blogs tend to create their own reality.
And with current technology, doctoring of digital recordings is commonplace.
In the absence of a news item from a credible news source, the call is bullshit.
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Former Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul received significant support from the military for his strong stance on bringing troops home, and that briefly continued even after Romney pulled ahead as the clear GOP candidate.

Now, though, the military's support has shifted toward Obama. Romney has consistently received little financial backing from military donors.

Despite the fact that Paul once raised almost twice as much as Obama did from the military, the president has received $536,414 from military donors, compared to Paul's $399,274 and Romney's $287,435, according to research by the Center for Responsive Politics. These numbers are based on donations greater than $200, as reported to the Federal Election Commission.

So, this is very funny by the way. Here we have a discussion( note the hidden recording device no doubt planted by some democrat operative....this is political espionage BTW)
and it gets to Carter and his bumbling foolish inaction. Romney compares what he would do in such a situation. Of course you knee jerk react to one word...Advantage.
SO let's say for a moment a hostage crisis such as the US Embassy in Iran. Woudl it not be prudent for a political rival running for the office be mindful that any mistake or error by the current office holder be an opportunity of which he would avail himself?
Let's not be naive or stupid. Any politician worth their salt would leap at such an opportunity to point out the faults of his opponent.
Your angle implies that Romney WISHED to have such a crisis occur. You made that up. Romney never uttered those words.
The liberal blogosphere is having a collective orgasm over this spy recording.
This is how your side plays. Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Former Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul received significant support from the military for his strong stance on bringing troops home, and that briefly continued even after Romney pulled ahead as the clear GOP candidate.

Now, though, the military's support has shifted toward Obama. Romney has consistently received little financial backing from military donors.

Despite the fact that Paul once raised almost twice as much as Obama did from the military, the president has received $536,414 from military donors, compared to Paul's $399,274 and Romney's $287,435, according to research by the Center for Responsive Politics. These numbers are based on donations greater than $200, as reported to the Federal Election Commission.

So, this is very funny by the way. Here we have a discussion( note the hidden recording device no doubt planted by some democrat operative....this is political espionage BTW)
and it gets to Carter and his bumbling foolish inaction. Romney compares what he would do in such a situation. Of course you knee jerk react to one word...Advantage.
SO let's say for a moment a hostage crisis such as the US Embassy in Iran. Woudl it not be prudent for a political rival running for the office be mindful that any mistake or error by the current office holder be an opportunity of which he would avail himself?
Let's not be naive or stupid. Any politician worth their salt would leap at such an opportunity to point out the faults of his opponent.
Your angle implies that Romney WISHED to have such a crisis occur. You made that up. Romney never uttered those words.
The liberal blogosphere is having a collective orgasm over this spy recording.
This is how your side plays. Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

So, you're answering the wrong post...but what the hell:

As you watch the video, notice the man (is that a British accent?) asking Romney how he can “duplicate” an Iran hostage type scenario. Instead of dismissing the question as going against American interests, Romney agrees that the strategy would be beneficial. The entire video is worth a listen but at the end, Romney says, “if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to take advantage of the opportunity.”

So, this is very funny by the way. Here we have a discussion( note the hidden recording device no doubt planted by some democrat operative....this is political espionage BTW)
and it gets to Carter and his bumbling foolish inaction. Romney compares what he would do in such a situation. Of course you knee jerk react to one word...Advantage.
SO let's say for a moment a hostage crisis such as the US Embassy in Iran. Woudl it not be prudent for a political rival running for the office be mindful that any mistake or error by the current office holder be an opportunity of which he would avail himself?
Let's not be naive or stupid. Any politician worth their salt would leap at such an opportunity to point out the faults of his opponent.
Your angle implies that Romney WISHED to have such a crisis occur. You made that up. Romney never uttered those words.
The liberal blogosphere is having a collective orgasm over this spy recording.
This is how your side plays. Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

So, you're answering the wrong post...but what the hell:

As you watch the video, notice the man (is that a British accent?) asking Romney how he can “duplicate” an Iran hostage type scenario. Instead of dismissing the question as going against American interests, Romney agrees that the strategy would be beneficial. The entire video is worth a listen but at the end, Romney says, “if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to take advantage of the opportunity.”

