Hillary; White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance..
Quote Hillary Clinton ever saying that.
Quote anyone ever saying that.
I have long since determined it's essentially impossible to communicate with you.

Most people would look at that post (before you snipped it) and understand what I'm talking about. They would see the larger picture. They would see the context. They would see that I am paraphrasing an overall philosophy that has been in existence for generations now.

But no, not you. You try to deflect from the larger point by trying to narrow it down to one specific thing.

Look it up yourself. If you were actually curious, if you were REMOTELY curious, if you had the slightest amount of personal honesty, it wouldn't be tough to fund that context.

Intellectual elasticity really isn't that difficult, I swear.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."
She can always donate them some of hers.

Hey libs why you never put your money where your mouth is?
One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance..
Quote Hillary Clinton ever saying that.
Quote anyone ever saying that.
I have long since determined it's essentially impossible to communicate with you.

Most people would look at that post (before you snipped it) and understand what I'm talking about. They would see the larger picture. They would see the context. They would see that I am paraphrasing an overall philosophy that has been in existence for generations now.

But no, not you. You try to deflect from the larger point by trying to narrow it down to one specific thing.

Look it up yourself. If you were actually curious, if you were REMOTELY curious, if you had the slightest amount of personal honesty, it wouldn't be tough to fund that context.

Intellectual elasticity really isn't that difficult, I swear.

"One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance."

Who tells them that? Name some names. Give some real life examples.
One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance..
Quote Hillary Clinton ever saying that.
Quote anyone ever saying that.
I have long since determined it's essentially impossible to communicate with you.

Most people would look at that post (before you snipped it) and understand what I'm talking about. They would see the larger picture. They would see the context. They would see that I am paraphrasing an overall philosophy that has been in existence for generations now.

But no, not you. You try to deflect from the larger point by trying to narrow it down to one specific thing.

Look it up yourself. If you were actually curious, if you were REMOTELY curious, if you had the slightest amount of personal honesty, it wouldn't be tough to fund that context.

Intellectual elasticity really isn't that difficult, I swear.

"One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance."

Who tells them that? Name some names. Give some real life examples.
Look it up.


Intellectual elasticity.

It ain't that tough, I swear.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

No one is taking money from you, you old fool, you're on disability, sucking off the Government teat.

Well, that is a personal choice. I planned to work till I couldn't do it any more, which I had presumed would be in my 80s, lol, but my back went bad and here I am on disability.
When it comes to the Clintons you have to pay close attention to their phrasing. Notice she said "Black families HAVE 8 cents on the dollar compared to white families". Not earn, have. So how pray tell does the government "fix" that? Property seizure? 401K redistribution? She is being even more Racially inflammatory than the Divider In Chief and Al Sharpton put together.
anytime you see someone use the term dog whistle....read I'm pulling it out of my ass......
It is an election year.............Hillary is using the standard bullet points of the Dems. They do this every election. It's nothing new..

What is new is that they are coming out so plainly with their intentions while the world is wired up to the greatest communications networks in the history of mankind.

With Majority Minority approaching, and with the die hard lefties who would vote for this crap regardless, they are hiding it less.

This is nothing compared to what they will do in the future.

I fully expect Reparations to be a serious issue within my lifetime.
To a degree this is a false concern, IF Hispanics begin to assimilate. They are caucasian and that some consider them not to be white is a social construct that is transitory. There was a time when Italians and slavs were not considered white either, but now no one claims such nonsense.

The best solution is to end all reference to race by law, period.
The entire foundation and theme of the Dimocrat party, is to convince Americans (and illegals) that they are victims and need government help in order to even exist.
They are the string that keeps the kite from flying free, and whose objective is to decide only the amount of the tether to unwind, instead of no tether at all.

The Dimocrat party NEEDS people to NEED them.
Not so easy when you're told from the day you're born you don't have a chance.

Anyone would underperform, regardless of ethnicity, when you're literally raised in a culture of hopelessness.

That is true.

