Hillary; 'White people need to recognize our privilege and practice humility'

She forgot to add one important thing. When a white person asks a Black person about racism they should follow that advise. I know I personally dont go around talking about racism because its simply another obstacle in my way that I just smash.

The word is "advice" fool....and you're as racist as they come. As to "smashing" anything you better make sure it's made out of cardboard and you have a couple hours. :lol:
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
She forgot to add one important thing. When a white person asks a Black person about racism they should follow that advise. I know I personally dont go around talking about racism because its simply another obstacle in my way that I just smash.

The word is "advice" fool....and you're as racist as they come. As to "smashing" anything you better make sure it's made out of cardboard and you have a couple hours. :lol:
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullhshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “

People should tell Hillary to STFU, her comments themselves are completely racist.
Yeah, but these types dont think anyone can be racist other than white people.

Exactly only white people are racist, I think a lot of people are getting tired of this "racist" horsecrap.
Lots of other people are racist. I see the point that flew over your head is pretty simple. Whites have had 400 years plus of white privilege at the expense of other races. it would be different if there was fair competition but due to whites inferiority complex they had to make laws and social norms to keep other races (especially Black) from out competing them.

It takes an exceptionally stupid person to seek correcting present day injustices based on injustices of 400 years ago.

Whites took advantage of others, because they could. Non-whites have been bitching and crying and whining because they could not.

Indeed, the competition for jobs is not fair. No white people have the manufactured and artificial advantage and protection and guarantee of affirmative action, that undeserving minorities get.

Bottom line: If you have problem with what happened 400 years ago, tell it to a person who lived 400 years ago. And if you still don't get my drift and the sound of sober logic, convince them that you complain about what happened to you and how badly you were mistreated 400 years ago. Or shut the hell up.
Thats what all you silly ass white boys say as if I would give your view of the matter a second thought. If you cant take the truth the best option is not to ask a Black person. :laugh:
She forgot to add one important thing. When a white person asks a Black person about racism they should follow that advise. I know I personally dont go around talking about racism because its simply another obstacle in my way that I just smash.

The word is "advice" fool....and you're as racist as they come. As to "smashing" anything you better make sure it's made out of cardboard and you have a couple hours. :lol:
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy
Really? I mean really? 67% of female voters hate Trump + Asians + blacks + Hispanics + Muslims.......... Looks like we have a loser.

Well with Hillary pulling 59% of same people hating her I'm not sure you are in the position you think you are in.

So, do you think this open racism by Hillary will help her in the general? I mean, democrats are openly racist against whites, so in the primary the "hate Whitey" shit will be good. I assume in the general she will take off her Klan hood and robe, but we are not going to forget, and we won't let America forget.
The word is "advice" fool....and you're as racist as they come. As to "smashing" anything you better make sure it's made out of cardboard and you have a couple hours. :lol:
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy

By the time black guys with long and thick cocks screw and breed me out of existence, I will be long gone, my body about as porous and putrid as the brains as the brains of any currently living black person.

As far as not wanting to make love to a lump of fat, disgusting black female flesh, who could blame any white man to refuse? Who would want to?

As far as the size of the dick, the discriminating and smart women of any persuasion prefer quality over quantity. Like I have been told various times: It may not be the biggest but it sure is the cutest.

As far as being the lover of a woman who has been with a black man first, who the hell cares? When I make love to a woman I don't refer to her history, slavery and any and all real or perceived injustices that might have happened years ago.

As far as white women with black men, it is not because Black men are sexually superior, it is because black men are repulsed and repelled by black women.

As far as little fatherless black bastards who will eventually and inevitably grow up to be black drug dealers, pimps, murderers and thieves, see above.
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy

By the time black guys with long and thick cocks screw and breed me out of existence, I will be long gone, my body about as porous and putrid as the brains as the brains of any currently living black person.

As far as not wanting to make love to a lump of fat, disgusting black female flesh, who could blame any white man to refuse? Who would want to?

As far as the size of the dick, the discriminating and smart women of any persuasion prefer quality over quantity. Like I have been told various times: It may not be the biggest but it sure is the cutest.

