Hillary unfit to be President

And Trump is insane. We've elected some unhealthy presidents before and Kaine can take over if it becomes a bigger problem.

It is a threat to national security to allow trump into the white house.

Remember when you used to pretend to be a racist right winger?

He still is a racist.

I am voting for clinton because of infrastructure, science, r&d and education! I have higher standards then to follow the dumbest people in our country off a cliff. Doesn't mean I changed some of those views. ;) Just be lucky that the tea party is so insane that I find myself voting with you.

Nobody in the DNC wants your vote.
Nobody in the DNC needs your vote.
As a liberal who is not a Democrat, you're especially unwelcome.

The tea party is too much of a threat to everything I love for me not to vote clinton!

You love debt, regulations, taxes and economic stagnation?
And Trump is insane. We've elected some unhealthy presidents before and Kaine can take over if it becomes a bigger problem.

It is a threat to national security to allow trump into the white house.
ROFL! So you would vote for her even if you knew she had Parkinson's?

Yes, I would still vote for her even if i knew she had brain cancer and 6 months to live. All for infrastructure, science, r&d and education!

Sad. This country is doomed.
ROFL! So you would vote for her even if you knew she had Parkinson's?

The sad truth is that about 45% of the voters in this country ARE going to vote for HRC, no matter what, even if she hobbled up on stage on national television, dropped trow from one of those ghastly pantsuits she always wears and takes a screaming wolf-shat on a copy of the Constitution while croaking the national anthem of Lower-Slobovia thinking that it is our own.

She has enough wit still about her to know that her army of paid media hacks will be right there with stories about how brave she was making the statement that the Constitution was rift with inequalities for all the helpless minorities, especially the women & children, and despite her dementia, she will persevere right through to the end. Oh & Trump has a mail-order bride and everything is George Bush's fault...

Even if the stories were true; what does it say about Drumpf that HRC is still destroying him in every poll?

I know, I know, I know...blame everyone and every thing else for your messiah's candidacy being DOA

It says she's getting $5 billion in free media.

You love debt, regulations, taxes and economic stagnation?

He thinks he is going to get a bigger welfare check and that the government will force somebody else to pay his bills for him if she is elected.

He supports this worthless corrupt dishonest shithead Crooked Hillary because of his Moon Bat greed. He doesn't give a shit about the welfare of the country. Democrats never do. They only care about their welfare check.
And Trump is insane. We've elected some unhealthy presidents before and Kaine can take over if it becomes a bigger problem.

It is a threat to national security to allow trump into the white house.


He is using Info Wars as a source...
Time to retire and get the help you need.
Secret Service Leaks Hillary’s Health to Press

But she's still going to be President.

The Republicans had a chance to put up a candidate who wasn't a total buffoon. But they chose a total buffoon.

And now, Hillary is going to win.
No matter who REpublicans selected, douche bags like you would attack him.

Do you actually imagine that anyone takes your opinion seriously?

You think Sweden is a fascist state. So your assessment doesn't mean much.
Time to retire and get the help you need.
Secret Service Leaks Hillary’s Health to Press

But she's still going to be President.

The Republicans had a chance to put up a candidate who wasn't a total buffoon. But they chose a total buffoon.

And now, Hillary is going to win.
No matter who REpublicans selected, douche bags like you would attack him.

Do you actually imagine that anyone takes your opinion seriously?

You think Sweden is a fascist state. So your assessment doesn't mean much.

Sweden is a fascist state. In fact, all the welfare states you admire are fascist states. Fascism is an economic system, and that system is in force in Sweden.
EXHAUSTED HILLARY Is Taking Off Weekends -- And Media Is Covering It Up

By reviewing the activities of Presidential candidates Trump and Clinton a new phenomenon has appeared. While Trump continues to smash Clinton in attendance at events, Hillary appears to have decided to take weekends off.

Clinton took the weekend of August 6th and 7th off and she decided to take three days off this past weekend August 12th through 14th. She also has no events scheduled to participate in this coming Thursday through Saturday August 18th through 20th. This in essence would mean another three days off after three days of events scheduled starting today. In total Clinton has taken 7 days off in August out of the first 14 days and is scheduled to continue with this approach through at least this coming Saturday.

