Hillary; 'White people need to recognize our privilege and practice humility'

I recognize it, I embrace it, I absolutely love it, and I will do whatever I can to make it last as long as possible !

My white privilege is awesome !!!!

You need it. Without it your trailer park would turn back into cave like in europe when you interbred with neanderthals.

I got it baby !!
Thats what weve been saying for a long time. Sad you need it.
I recognize it, I embrace it, I absolutely love it, and I will do whatever I can to make it last as long as possible !

My white privilege is awesome !!!!

You need it. Without it your trailer park would turn back into cave like in europe when you interbred with neanderthals.

I got it baby !!
Thats what weve been saying for a long time. Sad you need it.

I use every advantage I can come up with, and white privilege is simply awesome !
I recognize it, I embrace it, I absolutely love it, and I will do whatever I can to make it last as long as possible !

My white privilege is awesome !!!!

You need it. Without it your trailer park would turn back into cave like in europe when you interbred with neanderthals.

I got it baby !!
Thats what weve been saying for a long time. Sad you need it.

I use every advantage I can come up with, and white privilege is simply awesome !
It is for white people. I just wonder why most of you claim it doesnt exist?
No furry pale creature. You made the claim. I just told you what i would do if I needed to spell cat in another language. I laugh at you silly white cave chimps tying yourself into a not trying to get my attention.

"tying myself into a not"? :badgrin:
My bad. Agitating your fleas?

So you gonna spell "cat" in Ubangi or what? :cool-45:
When I need to.

So you gonna get your back hair shaved to destroy the nest of hair lice occupying your body?
I recognize it, I embrace it, I absolutely love it, and I will do whatever I can to make it last as long as possible !

My white privilege is awesome !!!!

You need it. Without it your trailer park would turn back into cave like in europe when you interbred with neanderthals.

I got it baby !!
Thats what weve been saying for a long time. Sad you need it.

I use every advantage I can come up with, and white privilege is simply awesome !
It is for white people. I just wonder why most of you claim it doesnt exist?
I recognize it, I embrace it, I absolutely love it, and I will do whatever I can to make it last as long as possible !

My white privilege is awesome !!!!

You need it. Without it your trailer park would turn back into cave like in europe when you interbred with neanderthals.

I got it baby !!
Thats what weve been saying for a long time. Sad you need it.

Not sad at all, everyone with any brain at all will take ADVANTAGE of any ADVANTAGE they might have.

Does an athlete on an NFL team who was PRIVILEGED enough to be able to run a 40yd in 4.3 go to the coach one day and ask if he can put weights on his feet to make it fair for the other slower players ?
Fuck no !
In fact, they go in the other direction and try to get away with using banned substances, and will try every trick in the book to get any ADVANTAGE they can get away with.

If cops look at me, and cut me more slack than a black dude, then tough shit, I'm not only NOT going to feel guilty about it like a pussy ass white liberal, I'm going to celebrate the fact that I have one less thing in my life to worry about.
63% are white voters...... That doesn't mean 100% of whites are voting for Trump or Hillary...... Trump only rely on whites means he is gone. So don't worry about it.

Any white person who votes for Hillary is utterly fucking insane.

Now there are some VERY stupid people (Pillowbite for instance), but I really don't see Hillary pulling in much of the white vote. I also don't think she will get a lot of the black vote, not that Trump will, blacks will simply stay home. SO the question is, can Hillary be elected based on 16% of the population, because it's really all she has,

I don't think she can, I think her open racism was an extremely stupid move.

Maybe you have not been paying attention.... Clinton will beat Trump easily. Open the link. Despite all these thousands and thousands of people attending Trump rallies Clinton is way way ahead on number of votes on every primaries. Just a few examples.
4/26 Tuesday primary: Clinton 170k votes, Trump got lousy 123k.
4/19 Primary: Clinton 1 million + change votes, whole Republican candidates 868k votes.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
63% are white voters...... That doesn't mean 100% of whites are voting for Trump or Hillary...... Trump only rely on whites means he is gone. So don't worry about it.

Any white person who votes for Hillary is utterly fucking insane.

Now there are some VERY stupid people (Pillowbite for instance), but I really don't see Hillary pulling in much of the white vote. I also don't think she will get a lot of the black vote, not that Trump will, blacks will simply stay home. SO the question is, can Hillary be elected based on 16% of the population, because it's really all she has,

I don't think she can, I think her open racism was an extremely stupid move.