As far as being the lover of a woman who has been with a black man first, who the hell cares? When I make love to a woman I don't refer to her history, slavery and any and all real or perceived injustices that might have happened years ago.

As far as white women with black men, it is not because Black men are sexually superior, it is because black men are repulsed and repelled by black women.

As far as little fatherless black bastards who will eventually and inevitably grow up to be black drug dealers, pimps, murderers and thieves, see above.
I feel sorry for you if a woman told you your dick was cute. It must be positively microscopic.
Pandering confuses me. These people are being insulted by the implication that all a politician has to do to get your vote is to compliment whatever groups you are in and kiss the collective ass.

Why would anyone vote for someone because they did that?

IF someone picked a red headed VP to pander to red heads like me, I think I would tell them to fuck themselves.

Any white person who votes for Hillary is utterly stupid.

No different than a Jew voting for Hitler. She and her filthy party have made clear the hatred they have for white people

That's exactly wrong. Any BLACK person who votes for Hillary is stupid. She has all but said "these dumb nigg$$s can't make it on their own, we must help them" what a crock of shit. Blacks , as a whole, are completely capable of competing with anyone in this country if they want to
You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy

By the time black guys with long and thick cocks screw and breed me out of existence, I will be long gone, my body about as porous and putrid as the brains as the brains of any currently living black person.

As far as not wanting to make love to a lump of fat, disgusting black female flesh, who could blame any white man to refuse? Who would want to?

As far as the size of the dick, the discriminating and smart women of any persuasion prefer quality over quantity. Like I have been told various times: It may not be the biggest but it sure is the cutest.

As far as being the lover of a woman who has been with a black man first, who the hell cares? When I make love to a woman I don't refer to her history, slavery and any and all real or perceived injustices that might have happened years ago.

As far as white women with black men, it is not because Black men are sexually superior, it is because black men are repulsed and repelled by black women.

As far as little fatherless black bastards who will eventually and inevitably grow up to be black drug dealers, pimps, murderers and thieves, see above.
I feel sorry for you if a woman told you your dick was cute. It must be positively microscopic.

It was good enough, long enough and thick enough for forty-seven years of being married.

The person you should feel sorry for is yourself who probably never had the pleasure of not being judged by your physical attributes, but based on who you are.

Come to think of it, maybe you were.
She forgot to add one important thing. When a white person asks a Black person about racism they should follow that advise. I know I personally dont go around talking about racism because its simply another obstacle in my way that I just smash.

The word is "advice" fool....and you're as racist as they come. As to "smashing" anything you better make sure it's made out of cardboard and you have a couple hours. :lol:
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.

Aw shut up....... You are just jealous. Go get your own.
The word is "advice" fool....and you're as racist as they come. As to "smashing" anything you better make sure it's made out of cardboard and you have a couple hours. :lol:
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy
Hey...but it's good for negroid genes. It'll up their IQ.... Something groid males can't give to their offspring due to their not having built shit but mudhuts until whitey came along.
Really? I mean really? 67% of female voters hate Trump + Asians + blacks + Hispanics + Muslims.......... Looks like we have a loser.

Well with Hillary pulling 59% of same people hating her I'm not sure you are in the position you think you are in.

So, do you think this open racism by Hillary will help her in the general? I mean, democrats are openly racist against whites, so in the primary the "hate Whitey" shit will be good. I assume in the general she will take off her Klan hood and robe, but we are not going to forget, and we won't let America forget.

63% are white voters...... That doesn't mean 100% of whites are voting for Trump or Hillary...... Trump only rely on whites means he is gone. So don't worry about it.
Hillary preaching humility is like a fat guy selling diet pills.

The only person it could possibly sound more ridiculous coming from is the current asshole in the WH....
63% are white voters...... That doesn't mean 100% of whites are voting for Trump or Hillary...... Trump only rely on whites means he is gone. So don't worry about it.

Any white person who votes for Hillary is utterly fucking insane.

