Hillary: We need to have more empathy for ISIS (Warning: Images may be disturbing to some viewers)


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Hillary America should empathize with its enemies Fellowship of the Minds








What? 15 years ago this **** would of been finished for saying such shit. Empathy for someone that wants to sew our heads of and kill thousands of innocent people in such disgusting ways is a sign of a seriously messed up human being.
Stupid comments from a Stupid woman who somehow still believes we are responsible for this barbaric culture of ISIS.....................They deserve No Empathy...........No Respect.........and a one way ticket to Hell.............Some people can't get it through their thick skulls that for some over there they believe they are doing this for their religion. It is stamped in their brains and no amount of talk will change them.

We seen this in history, as people like this slaughtered millions for their perverted vision of their religious goals.............the only thing to be done with these people is to wipe them off the face of the earth........and what is unfortunate is that the balance of power will shift to the Shitte version of this after they are gone............and we begin again.

There is no reasoning with this.
Of course, we have to apologize for our freedom

OK..............I can live with that.....................

B52 drops with side notes of I apologize for killing the animals..................
So sorry we are killing your barbaric asses............or we come in Peace.
Stupid comments from a Stupid woman who somehow still believes we are responsible for this barbaric culture of ISIS.....................They deserve No Empathy...........No Respect.........and a one way ticket to Hell.............Some people can't get it through their thick skulls that for some over there they believe they are doing this for their religion. It is stamped in their brains and no amount of talk will change them.

We seen this in history, as people like this slaughtered millions for their perverted vision of their religious goals.............the only thing to be done with these people is to wipe them off the face of the earth........and what is unfortunate is that the balance of power will shift to the Shitte version of this after they are gone............and we begin again.

There is no reasoning with this.

When you and the rest of the NeoCons sign up to fight the next war, instead of sending some brown kid you promised a scholarship to, I'll take you all seriously on this issue.

Why is any of this OUR problem, again?

Are these bad guys? Yup. So was Somoza, so was Marcos, so was the Shah, so was Mubarek and so many other assholes we propped up.
Stupid comments from a Stupid woman who somehow still believes we are responsible for this barbaric culture of ISIS.....................They deserve No Empathy...........No Respect.........and a one way ticket to Hell.............Some people can't get it through their thick skulls that for some over there they believe they are doing this for their religion. It is stamped in their brains and no amount of talk will change them.

We seen this in history, as people like this slaughtered millions for their perverted vision of their religious goals.............the only thing to be done with these people is to wipe them off the face of the earth........and what is unfortunate is that the balance of power will shift to the Shitte version of this after they are gone............and we begin again.

There is no reasoning with this.

When you and the rest of the NeoCons sign up to fight the next war, instead of sending some brown kid you promised a scholarship to, I'll take you all seriously on this issue.

Why is any of this OUR problem, again?

Are these bad guys? Yup. So was Somoza, so was Marcos, so was the Shah, so was Mubarek and so many other assholes we propped up.
Tired old rant playing the same song...................telling it to people who have already served in that area before..........................

I've already been over there..............and allowing this Cancer to grow and spread is the act of FOOLS and those who think like Chamberlin before WWII................who cut a deal with Hitler saying they'll be nice now..................

When we do go ass hats like yourself think we need a bunch of rules instead of fighting it like a War and ending it once and for all.............

As far as Dictators go in the region................Dictators are the only ones who can keep a lid on the region because they understand the region better than we do..............Only a dictator can keep the radicals down over there or the place will go to hell like it is now................

On a side note.........I don't really give a damn about the region...........but I do give a damn about terrorism and the acts of Genocide in this world..............Catch 22 item...........we go in to kill these types to stop the death by killing..............which is and always has been a problem for civilized nations..............killing to stop the killing or to end the genocide......................

How about a novel idea and these types get out of the 7th century.
Tired old rant playing the same song...................telling it to people who have already served in that area before..........................

I've already been over there..............and allowing this Cancer to grow and spread is the act of FOOLS and those who think like Chamberlin before WWII................who cut a deal with Hitler saying they'll be nice now..................

No, Chamberlain wanted Hitler to fight Stalin for him. Please don't pretend that was about anything else.

When we do go ass hats like yourself think we need a bunch of rules instead of fighting it like a War and ending it once and for all.............

Yeah, guy, there are 1.6 billion of htem and only 300 million of us. And most of us aren't keen to fight for Oil Company Profits and Zionism like you are.

