Hillary takes the fall for our ambassadors assassination, what say you?

Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

Shes got a set of stones...ill give her that.

At least she is willing to take the hit for the team. But then again... if Obama loses, she is more then likely to not have a job, so why not take the hit for the team.
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Are you saying Obama thought it was behind the attacks because he watches Fox?
I'm saying, and every bit of evidence supports, the fact that the current administration waited to LEARN the facts before they commented on them...unlike loose lips captain magic underpants and his employees at FOX News.
Obama acknowledged the you tube, but he didn't credit it directly to the attack, and despite Romney at the time, or the talking points of the Romney campaign and its fellow travelers, and FOX news (but I repeat myself) the WH did NOT pin the attacks on the embassy on that video, even as they condemned it for the flame that it was, and supported the right to do so, no matter how irresponsible and wrong headed.
Unless Biden was a lyin... he and obama knew ZERO about any threats to the consulate in Bengahzie.. which makes me think there's a whole lot of truth to the accusations that he skipped a LOT of security briefings for the golf course. Yeah man, that's just who we need to make us feel safe.

Biden was lying. The British pulled all their people weeks before because of the escalating violence in Benghazi. Don't tell me that wasn't a huge hint!!!
When are you people going to stop blaming others? And you would commend her for taking the blame? In China, she would have been shot. In Japan, she would have to do the honorable thing and commit suicide.

1) Who are the "you people" that you just lumped me into?

2) When the secretary of state does not ensure increased protection @ our middle eastern embasies on the anniversary of 9/11, which is her responsibilty, then a successful attack happens the blame does rest on her.

3) This is the United States and not China or Japan.

1) I lumped you into the "you people" who should have their butts whacked.
2) Assigning blame is not enough. There must be punishment.
3) It's time the United States free herself from weaklings who won't man up to fuck ups.

1) Why should I have my butt whacked?
2) When did I say she shouldn't suffer consequences for her derelicition of duty?
3) Yeah I agree, too many namby pambys being treated like its ok to not be responsible for yourself.
Is this really the kind of leadership we need? The kind that blames Bush for everything. FUCKING LOL!
Obama should do exactly what Reagan did, since cons love to ask what would Reagan do?

when Reagan's colossal fuck up cost the lives of 241 Americans in Beirut in 1983.

Just like Reagan, Obama should take full responsibility and then resign.

...I think that was how it went, wasn't it?

Why would Reagan resign? He certainly didn't lie and attempt to covert it up, like Pres. Barry Kardashian.


you're an idiot. Why should Obama resign? Because hacks on the internet think he should?
What a disappointment to feminist everywhere Hillary was pushed around by Bill and now she's taking more kicks from Obama.

She's taking the fall for all the men around her.

No she's not.

She's pretending it's someone else's fault, and she's martyring herself to make it LOOK like she's taking the *fall* when really IT'S HER FUCKING FAULT. She's the one, she's always been the one, who is personally responsible for the denial of assistance and the ridiculous policy.

The buck doesn't stop there...it's her fucking fault. The buck was generated right in her lap. It never went anywhere else, it's never even been in circulation. People in the state dept DO HER BIDDING.
Obama and the Clinton's are one in the same.. The Agenda.

They're all in on it. None of them should ever have been trusted in Government.

Clinton was lucky in the 90's. Otherwise he was Obama thru and thru.

Clinton: GOP's State Dept. cuts 'detrimental' to national security - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Republican leadership's FY11 budget cuts would endanger national security, Clinton says

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

44 - Secretary Clinton: House Republican budget cuts will endanger national security

Stop trying to deflect the discussion away from the issue.
Your side is looking very bad on this one. And our side will keep hammering you over it.

This was a major fuck up at the highest levels of government.
And your side will pay for it.
hillary clinton isnt an elected official, the president selects his cabinet to make his job easier. turning his job into overseeing the actions of his cabinet.
Well, it IS her job.

If Gramps owned his own business (*wink**wink) he would know that a very basic fact of good management is to give your staff the authority to do their job and then back off.

Then there's the pesky little fact that the Rs refused funding Secty Clinton requested on their behalf.

