Hillary unfit to be President

Even if the stories were true; what does it say about Drumpf that HRC is still destroying him in every poll?

I know, I know, I know...blame everyone and every thing else for your messiah's candidacy being DOA

80 odd posts and I have my first deflection response. Congratulations, Candycorn, you win a stale, moldy, coconut macaroon cookie. Enjoy.
The subject of the thread is HRC's fitness to become POTUS. Trump does not enter into it. But to answer your question, it reinforces my point that 45% of the voters will vote for HRC no matter her physical wellbeing. The question should be, how many more will be duped between now and November and whether or not any of that 45% will wise up and see the light.

Secondly, you make the assumption that I am a Trump supporter. I suggest you review my posts, there are only 80+ so it should not take you long, and point out where I said I am a Trump supporter. I am not & never have been. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to be able to point out the manifest flaws in HRC and her flock.

Thirdly, Trump is not my messiah. Jesus is my messiah, and through him, good things shall come.

Finally, since I have nothing personal against you, here is an advisory: Remember, the first guy that stops applauding your Dear Leader's speeches gets sent to the gulag.

Nobody admits to being a Trump supporter any more? I wonder why. Not really.
I'm a Trump supporter, and you're full of shit.

Really? Great to finally meet one.

So tell me, what specific policy put you into Trump’s column?
This is old stuff I get tired of repeating myself.
Seal the border. No new immigrants into this country until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Repatriate corporations money by lowering capital gains tax to 10%. 10% of trillians is better than 35% of nothing.
Stop unnecessary regulations. End Obama Care. Make full time jobs 40 hours again by getting rid of the mandated healthcare bullshit.
Drill wherever there is gas. Open up Government reservations to drillers to drill wherever there is gas. Make America the number one producer of Energy.
Make it difficult or impossible for an illegal immigrant to continue living in America by stopping all Federal and State benefits to them. If an American child wants welfare first make sure it isn't a dependant of an illegal alien. Put it in a Foster home or don't pay that family one single penny. No school for illegals, no instate tuition. No medical. No shit.
Even if the stories were true; what does it say about Drumpf that HRC is still destroying him in every poll?

I know, I know, I know...blame everyone and every thing else for your messiah's candidacy being DOA

80 odd posts and I have my first deflection response. Congratulations, Candycorn, you win a stale, moldy, coconut macaroon cookie. Enjoy.
The subject of the thread is HRC's fitness to become POTUS. Trump does not enter into it. But to answer your question, it reinforces my point that 45% of the voters will vote for HRC no matter her physical wellbeing. The question should be, how many more will be duped between now and November and whether or not any of that 45% will wise up and see the light.

Secondly, you make the assumption that I am a Trump supporter. I suggest you review my posts, there are only 80+ so it should not take you long, and point out where I said I am a Trump supporter. I am not & never have been. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to be able to point out the manifest flaws in HRC and her flock.

Thirdly, Trump is not my messiah. Jesus is my messiah, and through him, good things shall come.

Finally, since I have nothing personal against you, here is an advisory: Remember, the first guy that stops applauding your Dear Leader's speeches gets sent to the gulag.

Nobody admits to being a Trump supporter any more? I wonder why. Not really.
I'm a Trump supporter, and you're full of shit.

Really? Great to finally meet one.

So tell me, what specific policy put you into Trump’s column?
This is old stuff I get tired of repeating myself.
Seal the border. No new immigrants into this country until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Repatriate corporations money by lowering capital gains tax to 10%. 10% of trillians is better than 35% of nothing.
Stop unnecessary regulations. End Obama Care. Make full time jobs 40 hours again by getting rid of the mandated healthcare bullshit.
Drill wherever there is gas. Open up Government reservations to drillers to drill wherever there is gas. Make America the number one producer of Energy.
Make it difficult or impossible for an illegal immigrant to continue living in America by stopping all Federal and State benefits to them. If an American child wants welfare first make sure it isn't a dependant of an illegal alien. Put it in a Foster home or don't pay that family one single penny. No school for illegals, no instate tuition. No medical. No shit.

Well, thanks for the honesty; it’s refreshing to hear someone say they support that idiot.
This not the first time nor will it be the last, that a nominee seeing the presidency slipping away plays the health card.

