Hillary takes the fall for our ambassadors assassination, what say you?

Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

Why would she resign?
Don't kid yourself, He knows, he just doesn't care about the Truth.
Of course Deany knows he's lying

Lying about what? There are hundreds of embassies all over the world. The president is supposed to know what goes on at each one every day. And they all ask for more money.

Pity Republicans weren't this concerned when that other Clinton warned them about...Oh, what was it they were warned about?

Who set the POLICY for our diplomatic presence in Libya? Who decided we wouldn't have armed Marines in a country where security was clearly a problem? Who decided we wouldn't pull our people out when the Brits pulled theirs?

See... Hillary might be responsible for the day-to-day operations, but if SHE were the one making the big decisions, where was Obama?... at yet another Hollywood fundraiser?... doing a talk show? He said very clearly in a 2008 debate with McCain that HE would be the one setting the mission for our generals in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he doesn't "set the mission" for our diplomatic relations with other countries? Is THAT what we're supposed to believe?

There are two questions here. Who set the policy in Libya? And who told Susan Rice to lie about the video? And the answer to both those question is highly unlikely to end up being 'Hillary'.
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

Why would she resign?

Hmmmm... maybe because our Libyan ambassador and three other Americans in her charge came down with a sudden, but preventable, case of DEADNESS. :mad:
Sorry, but "oops!" doesn't quite cover the scale of her mistake.
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

She's right, and the buck does stop with her regarding security at these places.

But it doesn't answer the question about where the storyline that obama even knowingly lied about in front of the UN about a protest over a video. Where did that make believe manufactured story come from?

It is not playing politics to inquire about that bullshit the world was fed.
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

It appears they have a serious taste for crow.

As funny as that sounds, the damage is the harm done to our country via Obama and his azzz wipes, including Hillzilla. That's when it stops being funny. :mad:
She'll make this a big martyr moment and cash in on accolades from the left for being such a wonderful person.


The Obama team worked for the last month running various scenarios to blame this on Bush. Coming up with nothing, they finally settled on blaming it on Hillary.

Obama has never taken responsibility for anything in his life.

That's what muslims do. :mad:
Logically, suppose Hillary is right. The responsibility is hers. She was just too incompetent to hold a position like Secretary of State. After all she has never held such a high level position before and has never proved herself at doing anything. That makes her appointment obama's fault. He's the one who appointed an incompetent in the first place.
Why, because he's black?

You hacks have one line.

Obama is the responsible party for the security failure in Benghazi, for the apologies to the terrorists, and for his repeated and incessant lies to the American people.

Mr. Obama, do the right thing, resign.
I heard a VERY interesting theory this morning on the Imus radio program.

It was pure speculation, but it goes like this:

Tonight, in the debate, the President will declare that the buck stops with HIM. He will thus look "Presidential" and he will AVOID looking like he's trying to hide behind Shrillary's skirt, making him look a little more like a "man" and a lot less like a wimp.

Sniff. Is that Slick Willy I detect just off stage?

Of course he will do that, the buck does stop with him but who could have been on top of this tragedy, really. Romney? He's just the asshole who is using this to try and make himself look like he would actually be competent.

Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

why would she resign when she is done anyways after the election?
Shes not a factor
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

I say, "obama has never taken responsibility for a damn thing, it's always been someone else's fault, so I'm not atall surprised."
Obama should do exactly what Reagan did, since cons love to ask what would Reagan do?

when Reagan's colossal fuck up cost the lives of 241 Americans in Beirut in 1983.

Just like Reagan, Obama should take full responsibility and then resign.

...I think that was how it went, wasn't it?
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

I say, "obama has never taken responsibility for a damn thing, it's always been someone else's fault, so I'm not atall surprised."

And you would be wrong.
These embassies cannot be defended by a few marines or even a thousand if the foreign nation does not protect the embassies. No foreign embassy in the US is safe except for our protection.
In 1983 Reagan sent hundreds of American military to Lebannon to help, and 244 of our military were killed in just one raid. Who took the fall for that loss?
Embassies are subject to unsafe conditions, many times. On occassion, embassy personell are returned to their home countries at the onset of a war. After Pearl Harbor the Americans in Japan were sent home and the Japanese, returned to Japan.
A couple of interesting articles on the subject:

Hillary Makes The Smartest Political Move of this Cycle
by Datechguy | October 16th, 2012

There has been a lot of back and forth about “Will Barack Obama Throw Hillary under the Bus over Benghazi?” or vice-versa this week .

It was quite a situation, If Obama threw Hillary under the bus would the Clintons work subrosa against him? (I maintain they already have been.) If Hillary threw Obama under the bus would the African-American community make her pay in 2016, it’s one thing for them to be pissed off at Obama, it’s quite another for some white lady to beat up on him.

What do you do? Well Hillary has threaded the needle in a way that accomplishes everything she needed to thus.


Gee, you mean the Secretary of State is responsible for the State Department? Well, I'll be damned.

Both from Doug Ross @ Journal: HILLARY TRIES TO THROW HERSELF UNDER THE BENGHAZI BUS: Says She Was Responsible For Diplomats' Security
These embassies cannot be defended by a few marines or even a thousand if the foreign nation does not protect the embassies. No foreign embassy in the US is safe except for our protection.
In 1983 Reagan sent hundreds of American military to Lebannon to help, and 244 of our military were killed in just one raid. Who took the fall for that loss?
Embassies are subject to unsafe conditions, many times. On occassion, embassy personell are returned to their home countries at the onset of a war. After Pearl Harbor the Americans in Japan were sent home and the Japanese, returned to Japan.

Who made the decision to keep a diplomatic presence there even after the Brits pulled their people? If an embassy or consulate cannot be protected... you pull your people. They're not soldiers, they're diplomats. You don't leave them with their asses hanging out.
And you would be wrong.

One of your fellow fucknuts, TweedleDum or Hazelnut, or some such shit, screamed "you hate blacks" when I suggested that Obama take responsibility for his actions and his lies.

But Obama is a little boy, not a man. He won't take responsibility, he never has and he never will. Even if the teleprompter has him mouth the words during the debate, he will make it clear that the fault lies with others.

And no, this isn't because Obama is black. Obama doesn't act very black, which makes sense; he was raised by white communists and groomed to be in office his whole life. No, Obama doesn't act or think like a black man, he acts like a gay man, which again makes perfect sense.

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