Hillary; White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Do you realize that the republican party is playing middle aged, disenfranchised white people in the same manner as blacks are played by democrats.

White people have dog whistles like blacks do.

What's the difference?. Except you are white.
If we deport negroes and kick all the Jews out of our financial markets, all our financial problems would be solved.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."
...and she's a loopy kunt
"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

America is the land of opportunity, if one fails it is no ones fault but the person who is crying the blues, there are many, many successful colored (as per NAACP guidelines) folks in this country, i could name several, but why ? if anyone has a shred of intelligence anyone knows them. :up:
Some things never change among the puppet like right wing conservatives.

Dog Whistle Politics

One of the great ironies of Romney's recent attack on Trump was the hypocrisy of his words. Racism is at base the republican party for sixty years and counting.

"But there is another level of dog whistle politics evident in Romney's campaign, a deeper connection far more consequential to the middle class yet completely unseen by most critics. Romney's true debt to dog whistle politics lay in his ability to garner widespread support while espousing plutocratic priorities. Like a reincarnated Barry Goldwater tilting against the New Deal, Romney cast himself as a champion of the middle class, promising rescue from the economic crisis and a new era of prosperity. But what were his actual proposals? Favoring sweeping pronouncements over revealing detail, Romney reiterated three themes: he would slash taxes (while also balancing the budget); he would prune away government regulation and even excess government itself, liberating the engine of private enterprise; and he would pare government entitlement programs that transferred resources to the least productive elements in society. These were hardly prescriptions likely to help the great bulk of the middle class, especially if understood as families with incomes below six figures. Instead, Romney effectively campaigned on the promise to enact the policy preferences of society's moguls: tax cuts for the rich; deregulation; reduced social spending. p163 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
...another control freak
White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

There is a reason for that...it's called work, getting an education, applying one's self.
Not so easy when you're told from the day you're born you don't have a chance.

Anyone would underperform, regardless of ethnicity, when you're literally raised in a culture of hopelessness.

That's complete BS and a lame excuse. You are responsible for yourself, grab your boots and get at it
Here's an example.

As I've said before here, our extended family Christmas group photos are pretty much technicolor, all over the place. My wife's sister is married to a kid whose parents were born and raised in Nigeria. They came to America (legally, of course) and kicked ass in real estate. Their "problem" was that they were never told that they couldn't do that. They knew how lucky they were to be here, and they ran with it.

The kid? Skin pretty much as dark as skin can get. He's fucking brilliant and rising up through the ranks in the Air Force. He had the same problem: He was never told that being successful and happy in America is impossible if you don't have the right skin color.

Yes, that's anecdotal. But I have no doubt that the culture in which we're raised plays a part in who we are.
People, you think that the Democrats would never use a blatantly racist set of laws to rip money from us and give it to blacks?

Well, grab the Vaseline jar and prepare to bend over, cause if she gets elected we are all fucked.

Maybe that is why she is grabbing such a huge swathe of the black vote? What has she promised to get the black vote over the give aways of Socialist Sanders?

Hillary Pushing Racial Warfare: White Are Too Rich & Blacks Too Poor We Need More Wealth Redistribution – BB4SP

"A typical African-American family has 8 cents for every dollar a white family has. We need to fix that."

I don't think it is fixable, blacks are hopeless. First, black babies usually have an absentee to unknown father. Over 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Can't these people ever use s god damn condom? May times the mother is a teenager, druggie or both. These kids grow up without structure or discipline.

Second, unlike Asians, Indians and Jews, Blacks do not praise, invest in or strive for education. The easiest way to find out if a school is bad is by the amount of blacks they have. Not only do they not see doing good grades and trying hard in school as important, they mock and tear down black kids who do well in school. Even the adults consider a studious kid as acting white. Make no mistake even a black kid in at all white school is usually at the bottom of the class ranks. Some break the mold (like the great Ben Carson), but most do not! Blacks put little stock in education and it shows in the statistics.

They are prone to violence. Make no mistake the most dangerous part of any city in America or Europe is the ones that are majority black. Blacks are prone to violence. Not only violence against each other, but racial violence. They are like 3 yrs when it comes to violence. It doesn't matter if the victim is elderly, disabled, female or child, you do the slightest thing or are the wrong race they attack like a swarm. This violent tendencies of the black community makes them filled with gangs and destroys the communities. They complain about no jobs, but why would a business want to move into a crime filled area where the pool of workers are uneducated violent people?