As far as Dictators go in the region................Dictators are the only ones who can keep a lid on the region because they understand the region better than we do..............Only a dictator can keep the radicals down over there or the place will go to hell like it is now

We supported Dictators in CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES. Fuck, we supported Marcos because clearly, those dangerous Filipinos were all needing to be kept under control. (I'm being facetious. Filipinos are probably the nicest people you'd ever want to meet, but man, we still supported a dictator.)

Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks into hornet's nests and complaining about getting stung.

On a side note.........I don't really give a damn about the region...........but I do give a damn about terrorism and the acts of Genocide in this world..............Catch 22 item...........we go in to kill these types to stop the death by killing..............which is and always has been a problem for civilized nations..............killing to stop the killing or to end the genocide......................

How about a novel idea and these types get out of the 7th century.

Guy, we've been interfering in that region for 40 years now, and everything we do seems to make matters worse. There's an old saying, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
Chamberlain wanted to get a Peace treaty with Hitler.........basically saying play nice............Bragged about the PEACE DEAL..................Stalin was another story............

If the British wanted him to fight Stalin for them then they wouldn't have declared War on Germany when they invaded Poland..........as that is the path to fight Stalin............

Stupid comment.................

We've been in that region a lot longer than 40 years..............and Western powers fought their in the world Wars in the early 20th Century...........

This region is the most invaded place in the history of the earth...........it's been conquered by different sides many times over...............

That will never change............putting your head in the sand and hoping they will not grow as they have in history is the policy of a Fool..................They want a global Jihad..............aka Caliphate and I can list the many many Caliphates over history if you like...............It's just what they do.............until someone knocks their stinking butts back where they belong................

Ignoring it, or Appeasement never works...............which is your proposed strategy......
Chamberlain wanted to get a Peace treaty with Hitler.........basically saying play nice............Bragged about the PEACE DEAL..................Stalin was another story............

Uh, no, actually, he wanted to avoid a war over Czechoslovakia that would have brought the Soviets into eastern Europe.

You see, the USSR had a treaty with Czechoslovakia that would have brought Russia into the war, but ONLY if France also declared war on Germany. Chamberlain and other western leaders were more scared of Stalin than Hitler at that time.
That will never change............putting your head in the sand and hoping they will not grow as they have in history is the policy of a Fool..................They want a global Jihad..............aka Caliphate and I can list the many many Caliphates over history if you like...............It's just what they do.............until someone knocks their stinking butts back where they belong....

Guy, again, you are mistaking Muslims for "The Borg" from Star Trek.

They are not a collective hive-mind looking to assimilate you. Are there a few fanatics? Yup. There are a lot of fanatic Christians too, and they are far better positioned to make my life miserable.
More empathy for ISIS?! For this bastards who kill innocent people only because they believe not in Allah?
Why should i have "more empathy" for people who soon will(if Obama will not start direct actions against them!) destroy our country?! No!
Stupid comments from a Stupid woman who somehow still believes we are responsible for this barbaric culture of ISIS.....................They deserve No Empathy...........No Respect.........and a one way ticket to Hell.............Some people can't get it through their thick skulls that for some over there they believe they are doing this for their religion. It is stamped in their brains and no amount of talk will change them.

We seen this in history, as people like this slaughtered millions for their perverted vision of their religious goals.............the only thing to be done with these people is to wipe them off the face of the earth........and what is unfortunate is that the balance of power will shift to the Shitte version of this after they are gone............and we begin again.

There is no reasoning with this.

When you and the rest of the NeoCons sign up to fight the next war, instead of sending some brown kid you promised a scholarship to, I'll take you all seriously on this issue.

Why is any of this OUR problem, again?

Are these bad guys? Yup. So was Somoza, so was Marcos, so was the Shah, so was Mubarek and so many other assholes we propped up.

Don't worry, no one will force you to do anything. You will still be free to bash the country that gives you the freedom to bash your country.
It is stamped in their brains and no amount of talk will change them.

we will never get the liberfools to grasp that FACT, they have stamped in their minuscule brains that talk will change everything and anything about the radical muslimes. i just wish these muslime sympathizers here on USMB and other places would go over there and sweet talk those who kill babies, pregnant women and all infidels. :up:

any of you liberfools up for the task of TALKING to the be-headers ?

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