So how did this " Clinton health issue" take flight.

Early summer: Users on Twitter begin speculating about Hillary Clinton's health using the hashtag #HillaryHealth.

4 August: The website Infowars, run by conservative conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, begins publishing stories about Mrs Clinton's supposed failing health. The articles uses a clip of Mrs Clinton joking with an Associated Press reporter in June as evidence that the former secretary of state is "having seizures even while in public". The reporter Lisa Lerer wrote a column debunking the claims. "Where I saw evasiveness, they see seizures," she wrote.

7 August: Conservative blogger Matt Drudge runs a photo of Hillary Clinton being helped by aides after slipping on some stairs with the headline "Hillary conquers the stairs". Mr Drudge directed readers to a story, which claims "The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign." The problem? The photo was taken in February and news reports at the time showed she continued campaigning after the minor fall.
The Infowars also addresses the photo of Mr Clinton on the stairs. Infowars claims the aide helping her is actually a doctor and an item he is holding in his hand is an injection pen for the drug diazepam, which can be used to treat seizures. (Fact checking website Snope says it actually was a small flashlight.)

8 August: The National Enquirer tabloid, which has endorsed Mr Trump for president, runs a story entitled "Hillary Clinton's secret health crisis".

8 August to 11 August: Fox News presenter Sean Hannity runs multiple segments on Hillary Clinton's health on his primetime chat show, claiming that she suffers from seizures. He also cites Mrs Clinton's exchange with Ms Lerer as evidence. (Ms Lerer was never contacted by Fox News.) Mr Hannity brought on medical experts to his show to confirm his suspicions, but the doctors would not concur. On CNN, Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord also repeats the claims.

11 August to 14 August: Several news organisations including CNN and the Washington Post debunk the claims pushed by Mr Hannity and Infowars. CNN media reporter Brian Stelter called Mr Hannity's coverage "reckless".

15 August: Mr Trump says Mrs Clinton "lacks the physical and mental stamina" to fight the so-called Islamic State.
Hillary health myth: From Twitter theories to a Trump speech - BBC News

Sure. It's always a right wing conspiracy. Benghazi was just a right wing conspiracy. The Clinton Foundation is just a right wing conspiracy. Obama, the Clintons and the main stream media are altruists at the end of the day, after all.
That's pretty good but you left out a few beginning with Whitewater, Cardgate, Filegate, and the Birther conspiracy for starters.

I left out plenty. That's basically the point. These scandals aren't mere machinations. They're simply rotten people.
Oh, crap! There has been a cottage industry going for over 20 years now who create Clinton Scandals. Republican congressmen raise questions about Hillary and these guys supply answers and create scenarios circulated as fact.

Hillary and Bill happens to be a wonderful target because there is a ton of information available plus they make so much available to the public such as 16 years worth tax returns, press releases about everything they're doing as well as the Clinton foundation.

And yes you have left some out. There're the reports of Bill Clinton's dreams of sex with his daughter, the Hillary Clinton involvement in the death of Vince Foster, Kathleen Willey claim that Hillary had her cats killed, and of course the 1992 one in which BIll Clinton was was a Manchurian candidate who had been brainwashed by the Russians when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. And there were claims that the Clintons were connected to a major drug-running operation that had been based in Arkansas and tied to a series of murders. Yes, murders. Dozens of murders. If you haven't heard all these, have patience, you will.
This not the first time nor will it be the last, that a nominee seeing the presidency slipping away plays the health card.

So how did this " Clinton health issue" take flight.

Early summer: Users on Twitter begin speculating about Hillary Clinton's health using the hashtag #HillaryHealth.

4 August: The website Infowars, run by conservative conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, begins publishing stories about Mrs Clinton's supposed failing health. The articles uses a clip of Mrs Clinton joking with an Associated Press reporter in June as evidence that the former secretary of state is "having seizures even while in public". The reporter Lisa Lerer wrote a column debunking the claims. "Where I saw evasiveness, they see seizures," she wrote.