Yeah..And. What's your point?
Did you bother to read MY post?
Or is your single minded tunnel vision have you so sure that every non lib is a criminal?
Barb, you're a schmuck. A lackey. A non thinker.
You want your life to exist in some imaginary comfort zone. You want no challenges. You believe you are entitled to exist in a wold where nothing can ever go wrong. You believe you should be protected all the time.
For all of the above, you believe government is your answer.
You are a flaming liberal socialist progressive.
You have pushed all of your chips in betting on the USA becoming a socialist utopia.
Newsflash, there are far too many freedom loving liberty seeking people in this country to allow that to happen.
So you can stow it.
You will NEVER have government issued plastic bubble.
So, this is very funny by the way. Here we have a discussion( note the hidden recording device no doubt planted by some democrat operative....this is political espionage BTW)
and it gets to Carter and his bumbling foolish inaction. Romney compares what he would do in such a situation. Of course you knee jerk react to one word...Advantage.
SO let's say for a moment a hostage crisis such as the US Embassy in Iran. Woudl it not be prudent for a political rival running for the office be mindful that any mistake or error by the current office holder be an opportunity of which he would avail himself?
Let's not be naive or stupid. Any politician worth their salt would leap at such an opportunity to point out the faults of his opponent.
Your angle implies that Romney WISHED to have such a crisis occur. You made that up. Romney never uttered those words.
The liberal blogosphere is having a collective orgasm over this spy recording.
This is how your side plays. Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

So, you're answering the wrong post...but what the hell:

As you watch the video, notice the man (is that a British accent?) asking Romney how he can “duplicate” an Iran hostage type scenario. Instead of dismissing the question as going against American interests, Romney agrees that the strategy would be beneficial. The entire video is worth a listen but at the end, Romney says, “if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to take advantage of the opportunity.”

Yeah..And. What's your point?
Did you bother to read MY post?
Or is your single minded tunnel vision have you so sure that every non lib is a criminal?
Barb, you're a schmuck. A lackey. A non thinker.
You want your life to exist in some imaginary comfort zone. You want no challenges. You believe you are entitled to exist in a wold where nothing can ever go wrong. You believe you should be protected all the time.
For all of the above, you believe government is your answer.
You are a flaming liberal socialist progressive.
You have pushed all of your chips in betting on the USA becoming a socialist utopia.
Newsflash, there are far too many freedom loving liberty seeking people in this country to allow that to happen.
So you can stow it.
You will NEVER have government issued plastic bubble.

I addressed you post in bold, for all of it and its sequel's pointless blather.

I did leave out this, as it seemed to be shooting fish in a barrel.

Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

Did you ever hear of Richard Nixon?
So, you're answering the wrong post...but what the hell:

Yeah..And. What's your point?
Did you bother to read MY post?
Or is your single minded tunnel vision have you so sure that every non lib is a criminal?
Barb, you're a schmuck. A lackey. A non thinker.
You want your life to exist in some imaginary comfort zone. You want no challenges. You believe you are entitled to exist in a wold where nothing can ever go wrong. You believe you should be protected all the time.
For all of the above, you believe government is your answer.
You are a flaming liberal socialist progressive.
You have pushed all of your chips in betting on the USA becoming a socialist utopia.
Newsflash, there are far too many freedom loving liberty seeking people in this country to allow that to happen.
So you can stow it.
You will NEVER have government issued plastic bubble.

I addressed you post in bold, for all of it and its sequel's pointless blather.

I did leave out this, as it seemed to be shooting fish in a barrel.

Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

Did you ever hear of Richard Nixon?
Yer kidding right?
You're going with "Richard Nixon"?...
What the fuck does Watergate have to do with anything.

Sucks when you have the truth smooshed into your face like a creme pie..
Deal with it.
Nixon...Jesus Christ...
Yeah..And. What's your point?
Did you bother to read MY post?
Or is your single minded tunnel vision have you so sure that every non lib is a criminal?
Barb, you're a schmuck. A lackey. A non thinker.
You want your life to exist in some imaginary comfort zone. You want no challenges. You believe you are entitled to exist in a wold where nothing can ever go wrong. You believe you should be protected all the time.
For all of the above, you believe government is your answer.
You are a flaming liberal socialist progressive.
You have pushed all of your chips in betting on the USA becoming a socialist utopia.
Newsflash, there are far too many freedom loving liberty seeking people in this country to allow that to happen.
So you can stow it.
You will NEVER have government issued plastic bubble.

I addressed you post in bold, for all of it and its sequel's pointless blather.