Now there are some VERY stupid people (Pillowbite for instance), but I really don't see Hillary pulling in much of the white vote. I also don't think she will get a lot of the black vote, not that Trump will, blacks will simply stay home. SO the question is, can Hillary be elected based on 16% of the population, because it's really all she has,

I don't think she can, I think her open racism was an extremely stupid move.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy

By the time black guys with long and thick cocks screw and breed me out of existence, I will be long gone, my body about as porous and putrid as the brains as the brains of any currently living black person.

As far as not wanting to make love to a lump of fat, disgusting black female flesh, who could blame any white man to refuse? Who would want to?

As far as the size of the dick, the discriminating and smart women of any persuasion prefer quality over quantity. Like I have been told various times: It may not be the biggest but it sure is the cutest.

As far as being the lover of a woman who has been with a black man first, who the hell cares? When I make love to a woman I don't refer to her history, slavery and any and all real or perceived injustices that might have happened years ago.

As far as white women with black men, it is not because Black men are sexually superior, it is because black men are repulsed and repelled by black women.

As far as little fatherless black bastards who will eventually and inevitably grow up to be black drug dealers, pimps, murderers and thieves, see above.
I feel sorry for you if a woman told you your dick was cute. It must be positively microscopic.

It was good enough, long enough and thick enough for forty-seven years of being married.

The person you should feel sorry for is yourself who probably never had the pleasure of not being judged by your physical attributes, but based on who you are.

Come to think of it, maybe you were.
Stop trying to convince me little dick. You were a mercy case at best. A Black guy was banging it out on the side to help her deal.

I cant feel sorry for myself because I am what awesome calls incredible.
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy
Hey...but it's good for negroid genes. It'll up their IQ.... Something groid males can't give to their offspring due to their not having built shit but mudhuts until whitey came along.
Its terrible for american Black genes. Now we are watered down with your recessive genes. It cant up our IQ's because you guys were too dumb to make civilizations until we taught you. Twice.
You ARE a racist for "sexing" white chicks, thereby admitting your revulsion of black women.
You are a racist, stabbing your own kind in the back, and it is a safe bet that all the white boys you smashed in the mouth you attacked from the back, like all cowards of your ilk do.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy
Hey...but it's good for negroid genes. It'll up their IQ.... Something groid males can't give to their offspring due to their not having built shit but mudhuts until whitey came along.
Its terrible for american Black genes. Now we are watered down with your recessive genes. It cant up our IQ's because you guys were too dumb to make civilizations until we taught you. Twice.
You built nothing, ever. Nig Nogs are late to the game. It's not entirely your faults....you mudhutters had an easy life from the get go. That's why you're lazy as fuck and why old white people move to hotter areas for retirement.
Black women are the best women on the planet. The white women were mostly booty calls. When youre young and white girls are giving it up easy you take it.
Black chicks don't even hardly want you male negroids anymore.

They're doing the swirl, seeking out non-black men. And most white guys don't want a mudshark once she's been in the mud.

Even if youre right thats spells trouble for your whiteness. Youre genes are recessive. Just like Black men make white girls have mixed babies so will Black women. Youre going to be bred out of existence.

I know most white guys dont want a white woman thats been with a Black guy. Its because your dicks are too small. The problem is most of your white women have sex with Black men but they dont tell you. They cheat on their boyfriends and husbands all the time with Black guys. You probably have a dent on the top of your head from a Black guy
Hey...but it's good for negroid genes. It'll up their IQ.... Something groid males can't give to their offspring due to their not having built shit but mudhuts until whitey came along.
Its terrible for american Black genes. Now we are watered down with your recessive genes. It cant up our IQ's because you guys were too dumb to make civilizations until we taught you. Twice.
You built nothing, ever. Nig Nogs are late to the game. It's not entirely your faults....you mudhutters had an easy life from the get go. That's why you're lazy as fuck and why old white people move to hotter areas for retirement.
Personally I have built plenty of things which you have probably used. My ancestors were the first to create civilization while you cave chimps were interbreeding with neanderthals. After we educated you guys you still fucked up and lost it during the dark ages. You even took pride in not bathing. We then had to reteach you your own history. You are some dumb fucks but you are probably the dumbest to exist.

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