Hillary; White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

There is a reason for that...it's called work, getting an education, applying one's self.
Not so easy when you're told from the day you're born you don't have a chance.

Anyone would underperform, regardless of ethnicity, when you're literally raised in a culture of hopelessness.

That's precisely how you get government to take on the role as the responsible "parent". They know what's best for you, you can't make it on your own without them, trust them to protect you and provide what they think you need. Dependency and fear are the best forms of control, and democrats thrive on the rhetoric that you couldn't possibly make on your own without government being there to support you.
White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

There is a reason for that...it's called work, getting an education, applying one's self.
Not so easy when you're told from the day you're born you don't have a chance.

Anyone would underperform, regardless of ethnicity, when you're literally raised in a culture of hopelessness.

That's complete BS and a lame excuse. You are responsible for yourself, grab your boots and get at it

As long as people have excuses and a candidate like Hillary that enforces those excuses, things won't get better for them. They'll be doing exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they would.
The sure solution is to get the government out of the fucking way and let people create new businesses and jobs.

Hey Jim, what business did you create and how many jobs? Just curious.

Or has the hated guvmint stopped you from prospering?

That's right. You're going to tell us how successful a business you have yet to prove you own has become.
Some things never change among the puppet like right wing conservatives.

Dog Whistle Politics

One of the great ironies of Romney's recent attack on Trump was the hypocrisy of his words. Racism is at base the republican party for sixty years and counting.

"But there is another level of dog whistle politics evident in Romney's campaign, a deeper connection far more consequential to the middle class yet completely unseen by most critics. Romney's true debt to dog whistle politics lay in his ability to garner widespread support while espousing plutocratic priorities. Like a reincarnated Barry Goldwater tilting against the New Deal, Romney cast himself as a champion of the middle class, promising rescue from the economic crisis and a new era of prosperity. But what were his actual proposals? Favoring sweeping pronouncements over revealing detail, Romney reiterated three themes: he would slash taxes (while also balancing the budget); he would prune away government regulation and even excess government itself, liberating the engine of private enterprise; and he would pare government entitlement programs that transferred resources to the least productive elements in society. These were hardly prescriptions likely to help the great bulk of the middle class, especially if understood as families with incomes below six figures. Instead, Romney effectively campaigned on the promise to enact the policy preferences of society's moguls: tax cuts for the rich; deregulation; reduced social spending. p163 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
Dude, Hillary said it, its right there.

Though a dog whistle might be an appropriate metaphore for communicating with her.

People like midcan are those that claim they would still vote for Hillary even if indicted.
It is an election year.............Hillary is using the standard bullet points of the Dems. They do this every election. It's nothing new..

What is new is that they are coming out so plainly with their intentions while the world is wired up to the greatest communications networks in the history of mankind.

With Majority Minority approaching, and with the die hard lefties who would vote for this crap regardless, they are hiding it less.

This is nothing compared to what they will do in the future.

I fully expect Reparations to be a serious issue within my lifetime.
It is an election year.............Hillary is using the standard bullet points of the Dems. They do this every election. It's nothing new..

What is new is that they are coming out so plainly with their intentions while the world is wired up to the greatest communications networks in the history of mankind.

With Majority Minority approaching, and with the die hard lefties who would vote for this crap regardless, they are hiding it less.

This is nothing compared to what they will do in the future.

I fully expect Reparations to be a serious issue within my lifetime.
The left has become bold with there agenda..............It is clearly hard left.............they would attack JFK now.
did Hillary also tell her fans that she can get 250,000 for a speech,and that it would take the average black person 124 years to make 250,000?
just what we need. another race baiting old bitty like Obama. only difference this old bitty is worth 60 MILLIONS dollars. I guess she left that part out in her race baiting eh?
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Do you realize that the republican party is playing middle aged, disenfranchised white people in the same manner as blacks are played by democrats.

White people have dog whistles like blacks do.

What's the difference?. Except you are white.

The difference is I earn my living not expect the government to provide it to me. Maybe that's because I'm white.

Break down the numbers and the truth comes out.

There are 325 million people in the U.S. with 45 million on food stamps.

Of that 325 million, 227 million are white and 41 million are black.

Of that 45 million on food stamps, 39.8% (17.9 million) are white and 25.5% (11.5 million) are black.

Dividing 17.9 million whites on food stamps into the overall population of whites, you get 7.9%. That translates to approximately 1 in every 12 1/2 whites in the U.S. receiving food stamps.

Dividing 11.5 million blacks on food stamps into the overall population of blacks, you get 28%. That translates to approximately 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks in the U.S. receiving food stamps.

It's not a shock that 95% of blacks vote Democrat. Democrats like Hillary are willing to pander to them and say the reasons this occurs is because of white people and the ever popular Liberal excuse she uses in her commercials of systemic racism. In other words, the only reason Hillary has for blacks being where they are is racism. Guess she never thought of the high bastard birth rate which is over 70%.
did Hillary also tell her fans that she can get 250,000 for a speech,and that it would take the average black person 124 years to make 250,000?

Hillary is the exception where it's OK with her for a white person to make that much more. She's looking out for them.
just what we need. another race baiting old bitty like Obama. only difference this old bitty is worth 60 MILLIONS dollars. I guess she left that part out in her race baiting eh?

I've noticed in her commercials that she's using the "systemic racism" excuse for this type of thing.
like i mentioned earlier,,,according to Hillary, there are 94 Million poor black people in the USA and 200 million rich racist white people (give or take a million)
I would think Hillary would be will willing to give up a bit of her money, no? Using online search "____ Clinton net worth" I got $21.5M; Bill - $80M; using "_____ Clinton residence" I got $1.33M for Chapaqua (and pics) and I believe she also had a residence in DC/area during Senatorial and Secretary of State days ... otherwise I can only assume she shuttled back and forth between DC and NY at taxpayer expense as did her pal Nancy Pelosi, (net worth $100M).

Oh ... and there's also all those continuing 6 figure fees for speaking engagements for both of them. And who knows how much of the Clinton Foundation money is diverted to them.
No Granny, they can't give up any of their money. they hang onto to theirs and suck us taxpayers into the poor house for their pet projects like she's talking about. what doesn't black people see, is why are they still in such bad shape? they've been voting for Democrat promises for what: fifty years. and then they even put a man who was black who is a Democrat for President and Hillary is still telling them they are poor poor pitiful people. they should be Offended is what they should be.
she is such a snake and nasty woman
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Then by all means, bitch, give them some of your millions! Of wait, I forgot....she's 'BROKE'!

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