Hillary; 'White people need to recognize our privilege and practice humility'

Please, madam Secretary, I know you feel you have to pander, but please, try to hang on to SOME dignity here.

Pandering confuses me. These people are being insulted by the implication that all a politician has to do to get your vote is to compliment whatever groups you are in and kiss the collective ass.

Why would anyone vote for someone because they did that?

IF someone picked a red headed VP to pander to red heads like me, I think I would tell them to fuck themselves.
This is one of the core reasons I admit I really don't understand politics. Surely people know they're being manipulated. Don't they? When a politician or politico is being interviewed, surely we know all they're doing is spinning. Don't we? When we see/hear a politician/politico/pundit make a "point", surely we know they're highlighting only what supports their "point", and ignoring/avoiding/distorting all information that is contrary to their argument, don't we?

I'm really not sure.

Honestly, sometimes I wonder if this is all just a big game, and no one has told me.
Of course no one is telling you, that would spoil the fun, get it?

Trump needs to "Practice Humility" with women...just saying
Trump’s deficit among women is enormous and getting worse. Per Gallup’s tracking, 70 percent of women view him unfavorably, up from 58 percent last July. Trump’s problem looks even more dire when broken down by the subsets women that are typically in play or can depended on by Republicans.


Married women, who turned out for Mitt Romney over Obama by 53 percent to 46 percent, have an overwhelmingly negative view of Trump. Seventy percent of them view Trump unfavorably, according to Purple Slice online poll conducted by Purple Strategies for Bloomberg Politics and released earlier this month. Married women choose Clinton over Trump 48 percent to 36 percent. (The married female vote would be split 43-to-43 percent if Clinton was facing Cruz, according to the poll.)
Donald Trump’s Problems With Women Voters Are Worse Than You Think

“There’s a 21-point gap between where [Trump] is and where he needs to be just to match Romney, who lost,” Douglas Usher, a pollster for Purple Strategies, told TPM.

Y'know, Mr. B.....a more detailed elucidation of your view on that vid would be appreciated.

Probably needs a thread of it's own.

You're probably right, but the folks 'round these parts I don't think would see the humor in it. It takes looking in the mirror and being self critical, and honest.

Anyone that thinks Trump is more racist than Hillary is fooling themselves. Seriously.

They are both the result of "elite privilege."
Seeing America as humiliated and abused by foreigners is no more healthy, productive or based in reality than the idea that middle aged whites are under the heel of minorities and millennials. It's all of a piece. Most people will get tripped up by the scaffolding of foreign policy talk around this basic worldview. That's mainly beside the point. Trumpism at abroad is basically identical to Trumpism at home. We shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking that will be any less toxic abroad than it is at home.
What To Take from Trump's Speech
Lol, do you have even half a clue about how stupid and confused your post was?

We are running trillion dollar trade deficits because of bad trade deals that have enforcement mechanisms that we simply chose to never use.

We are not only letting Iran have a nuke,but we are paying them tens of billions of dollar to build one.

Unlike every other modern industrialized nation in the world other than the UK, we do not enforce our immigration laws or protect our borders and have tens of millions of black market laborers who are crushing low skill job wage scales coupled with guest worker visa abuse that is suppressing middle class incomes and leaves half out STEM graduates unemployed after two years of job searching, while the guest workers get 75% of all entry level STEM positions.

Just because you are too full of shit to see the problem doesnt make it unreal, ass hat.
Trump needs to "Practice Humility" with women...just saying
Trump’s deficit among women is enormous and getting worse. Per Gallup’s tracking, 70 percent of women view him unfavorably, up from 58 percent last July. Trump’s problem looks even more dire when broken down by the subsets women that are typically in play or can depended on by Republicans.