I did leave out this, as it seemed to be shooting fish in a barrel.

Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

Did you ever hear of Richard Nixon?
Yer kidding right?
You're going with "Richard Nixon"?...
What the fuck does Watergate have to do with anything.

Sucks when you have the truth smooshed into your face like a creme pie..
Deal with it.
Nixon...Jesus Christ...

You're a fuckng moron then. Okay, I'm sorry for swearing at you. Clearly you have issues too debilitating to address here.
So, you're answering the wrong post...but what the hell:

Yeah..And. What's your point?
Did you bother to read MY post?
Or is your single minded tunnel vision have you so sure that every non lib is a criminal?
Barb, you're a schmuck. A lackey. A non thinker.
You want your life to exist in some imaginary comfort zone. You want no challenges. You believe you are entitled to exist in a wold where nothing can ever go wrong. You believe you should be protected all the time.
For all of the above, you believe government is your answer.
You are a flaming liberal socialist progressive.
You have pushed all of your chips in betting on the USA becoming a socialist utopia.
Newsflash, there are far too many freedom loving liberty seeking people in this country to allow that to happen.
So you can stow it.
You will NEVER have government issued plastic bubble.

I addressed you post in bold, for all of it and its sequel's pointless blather.

I did leave out this, as it seemed to be shooting fish in a barrel.

Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

Did you ever hear of Richard Nixon?

I hope you realize Tricky Dick was never accused of bugging anything let alone a Democratic Meeting or a Fundraiser. He was accused of covering up the fact that Republicans had broken into Democratic Offices. It was the cover up that got his butt in trouble.

The recordings (with the missing 18 minutes) were not even of the Democrats. They were secret recordings made in the White House, not Democratic offices.

Nixon White House tapes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nixon White House tapes are audio-recordings of the communications of U.S. President Richard Nixon and various Nixon administration officials and White House staff, ordered by the President for personal records. The taping system was installed in selected rooms in the White House in February 1971 and was voice activated. The records come from line-taps placed on the telephones and small lavalier microphones in various locations around the rooms. The recordings were produced on hundreds of Sony TC-800B open-reel tape recorders. The recorders were turned off on July 18, 1973, shortly after they became public knowledge as a result of the Watergate hearings.

That doesn't excuse a doggone thing, but you still need to find a Republican that was accused of bugging a Democratic meeting or fundraiser. BTW: I wouldn't doubt that it has been done.

I addressed you post in bold, for all of it and its sequel's pointless blather.

I did leave out this, as it seemed to be shooting fish in a barrel.

Did you ever hear of Richard Nixon?
Yer kidding right?
You're going with "Richard Nixon"?...
What the fuck does Watergate have to do with anything.

Sucks when you have the truth smooshed into your face like a creme pie..
Deal with it.
Nixon...Jesus Christ...

You're a fuckng moron then. Okay, I'm sorry for swearing at you. Clearly you have issues too debilitating to address here.

Yes. Because you cannot keep up, you become frustrated and call me a moron.
Look lady, if you don't know enough to know that you don't know, then be silent.
You had to go back 40 years and even then blathered some unrelated nonsense.
You are pissed off because you got schooled.
Yeah..And. What's your point?
Did you bother to read MY post?
Or is your single minded tunnel vision have you so sure that every non lib is a criminal?
Barb, you're a schmuck. A lackey. A non thinker.
You want your life to exist in some imaginary comfort zone. You want no challenges. You believe you are entitled to exist in a wold where nothing can ever go wrong. You believe you should be protected all the time.
For all of the above, you believe government is your answer.
You are a flaming liberal socialist progressive.
You have pushed all of your chips in betting on the USA becoming a socialist utopia.
Newsflash, there are far too many freedom loving liberty seeking people in this country to allow that to happen.
So you can stow it.
You will NEVER have government issued plastic bubble.

I addressed you post in bold, for all of it and its sequel's pointless blather.

I did leave out this, as it seemed to be shooting fish in a barrel.

Did you ever hear of Richard Nixon?

I hope you realize Tricky Dick was never accused of bugging anything let alone a Democratic Meeting or a Fundraiser. He was accused of covering up the fact that Republicans had broken into Democratic Offices. It was the cover up that got his butt in trouble.

The recordings (with the missing 18 minutes) were not even of the Democrats. They were secret recordings made in the White House, not Democratic offices.