They never take responsibility for their actions. It is always someone else. As a whole they are pathetic. They dress with their asses hanging out and talk like illiterate assholes and then blame whites for white they can't get hired.

This phenomenon is not isolated to America. The black community is far worst off in Europe. The black community in Europe is utterly hopeless and tearing Europe down piece by piece. The armpit of the Western Hemisphere are the black run countries: Jamaica and Haiti.

Africa has always been a hopeless continent! The place where counties only go backwards no forwards, every part of black Africa is plagued with violence, corrupt governments, famine, rape, AIDS and always on the brink of collapse. It is pathetic.

There is nothing the we can do, blacks are hopeless!
White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

There is a reason for that...it's called work, getting an education, applying one's self.
Not so easy when you're told from the day you're born you don't have a chance.

Anyone would underperform, regardless of ethnicity, when you're literally raised in a culture of hopelessness.

That's complete BS and a lame excuse. You are responsible for yourself, grab your boots and get at it
Here's an example.

As I've said before here, our extended family Christmas group photos are pretty much technicolor, all over the place. My wife's sister is married to a kid whose parents were born and raised in Nigeria. They came to America (legally, of course) and kicked ass in real estate. Their "problem" was that they were never told that they couldn't do that. They knew how lucky they were to be here, and they ran with it.

The kid? Skin pretty much as dark as skin can get. He's fucking brilliant and rising up through the ranks in the Air Force. He had the same problem: He was never told that being successful and happy in America is impossible if you don't have the right skin color.

Yes, that's anecdotal. But I have no doubt that the culture in which we're raised plays a part in who we are.

At some point in your life you realize there are opportunities available, you either break out or stay where you are, dependent on others
Some things never change among the puppet like right wing conservatives.

Dog Whistle Politics

One of the great ironies of Romney's recent attack on Trump was the hypocrisy of his words. Racism is at base the republican party for sixty years and counting.

"But there is another level of dog whistle politics evident in Romney's campaign, a deeper connection far more consequential to the middle class yet completely unseen by most critics. Romney's true debt to dog whistle politics lay in his ability to garner widespread support while espousing plutocratic priorities. Like a reincarnated Barry Goldwater tilting against the New Deal, Romney cast himself as a champion of the middle class, promising rescue from the economic crisis and a new era of prosperity. But what were his actual proposals? Favoring sweeping pronouncements over revealing detail, Romney reiterated three themes: he would slash taxes (while also balancing the budget); he would prune away government regulation and even excess government itself, liberating the engine of private enterprise; and he would pare government entitlement programs that transferred resources to the least productive elements in society. These were hardly prescriptions likely to help the great bulk of the middle class, especially if understood as families with incomes below six figures. Instead, Romney effectively campaigned on the promise to enact the policy preferences of society's moguls: tax cuts for the rich; deregulation; reduced social spending. p163 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
Dude, Hillary said it, its right there.

Though a dog whistle might be an appropriate metaphore for communicating with her.

I don't know about that. I did a quick search and this site (which I've never heard of before) is the only one reporting she made that comment. It sounds like something she could have said and it makes for an interesting topic, but I think such a comment would have drawn more media attention.
White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

There is a reason for that...it's called work, getting an education, applying one's self.
Not so easy when you're told from the day you're born you don't have a chance.

Anyone would underperform, regardless of ethnicity, when you're literally raised in a culture of hopelessness.

That's complete BS and a lame excuse. You are responsible for yourself, grab your boots and get at it
Here's an example.

As I've said before here, our extended family Christmas group photos are pretty much technicolor, all over the place. My wife's sister is married to a kid whose parents were born and raised in Nigeria. They came to America (legally, of course) and kicked ass in real estate. Their "problem" was that they were never told that they couldn't do that. They knew how lucky they were to be here, and they ran with it.

The kid? Skin pretty much as dark as skin can get. He's fucking brilliant and rising up through the ranks in the Air Force. He had the same problem: He was never told that being successful and happy in America is impossible if you don't have the right skin color.

Yes, that's anecdotal. But I have no doubt that the culture in which we're raised plays a part in who we are.

At some point in your life you realize there are opportunities available, you either break out or stay where you are, dependent on others
Sure, that can happen, but until that point you're behind the curve. That really does matter. Catching up takes twice the effort, at least.