Maybe you have not been paying attention.... Clinton will beat Trump easily. Open the link. Despite all these thousands and thousands of people attending Trump rallies Clinton is way way ahead on number of votes on every primaries. Just a few examples.
4/26 Tuesday primary: Clinton 170k votes, Trump got lousy 123k.
4/19 Primary: Clinton 1 million + change votes, whole Republican candidates 868k votes.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

She'll win, but once Trump is the nominee look for the poll #'s to tighten up as we get closer to November.
63% are white voters...... That doesn't mean 100% of whites are voting for Trump or Hillary...... Trump only rely on whites means he is gone. So don't worry about it.

Any white person who votes for Hillary is utterly fucking insane.

Now there are some VERY stupid people (Pillowbite for instance), but I really don't see Hillary pulling in much of the white vote. I also don't think she will get a lot of the black vote, not that Trump will, blacks will simply stay home. SO the question is, can Hillary be elected based on 16% of the population, because it's really all she has,

I don't think she can, I think her open racism was an extremely stupid move.

Maybe you have not been paying attention.... Clinton will beat Trump easily. Open the link. Despite all these thousands and thousands of people attending Trump rallies Clinton is way way ahead on number of votes on every primaries. Just a few examples.
4/26 Tuesday primary: Clinton 170k votes, Trump got lousy 123k.
4/19 Primary: Clinton 1 million + change votes, whole Republican candidates 868k votes.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

She'll win, but once Trump is the nominee look for the poll #'s to tighten up as we get closer to November.

That's true but sanders supporters...... will join Clinton and that will be more bad news for trump. Sanders alone can beat Trump if you look at those number of votes.
Maybe you have not been paying attention.... Clinton will beat Trump easily.

Yep, and Trump was done when he called to build a wall; and Trump was done after the first GOP debate, and Trump was done when he said he would place a moratorium on Muslim immigration....

Open the link. Despite all these thousands and thousands of people attending Trump rallies Clinton is way way ahead on number of votes on every primaries. Just a few examples.
4/26 Tuesday primary: Clinton 170k votes, Trump got lousy 123k.
4/19 Primary: Clinton 1 million + change votes, whole Republican candidates 868k votes.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

I'm not a Trump fan but the press has waged a year long war on him which has only strengthened him.
You need it. Without it your trailer park would turn back into cave like in europe when you interbred with neanderthals.

I got it baby !!
Thats what weve been saying for a long time. Sad you need it.

I use every advantage I can come up with, and white privilege is simply awesome !
It is for white people. I just wonder why most of you claim it doesnt exist?
I recognize it, I embrace it, I absolutely love it, and I will do whatever I can to make it last as long as possible !

My white privilege is awesome !!!!

You need it. Without it your trailer park would turn back into cave like in europe when you interbred with neanderthals.

I got it baby !!
Thats what weve been saying for a long time. Sad you need it.

Not sad at all, everyone with any brain at all will take ADVANTAGE of any ADVANTAGE they might have.

Does an athlete on an NFL team who was PRIVILEGED enough to be able to run a 40yd in 4.3 go to the coach one day and ask if he can put weights on his feet to make it fair for the other slower players ?
Fuck no !
In fact, they go in the other direction and try to get away with using banned substances, and will try every trick in the book to get any ADVANTAGE they can get away with.

If cops look at me, and cut me more slack than a black dude, then tough shit, I'm not only NOT going to feel guilty about it like a pussy ass white liberal, I'm going to celebrate the fact that I have one less thing in my life to worry about.
Yes it is sad you need it. Then you whine about AA which only gives Blacks a little slack. If you didnt whine then you would have a point. Since you do you dont have a point. You need help founded on 400 years of white AA because you are inferior and cant compete on your own merits. Like I have said before even with help I still out compete you in every situation. No one asked you to feel guilty. You have done your job by admitting to the obvious most white folks wont do. For that I thank you. I know the deal which actually makes me stronger.
are black people really so stupid? Hillary comes out and says "white people should recognize that we are superior and be nicer to blacks" and they support her? Hey black people, you aren't inferior to anyone.
When I need to.

So you gonna get your back hair shaved to destroy the nest of hair lice occupying your body?

"when you need to"? :badgrin:

Here's some of your black ancestors.....purty lips eh?

Yep when I need to. Not because a white cave chimp wants to hear.

Beautiful lips. i agree.
If you can't bounce a quarter off those pillow lips they aren't really beautiful.

Pillow lips!!!
Dont be mad your lips are as thin as quarter. Thats why white women have plastic surgery to get lips like ours. :laugh:

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