Nixon White House tapes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nixon White House tapes are audio-recordings of the communications of U.S. President Richard Nixon and various Nixon administration officials and White House staff, ordered by the President for personal records. The taping system was installed in selected rooms in the White House in February 1971 and was voice activated. The records come from line-taps placed on the telephones and small lavalier microphones in various locations around the rooms. The recordings were produced on hundreds of Sony TC-800B open-reel tape recorders. The recorders were turned off on July 18, 1973, shortly after they became public knowledge as a result of the Watergate hearings.

That doesn't excuse a doggone thing, but you still need to find a Republican that was accused of bugging a Democratic meeting or fundraiser. BTW: I wouldn't doubt that it has been done.

"Boob" will jump up and down and screech that she is right and we just have to live with it. Otherwise she will call us names.
Yer kidding right?
You're going with "Richard Nixon"?...
What the fuck does Watergate have to do with anything.

Sucks when you have the truth smooshed into your face like a creme pie..
Deal with it.
Nixon...Jesus Christ...

You're a fuckng moron then. Okay, I'm sorry for swearing at you. Clearly you have issues too debilitating to address here.

Yes. Because you cannot keep up, you become frustrated and call me a moron.
Look lady, if you don't know enough to know that you don't know, then be silent.
You had to go back 40 years and even then blathered some unrelated nonsense.
You are pissed off because you got schooled.


So in response to this post:
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Former Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul received significant support from the military for his strong stance on bringing troops home, and that briefly continued even after Romney pulled ahead as the clear GOP candidate.

Now, though, the military's support has shifted toward Obama. Romney has consistently received little financial backing from military donors.

Despite the fact that Paul once raised almost twice as much as Obama did from the military, the president has received $536,414 from military donors, compared to Paul's $399,274 and Romney's $287,435, according to research by the Center for Responsive Politics. These numbers are based on donations greater than $200, as reported to the Federal Election Commission.

Can’t find his spoon (or his ass, apparently), responds to this:

New Revelation At ’47%’ Dinner – Romney Was Hoping For Something Like Iran Hostage (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

It seems that for Romney, the “truths” told during that particular fundraiser are like any ghost worth his reputation, the haunting is relentless and this latest portion could be the most damaging of all. In the video, Romney is caught hoping for an Iran hostage type situation to help propel him into the White House. Is it any surprise that he has tried to make political hay out of the Benghazi terror attacks?

As you watch the video, notice the man (is that a British accent?) asking Romney how he can “duplicate” an Iran hostage type scenario. Instead of dismissing the question as going against American interests, Romney agrees that the strategy would be beneficial. The entire video is worth a listen but at the end, Romney says, “if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to take advantage of the opportunity.”

By dredging up every republican talking point insult he can remember and implying that unwillingness to excuse such craven opportunism is “naïve or stupid,” AND that “Romney never uttered those words.”

When it is pointed out that he responded to the wrong post, and then is spoon fed the pertinent dialogue, from Romney’s own mouth, indicating his willingness to profit off a national tradgedy:

As you watch the video, notice the man (is that a British accent?) asking Romney how he can “duplicate” an Iran hostage type scenario.Instead of dismissing the question as going against American interests, Romney agrees that the strategy would be beneficial. The entire video is worth a listen but at the end, Romney says, “if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to take advantage of the opportunity.”
He responds with:

Yeah..And. What's your point?
Did you bother to read MY post?
Or is your single minded tunnel vision have you so sure that every non lib is a criminal?
Barb, you're a schmuck. A lackey. A non thinker.
You want your life to exist in some imaginary comfort zone. You want no challenges. You believe you are entitled to exist in a wold where nothing can ever go wrong. You believe you should be protected all the time.
For all of the above, you believe government is your answer.
You are a flaming liberal socialist progressive.
You have pushed all of your chips in betting on the USA becoming a socialist utopia.
Newsflash, there are far too many freedom loving liberty seeking people in this country to allow that to happen.
So you can stow it.
You will NEVER have government issued plastic bubble.