Is that really fair?
White People have too Much Money, and Blacks Have too Little

There is a reason for that...it's called work, getting an education, applying one's self.
Not so easy when you're told from the day you're born you don't have a chance.

Anyone would underperform, regardless of ethnicity, when you're literally raised in a culture of hopelessness.

That's complete BS and a lame excuse. You are responsible for yourself, grab your boots and get at it
Here's an example.

As I've said before here, our extended family Christmas group photos are pretty much technicolor, all over the place. My wife's sister is married to a kid whose parents were born and raised in Nigeria. They came to America (legally, of course) and kicked ass in real estate. Their "problem" was that they were never told that they couldn't do that. They knew how lucky they were to be here, and they ran with it.

The kid? Skin pretty much as dark as skin can get. He's fucking brilliant and rising up through the ranks in the Air Force. He had the same problem: He was never told that being successful and happy in America is impossible if you don't have the right skin color.

Yes, that's anecdotal. But I have no doubt that the culture in which we're raised plays a part in who we are.

At some point in your life you realize there are opportunities available, you either break out or stay where you are, dependent on others
Sure, that can happen, but until that point you're behind the curve. That really does matter. Catching up takes twice the effort, at least.

Is that really fair?

Life isn't fair, you either make something happen or you stay down. Blacks have been given opportunities, if they fail to take advantage then it's on them, not me
Not so easy when you're told from the day you're born you don't have a chance.

Anyone would underperform, regardless of ethnicity, when you're literally raised in a culture of hopelessness.

That's complete BS and a lame excuse. You are responsible for yourself, grab your boots and get at it
Here's an example.

As I've said before here, our extended family Christmas group photos are pretty much technicolor, all over the place. My wife's sister is married to a kid whose parents were born and raised in Nigeria. They came to America (legally, of course) and kicked ass in real estate. Their "problem" was that they were never told that they couldn't do that. They knew how lucky they were to be here, and they ran with it.

The kid? Skin pretty much as dark as skin can get. He's fucking brilliant and rising up through the ranks in the Air Force. He had the same problem: He was never told that being successful and happy in America is impossible if you don't have the right skin color.

Yes, that's anecdotal. But I have no doubt that the culture in which we're raised plays a part in who we are.

At some point in your life you realize there are opportunities available, you either break out or stay where you are, dependent on others
Sure, that can happen, but until that point you're behind the curve. That really does matter. Catching up takes twice the effort, at least.

Is that really fair?

Life isn't fair, you either make something happen or you stay down. Blacks have been given opportunities, if they fail to take advantage then it's on them, not me
Can't argue that life isn't fair, very true. I'm just saying that many are significantly hamstrung from birth for politically-motivated reasons.
That's complete BS and a lame excuse. You are responsible for yourself, grab your boots and get at it
Here's an example.

As I've said before here, our extended family Christmas group photos are pretty much technicolor, all over the place. My wife's sister is married to a kid whose parents were born and raised in Nigeria. They came to America (legally, of course) and kicked ass in real estate. Their "problem" was that they were never told that they couldn't do that. They knew how lucky they were to be here, and they ran with it.

The kid? Skin pretty much as dark as skin can get. He's fucking brilliant and rising up through the ranks in the Air Force. He had the same problem: He was never told that being successful and happy in America is impossible if you don't have the right skin color.

Yes, that's anecdotal. But I have no doubt that the culture in which we're raised plays a part in who we are.

At some point in your life you realize there are opportunities available, you either break out or stay where you are, dependent on others
Sure, that can happen, but until that point you're behind the curve. That really does matter. Catching up takes twice the effort, at least.

Is that really fair?

Life isn't fair, you either make something happen or you stay down. Blacks have been given opportunities, if they fail to take advantage then it's on them, not me
Can't argue that life isn't fair, very true. I'm just saying that many are significantly hamstrung from birth for politically-motivated reasons.

They should recognize that and stop voting for a party that keeps them on the plantation
Why wont Hillary just come on national TV and declare her hatred of the middle class?
next week Hillary will be claiming that White People have too much money and dead people are still poor!
Black have 8 cents on the dollar BECAUSE with the government replacing the male head household and having kids taught in failing schools, Democrats have fixed it that way for the past 3 generations.
well maybe if black men would stop having sex with multiple black girls, they would never be so poor!

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