7 August: Conservative blogger Matt Drudge runs a photo of Hillary Clinton being helped by aides after slipping on some stairs with the headline "Hillary conquers the stairs". Mr Drudge directed readers to a story, which claims "The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign." The problem? The photo was taken in February and news reports at the time showed she continued campaigning after the minor fall.
The Infowars also addresses the photo of Mr Clinton on the stairs. Infowars claims the aide helping her is actually a doctor and an item he is holding in his hand is an injection pen for the drug diazepam, which can be used to treat seizures. (Fact checking website Snope says it actually was a small flashlight.)

8 August: The National Enquirer tabloid, which has endorsed Mr Trump for president, runs a story entitled "Hillary Clinton's secret health crisis".

8 August to 11 August: Fox News presenter Sean Hannity runs multiple segments on Hillary Clinton's health on his primetime chat show, claiming that she suffers from seizures. He also cites Mrs Clinton's exchange with Ms Lerer as evidence. (Ms Lerer was never contacted by Fox News.) Mr Hannity brought on medical experts to his show to confirm his suspicions, but the doctors would not concur. On CNN, Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord also repeats the claims.

11 August to 14 August: Several news organisations including CNN and the Washington Post debunk the claims pushed by Mr Hannity and Infowars. CNN media reporter Brian Stelter called Mr Hannity's coverage "reckless".

15 August: Mr Trump says Mrs Clinton "lacks the physical and mental stamina" to fight the so-called Islamic State.
Hillary health myth: From Twitter theories to a Trump speech - BBC News

Sure. It's always a right wing conspiracy. Benghazi was just a right wing conspiracy. The Clinton Foundation is just a right wing conspiracy. Obama, the Clintons and the main stream media are altruists at the end of the day, after all.
That's pretty good but you left out a few beginning with Whitewater, Cardgate, Filegate, and the Birther conspiracy for starters.

I left out plenty. That's basically the point. These scandals aren't mere machinations. They're simply rotten people.
Oh, crap! There has been a cottage industry going for over 20 years now who create Clinton Scandals. Republican congressmen raise questions about Hillary and these guys supply answers and create scenarios circulated as fact.

Hillary and Bill happens to be a wonderful target because there is a ton of information available plus they make so much available to the public such as 16 years worth tax returns, press releases about everything they're doing as well as the Clinton foundation.

And yes you have left some out. There're the reports of Bill Clinton's dreams of sex with his daughter, the Hillary Clinton involvement in the death of Vince Foster, Kathleen Willey claim that Hillary had her cats killed, and of course the 1992 one in which BIll Clinton was was a Manchurian candidate who had been brainwashed by the Russians when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. And there were claims that the Clintons were connected to a major drug-running operation that had been based in Arkansas and tied to a series of murders. Yes, murders. Dozens of murders. If you haven't heard all these, have patience, you will.

Not a cottage industry. A megapolis industry. And it wouldn't be that way if the Clintons weren't so damned corrupt. And they have been involved in murders. Yes, murders.
This not the first time nor will it be the last, that a nominee seeing the presidency slipping away plays the health card.

So how did this " Clinton health issue" take flight.

Early summer: Users on Twitter begin speculating about Hillary Clinton's health using the hashtag #HillaryHealth.

4 August: The website Infowars, run by conservative conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, begins publishing stories about Mrs Clinton's supposed failing health. The articles uses a clip of Mrs Clinton joking with an Associated Press reporter in June as evidence that the former secretary of state is "having seizures even while in public". The reporter Lisa Lerer wrote a column debunking the claims. "Where I saw evasiveness, they see seizures," she wrote.

7 August: Conservative blogger Matt Drudge runs a photo of Hillary Clinton being helped by aides after slipping on some stairs with the headline "Hillary conquers the stairs". Mr Drudge directed readers to a story, which claims "The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign." The problem? The photo was taken in February and news reports at the time showed she continued campaigning after the minor fall.
The Infowars also addresses the photo of Mr Clinton on the stairs. Infowars claims the aide helping her is actually a doctor and an item he is holding in his hand is an injection pen for the drug diazepam, which can be used to treat seizures. (Fact checking website Snope says it actually was a small flashlight.)

8 August: The National Enquirer tabloid, which has endorsed Mr Trump for president, runs a story entitled "Hillary Clinton's secret health crisis".