Married women, who turned out for Mitt Romney over Obama by 53 percent to 46 percent, have an overwhelmingly negative view of Trump. Seventy percent of them view Trump unfavorably, according to Purple Slice online poll conducted by Purple Strategies for Bloomberg Politics and released earlier this month. Married women choose Clinton over Trump 48 percent to 36 percent. (The married female vote would be split 43-to-43 percent if Clinton was facing Cruz, according to the poll.)
Donald Trump’s Problems With Women Voters Are Worse Than You Think

“There’s a 21-point gap between where [Trump] is and where he needs to be just to match Romney, who lost,” Douglas Usher, a pollster for Purple Strategies, told TPM.

so if kissing womens collective ass is that important to you, then go vote for Ms. Vagina.

I am voting for restoring the economy, bringing home our jobs, and breaking up the Corporate Crony Network.

The rest of the issues are just so much horse shit.
Mathematically there aren't enough white people of the rightwing ilk alone to vote and elect trump

Yeah, only 63% of Americans are white, and 16% are Latino. Without the Latino vote Trump can't possibly win, since 16 is so much bigger than 63.

Yer a right fucking genius, Guano ISIS boi....

We are not only letting Iran have a nuke,but we are paying them tens of billions of dollar to build one.

If the above is for real part of your world view and not mere " shrill rhetorical partisan mud slop" then such a sincerely held belief qualifies your as "unhinged delusional"
Seeing America as humiliated and abused by foreigners is no more healthy, productive or based in reality than the idea that middle aged whites are under the heel of minorities and millennials. It's all of a piece. Most people will get tripped up by the scaffolding of foreign policy talk around this basic worldview. That's mainly beside the point. Trumpism at abroad is basically identical to Trumpism at home. We shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking that will be any less toxic abroad than it is at home.
What To Take from Trump's Speech
Lol, do you have even half a clue about how stupid and confused your post was?

We are running trillion dollar trade deficits because of bad trade deals that have enforcement mechanisms that we simply chose to never use.

We are not only letting Iran have a nuke,but we are paying them tens of billions of dollar to build one.

Unlike every other modern industrialized nation in the world other than the UK, we do not enforce our immigration laws or protect our borders and have tens of millions of black market laborers who are crushing low skill job wage scales coupled with guest worker visa abuse that is suppressing middle class incomes and leaves half out STEM graduates unemployed after two years of job searching, while the guest workers get 75% of all entry level STEM positions.

Just because you are too full of shit to see the problem doesnt make it unreal, ass hat.

For 16 years under both Bush and Clinton, same trade deals, same trade policies, same every motherfuckin thing.....and now you nuts want to whine about it????? Yaw act like all this shit with China is something new.....if you haven't noticed, for the last 25 years, nothing we wear, use or purchase is made in this country, nothing and now you want to whine about it? What fuckin planet have you racist white fucks been on....oh, I forgot, you only give a shit about the deficit, the bad trade deals etc..when a democrat is in the white house or a black man is president.....gotcha
so if kissing womens collective ass is that important to you, then go vote for Ms. Vagina.

I am voting for restoring the economy, bringing home our jobs, and breaking up the Corporate Crony Network.

The rest of the issues are just so much horse shit.

I say "Fair Play for women" Fairness in pay and in opportunity...Equal pay for Equal work...Economic Justice for women will restore the economy....bringing home our jobs means no more Trump line of clothing being made in Chinese Sweat shops.... Trump is a part of "Corporate Crony Network"....art of the deal baby....
I say "Fair Play for women" Fairness in pay and in opportunity...Equal pay for Equal work...Economic Justice for women will restore the economy....bringing home our jobs means no more Trump line of clothing being made in Chinese Sweat shops.... Trump is a part of "Corporate Crony Network"....art of the deal baby....
Trump needs to "Practice Humility" with women...just saying
Trump’s deficit among women is enormous and getting worse. Per Gallup’s tracking, 70 percent of women view him unfavorably, up from 58 percent last July. Trump’s problem looks even more dire when broken down by the subsets women that are typically in play or can depended on by Republicans.