This is very like what we saw when Napalitano was governor of AZ and the Rs turned down her repeated requests for Border Patrol. Out SW border didn't get the help they needed until President Obama ignored the R and did it anyway..
Well, it IS her job.

If Gramps owned his own business (*wink**wink) he would know that a very basic fact of good management is to give your staff the authority to do their job and then back off.

Then there's the pesky little fact that the Rs refused funding Secty Clinton requested on their behalf.

The pesky little fact is that this isn't true.

{Following those attacks, a special commission was established by the secretary of state to examine security measures at U.S. embassies. The Inman commission report in 1985 recommended standards for diplomatic facilities like narrower windows, blast-proof walls and “setback” — a distance between the public street and the buildings sufficient to protect the occupants from truck bombs.

“The architecture it required was fortress-like,” according to former State Department counter-terrorism adviser Michael B. Kraft.

He said the standards imposed a “security premium” on embassy construction and refurbishment that added about 10-15 percent to the cost.

Dozens of diplomatic facilities have had security upgraded, often moving to the suburbs to acquire the large plots of land necessary to provide embassy compounds with setback, according to Mr. Dobbins.

He is skeptical that budget cuts might have affected the outcome of the deadly events in Benghazi, noting that up to 100 extremists with rocket-propelled grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and mortars had stormed the compound.

“There are some levels of attack for which no reasonable precautions can prepare,” he said, adding that “any reasonable security presence” would likely have been overwhelmed by the gunmen.}

Libya attack: Congressmen casting blame voted to cut diplomatic security budget - Yahoo! News

This is very like what we saw when Napalitano was governor of AZ and the Rs turned down her repeated requests for Border Patrol. Out SW border didn't get the help they needed until President Obama ignored the R and did it anyway..

This is pure hackery on your part. Obama is losing this election, because of this issue. You are becoming shrill in hopes of distracting from the facts. It isn't working, so you're becoming even more shrill.
Well, it IS her job.

If Gramps owned his own business (*wink**wink) he would know that a very basic fact of good management is to give your staff the authority to do their job and then back off.

Then there's the pesky little fact that the Rs refused funding Secty Clinton requested on their behalf.

This is very like what we saw when Napalitano was governor of AZ and the Rs turned down her repeated requests for Border Patrol. Out SW border didn't get the help they needed until President Obama ignored the R and did it anyway..

Does the fact that you lie all the time bother you?
Taking responsibility without one bit of consequence is pure unadulterated BS. If she is responsible for not protecting our people then she should step down or be fired. If she does not then these are just BS words used to try and protect the fail in the WH. Of course we will see soon enough if she was serious or just another serial liar in a house of liars.
Well, it IS her job.

If Gramps owned his own business (*wink**wink) he would know that a very basic fact of good management is to give your staff the authority to do their job and then back off.

Then there's the pesky little fact that the Rs refused funding Secty Clinton requested on their behalf.

This is very like what we saw when Napalitano was governor of AZ and the Rs turned down her repeated requests for Border Patrol. Out SW border didn't get the help they needed until President Obama ignored the R and did it anyway..

If its her job, then why does the President get brieifings?

If its her job then why does she still have it today?

If its her job, then why can't she order military protection for the embassies?
Well, it IS her job.

If Gramps owned his own business (*wink**wink) he would know that a very basic fact of good management is to give your staff the authority to do their job and then back off.

Then there's the pesky little fact that the Rs refused funding Secty Clinton requested on their behalf.

This is very like what we saw when Napalitano was governor of AZ and the Rs turned down her repeated requests for Border Patrol. Out SW border didn't get the help they needed until President Obama ignored the R and did it anyway..

If its her job, then why does the President get brieifings?

If its her job then why does she still have it today?

If its her job, then why can't she order military protection for the embassies?

All of which leads me to believe there is quid pro quo going on here.
The Sec'y of State was told to fall on her sword for something in return.
It's all nonsense. If Clinton was REALLY taking responsibility for the deaths of 4 Americans, there would be repercussions. There will be none.
This was done to give the American people the impression that this incident has been dealt with. The Obama admin is trying to get the American people to just forget about it.
If only Obama had routed a few of those Fast And Furious rifles to Ambassador Stevens in Libya.

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