8 August to 11 August: Fox News presenter Sean Hannity runs multiple segments on Hillary Clinton's health on his primetime chat show, claiming that she suffers from seizures. He also cites Mrs Clinton's exchange with Ms Lerer as evidence. (Ms Lerer was never contacted by Fox News.) Mr Hannity brought on medical experts to his show to confirm his suspicions, but the doctors would not concur. On CNN, Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord also repeats the claims.

11 August to 14 August: Several news organisations including CNN and the Washington Post debunk the claims pushed by Mr Hannity and Infowars. CNN media reporter Brian Stelter called Mr Hannity's coverage "reckless".

15 August: Mr Trump says Mrs Clinton "lacks the physical and mental stamina" to fight the so-called Islamic State.
Hillary health myth: From Twitter theories to a Trump speech - BBC News

Sure. It's always a right wing conspiracy. Benghazi was just a right wing conspiracy. The Clinton Foundation is just a right wing conspiracy. Obama, the Clintons and the main stream media are altruists at the end of the day, after all.
That's pretty good but you left out a few beginning with Whitewater, Cardgate, Filegate, and the Birther conspiracy for starters.

I left out plenty. That's basically the point. These scandals aren't mere machinations. They're simply rotten people.
Oh, crap! There has been a cottage industry going for over 20 years now who create Clinton Scandals. Republican congressmen raise questions about Hillary and these guys supply answers and create scenarios circulated as fact.

Hillary and Bill happens to be a wonderful target because there is a ton of information available plus they make so much available to the public such as 16 years worth tax returns, press releases about everything they're doing as well as the Clinton foundation.

And yes you have left some out. There're the reports of Bill Clinton's dreams of sex with his daughter, the Hillary Clinton involvement in the death of Vince Foster, Kathleen Willey claim that Hillary had her cats killed, and of course the 1992 one in which BIll Clinton was was a Manchurian candidate who had been brainwashed by the Russians when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. And there were claims that the Clintons were connected to a major drug-running operation that had been based in Arkansas and tied to a series of murders. Yes, murders. Dozens of murders. If you haven't heard all these, have patience, you will.

Not a cottage industry. A megapolis industry. And it wouldn't be that way if the Clintons weren't so damned corrupt. And they have been involved in murders. Yes, murders.
And part of a great conspiracy to eliminate all life on earth. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Sure. It's always a right wing conspiracy. Benghazi was just a right wing conspiracy. The Clinton Foundation is just a right wing conspiracy. Obama, the Clintons and the main stream media are altruists at the end of the day, after all.
That's pretty good but you left out a few beginning with Whitewater, Cardgate, Filegate, and the Birther conspiracy for starters.

I left out plenty. That's basically the point. These scandals aren't mere machinations. They're simply rotten people.
Oh, crap! There has been a cottage industry going for over 20 years now who create Clinton Scandals. Republican congressmen raise questions about Hillary and these guys supply answers and create scenarios circulated as fact.

Hillary and Bill happens to be a wonderful target because there is a ton of information available plus they make so much available to the public such as 16 years worth tax returns, press releases about everything they're doing as well as the Clinton foundation.

And yes you have left some out. There're the reports of Bill Clinton's dreams of sex with his daughter, the Hillary Clinton involvement in the death of Vince Foster, Kathleen Willey claim that Hillary had her cats killed, and of course the 1992 one in which BIll Clinton was was a Manchurian candidate who had been brainwashed by the Russians when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. And there were claims that the Clintons were connected to a major drug-running operation that had been based in Arkansas and tied to a series of murders. Yes, murders. Dozens of murders. If you haven't heard all these, have patience, you will.

Not a cottage industry. A megapolis industry. And it wouldn't be that way if the Clintons weren't so damned corrupt. And they have been involved in murders. Yes, murders.
And part of a great conspiracy to eliminate all life on earth. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You get direct deposit to do your propaganda?
That's pretty good but you left out a few beginning with Whitewater, Cardgate, Filegate, and the Birther conspiracy for starters.