And when I point out the obvious in response to

Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

With Nixon’s WATERGATE, for fuck sake

We have him claiming that the watershed moment for mistrust in our government is irrelevant, to the cheering of Liability, who wouldn't know an actual fact if it spit in his face, and Immie, who chirps in with the idea that Watergate was about the recordings of the WH rather than the break in of the Democrat headquarters at the Watergate Hotel to install wiretaps. Keeping in mind that these wiretaps are intended towards private conversations, rather than a SPEECH at a fundraiser. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, yeah, Immie then suggests I have to find an ACTUAL republican responsible in anything like that, as if maybe the republicans hired the democrats to wiretap themselves.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In January 1972, G. Gordon Liddy, general counsel to the Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CRP), presented a campaign intelligence plan to CRP's Acting Chairman Jeb Stuart Magruder, Attorney General John Mitchell, and Presidential Counsel John Dean, that involved extensive illegal activities against the Democratic Party. Mitchell viewed the plan as unrealistic, but two months later he approved a reduced version which involved burgling the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate Complex in Washington, D.C and placing wiretaps. Liddy was put in charge of the operation. He was assisted by former CIA Agent E. Howard Hunt and CRP Security Coordinator James McCord. John Mitchell resigned as Attorney General to become chairman of CRP.[8]
After two attempts to break into the Watergate Complex failed, on May 17, Liddy's team placed wiretaps on the telephones of DNC Chairman Lawrence O'Brien and Executive Director of Democratic States' Chairman R. Spencer Oliver, Jr. When Magruder and Mitchell read transcripts from the wiretaps, they deemed the information inadequate and ordered another break-in.
Shortly after 1 am on June 17, 1972, Frank Wills, a security guard at the Watergate Complex, noticed tape covering the latch on several doors in the complex (allowing the doors to close but remain unlocked). He removed the tape, and thought nothing of it. He returned an hour later, and having discovered that someone had retaped the locks, Wills called the police. Five men were discovered and arrested inside the DNC's office.[8] The five men were Virgilio González, Bernard Barker, James W. McCord, Jr., Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis, who were charged with attempted burglary and attempted interception of telephone and other communications. On September 15, a grand jury indicted them, as well as Hunt and Liddy,[9] for conspiracy, burglary, and violation of federal wiretapping laws. The five burglars who broke into the office were tried by Judge John Sirica and convicted on January 30, 1973.[10]

Who got schooled here? It wasn't me, and you three skipped school that day, apparently for a


Last edited:
You're a fuckng moron then. Okay, I'm sorry for swearing at you. Clearly you have issues too debilitating to address here.

Yes. Because you cannot keep up, you become frustrated and call me a moron.
Look lady, if you don't know enough to know that you don't know, then be silent.
You had to go back 40 years and even then blathered some unrelated nonsense.
You are pissed off because you got schooled.


So in response to this post:
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Can’t find his spoon (or his ass, apparently), responds to this:

New Revelation At ’47%’ Dinner – Romney Was Hoping For Something Like Iran Hostage (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

By dredging up every republican talking point insult he can remember and implying that unwillingness to excuse such craven opportunism is “naïve or stupid,” AND that “Romney never uttered those words.”

When it is pointed out that he responded to the wrong post, and then is spoon fed the pertinent dialogue, from Romney’s own mouth, indicating his willingness to profit off a national tradgedy:

He responds with:

And when I point out the obvious in response to

Notice that conservatives have never been so much as accused of bugging a democrat meeting or fundraiser.

With Nixon’s WATERGATE, for fuck sake

We have him claiming that the watershed moment for mistrust in our government is irrelevant, to the cheering of Liability, who wouldn't know an actual fact if it spit in his face, and Immie, who chirps in with the idea that Watergate was about the recordings of the WH rather than the break in of the Democrat headquarters at the Watergate Hotel to install wiretaps. Keeping in mind that these wiretaps are intended towards private conversations, rather than a SPEECH at a fundraiser. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, yeah, Immie then suggests I have to find an ACTUAL republican responsible in anything like that, as if maybe the republicans hired the democrats to wiretap themselves.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In January 1972, G. Gordon Liddy, general counsel to the Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CRP), presented a campaign intelligence plan to CRP's Acting Chairman Jeb Stuart Magruder, Attorney General John Mitchell, and Presidential Counsel John Dean, that involved extensive illegal activities against the Democratic Party. Mitchell viewed the plan as unrealistic, but two months later he approved a reduced version which involved burgling the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate Complex in Washington, D.C and placing wiretaps. Liddy was put in charge of the operation. He was assisted by former CIA Agent E. Howard Hunt and CRP Security Coordinator James McCord. John Mitchell resigned as Attorney General to become chairman of CRP.[8]
After two attempts to break into the Watergate Complex failed, on May 17, Liddy's team placed wiretaps on the telephones of DNC Chairman Lawrence O'Brien and Executive Director of Democratic States' Chairman R. Spencer Oliver, Jr. When Magruder and Mitchell read transcripts from the wiretaps, they deemed the information inadequate and ordered another break-in.
Shortly after 1 am on June 17, 1972, Frank Wills, a security guard at the Watergate Complex, noticed tape covering the latch on several doors in the complex (allowing the doors to close but remain unlocked). He removed the tape, and thought nothing of it. He returned an hour later, and having discovered that someone had retaped the locks, Wills called the police. Five men were discovered and arrested inside the DNC's office.[8] The five men were Virgilio González, Bernard Barker, James W. McCord, Jr., Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis, who were charged with attempted burglary and attempted interception of telephone and other communications. On September 15, a grand jury indicted them, as well as Hunt and Liddy,[9] for conspiracy, burglary, and violation of federal wiretapping laws. The five burglars who broke into the office were tried by Judge John Sirica and convicted on January 30, 1973.[10]