Donald Trump on the other hand has taken only two days off in August, Sunday August 7th and Sunday the 14th. Trump has 7 days where he has participated in more than one campaign event.


As previously noted, Trump has more than ten times the number of people at his campaign events than Hillary has at hers since August 1st. More than 100,000 people have shown up for Trump events since the beginning of August (with many more turned away due to the events reaching capacity). Hillary on the other hand hasn’t even had one tenth of that or not even 10,000 show up at her events since August 1st.

Also, it is clear by just looking at the crowds at Trump and Clinton events that Trump has a movement and Hillary has barely a heartbeat
The US is kicking major ass in the Olympics.

Obama feels compelled to apologize to the rest of the world for all the medals our imperialist nation has won. His transformation of America isn't finished--we are still good at something. That shall change! If he can't do it in the next few months he will turn it over to Crooked Hillary (god forbid she is elected) to transform the US into a shit ass nation and she is just the stupid bitch to do it.
And Trump is insane. We've elected some unhealthy presidents before and Kaine can take over if it becomes a bigger problem.

It is a threat to national security to allow trump into the white house.

Remember when you used to pretend to be a racist right winger?

He still is a racist.

He's no more racist than you are. I'd argue less.

You’d be wrong. Which is par for the course with you.
And Trump is insane. We've elected some unhealthy presidents before and Kaine can take over if it becomes a bigger problem.

It is a threat to national security to allow trump into the white house.

Remember when you used to pretend to be a racist right winger?

He still is a racist.
Prove it.

Simply review his posting history when you have nothing better to do.
ROFL! So you would vote for her even if you knew she had Parkinson's?

The sad truth is that about 45% of the voters in this country ARE going to vote for HRC, no matter what, even if she hobbled up on stage on national television, dropped trow from one of those ghastly pantsuits she always wears and takes a screaming wolf-shat on a copy of the Constitution while croaking the national anthem of Lower-Slobovia thinking that it is our own.

She has enough wit still about her to know that her army of paid media hacks will be right there with stories about how brave she was making the statement that the Constitution was rift with inequalities for all the helpless minorities, especially the women & children, and despite her dementia, she will persevere right through to the end. Oh & Trump has a mail-order bride and everything is George Bush's fault...

Even if the stories were true; what does it say about Drumpf that HRC is still destroying him in every poll?

I know, I know, I know...blame everyone and every thing else for your messiah's candidacy being DOA

It says she's getting $5 billion in free media.

INFOWAR (the source in the OP) also claims that Bush was behind 9/11 or at least complicit. It’s a website for those who do not feel like using their brain.
EXHAUSTED HILLARY Is Taking Off Weekends -- And Media Is Covering It Up

By reviewing the activities of Presidential candidates Trump and Clinton a new phenomenon has appeared. While Trump continues to smash Clinton in attendance at events, Hillary appears to have decided to take weekends off.

Clinton took the weekend of August 6th and 7th off and she decided to take three days off this past weekend August 12th through 14th. She also has no events scheduled to participate in this coming Thursday through Saturday August 18th through 20th. This in essence would mean another three days off after three days of events scheduled starting today. In total Clinton has taken 7 days off in August out of the first 14 days and is scheduled to continue with this approach through at least this coming Saturday.

Donald Trump on the other hand has taken only two days off in August, Sunday August 7th and Sunday the 14th. Trump has 7 days where he has participated in more than one campaign event.


As previously noted, Trump has more than ten times the number of people at his campaign events than Hillary has at hers since August 1st. More than 100,000 people have shown up for Trump events since the beginning of August (with many more turned away due to the events reaching capacity). Hillary on the other hand hasn’t even had one tenth of that or not even 10,000 show up at her events since August 1st.

Also, it is clear by just looking at the crowds at Trump and Clinton events that Trump has a movement and Hillary has barely a heartbeat

LMFAO!!!!! Trump is campaigning his ass off because he's getting killed in the latest polling, dumbass. Hillary is currently looking at a 200 EC vote lead, and well ahead in the key swing states so yeah, she can easily afford to take a few days off. You stupid gullible people seduced by meaningless crowd sizes that clearly have no correlation to votes.
Correlate your crowd size to the latest state by state polling results: HAHAHAHA!
Last edited:
Even if the stories were true; what does it say about Drumpf that HRC is still destroying him in every poll?