I left out plenty. That's basically the point. These scandals aren't mere machinations. They're simply rotten people.
Oh, crap! There has been a cottage industry going for over 20 years now who create Clinton Scandals. Republican congressmen raise questions about Hillary and these guys supply answers and create scenarios circulated as fact.

Hillary and Bill happens to be a wonderful target because there is a ton of information available plus they make so much available to the public such as 16 years worth tax returns, press releases about everything they're doing as well as the Clinton foundation.

And yes you have left some out. There're the reports of Bill Clinton's dreams of sex with his daughter, the Hillary Clinton involvement in the death of Vince Foster, Kathleen Willey claim that Hillary had her cats killed, and of course the 1992 one in which BIll Clinton was was a Manchurian candidate who had been brainwashed by the Russians when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. And there were claims that the Clintons were connected to a major drug-running operation that had been based in Arkansas and tied to a series of murders. Yes, murders. Dozens of murders. If you haven't heard all these, have patience, you will.

Not a cottage industry. A megapolis industry. And it wouldn't be that way if the Clintons weren't so damned corrupt. And they have been involved in murders. Yes, murders.
And part of a great conspiracy to eliminate all life on earth. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You get direct deposit to do your propaganda?
No, but I will certainly exception contributions.
I left out plenty. That's basically the point. These scandals aren't mere machinations. They're simply rotten people.
Oh, crap! There has been a cottage industry going for over 20 years now who create Clinton Scandals. Republican congressmen raise questions about Hillary and these guys supply answers and create scenarios circulated as fact.

Hillary and Bill happens to be a wonderful target because there is a ton of information available plus they make so much available to the public such as 16 years worth tax returns, press releases about everything they're doing as well as the Clinton foundation.

And yes you have left some out. There're the reports of Bill Clinton's dreams of sex with his daughter, the Hillary Clinton involvement in the death of Vince Foster, Kathleen Willey claim that Hillary had her cats killed, and of course the 1992 one in which BIll Clinton was was a Manchurian candidate who had been brainwashed by the Russians when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. And there were claims that the Clintons were connected to a major drug-running operation that had been based in Arkansas and tied to a series of murders. Yes, murders. Dozens of murders. If you haven't heard all these, have patience, you will.

Not a cottage industry. A megapolis industry. And it wouldn't be that way if the Clintons weren't so damned corrupt. And they have been involved in murders. Yes, murders.
And part of a great conspiracy to eliminate all life on earth. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You get direct deposit to do your propaganda?
No, but I will certainly exception contributions.

Maybe, you should learn how to spell accept first.
Oh, crap! There has been a cottage industry going for over 20 years now who create Clinton Scandals. Republican congressmen raise questions about Hillary and these guys supply answers and create scenarios circulated as fact.

Hillary and Bill happens to be a wonderful target because there is a ton of information available plus they make so much available to the public such as 16 years worth tax returns, press releases about everything they're doing as well as the Clinton foundation.

And yes you have left some out. There're the reports of Bill Clinton's dreams of sex with his daughter, the Hillary Clinton involvement in the death of Vince Foster, Kathleen Willey claim that Hillary had her cats killed, and of course the 1992 one in which BIll Clinton was was a Manchurian candidate who had been brainwashed by the Russians when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. And there were claims that the Clintons were connected to a major drug-running operation that had been based in Arkansas and tied to a series of murders. Yes, murders. Dozens of murders. If you haven't heard all these, have patience, you will.

Not a cottage industry. A megapolis industry. And it wouldn't be that way if the Clintons weren't so damned corrupt. And they have been involved in murders. Yes, murders.
And part of a great conspiracy to eliminate all life on earth. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You get direct deposit to do your propaganda?
No, but I will certainly exception contributions.

Maybe, you should learn how to spell accept first.
Maybe I should heed the advice of my spell checker
Not a cottage industry. A megapolis industry. And it wouldn't be that way if the Clintons weren't so damned corrupt. And they have been involved in murders. Yes, murders.
And part of a great conspiracy to eliminate all life on earth. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You get direct deposit to do your propaganda?
No, but I will certainly exception contributions.

Maybe, you should learn how to spell accept first.
Maybe I should heed the advice of my spell checker

You're spell checker didn't tell you that you used the wrong word.

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