Hillary; White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

that isn't what she said... but i think you should keep getting your information from the insane dishonest rightwingnut blogosphere. :thup:

and if you're concerned about candidates revving up racial differences, you should really reserve your criticisms for the donald.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

that isn't what she said... but i think you should keep getting your information from the insane dishonest rightwingnut blogosphere. :thup:

and if you're concerned about candidates revving up racial differences, you should really reserve your criticisms for the donald.

And what did Donald say that was racist?
One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance.

Another might be to place the same standards and expectations on them as we do every other ethnic group.

Another might be to stop isolating them by constantly calling out their skin color.

Real racism is clearly fading away. It'll still be a little while yet, but the fade is happening quickly.

Maybe now we can treat them with respect and dignity. My guess is they'll do great if we just get out of their way.
But if we did that, how could the Democrats keep milking them for political power as they have for centuries?
Correct. Truth be told, I was just engaging in wishful thinking.

Too many have too much invested (politically, professionally, ideologically) in keeping blacks isolated and angry.

The day that black folks wake up and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, the Democrats are fucked, politically.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

that isn't what she said... but i think you should keep getting your information from the insane dishonest rightwingnut blogosphere. :thup:

and if you're concerned about candidates revving up racial differences, you should really reserve your criticisms for the donald.

And what did Donald say that was racist?

One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance.

Another might be to place the same standards and expectations on them as we do every other ethnic group.

Another might be to stop isolating them by constantly calling out their skin color.

Real racism is clearly fading away. It'll still be a little while yet, but the fade is happening quickly.

Maybe now we can treat them with respect and dignity. My guess is they'll do great if we just get out of their way.
But if we did that, how could the Democrats keep milking them for political power as they have for centuries?
Correct. Truth be told, I was just engaging in wishful thinking.

Too many have too much invested (politically, professionally, ideologically) in keeping blacks isolated and angry.

The day that black folks wake up and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, the Democrats are fucked, politically.

you still don't get why you don't have support from black people.

read your own post.... then read the constant spew of rightwingnut racism on this board.

but they should vote for you?

you're pathetic.
One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance.

Another might be to place the same standards and expectations on them as we do every other ethnic group.

Another might be to stop isolating them by constantly calling out their skin color.

Real racism is clearly fading away. It'll still be a little while yet, but the fade is happening quickly.

Maybe now we can treat them with respect and dignity. My guess is they'll do great if we just get out of their way.
But if we did that, how could the Democrats keep milking them for political power as they have for centuries?
Correct. Truth be told, I was just engaging in wishful thinking.

Too many have too much invested (politically, professionally, ideologically) in keeping blacks isolated and angry.

The day that black folks wake up and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, the Democrats are fucked, politically.

you still don't get why you don't have support from black people.

read your own post.... then read the constant spew of rightwingnut racism on this board.

but they should vote for you?

you're pathetic.

Cconservatives don't get the black vote, because conservatives don't constantly promise a free ride.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

To think after Thursdays Republican debate I was fed up with the Republican Party. Then Hillary goes and does this and I recall why I could never vote for a Democrat. Guess I'm back on the GOP/Trump bandwagon.
One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance.

Another might be to place the same standards and expectations on them as we do every other ethnic group.

Another might be to stop isolating them by constantly calling out their skin color.

Real racism is clearly fading away. It'll still be a little while yet, but the fade is happening quickly.

Maybe now we can treat them with respect and dignity. My guess is they'll do great if we just get out of their way.
But if we did that, how could the Democrats keep milking them for political power as they have for centuries?
Correct. Truth be told, I was just engaging in wishful thinking.

Too many have too much invested (politically, professionally, ideologically) in keeping blacks isolated and angry.

The day that black folks wake up and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, the Democrats are fucked, politically.

you still don't get why you don't have support from black people.

read your own post.... then read the constant spew of rightwingnut racism on this board.

but they should vote for you?

you're pathetic.

Cconservatives don't get the black vote, because conservatives don't constantly promise a free ride.
And the fact that 50% of black American voters are so racist that Republicans would have to promise to send all white Americans to FEMA camps in order to steal those votes from the Democrats.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

that isn't what she said... but i think you should keep getting your information from the insane dishonest rightwingnut blogosphere. :thup:

and if you're concerned about candidates revving up racial differences, you should really reserve your criticisms for the donald.

And what did Donald say that was racist?


Right, that's what I thought.
Some things never change among the puppet like right wing conservatives.

Dog Whistle Politics

One of the great ironies of Romney's recent attack on Trump was the hypocrisy of his words. Racism is at base the republican party for sixty years and counting.