I know, I know, I know...blame everyone and every thing else for your messiah's candidacy being DOA

80 odd posts and I have my first deflection response. Congratulations, Candycorn, you win a stale, moldy, coconut macaroon cookie. Enjoy.
The subject of the thread is HRC's fitness to become POTUS. Trump does not enter into it. But to answer your question, it reinforces my point that 45% of the voters will vote for HRC no matter her physical wellbeing. The question should be, how many more will be duped between now and November and whether or not any of that 45% will wise up and see the light.

Secondly, you make the assumption that I am a Trump supporter. I suggest you review my posts, there are only 80+ so it should not take you long, and point out where I said I am a Trump supporter. I am not & never have been. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to be able to point out the manifest flaws in HRC and her flock.

Thirdly, Trump is not my messiah. Jesus is my messiah, and through him, good things shall come.

Finally, since I have nothing personal against you, here is an advisory: Remember, the first guy that stops applauding your Dear Leader's speeches gets sent to the gulag.
Even if the stories were true; what does it say about Drumpf that HRC is still destroying him in every poll?

I know, I know, I know...blame everyone and every thing else for your messiah's candidacy being DOA

80 odd posts and I have my first deflection response. Congratulations, Candycorn, you win a stale, moldy, coconut macaroon cookie. Enjoy.
The subject of the thread is HRC's fitness to become POTUS. Trump does not enter into it. But to answer your question, it reinforces my point that 45% of the voters will vote for HRC no matter her physical wellbeing. The question should be, how many more will be duped between now and November and whether or not any of that 45% will wise up and see the light.

Secondly, you make the assumption that I am a Trump supporter. I suggest you review my posts, there are only 80+ so it should not take you long, and point out where I said I am a Trump supporter. I am not & never have been. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to be able to point out the manifest flaws in HRC and her flock.

Thirdly, Trump is not my messiah. Jesus is my messiah, and through him, good things shall come.

Finally, since I have nothing personal against you, here is an advisory: Remember, the first guy that stops applauding your Dear Leader's speeches gets sent to the gulag.

Nobody admits to being a Trump supporter any more? I wonder why. Not really.
Time to retire and get the help you need.
Secret Service Leaks Hillary’s Health to Press

The sweet smell of desperation is in the air.

It's no surprise all Reich wing talk radio and those on FOX news are in a full metal--throttle down--melt down! Full PANIC. So they're all over health problems that don't exist. And for good reason. 90 Days before the election the Clinton campaign has pulled adds out of several battleground states (swing states) as their internal polling data is showing double digit leads. That money is now being moved into RED states that are in play. She's ahead in Georgia & Arizona. Trump is losing states that Romney won. She is bombarding the Olympics with adds--(where are Trump's adds?) Upps they don't exist (ANYWHERE.) Nor has he mustered up any kind of ground game. So he is relying on the free coverage he gets from FOX News to pull him over the finish line--LOL. But there's a problem. FOX News has felt the Trump effect and their ratings and viewership have fallen off a cliff. CNN is now number ONE.

Clinton campaign pulls ads from Colorado
Polls: Clinton Pulling Ahead in Battleground States
Clinton campaign halts ads in two battleground states
Right now polls show Donald Trump losing every single swing state
Trump is losing all 10 of the states with the closest results in 2012
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

You wanted TRUMP now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


Just color Arizona and Georgia blue this election, and this will be similar to the result on Election night.
And Trump is insane. We've elected some unhealthy presidents before and Kaine can take over if it becomes a bigger problem.

It is a threat to national security to allow trump into the white house.

Remember when you used to pretend to be a racist right winger?

He still is a racist.
Prove it.

Simply review his posting history when you have nothing better to do.

He consistently advocates for poor minorities.
And Trump is insane. We've elected some unhealthy presidents before and Kaine can take over if it becomes a bigger problem.

It is a threat to national security to allow trump into the white house.

Remember when you used to pretend to be a racist right winger?

He still is a racist.
Prove it.

Simply review his posting history when you have nothing better to do.

He consistently advocates for poor minorities.

is that what you call it?

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