It needs to stop; generations are being milked for their votes through their being convinced that the reason they have little is because others have more. Not because they need to knock off self-destructive behaviour and do some work. I do with that party - and you know who you are - would give it a rest. I'm sure Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky sees it differently but I can't help wondering whether this inequality could not he fixed in one generation just by her finding a different milch-cow.
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One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance..
Quote Hillary Clinton ever saying that.
Quote anyone ever saying that.
I have long since determined it's essentially impossible to communicate with you.

Most people would look at that post (before you snipped it) and understand what I'm talking about. They would see the larger picture. They would see the context. They would see that I am paraphrasing an overall philosophy that has been in existence for generations now.

But no, not you. You try to deflect from the larger point by trying to narrow it down to one specific thing.

Look it up yourself. If you were actually curious, if you were REMOTELY curious, if you had the slightest amount of personal honesty, it wouldn't be tough to fund that context.

Intellectual elasticity really isn't that difficult, I swear.

"One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance."

Who tells them that? Name some names. Give some real life examples.

- DOJ Expert Witness: Blacks Are Less Sophisticated Voters
maybe Hillary needs to tell all young black men that they need to lower their sex drives and use condoms and/or inatimate objects instead of young black females?
One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance.

Another might be to place the same standards and expectations on them as we do every other ethnic group.

Another might be to stop isolating them by constantly calling out their skin color.

Real racism is clearly fading away. It'll still be a little while yet, but the fade is happening quickly.

Maybe now we can treat them with respect and dignity. My guess is they'll do great if we just get out of their way.
But if we did that, how could the Democrats keep milking them for political power as they have for centuries?
Or how could Republicans use it either. If people don't let these divisive type issues serve the political agendas everyone would be better for it.
One part of the solution might be to stop telling them from birth that they don't have a chance.

Another might be to place the same standards and expectations on them as we do every other ethnic group.

Another might be to stop isolating them by constantly calling out their skin color.

Real racism is clearly fading away. It'll still be a little while yet, but the fade is happening quickly.

Maybe now we can treat them with respect and dignity. My guess is they'll do great if we just get out of their way.

But how can Regressives win votes by divide and conquer if they treat everyone equally?
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

I don't think it is fixable, blacks are hopeless. First, black babies usually have an absentee to unknown father. Over 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Can't these people ever use s god damn condom? May times the mother is a teenager, druggie or both. These kids grow up without structure or discipline.

Second, unlike Asians, Indians and Jews, Blacks do not praise, invest in or strive for education. The easiest way to find out if a school is bad is by the amount of blacks they have. Not only do they not see doing good grades and trying hard in school as important, they mock and tear down black kids who do well in school. Even the adults consider a studious kid as acting white. Make no mistake even a black kid in at all white school is usually at the bottom of the class ranks. Some break the mold (like the great Ben Carson), but most do not! Blacks put little stock in education and it shows in the statistics.

They are prone to violence. Make no mistake the most dangerous part of any city in America or Europe is the ones that are majority black. Blacks are prone to violence. Not only violence against each other, but racial violence. They are like 3 yrs when it comes to violence. It doesn't matter if the victim is elderly, disabled, female or child, you do the slightest thing or are the wrong race they attack like a swarm. This violent tendencies of the black community makes them filled with gangs and destroys the communities. They complain about no jobs, but why would a business want to move into a crime filled area where the pool of workers are uneducated violent people?

They never take responsibility for their actions. It is always someone else. As a whole they are pathetic. They dress with their asses hanging out and talk like illiterate assholes and then blame whites for white they can't get hired.

This phenomenon is not isolated to America. The black community is far worst off in Europe. The black community in Europe is utterly hopeless and tearing Europe down piece by piece. The armpit of the Western Hemisphere are the black run countries: Jamaica and Haiti.

Africa has always been a hopeless continent! The place where counties only go backwards no forwards, every part of black Africa is plagued with violence, corrupt governments, famine, rape, AIDS and always on the brink of collapse. It is pathetic.

There is nothing the we can do, blacks are hopeless!
You must live in a very small bubble area. Crime is rising all over in poverty ridden areas no matter what the race of the people are in those areas.

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