"But there is another level of dog whistle politics evident in Romney's campaign, a deeper connection far more consequential to the middle class yet completely unseen by most critics. Romney's true debt to dog whistle politics lay in his ability to garner widespread support while espousing plutocratic priorities. Like a reincarnated Barry Goldwater tilting against the New Deal, Romney cast himself as a champion of the middle class, promising rescue from the economic crisis and a new era of prosperity. But what were his actual proposals? Favoring sweeping pronouncements over revealing detail, Romney reiterated three themes: he would slash taxes (while also balancing the budget); he would prune away government regulation and even excess government itself, liberating the engine of private enterprise; and he would pare government entitlement programs that transferred resources to the least productive elements in society. These were hardly prescriptions likely to help the great bulk of the middle class, especially if understood as families with incomes below six figures. Instead, Romney effectively campaigned on the promise to enact the policy preferences of society's moguls: tax cuts for the rich; deregulation; reduced social spending. p163 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López

I think you are on the wrong thread. This is about a Democrat that uses race as tool to keep people enslaved to the Democrats and buy the votes.

Of course I understand why Democrats need to divert the thread to something else. They look pretty self serving here.
When it comes to the Clintons you have to pay close attention to their phrasing. Notice she said "Black families HAVE 8 cents on the dollar compared to white families". Not earn, have. So how pray tell does the government "fix" that? Property seizure? 401K redistribution? She is being even more Racially inflammatory than the Divider In Chief and Al Sharpton put together.

Yep she need the black vote, which so easy to manipulate, to beat Sanders.

Come the generals you won't hear a thing about blackie it will all switch to brownie!
Some things never change among the puppet like right wing conservatives.

Dog Whistle Politics

One of the great ironies of Romney's recent attack on Trump was the hypocrisy of his words. Racism is at base the republican party for sixty years and counting.

"But there is another level of dog whistle politics evident in Romney's campaign, a deeper connection far more consequential to the middle class yet completely unseen by most critics. Romney's true debt to dog whistle politics lay in his ability to garner widespread support while espousing plutocratic priorities. Like a reincarnated Barry Goldwater tilting against the New Deal, Romney cast himself as a champion of the middle class, promising rescue from the economic crisis and a new era of prosperity. But what were his actual proposals? Favoring sweeping pronouncements over revealing detail, Romney reiterated three themes: he would slash taxes (while also balancing the budget); he would prune away government regulation and even excess government itself, liberating the engine of private enterprise; and he would pare government entitlement programs that transferred resources to the least productive elements in society. These were hardly prescriptions likely to help the great bulk of the middle class, especially if understood as families with incomes below six figures. Instead, Romney effectively campaigned on the promise to enact the policy preferences of society's moguls: tax cuts for the rich; deregulation; reduced social spending. p163 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López

So Ike (R) was a racist for sending in troops to make the Democrats desegregate their schools?
When it comes to the Clintons you have to pay close attention to their phrasing. Notice she said "Black families HAVE 8 cents on the dollar compared to white families". Not earn, have. So how pray tell does the government "fix" that? Property seizure? 401K redistribution? She is being even more Racially inflammatory than the Divider In Chief and Al Sharpton put together.

Yep she need the black vote, which so easy to manipulate, to beat Sanders.

Come the generals you won't hear a thing about blackie it will all switch to brownie!

What we will mostly hear about is the same we've heard in every other presidential debate: what the Republicans want to take away from you.

That message has more power now that we have the most government dependents than we've ever had under the DumBama administration. It will certainly get the attention of the 45 million food stamp recipients we have in this country.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."
No one is going to believe someone with a hundred million dollars ever said that.

Try again.
The entire foundation and theme of the Dimocrat party, is to convince Americans (and illegals) that they are victims and need government help in order to even exist.
They are the string that keeps the kite from flying free, and whose objective is to decide only the amount of the tether to unwind, instead of no tether at all.

The Dimocrat party NEEDS people to NEED them.

Yep, that's why they use everyone (black folks, Homosexuals, Latinos, Indians, etc etc) like Hilary is here for their Dirty politics of Class warfare. pitting groups of people against each other. they can't win on anything good because they don't have anything good. People need to just look at how they VOTED them out of Control of Congress under Obama because they shoved that pos ObamaCare down our throats. Hillary is as slimy as Obama.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."
No one is going to believe someone with a hundred million dollars ever said that.

Try again.
The gullibility of Democrats is simply legendary.

People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."
No one is going to believe someone with a hundred million dollars ever said that.

Try again.
The gullibility of Democrats is simply legendary.


THAT'S their party in a nutshell.

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