Hillary takes the fall for our ambassadors assassination, what say you?

Not to come to Shrillary's defense, since she is culpable too.

But she's also wrong. Hugely wrong.

The buck does NOT stop with her.

It stops with the clusterfuck idiot in chief infesting the Oval Orifice.

But she can go sharesies if she wants. Plenty of blame to go around. Sadly, not a scintilla of useful leadership, intelligence or insight. She needs to be fired. He needs to get voted out.

Don't worry, he'll accept *blame* too. It's the perfect ploy...accept *blame* for underlings' mistakes...which means really there's no responsibility at all. They're just *protecting* the people who REALLY screwed up.

I wanna know where all the clamoring is for her resignation? You know if she were a Rep SoS in a Rep admin, the headlines would be reading 'Clinton Resigation?' all over the place, that's all you would hear on any news broadcast. Yet not a peep about that from anywhere that I've seen so far.

I called for it last week. Hence the op. But without public demand it won't happen this close to the election
If people would bother to read what I posted in great detail, they would see that our heavily armed security contingents were restented, hated and reviled in most ME countries. That is part of the reason that there was not a highly visible force. Also, the embassy in Benghazi was temporary and there were no structures in Behghazi that would withstand rocket propelled grenade attacks, no matter how many security forces we had there. There are many more details in the iformation and links I posted but choosing to ignore them and jump on the Mitt Romney band wagon of "show of force", etc. would have been even more reason for us to be attacked as I explained above and as is explained in the information I posted. Alos, the reason we hesitate to arm the rebels in Syria is because many Russian made weapons are getting into the hands of terrorists just like the weapons we might provide would. Romney wants to arm the rebels and thereby allow even more weapons to be obtained by terrorists!

And, for those so eager to blame Obama, we hae had many attacks upon our interests in the ME and other places no matter who was president. Bottom line is either we get out completely or we stay and take some inevitable risks.

"waaaa waaaa waaaa.. no one pays attention to me... waa waaa waaa"

That is what you sound like, so no wonder no one gives a shit about what you write.
She's actually throwing obama under the bus by taking responsibility.

What a hag. I can't say that enough times. And we still won't get any answers, and people will still die.

I don't think so, in fact it's pretty smart from obamas view, tomorrow night at the debate when/IF asked about this he will say his sec state has taken responibilty and her investigation etc. is moving forward and he has no new information....Mistakes were made we are moving forward blah blah
Here's another possibility......

She didn't discuss it with the O before her announcement and is "going rogue."

Since there have been several attempts by the WH to blame State, that wouldn't surprise me. With fingers pointing everywhere, I'm suggesting they are now eating their own........
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

Yes the lack of proper security arrangements is her fault and I commend her for taking the blame for that since the blame does belong on her shoulders.

However this doesn't change the fact that administration officials, who we now know had intelligence stating otherwise, came out and said the attack was the result of a random anti-muslim video and not a pre-planned terrorist attack on our embassy on 9/11/12
If people would bother to read what I posted in great detail, they would see that our heavily armed security contingents were restented, hated and reviled in most ME countries. That is part of the reason that there was not a highly visible force. Also, the embassy in Benghazi was temporary and there were no structures in Behghazi that would withstand rocket propelled grenade attacks, no matter how many security forces we had there. There are many more details in the iformation and links I posted but choosing to ignore them and jump on the Mitt Romney band wagon of "show of force", etc. would have been even more reason for us to be attacked as I explained above and as is explained in the information I posted. Alos, the reason we hesitate to arm the rebels in Syria is because many Russian made weapons are getting into the hands of terrorists just like the weapons we might provide would. Romney wants to arm the rebels and thereby allow even more weapons to be obtained by terrorists!

And, for those so eager to blame Obama, we hae had many attacks upon our interests in the ME and other places no matter who was president. Bottom line is either we get out completely or we stay and take some inevitable risks.

Ever hear of a bunker idiot? There are many things you can do to protect an embassy. Clearly they thought there were and ASKED for HELP. None was given, because the WHITE HOUSE made a decision to deny military backup. Now the White House gets to deal with the aftermath.

