Hillary warned in an email not to use video excuse for Benghazi

Some bitches can't follow even the simplest instructions. Lack of conscience doesn't necessarily equate to level of intelligence.
The right's failed attempts to conflate their email lies with their Benghazi lies is both amusing and pathetic.
Hillary was not warned in an email... her underlings, according to your Briebart article, were. There was no email to Hillary on it....
Hillary was not warned in an email... her underlings, according to your Briebart article, were. There was no email to Hillary on it....
So let's see if I have this straight...

Hillary's employees wouldn't communicate with her...

And the Democrats claim that she could use a personal server to illegally send classified information because her underlings in the State Department "gave her permission"...

So you think she would make a good POTUS???

There was clearly a wall between the politically appointed crew at State an the foreign service pros who are there permanently.
I didn't like it either that she used the fucking video....

It had NOTHING to do with the fucking video. The middle east was blowing up in the arab spring at the time and the attack was part of it. They attacked because they wanted to kill Americans. Period.

This issue has hurt Hillary and I pray that the democrats aint stupid enough to give her the nomination.

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