Married women, who turned out for Mitt Romney over Obama by 53 percent to 46 percent, have an overwhelmingly negative view of Trump. Seventy percent of them view Trump unfavorably, according to Purple Slice online poll conducted by Purple Strategies for Bloomberg Politics and released earlier this month. Married women choose Clinton over Trump 48 percent to 36 percent. (The married female vote would be split 43-to-43 percent if Clinton was facing Cruz, according to the poll.)
Donald Trump’s Problems With Women Voters Are Worse Than You Think

“There’s a 21-point gap between where [Trump] is and where he needs to be just to match Romney, who lost,” Douglas Usher, a pollster for Purple Strategies, told TPM.

so if kissing womens collective ass is that important to you, then go vote for Ms. Vagina.

I am voting for restoring the economy, bringing home our jobs, and breaking up the Corporate Crony Network.

The rest of the issues are just so much horse shit.

You people are so delusional and sad....you expect Corporate Crony candidates like Hillary and Trump to champion your cause and break of these networks that makes them millions upon millions of dollars, now do you? You poor poor pathetic bastard. People like you can not be helped and its soooo sad, so sad.
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “

Hilldebeest, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack inssein Obama --- honestly, do liberals have any integrity in them or a conscience? And they dare tell us what a joke Trump is? Compared to that gaggle of geese?

ps -- I forgot to add Debra Wasserman Schultz. (eye roll)
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What is the difference between a white male Tea party voter and a litter of puppies ?

Eventually the puppies grow up and stop whining....
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “

Hilldebeest, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack inssein Obama --- honestly, do liberals have any integrity in them or a conscience? And they dare tell us what a joke Trump is? Compared to that gaggle of geese?

ps -- I forgot to add Debra Wasserman Schultz. (eye roll)

Let me get this straight, you neo nuts, you brainless pathetic maggots, you mindless simps, you idiots dare compare the above mentioned not only to Trump but that entire lot you fuck heads call the GOP? Now I know your mind was a terrible thing to waste, miss it much? And please miss me on this shit that all white people are sick of liberals, 80% of the liberal base is made up of you guessed it fuck head, white liberals...stop with the Fox kool aid and have a beer.
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “

Hilldebeest, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack inssein Obama --- honestly, do liberals have any integrity in them or a conscience? And they dare tell us what a joke Trump is? Compared to that gaggle of geese?

ps -- I forgot to add Debra Wasserman Schultz. (eye roll)

Let me get this straight, you neo nuts, you brainless pathetic maggots, you mindless simps, you idiots dare compare the above mentioned not only to Trump but that entire lot you fuck heads call the GOP? Now I know your mind was a terrible thing to waste, miss it much? And please miss me on this shit that all white people are sick of liberals, 80% of the liberal base is made up of you guessed it fuck head, white liberals...stop with the Fox kool aid and have a beer.

Are your embarrassing rants part of your doctor's therapy plan for you going forward?
What is the difference between a white male Tea party voter and a litter of puppies ?

Eventually the puppies grow up and stop whining....

Ever since that black brother took the white house, these mindless brain dead roach sacs have been throwing a fuckin hissy fit over it. If only to shut these chest thumping American Zero's up, I hope Trump wins...I'm so sick of their whining.
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “

Hilldebeest, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack inssein Obama --- honestly, do liberals have any integrity in them or a conscience? And they dare tell us what a joke Trump is? Compared to that gaggle of geese?

ps -- I forgot to add Debra Wasserman Schultz. (eye roll)

Let me get this straight, you neo nuts, you brainless pathetic maggots, you mindless simps, you idiots dare compare the above mentioned not only to Trump but that entire lot you fuck heads call the GOP? Now I know your mind was a terrible thing to waste, miss it much? And please miss me on this shit that all white people are sick of liberals, 80% of the liberal base is made up of you guessed it fuck head, white liberals...stop with the Fox kool aid and have a beer.

Are your embarrassing rants part of your doctor's therapy plan for you going forward?

Uh, if you can't take the heat...turn the air on...I'm not slowing down!!

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