Clinton: GOP's State Dept. cuts 'detrimental' to national security - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Republican leadership's FY11 budget cuts would endanger national security, Clinton says

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

44 - Secretary Clinton: House Republican budget cuts will endanger national security

you must have missed the part in the hearings when they said there was no relation between budget and any lack of security, huh, dumb ass... just like Rderp 'missed' it.
I don't see a future path to the Whitehouse with a blunder causing 4 US deaths on Hillary's resume. Some of you have suggested that but i just don't see it.

This is the 3 am phone call that Hillary said Obama couldn't handle and it appears neither of them could.
Yes the lack of proper security arrangements is her fault and I commend her for taking the blame for that since the blame does belong on her shoulders.

However this doesn't change the fact that administration officials, who we now know had intelligence stating otherwise, came out and said the attack was the result of a random anti-muslim video and not a pre-planned terrorist attack on our embassy on 9/11/12

When are you people going to stop blaming others? And you would commend her for taking the blame? In China, she would have been shot. In Japan, she would have to do the honorable thing and commit suicide.
Yes the lack of proper security arrangements is her fault and I commend her for taking the blame for that since the blame does belong on her shoulders.

However this doesn't change the fact that administration officials, who we now know had intelligence stating otherwise, came out and said the attack was the result of a random anti-muslim video and not a pre-planned terrorist attack on our embassy on 9/11/12

When are you people going to stop blaming others? And you would commend her for taking the blame? In China, she would have been shot. In Japan, she would have to do the honorable thing and commit suicide.

1) Who are the "you people" that you just lumped me into?

2) When the secretary of state does not ensure increased protection @ our middle eastern embasies on the anniversary of 9/11, which is her responsibilty, then a successful attack happens the blame does rest on her.

3) This is the United States and not China or Japan.
The question is, who do you trust to get the bad guys who did this?

Do you trust the guy who got Bin Laden and Gaddafi, or the dipshit chickenhawk neo-con fuck-ups, who would probably attack Lebanon by mistake since, hey, it starts with an "L" and it's in the Middle East, right?

Just because obama SAID he got Bin Laden and Gaddafi doesn't mean he really did. He threw the man who really got Bin Laden under the bus. That man "took responsibility" and is now in a Pakistani prison. I will give obama credit for taking the stable Libya and turning it into an Al Quaeda stronghold.
No nation will ever respect her again.

They already can't stand Obama and see him as weak so its of no consequence.

Romney in 3 weeks. We take our history and future back.
Yes the lack of proper security arrangements is her fault and I commend her for taking the blame for that since the blame does belong on her shoulders.

However this doesn't change the fact that administration officials, who we now know had intelligence stating otherwise, came out and said the attack was the result of a random anti-muslim video and not a pre-planned terrorist attack on our embassy on 9/11/12

When are you people going to stop blaming others? And you would commend her for taking the blame? In China, she would have been shot. In Japan, she would have to do the honorable thing and commit suicide.

1) Who are the "you people" that you just lumped me into?

2) When the secretary of state does not ensure increased protection @ our middle eastern embasies on the anniversary of 9/11, which is her responsibilty, then a successful attack happens the blame does rest on her.

3) This is the United States and not China or Japan.

1) I lumped you into the "you people" who should have their butts whacked.
2) Assigning blame is not enough. There must be punishment.
3) It's time the United States free herself from weaklings who won't man up to fuck ups.
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

I want Obama's resignation on this, not Hillary's.
She'll make this a big martyr moment and cash in on accolades from the left for being such a wonderful person.


The Obama team worked for the last month running various scenarios to blame this on Bush. Coming up with nothing, they finally settled on blaming it on Hillary.

Obama has never taken responsibility for anything in his life.
Just saw it breaking on TV. She says the buck stops with her. Funny cause last week when I called for her resignation many on the left mocked me saying she wasn't a factor in this scenario.

Crow is now AGAIN being served. Enjoy

The democrats need their patsy..Obama should go right behind her for not interceding any bad decisions on her part.
I heard a VERY interesting theory this morning on the Imus radio program.

It was pure speculation, but it goes like this:

Tonight, in the debate, the President will declare that the buck stops with HIM. He will thus look "Presidential" and he will AVOID looking like he's trying to hide behind Shrillary's skirt, making him look a little more like a "man" and a lot less like a wimp.

Sniff. Is that Slick Willy I detect just off stage?

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