Who got schooled here? It wasn't me, and you three skipped school that day, apparently for a



You know what Barb, I was being polite and was not attacking you so :fu: back at 'cha. I also made it very clear that I did not doubt that you would be able to point to Republicans who had done that very thing.

Obviously you have had your head so far up your own ass, you can't breathe and the lack of oxygen has long ago killed 98% of your brain cells. The fact is once again, Tricky Dick did not get in trouble for the wiretapping. Had he simply let the chips fall where they may, he would have finished his term and gone on with his life. Instead, he got caught in the cover up and that brought him down.

I am certain that is way over your pay grade and a lot more than those 2% of brain cells can handle. Once again, the scandal was for the cover-up.

When you take your liberal head out of your liberal ass and get a clue, let the rest of us know. Until then... :fu:

Here idiot... from your own link...

Five men were discovered and arrested inside the DNC's office.[8] The five men were Virgilio González, Bernard Barker, James W. McCord, Jr., Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis, who were charged with attempted burglary and attempted interception of telephone and other communications. On September 15, a grand jury indicted them, as well as Hunt and Liddy,[9] for conspiracy, burglary, and violation of federal wiretapping laws. The five burglars who broke into the office were tried by Judge John Sirica and convicted on January 30, 1973.[10]

Funny, I don't see Nixon's name in there.

And more...

Within hours of the burglars' arrest, the FBI discovered the name of E. Howard Hunt in the address books of Barker and Martínez. Nixon administration officials were concerned because Hunt and Liddy were also involved in another secret operation, known as the White House plumbers, which was set up to stop security 'leaks' and to investigate other sensitive security matters. Dean would later testify he was ordered by top Nixon aide John Ehrlichman to "deep six" a briefcase full of surveillance equipment and other evidence found in Hunt's office. Nixon ordered his Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman to have the CIA block the FBI's investigation into the source of the funding for the burglary.

A few days later, Nixon's Press Secretary, Ron Ziegler, described the event as "a third rate burglary attempt". On August 29 at a news conference, President Nixon stated Dean had conducted a thorough investigation of the matter, when in fact Dean had not conducted any investigation at all. Nixon also said, "I can say categorically that... no one in the White House staff, no one in this Administration, presently employed, was involved in this very bizarre incident." On September 15, Nixon congratulated Dean, saying, "The way you've handled it, it seems to me, has been very skillful, because you—putting your fingers in the dikes every time that leaks have sprung here and sprung there."[8]

And more to prove you have so few brain cells left...

The Nixon administration struggled to decide what materials to release. All parties involved agreed that all pertinent information should be released. Whether to release profanity and vulgarity unedited divided his advisers. His legal team favored releasing the tapes unedited, while Press Secretary Ron Ziegler preferred using an edited version where "expletive deleted" would replace the raw material. After several weeks of debate, they decided to release an edited version. Nixon announced the release of the transcripts in a speech to the nation on April 29, 1974. Nixon noted that any audio pertinent to national security information could be redacted from the released tapes.[31]

Those were the tapes he got in trouble for. Once again, Nixon was never prosecuted for the break-in. He was indicted and about to be impeached because of his role in the cover up, but then this is obviously not something you can grasp with so few brain cells.

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I say the entire fucking Admin should take the fucking fall. They all lied to the American people.

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